Buzz Aldrin – always up for a challenge



Buzz Aldrin, now 86, the second man to walk on the moon, has been evacuated from the South Pole where was on a tourist trip, after falling ill.

Born 20 January 1930 2.17pm Glen Ridge, New Jersey, he has a scientifically-inclined Sun Mercury in Aquarius in the determined 8th; with a self-sufficient Jupiter in the 12th in an adventuring sextile to an innovative 10th house Uranus; and square Neptune. What runs across his chart is a gutsy, never-say-die Mars in Capricorn opposition Pluto, so not short of courage but with a fair few demons to contend with.

When he made his historic walk on 21 July 1969, his Solar Arc Jupiter had moved to exactly oppose his Mars, giving him a tremendous lift and being conjunct his Pluto two years later as he bathed in the success of their venture. After he retired he battled against depression and alcoholism.

His constructive, get-it-together 5th Harmonic is strong as is his ‘obsessive dream’ 11H.

At the moment he has both tr Saturn and his Progressed Moon moving through his 6th house of health; and his Solar Arc Moon is conjunct his Mars with tr Pluto being conjunct both. So not a great time. But whatever happens, he’s certainly lived life to the full.

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