Donald Trump – an embarrassment to the USA and his own party

DT BO synBO DT compDT US synUS DT comp


Donald Trump seems to be spinning even more out of control than ever as the election moves into its most serious and vicious phase. His grasp of foreign affairs, exhibited in a recent TV interview, is Sarah Palin-esque; he’s recklessly turning himself into a Kremlin poodle; and now he’s insulted the parents of a soldier who lost his life fighting for the USA.

Even the Republicans are appalled though in true ‘Vichy’ fashion they’re not biting the bullet and withdrawing support. Even one who described him as a “narcissist and egomaniacal madman” has thrown his hat behind him.

At the moment through July and August, Trump has tr Uranus square his Sun/Mars and Venus/Saturn midpoints. Ebertin says of the first – impulsive, overtaxing oneself, hot blooded, upsets (cardiac troubles) – it has military associations; and all of the Mars Uranus tendency to over compensate in grand macho gestures and comments that backfire. The second is quarrelsome, feeling unloved.

Running mid July to early September as well he has tr Pluto square his Moon/Pluto – violent outbursts of feeling.

September gets no easier with tr Uranus square his Saturn giving rise to considerable tensions and again outbursts; with a couple of heavy tr Saturn transits as well. Through October Mars Uranus is back in play.

And today President Obama said he is “unfit to serve as president.” He has shown he is “woefully unprepared to do this job” after his comments on military families as well as his handle on foreign affairs.

They are a very gritty mix with Trump’s Pluto conjunct Obama’s Leo Sun; DT’s Mars conjunct BO’s Uranus and BO’s Mars square DT’s Sun and Moon – so Trump continually tries to put down and rile the president; while Obama manages to do the same in return. and stirs up fairly primitive anxieties in Trump since BO’s Sun is conjunct DT’s 12th house Pluto.

Their relationship chart, needless to say, is horrible with a composite Sun Uranus on the point of a T square from an opposition of Saturn to Neptune – at cross purposes, suspicious, no ground for compromise. That T square is being elbowed sharply at the moment with tr Uranus conjunct Saturn and will be so right through till 2017. There’s also another composite T square of an irritable Moon opposition Mars square Jupiter which is sagging under the weight of tr Saturn square tr Neptune hard aspects at the moment and on till the election and beyond. Tr Saturn is square their composite Mars through this month as Obama goes on the attack.

Trump’s Gemini Sun (opposition Moon) is, of course, conjunct the USA’s Mars, so he was always going to be a polarising figure who stirred up arguments. And his Saturn Venus in Cancer is conjunct the US Mercury and opposition the US Pluto – so again a tendency to split into supporters and haters.

The Trump/USA relationship chart does show September as being a high stress month with tr Uranus square the composite Mars – so more public explosions can be expected.

14 thoughts on “Donald Trump – an embarrassment to the USA and his own party

  1. As a republican, I have to agree that he is an embarrassment – at least to me and to what I believe in. I appreciate your insights and enjoy reading what you have to say. I can only hope for the best and barring any sort of Devine intervention, vote from my heart.

  2. June, I hate to sound petty. But if you hadn’t noticed this is free so you’re not a customer. The website income barely covers hardware running costs and that doesn’t include my content input at all.
    I did wonder slightly about the Trump headline but he is causing immense concern to a goodly chunk of Americans who care about their country’s image, never mind his own party.
    Everyone winced when Reagan was elected but he turned out more than OK. Ditto GWB and he made it to two terms, causing havoc along the way. admittedly. But Trump seems of a different order altogether. Zero experience in politics and relying on his business ‘success’ as a CV which really doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. It goes without saying that all/most politicians are dodgy and often it’s ‘the evil of two lessers.’
    History will be kinder to Obama than the Republicans at the moment. His emphasised Neptune was always a worry, but he has made more changes (despite a broken political system) than is seen at the moment, steering through the crash, and although not everyone in the US is thriving, the country survived better than most economies. Plus health care, Cuba, Iran etc etc. The trouble is everyone, especially in the USA, wants a John Wayne big daddy as President who can fix everything and stride the globe like a Colossus. It’s not realistic. Realpolitik, internal and external, takes a giant bite out of every dream.

  3. Hi Marjorie,
    I for one find your writings enthralling and revealing, so you will definitely continue to be my first read of the day!

    I was wondering if you’d do a piece on the fascinating Carole Middleton. She’s like a character from a 19th century novel, marrying off her daughters to aristos. What is she going to do about James? Will he just inherit the Middleton millions? And are the millions for real? And Dad, the quiet evasive walker behind? I have a feeling he may be the puppeteer. Whatever, I’d love to read your take on them. Somehow in this glorious fantasy, something doesn’t hang together, but of course, that just may be my over active imagination.

    Bon continuation!

  4. Marjorie, It’s amazing the passion/tension Trump seems to be stirring up in people. Or, it could just be a sign of the times that Trump may be a physical presentation of? Everyone’s on edge!

    Keep up the good work! June is entitled to her opinion as is Kate.

    All the best

  5. Marjorie: I, for one, am not going anywhere. I check out your wonderfully
    insightful and informative posts daily. Keep up the great work, and thank you.

  6. Kate,

    I think the chant will be, “lock HIM up.” A judge has just ordered and ruled that the case against Donald Trump and his bogus Trump U will go forward. That’s the case where he scammed poor innocent people out of their life savings.

    • Jay, ENRON accomplished that before Trump U existed. Or, maybe one was the role model for the other…? Can you advise…? Thanks.

  7. BO, the man who’s resume as a community organizer, a 2 term state senator who voted “present”, and a half-term second stringer US senator makes himself “fit-to-be President”.
    BO, is unfit to be president, in eight years he has destroyed the US economy, it will never recover from over $20 trillion in debt no matter who is running the dog and pony show in Washington, DC.

    Our November election is about the economy, making a real change in Washington, DC, not status quo……

    Bernie should run as an Independent. Crooked Hillary is a liar, a criminal and a treasonous citizen that should be indicted.
    Lock her up! Do I personally know her, you damn well bet I do!

    • Kate – I actually had to think a moment about what “BO” meant. Disagree with your premise that BO is the root cause of our economic and social woes. This was going on during the Eisenhower presidency and long before, certainly Kennedy didn’t hold back on satisfying certain primal urges…if you want to go that route. No one is innocent. Each presidency has its evils, fueled on the avarice of corporate profits. Isn’t that what war is all about? What other industry provides > 30% ROI on corporate investments?

      Sure, they’re all liars. But the chanting of, “Our November election is about the economy, making a real change in Washington, DC, not status quo…” is a non sequitur.

  8. Thanks, Marjorie. Rhetorical question…what would it take for his party to renounce his nomination/candidacy? Or has it gone too far…? His primitive outbursts are triggering/fueling too many people with similar emotional resentments against “everyone not a WASP/white American.” I feel embarrased to be an American…

  9. I keep getting the feeling that something momentous is going to happen that scuppers the election. Many conspiracies flying around about assassination attempts (don’t know who) and Marshall law imposed by BO. The Saturn mars conjunction this August might be a trigger. Maybe the stress knocks out Trump. Any thoughts?

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