Wendy Williams, the former UK talk show host is tragically now permanently incapacitated at the young age of 60 due to aphasia and frontotemporal dementia, the same form of the illness as actor Bruce Willis.
There are no agreed astro-indicators for dementia but it was clear from her chart she was moving into dark and difficult times just before her diagnosis was publicly announced. Born 18 July 1964 9.30 pm Monmouth, New Jersey, she has a 6th house Cancer Sun trine a Scorpio Moon (Neptune) opposition Jupiter. Plus Saturn in Pisces opposition Uranus Pluto in Virgo.
In 2021 and 2022 tr Pluto having moved into her 12th house was opposing her 6th house Sun. By 2022 tr Uranus was opposing her Neptune, heading to oppose her Moon in 2024/early 2025. Plus her Progressed Moon is moving through her 12th at the moment. None of it easy.
Bruce Willis, 19 March 1955 6.32pm Idar-Oberstein, Germany, has a 7th house Pisces Sun trine Uranus Jupiter in Cancer; with Pluto on the cusp of his 12th square Saturn in Scorpio which in turn opposes Mars in Taurus in his 8th house. He admitted his diagnosis in 2019 though symptoms had been obvious before then. In 2019 tr Pluto was opposition his Uranus moving on to square his Neptune by 2022; with a SA Saturn square his Neptune also in 2021 at the same time as tr Uranus was conjunct his 8th house Mars for a profound upset.
The German psychiatrist and neuropathologist credited with researching dementia who gave his name to the general condition though there are different varieties was Alois Alzheimer, born 14 June 1864 4am Marktbreit, Germany, who had an innovative Sun Uranus in Gemini on his Ascendant. He had Chiron in his career 10th house; a confident Pluto in Taurus opposition Jupiter; and a fractious Moon Saturn in Libra opposition Mars Neptune in Aries.
His victim/healer 12th harmonic is strong with a yod of Mars Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Uranus.
Other examples of charts with dementia:
For those wishing to check an elderly person and their dementia potential
use this site……www.true-node.com/eph3.
Enter the date you want, time usually 120000. Scroll down to
Bodies: Sun, Moon….delete Sun, Moon and enter one of the dementia
asteroids. Click OK….an ephemeris for month is produced. Enther
the coordinates of this dementia asteroid in your printed chart.
Repeat procedure for 2nd, then 3rd dementia/alzheimer indicator.
In Wendy Williams Solar Return for 2023 the 3 dementia indicators are
again prominent.
I carry the Dementia Gene. I know this through a DNA test. I also know that I inherited from my father’s DNA. It was my choice to know. Although I knew my father had it when he was in his late 60’s and died from it, when I was 26. Life isn’t given, for a free ride. Perhaps the placement our parents Sun and Moon and our own lights can give indicators? I don’t know my parents birth times, as both were dead by the time I was 26. If it is in our Genes, then, like anything else, a certain planetary aspect may trigger it. Although, personally, I think it may be a culmination of aspects – like a midpoint tree? I decided a long time ago it is a 50/50 chance with me. If I became burden I would like to die. Although, at the moment It is out of my hands and will meet that time, if it comes.
Dont worry ..i have it in my genes from paternal grandparents and I had read and used to keep reminding my granny to keep knitting and continue her hobby of crossword and gardening etc after we realised it in my grandfather though I was one he kept repeating childhood stories but I was a kid so after diagnosis…knitting and staying busy and keeping away from stress, exercising daily even if merely a walk for 30mins a day and staying happy…keep it away. It might seem observation but people who live long and healthy have such lifestyle
If you don’t use asteroids you have no indicators for dementia/alzheimers.
However is you do use asteroids you have 3 indicators for it. Look
at Bruce Willis’s Solar Return for the month and year he was diagnosed.
Notice how these 3 indicators stand out for his frontotemporal dementia.
Sorry this time I dont agree. Having worked for the Alzheimer’s Society,my understanding of this awful affliction is that the main drivers of it are a) your heritage, and b) smoking. While the first may be linked to astrology, the second one is a personal choice, and like cancer, deadly.
Definitely smoking, my mother had dementia and was a secret smoker. Never smoked in front of us but would go into the bathroom to smoke. We could smell it thru the door so it wasn’t much of a secret. I outlined here before the transits she had at the time though it was Lewy-Body like Robin Williams. We can’t forget alcohol does no favors for the brain and I believe was the cause of the dementia of an uncle and a friend’s father.
Smoking isn’t a direct risk factor but will have an impact on cardiovascular health, which is a big risk factor.
Going up one level, low socioeconomic status increases the likelihood of engaging in risky health behaviours like inactivity and smoking, but also low educational attainment which is also a big risk factor. Education creates a cognitive reserve which buffers against the cumulative damage. Other big risk factors include social isolation and hearing loss.
There is no cure for dementia, but better education in early life and social inclusion and activity in later life could have a positive effect. Also screening for hearing loss and cardiovascular health. Unfortunately things like early years education, adult further education, sports and leisure facilities are being chronically underfunded and run into the ground. A false economy when you look at the adult social care and NHS costs down the line.
Alzheimer’s is a very complex disease and research into it is a massive multidisciplinary effort. I agree that it is difficult to apply astrological markers when you have an idea of the huge scale of it.
Uranus as planetary indicator?
Feels like Neptune.
But Neptune is wonderful healer. It rules prison and asylums but I don’t find it ruling age related disease
This is so interesting! The charts posted by the Oxford Astrologer seem to point in a direction I had often suspected, this being that the asteroids are important astrological markers in health matters.