Denzel Washington steals the show in Gladiator II in the supporting role of Macrinus, the villainous slave turned slave owner aiming for power and status. Glowing reviews hint he is at the top of his game, having been crowned recently as the best actor of the 21st century by The New York Times.
He was born 28 December 1954 12.09am Mount Vernon, New Year and credits a stint in a military prep school for keeping him away from Oakland gang life. A 50 year career replete with memorable stage and Shakespearean performances has given him a powerful screen persona. He hit his stride in movies in the 1990s with Malcom X, Cry Freedom and Philadelphia and has not stopped since with blockbuster Equalizer roles in recent years.
He has a quick-witted 3rd house Capricorn Sun and Mercury; with a hard-working Mars in creative Pisces in his 6th house trine a cool, determined Venus Saturn in Scorpio in his 2nd house of finances. His Aquarius Moon largely unaspected save a square to Saturn sits in his performing 5th house. What dominates his chart is a lucky, successful Jupiter Uranus in his 10th house in an inventive square to Neptune. It links together a wide Water Grand Trine to his Venus Saturn and Mars giving him talent and drive.
At the moment the recent Solar Eclipse was conjunct his Solar Arc Jupiter Uranus conjunct his Ascendant for a surge of enthusiasm. Though there may be a jolt or two up and coming with his SA Sun conjunct his Mars, exact in early 2025, which could be health related or could push his Grand Trine onto a new track.
He clearly relished the role of Macrinus and in an interview he said: “He wants power. How? By hook, crook, charm, smile, sex, murder, relationships and politics. Whatever it takes.”
If it is the same Macrinus – he became emperor in Rome on 11 April 217 when there was a Water Grand Trine of Pluto in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces trine a Scorpio Moon and South Node. The Pluto fell in Denzel Washington’s 10th and the Jupiter in Capricorn was conjunct DW’s Sun so was a good fit.
Macrinus was born around 165 AD when there was a ferociously ambitious Pluto in Taurus opposition Neptune in Scorpio.
Add On; There are certain astrological aspects which produce a clutch of well known talent over a period of several months. Jupiter Uranus in Cancer square Neptune running through late 1954 and 1955 is one.
IT giants – Steve Jobs, Tim Berners lee. On the acting front – Kevin Costner, Kelsey Grammer, Bruce Willis, Rowan Atkinson. In politics – Alex Salmond and Nicholas Sarkozy. Golfer Greg Norman. Writer John Grisham. Artist Jeff Koons.
This victimised take won’t die. He went over to support him, as shown by his body language and Will Smith wasn’t remotely ‘reined in’ as shown by his arrogant acceptance speech where he was allowed to go way over the time limit feeling sorry for himself, it was obscene. He should have been escorted out of auditorium, to backstage, not get a standing ovation.
It was a physical assault at an interrnationally broadcast event of course it looked ‘bad’ skin colour is totally irrelevant here, your take sounds like a apologist reimagining, Denzel certainly did not ‘manage’ the situation as a ‘leader’ would.
I wouldn’t say Washington went over to “support” Will Smith as much as to rein him in and contain a very explosive, public situation. Capricorns are conscious of status and reputation. At that moment, I’m sure Denzel Washington was thinking about how the slap could hurt Blacks in Hollywood after their struggle to break out of stereotype roles. He was taking a leadership role, as befitting Cap’s association with the 10th house.
Media reports have him saying to Smith, “At your highest moment, be careful, that’s when the devil comes for you.” So here’s another Washington quote referencing the Devil in this thread.
I would add to this list Mary Beard, the classicist 1/1/55 and Simon Rattle 12/1/55 from memory.
I was born 11 January 1955. Thank you all for the compliments and comments which are generally quite accurate and helpful. I’m a Wood Horse all right. Maybe that is why I sometimes sound like Cassandra. Nobody listened to her but it turned out she was right.
My Moon-Pluto conjunction is on Regulus. Not quite sure yet what that fully means. It is also conjunct the Trumpian Mars-Ascendant conjunction and opposite the US Moon. Maybe that is why, although a Canadian living in Montreal, I write so much about US politics.
My SA Sun was conjunct Mars in Pisces in my third house two years ago. That is when my various forms of communication became more assertive. Next year, at the age of a still vigorous 70, my SA Sun will be at 0 Aries and my lucky tight Jupiter-Uranus closely square Neptune will be by SA progression on my MC at 5 Libra, which is sextile Venus at 4 Sag and trine Mercury. . My writing will clearly lead to something else and I can now see the vague outline of something coming. My Sag ASC makes me too frank and outspoken, also invested in other cultures, but that will never change.
If i ever become somewhat famous (Moon in Leo at the cusp of the 9th and Pluto in the 8th relish the thought too much), my Mercury at 0 Aquarius and my Sun opposite Jupiter-Uranus will ensure that I remain an independent free thinker. My unconventional views will lilely lead me to attribute part of my success to astrology publicly. I wiil be hoping this will contribute to a better and saner world. I just don’t care for the conventional thinking that brought us all into this mess.
I am spending the weekend in intensive meditation at a Buddhist center. I will be writing a book in English next year about my visions and spiritual experience. Someday, I will talk about that too.
Thank you Marjorie.
+ all of them have Pluto near Regulus.
And he has a pleasing, people-oriented Libra ASC. Surely an enduring dramatic asset and ‘starring’ feature in his successful career (controlled with his Scorpio Saturn-Venus in the 2nd House; and projected with his Capricorn Sun square ASC).
I love his acting and he has so much charisma but I am not so sure I like him that much. He has always had an air of superiority which I am struggling to find in his chart, though Sun conjunct North node fits.
When the Oscar ‘slap’ happened he ran over to support not Chris Rock but Will Smith, which was very odd, he was also a regular at Diddy’s parties in the early days with a quote attributed to him ‘leave 30 mins before the devil gets there.” I think he knows where some of the bodies are buried in Hollywood, and I think being a Cap he always makes sure to look after number 1 and have the respect of his peers.
The wonderful thing about Capricorns (my husband is one) is that their SA Sun progresses into Pisces in their later years. It’s a lovely fruition to the more hardworking, maybe ambitious, practical, problem solving Capricorn start. I’ve heard somewhere that Capricorns can become one of the more “spiritual signs”…. I’m sure this helps.
Plus I’ve also read that those born in the Dragon year can be blessed with good health and a long life!!
He’s Something alright!
Hi Sandra 1954 was not a dragon but a horse, year. Horse years obviously have their positives as well though!
I realized that after I left home for errands!! 🙂
just home now to correct myself!!
Horses are great, too! haha
Two of my closest male friends are born in horse years. As friends – loyal to the core. First to help if needed. Love them to death. Best company you could wish for. Fun-loving, open-minded, free-spirited. World is a small place for them, nothing is unattainable in their minds… As fathers, lovely as well. As husbands, well, they sure love freedom. Let them wonder a bit, they’ll be back and grateful.
Just my 2 cents
There’s a reason Capricorn is portrayed as a sea goat: from the depths of the ocean to the peaks of the mountains.
He’s always seemed grounded to me. Must be the Sun Mercury in Capricorn.
Like a fine wine.. Capricorn really seems to be dominant with actors who take their careers well over retirement age and portray authority figures.
Like the marvelous actor, the late John Thaw (aka Inspector Morse).
100% on the spot!
Kevin Costner – another fine wine. 3 weeks apart from DW.
Unlike Denzel, he faced a flop with Horizon. Had a very public divorce… Rough year or two.
Still a nice version of Capricorn, through and through.