Dina Asher-Smith – a refreshing breath of hope

Dina Asher Smith, the young British runner, has been called one of the most exciting athletes in the world and she’s aiming for a hat trick of three at the Doha Championships on now till October 6th. Not only is she gutsy and dedicated to her training, she’s also got a sideline in modelling and TV punditry to fall back on.

She was born 4 December 1995 in London which puts her Sun, Pluto, Mercury and Jupiter spread out through sporty Sagittarius. Her Sun sits on her Jupiter/Pluto midpoint which Ebertin describes as ‘the successful use of extraordinary physical and mental powers, the creation of magical effects.’

Her Sun and Jupiter both square Saturn in Pisces so she’ll dislike failure. A passionately enthusiastic Mars Venus sit at one end of earthy Capricorn and the highly-strung and quite fanatical Uranus Neptune sits at the other. Her Moon is in earthy Taurus. So a Fire Earth chart making her a steamroller of energy who keeps going long after others have collapsed by the roadside.

She’s on her Jupiter return this year with an upbeat tr Jupiter conjunct her Sun/Jupiter within a few days. But sporting predictions are tricky since what shows in the chart tends to be extreme strain and doesn’t necessarily reflect as a triumphant high.

3 thoughts on “Dina Asher-Smith – a refreshing breath of hope

  1. Hi Marjorie, Thank you for your insight and analysis. I would like to know what orb you use to calculate the midpoints you often point to. Does it vary according to the heavenly bodies involved?
    For instance, in this post, when you wrote: “Her Sun sits on her Jupiter/Pluto midpoint which Ebertin describes as ‘the successful use of extraordinary physical and mental powers, the creation of magical effects.’” Did you use a tighter orb because the sun is involved and is faster moving?
    Thank you!

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