Denzel Washington – still on a winning streak



Denzel Washington’s reprise of Equalizer has been a surprise hit at the box office after so-so reviews – “wastes a star turn from the Oscar-winning actor”; “has a “plot that reads like middle-aged male fantasy”; ”a grisly exploitation movie at best.” Ah well, as per usual the punters and the critics are poles apart in taste.

In Equalizer 2 Washington again plays a former black-ops agent, now soft-spoken Lyft driver, who is drawn back into action to avenge a friend´s death. He’s had an illustrious, award-winning career over nearly forty years so he probably doesn’t care anymore.

He was born 28 December 1954 12.09 am in New York, the son of a preacher father and had many childhood friends who ended up in prison. He credits his mother sending him to military school as a teenager for getting him off that track and he took a college degree in drama and journalism. He’s famously private, a devout Christian, and has been married to the same wife for 35 years with four children.

He has a quick-witted and ambitious 3rd house Sun Mercury in Capricorn (on the cusp of his 4th) with a maverick Aquarius Moon in his performing 5th house. A lucky Uranus Jupiter in Cancer in his 10th marked him out for an unusual career where he’ll be lucky and increasingly respected the older he gets. He’s got a creative and self-protective, as well as tough-minded, Water Grand Trine of Saturn in Scorpio (conjunct Venus) trine Mars trine a Cancer midheaven. Fairly emotionally battened down, he won’t be  an easy man to get to know and he’ll allow few into his inner circle.

He’ll have a few ups and downs for two or three years ahead but will bounce up with a positive change of direction in 2022.

One thought on “Denzel Washington – still on a winning streak

  1. Denzel has nothing left to prove.

    His sterling performances in “Glory”, “Malcolm X” and “Fallen” amongst others speak
    for itself.

    Good luck to him. A fine actor and role model.

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