Don Trump Jnr and Vanessa to divorce



Donald Trump Jnr is to divorce his wife of 12 years, ex-model Vanessa, mother of their five children. According to reports he is unhappy about the level of scrutiny his life and deals bring now that he is first son; and she disliked the invasive security and risk that their role brought.

They were born only two weeks apart, she on December 18 and he December 31 1977. He’s am ambitious Sun Venus in Capricorn with a Virgo Moon; while she is a Sun Venus in Sagittarius with an Aries Moon. He Earth, she Fire – so different temperaments. Both have flamboyant Mars in Leo, in his case inconjunct his Sun which is in turn square Pluto and trine Saturn. So he’s quite ratchety and probably controlling or at least defensive. Both have their North Node in Libra, so one-to-one relationships not that easy for them.

Their relationship chart is reasonably OK with an affectionate composite Sun, Mercury Venus opposition Jupiter and trine Saturn. Jupiter brings love of the high life and indulgence; Saturn is enduring. There’s also an explosive composite Mars square Uranus which both have natally so neither will be good at compromise. Tr Saturn last year and this has been trailing across several planets and there would have been increased pressure since the 2016 election.

7 thoughts on “Don Trump Jnr and Vanessa to divorce

  1. The details & the timing are suspicious, it makes sense there could be something else going on with this divorce. But if Jr’s trying to keep his assests safe, it’s risky giving control to his future ex-wife, the media will be exposing any secrets in his private life.

    • New reports of allegations that the gormless Junior pursued singer Aubrey O’Day while on the set of Celebrity Apprentice while his wife was pregnant with their 4th child.

      Apple, tree, etc.

  2. There is a rumor that the divorce is a tactic to divulge family money should in case shit hits the fan and Mueller creates a case for freezing all family assets.
    Could this be the case based on the fact that nothing too drastic seems to be affecting their composite chart?

  3. Is there any indicatiom the separation could be a mock one to protect some assets? Divorce news came a straight after Mueller subbonaed Trump Org files. Melissa Trump hired a crime lawyer to handle her part. And while criminally obtained property is subject to confiscation, some states, including Florida won’t confiscate family residence. The certainly would have multiple, valuable properties there.

  4. Marjorie, your observation, “affectionate composite Sun, Mercury Venus opposition Jupiter and trine Saturn. Jupiter brings love of the high life and indulgence; Saturn is enduring” – would these alignments point toward a large (relatively) number of children? I don’t know if you’ve looked at the Duggar family. I hv not searched your site for them. Or is their situation simply OCD gone feral? thanks.

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