Donald Trump – facing up to Saturn




Donald Trump has tr Saturn opposing his 10th house Uranus from 25 Nov to 3rd December (ie. now). It then opposes his North Node in Gemini from Dec 21 to 28th; is conjunct his Moon from 29th December to 5th January 2017; and then opposes his Gemini Sun 6th to 15th January.

It’ll be interesting to watch how all that plays out. Saturn demands responsibility, self-discipline, gravitas and maturity.

Media stories: “After meeting the President-elect last week, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich told USA Today the billionaire businessman was starting to appreciate the burden of the Oval Office. Mr Gingrich said: “He commented, ‘This is really a bigger job than I thought.’ Which is good. He should think that. As President of the United States you have war and peace, you have enormous powers…and it all comes down to the Oval Office and it all comes down to you.”

“After President Barack Obama met his successor at an official meeting in the Oval Office, sources inside the White House told The Wall Street Journal that Mr Trump “seemed surprised by the scope” of responsibilities the job entails.”

And isn’t that just Saturn for you? Everything comes at a price; and power comes at a heavier cost than most.

His Saturn isn’t that well placed natally – in the 11th so team relationships and friendships don’t come easily to him. It is in a depressive conjunction to Venus and an unstable square to Jupiter; and quincunx his Moon. Low emotional self-worth which is why he’ll have to parade his ‘I’m the greatest’ act and a good deal of pendulum swinging from high to low.

He’s not a bad man per se, as in ruthless, brutal, sadistic. He’s just crazy chaotic with zero understanding of other people’s sensitivities. He’s absorbed his father’s racism and is stuck in a retro loop as far as women are concerned, which is why he’s acquired trophy wives, who’s only function is to look beautiful and reflect well on him.

He has the narcissist’s extreme fragility when it comes to taking criticism or loss. The narcissistic rage is the psyche’s way of staving off implosion since what is on the underside is a bottomless pit of shame and emptiness, which would eat him if he gained any insight.

His problem on the LGBT front may be an inability to separate out from the attitudes of his parents. Plus he has to see himself as a super-masculine guy. So he projects out and stamps on anything that feels alien or other, either ethnically or in terms of sexual inclination.

He’s a psychological wreck and although I don’t think he’s inherently evil, incompetence married to a personality disorder of his variety in the most powerful job in the world is a thoroughly scary prospect.

23 thoughts on “Donald Trump – facing up to Saturn

  1. Yes, if Clinton would have won we would have got the same old blood thirst for war mongering but, take away the need to start wars, what of Trump and his member’s attitude towards the disabled, LGBT community, ethnic minorities, and women in general

    Jo, have you been paying attention to whom Trump has been picking for his cabinet?

    He just picked Mad Dog Mattis as his SoD. He wants war with Iran and that is why Obama fired him.

    John Bolton who has wanted to go to war against Iran for over a decade is still in the running for Secretary of State.

    ElanaJ, you sound like a female version ofTrump. If anyone criticizes you, you threaten them like a mean authoritarian bully especially in their own house.

    Tim if you don’t like this website then find one that fits your political persuasion.

    Furthermore if you don’t think that Trump is vindictive you have been asleep for the past two weeks. Trump has attacked Alec Balwin and SLN multiple times for their portrayal of him and he has attacked civilians including the union leader at Carrier because he dared tell the truth about the number of jobs that Trump ‘saved’.

    Marjorie, I did notice that several planets in Hillary’s chart poorly aspect the U.S. Natal Moon in Aquarius.

    Hillary’s Scorpio sun is widely square the U.S. Moon and her Pluto/Mar conjunction in Leo widely opposes the U.S. natal Moon.

    Besides that Pluto and Mars rule Hillary’s Scorpio sun and the Pluto/Mars conjunction square her natal Scorpio Sun.

    It’s strange that two of the most important men in her life ( Bill and President Obama) have Leo Suns. Of course President Obama came out of no where to snatch the Democratic nomination from her in 2008, and you could argue that Bill was a huge liability to her campaign.

    Marjorie you are correct the U.S. having a Sag ascendant makes this a country of immigrants and with Saturn in Sag I was worried that Trump would win because he had an anti-immigrant platform which would have been the manifestation of Saturn going over the U.S. Ascendant–projecting a very poor image to the rest of the world that this country was not welcoming to outsiders.

  2. Ben Franklin, in the USA the candidate who gets the most votes is not necessarily the winner, the one who has the most electoral college votes wins. This is the way the system works, and there is a reason for it. Trump won the election, fact. Hillary had a plurality, also fact, but she lost the election, fact.

    • My dear, I am over 200 years older than you, and from my perch in the afterlife, I understand how my country’s elections work. The electoral college system was put in place to appease slave owners in the South. With electoral votes, they had as much say in the elections as states that had large populations of free men. In another move to keep the South happy, every president during that time period had a vice president who owned slaves, even Abraham Lincoln.

      Of the three presidents elected since 2000 (Bush, Obama, and Trump), two were not elected by the popular vote, but were put in place by the Electoral College. Both the illegitimate presidents were Republican. If this is the system you want, you have it. Enjoy.

  3. Let’s not forget DT’s $25 million settlement re the people he scammed via the bogus Trump University, plus his continuing withholding of tax returns, plus the pending lawsuit against his co-called charitable foundation, ad infinitum. Just watching him give a speech…..I mean c’mon, it doesn’t take astute observational skills to see that this guy is a nut job.

    • Exactly what I’ve been thinking, Tim. “The narcissistic rage is the psyche’s way of staving off implosion since what is on the underside is a bottomless pit of shame and emptiness, which would eat him if he gained any insight.” This is nonsense, just hopeful thinking. Everyone who works for Trump speaks well of him, there is no evidence of racism, and no LBGT problem, except what the media projects. According to a birth time of 9:51 EDT his (stabilizing, not depressive) saturn/venus conjunction is in his twelfth house. His eleventh actually holds uranus, north node, sun and mercury, making his team relationships open and free, unusual, valuable. I thought it was pretty bad glossing over Clinton’s brutal and cruel mars/pluto/saturn conjunction in ego-minded leo, all square mercury/venus/nodes in vengeful scorpio. In fact, anyone who has worked with her cannot speak badly enough about her temper and vengefulness. She is still under investigation and new scandals are coming to light, how about looking into the pizzagate? Trump very kindly and generously said he would not pursue her, in fact she deserves pity. What might be interesting is the role of neptune, a politically potent planet, both at the exact time of Trump winning the election, and at the expected time of inauguration. Sorry, Marjorie, the planets need less personal input. Thank you for the rest.

      • According to Astro com from birth certificate 10.54 am is birth time. Saturn in 12th even less helpful than in 11th (GWB has one of those). Agree on Hillary’s pretty brutal chart.

      • Elena, tbh neither Donald or Hilary should EVER have been able to run. And the media have a lot to answer for for promoting their agendas and campaigns. Yes, if Clinton would have won we would have got the same old blood thirst for war mongering but, take away the need to start wars, what of Trump and his member’s attitude towards the disabled, LGBT community, ethnic minorities, and women in general – areas where society was supposedly moving forward in a progressive manner? Call him what you like – Most people could see with their own eyes how much he race baited ethnic groups during his speeches, ripped the crap out of somebody with a disability (shocking that in itself never ended his political career right there – and then, was going to sue Bill Maher for $5m for doing the same to him. Hypocrisy much?) and his continual demeaning of women. Not even an apology or trace of remorse. If Hilary had done that, you would have trounced her – and rightfully so. It’s despicable behaviour. We don’t need a media’s interpretation of DT when there is plenty of video evidence. Though I do agree with you that the media will do anything to promote propaganda – but, when it comes right out of the horses mouth, it cannot be refuted. So, please feel free to gloss all over that. None of it obviously affects you. Both DT and HC deserve to be chucked into the swamp to fester. It would feel like home for both of them. We need more honest and transparent politics because change is desperately needed. But, I think it can only start when we get honest with ourselves. Though I am of the mind that we have to go through all of this to grow and all of this is happening for a reason and not by design. I do think more political shocks are to come out from Europe as well regarding the EU and countries turning their backs on it. I don’t know why you would sweep away the fact DT shows all the signs of a narcissist just because people like him? You do know one of the stronger traits narcissists have is that they are incredibly charming people? This is not good cop, bad cop. Both are bad. Hilary more so. Both should rot in prison, imo.

      • Obviously, this has a tinge of personal interest too hahaha! Hypocrite much. I just wait and see, no judging. I will monitor FACTS.

        • Dear me Mighty proud, if this is the extent of your analytical skills, I despair how you would actually deal with FACTS to be honest. Probably not very well. It’s not hypocrisy that I wrote – It’s having an opinion. Which obviously irritates you because it is opposite of yours. And that’s actually okay. Shocking, I know, in this day and age. Imagine that.

          I voted for Brexit myself on the grounds of anti-democracy and I do stand by what I voted for although I have reservations in how it will be all dealt with because I fear we still have the same corrupted system with an elite club of useless power hungry idiots who still don’t get that we need change. Like many think in the USA, no doubt. In an ideal world, those with the power would sit down and replan how to move forward in actively changing things for the better. But we DON’T live in an ideal world, which is why I believe we are seeing so much ‘shoot now, ask questions later’ in the voting system, which is turning politics on it’s head at the moment. But, one thing I didn’t do, was retaliate and laugh at the many, many Remainers who have expressed anger and disbelief at the outcome. Their anger and shock and need to question why what has happened has happened is as valid as the reasons hordes of people, both in the USA and here in Europe, went to the polling stations and turned the political system onto a spin cycle. There are going to be millions who are asking and philosophizing about what’s going on and that’s because we are thinking, emotional beings trying to make sense of our changing environment. Instead of this prevailing arrogant attitude of ‘Oh, for God’s sake just deal with it. We won. Move on!’, might I request that you and others accept there are going to be opposing opinions to our own ALL THE TIME. Fundamentally, my opinion may well be wrong. Yours may be right. And vice versa. As you say, we will have to wait and see how the game plays out. We could both be wrong. But, I wish people would stop commenting on how irritated they are by other people’s opinion of Trump is. He is a polarizing individual for many – It’s going to be a natural reaction. People WILL comment. Nobody can stop that.

          Unless he turns out to be Kim Jong Un’s evil shadow, that is. 😀

          • Jo, V funny spoof debate on Brexit, especially the sign off – just as true for the US vote.

            This is how the debate reads so far.
            Remainers (left holding the Brexit baby after the Leavers… left) ‘WTF?’
            Leavers ‘We voted Brexit, now You Remainers need to implement it’
            Remainers ‘But it’s not possible!’
            Leavers ‘The People Have Spoken. Therefore it is possible. You just have to think positively.’
            Remainers ‘And do what exactly?’
            Leavers ‘Come up with a Plan that will leave us all better off outside the EU than in it’
            Remainers ‘But it’s not possible!’
            Leavers ‘Quit with the negative vibes. The People Have Spoken.’
            Remainers ‘But even you don’t know how!’
            Leavers ‘That’s your problem, we’ve done our bit and voted, we’re going to sit here and eat popcorn and watch as you do it.’
            Remainers ‘Shouldn’t you do it?’
            Leavers ‘It’s not up to us to work out the detail, it’s up to you experts.’
            Remainers ‘I thought you’d had enough of experts’
            Leavers ‘Remain experts.’
            Remainers ‘There are no Leave experts’
            Leavers ‘Then you’ll have to do it then. Oh, and by the way, no dragging your feet or complaining about it, because if you do a deal we don’t want, we’ll eat you alive.’
            Remainers ‘But you don’t know what you want!’
            Leavers ‘We want massive economic growth, no migration, free trade with the EU and every other country, on our terms, the revival of British industry, re-open the coal mines, tea and vicars on every village green, some bunting, and maybe restoration of the empire.’
            Remainers ‘You’re delusional.’
            Leavers ‘We’re a delusional majority. DEMOCRACY! So do the thing that isn’t possible, very quickly, and give all Leavers what they want, even though they don’t know what they want, and ignore the 16 million other voters who disagree. They’re tight trouser latte-sipping hipsters who whine all the time, who cares.’

          • 😀 Marjorie! If anything, all these political shenanigans are starting to show we each don’t actually have a bloody clue what to do, let alone collectively, and from that we are fast morphing into a 21st century Monty Python sketch that it is becoming diabolical. The below funny photos from both camps pretty much sums up the British temperaments of both sides, that I think from here on in, humour is the only way to get us all through this!


            Remain Camp:
            Leave Camp:

          • I must disagree with you, Jo. You do retaliate with people who disagree with you, starting with your flat-out insults to Mighty Proud that begin this post. Then hundreds and hundreds of words that highlight your chain of thought and your “imaginings” of other people’s chain of thought. Reading these Ping-Pong ruminations is painful. From now on, it’s TL;DR for me.

      • Pizzagate is a known hoax by a poster named dumbscribblyunctious on reddit. The Donald Trump subreddit is so out of control its very close to being shut down.

    • I see a bumper crop of self-help consultants and therapists in 2017 addressing this new norm of mgmt. Linkedin shows an uptick in posted articles, “How to act like Trump”, “You’re Fired”, and the usual “How to deal/negotiate/work for managers & difficult people like Trump”.

      I also predict a rise in unemployment rates, doctors’ prescriptions for depression and stress, sales of blended whiskeys, and a rise in dental procedures to replace/build crowns 😉

  4. Thanks for this Marjorie :). Yes, it will be interesting to see how this will all play out. He is an absolute hot simmering mess. One can hope all this profound responsibility might nudge him a few more steps onwards towards his evolutionary path but, with that ugly narcissistic disorder firmly in place – which is like railroading and stubbornly driving a car with the brakes still on – I don’t hold out too much hope. I think at 70 years old, he’s pretty much entrenched in his gnarly old ways and can only grow a tiny bit.

    Looking at the bigger picture, could he be a symbol of what and where many people are consciously (and flagging up how stuck we are) which is a way to stop and look at ourselves? The slightly more evolved on the planet know the old ways don’t work, certainly politically, but the racist and misogynist culture he has helped to promote reveals both how socially and culturally, many are still regressively stuck from their dark historic chains of the past. Fortunately there are many people who are waking to how this kind of behaviour is utterly abhorrent and hopefully will help to protect the more vulnerable in their society.

    There is almost a deluge of subconscious anger coming to the fore that desperately needs addressing. Didn’t you write a piece in the last few months on how America had this heroic superiority complex and was always looking out for an enemy, even if it didn’t really exist? Do you think Donald Trump connects himself into that subterranean level of American consciousness and yet by default, he is actually the conduit to bring all this out into the open? I do love to ponder the consciousness question because I believe it’s what we are here for; to experience, learn, love, inspire, and evolve and become better people, with compassion being the end goal. The question is though how to navigate the future?

    • The US is an immigrant culture so not naturally homogenous. Often countries foster internal cohesion by focussing on an outside enemy – the commies and now the Muslims. This prevents it from falling into domestic conflicts since the anger and hatred is directed outwards. Israel does the same.

      • Charles Dickens reflected on American concept of “Universal Mistrust” as he perceived while touring the US in (i think) 1842. In fact, he wrote deeply on the subject in his book “American Notes for General Circulation”. He likened the new country as a wild horse, suddenly freed from the corral, bucking about wildly but having no general direction or purpose.

        • Larryc, how Dickens would describe the horse now that it is 174 years older? Both your post and this concept are highly interesting.

          • “Oh, the gray old mare, she ain’t what she used to be…”


            A less-popular tune nowadays is “Ain’t you glad you joined the republicans…” Sung to the same cadence as the gray old mare.

            I’d encourage buying the book. It cost me just a couple of bucks at a used bookstore. and eBay might also offer it.

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