David Cameron’s questionable welcome when prime minister and subsequent lobbying for the collapsed financial outfit Greensill is creating ripples of concern around the government, Whitehall and the Tory Party. Boris has announced a no-holds-barred inquiry, leading to speculation that his Oxford Uni rivalry with Cameron is still alive and kicking. Though it appears the inquiry has such a narrow remit it is likely to end up a whitewash like the recent Race Report. But there are several other committees inquiring into the matter which are not under No 10’s control. What Cameron may have done appears more audacious than some, especially given the collusion of civil servants but was hardly out of line in the context of the Tory Party’s dodgy donors and other big business patronage, of which Boris is a generous giver. So there will be a hasty manning of the barricades to ensure it doesn’t widen out to tramp on other corns.
Cameron may never recover from this, especially given the Arabian Nights photos with MBS after the Khashoggi murder. Born 9 October 1966 5.30am (from memory) London, Cameron has a charming 1st house Sun Venus in Libra and a jovial Moon Jupiter in Leo. But that hale-fellow-well-met image never squared with his 12th house Uranus Pluto opposition Saturn, sextile/trine Neptune conjunct his South Node. I always wondered when it would surface – and here it is.
[Uranus in the 12th can appear conventional but there will be a strongly subversive streak kept well out of sight; as well as a fear of inner nervous volatility, leading to foolish decisions. Pluto in the 12th suggests a hidden turbulence, a raging storm within, and can point to a compulsive need to acquire great wealth and/or power. Uranus Pluto can be foolhardy. Uranus Saturn gives a strong need for freedom, ie. no restraints and restrictions. Saturn Pluto is tough and can be egotistical. None of the above squares with his benign, somewhat vapid and conventional persona. His inner instability was always going to surface at some point.]Tr Neptune has been opposition his Pluto, continues to opposes his Uranus this year and is then conjunct his Saturn in 2022 till late 2023, all of which will be uncertain and panicky. He also has a career-compromising tr Neptune square his Midheaven either in 2022 or 2023 depending on his birth time being accurate. Plus he has a raft of Neptune hard aspects to midpoints through this year and the next two. All in all – in a swamp.
Boris’s Gemini Sun is conjunct Cameron’s Midheaven which can be helpful on the career front though Sakoian & Acker say: ‘If egos are allowed to be an obstructive force there may be rivalry for power and importance.’ Their relationship chart is half friendly though deceptive with a composite Sun Venus square Neptune; and half unstable with Uranus Pluto Saturn hitting on the composite Moon and Jupiter – with definite signs of a downturn from late this May onwards as tr Neptune squares the composite Jupiter, stripping away good feelings. With worse from mid 2022 onwards.
While it doesn’t directly impact on Boris’s government, there’s enough sleaze in the present set up to make it seem more of the same. This one could run and run, blossoming as it goes.
For Greensill, previous post March 17 2021.
How I agree with you Jo and Virgoflake, the Westminster shenanigans are beyond belief, The trouble is we have a Tory press in this country and many people believe that Boris is doing a good job. He has managed somehow to hoodwink a large proportion of the population who are completely taken in by his dishevelled demeanour and endless meaningless promoses. I wouldnt be a bit surprised if the latest scandals soon become forgotten just like the recent report on race , Carrie’s decorating debacle and Boris’s giving of all those lucrative contracts to his cronies
Today here in Wales yet another factory closure was announced with hundreds more people being made unemployed while those who are supposed
govern us get richer and sleazier.
So so depressing
Mary, have you noticed how Wales and the North East ALWAYS get shafted royally by Westminster? We are treated like the dirt poor cousins of their well-to-do family as they continually look out for themselves. I can see the appeal of breaking away and becoming independent, to be honest. However, that might not solve the case of all these vile, money-grabbing, narcissistic freeloaders taking over who are supposed to direct the country and evolve it in a positive way. EEuurgghhh!!!
That these Tories (and I’m not saying Labour isn’t immune) have exploited the pandemic and sought financial opportunity amidst the tragedy is sickening but unfortunately entirely predictable, given the nature of these particular entitled beasts. There is a body of lawyers, the Good Law project who are actively challenging the government on this and believe me, there are a raft of other appalling cases in the pipeline. I never did buy into that faux sincere, shiny faced, ‘Call-me-Dave’ schtick of Cameron’s – he simply oozes excess and venality.
How apt then that the nodes not only fall in the 8th/2nd houses, but also in Taurus/Scorpio. Martin Schulman in ‘Karmic Astrology’ says of this nodal position;
“Those near him would give him the moon if it would make him happy, but they know as well as he does that it would only be a momentary toy ultimately to be discarded and replaced by another need. It seems to be the quantity of quality that he desires, which is to say that he feels he must have it all! A bundle of excess in all directions, he finds it difficult to change his ways even after the realization that he is headed down a path of disaster….In some cases he goes to such extremes that he may run into trouble with the law.”
Uranus is due to hit that North Node in the next couple of years.
At a time when the public have endured loss, isolation, financial poverty, loss of jobs, loss of their loved ones, to see these crooks gorging themselves at the gilded pig trough is the ultimate insult – as Maya Angelou said – ‘when someone shows you who they are, believe them”.
I see Ian Duncan Smith is expressing his usual mock outrage over all this, but I and many others have our suspicions about his own and other MP’s involvement in the Trussel Trust. Never has a business exploded over the past 15 years in such an exponential manner than food banks. I think their upward rise is almost near 500% now and still rising and is alarming, to say the least. In 2003 food banks were almost never heard of.
I don’t believe for one split second that the Tories pushed this out of the sincerity of their compassionate hearts. I do believe, however, it’s because there was financial gain involved, just like Covid. I would love there to be an investigation into this if just to ease my deep suspicions of it all. It’s been said by The Independent back in 2015, “If a prison decided to implement a policy of punishing its inmates by cutting their food supply, it would be universally condemned as a human rights abuse.” Proof they never gave a sh** and yet, food banks are surging like the new next brand.
I believe ALL MP’s on all sides are doing something illegal or shady but none to the degree like the Tories do – they have form for it as history shows. That little Boys Club all have Ph.D.’s in such elitist criminality. It must be so hard to come from a multi-million pound privileged and often aristocratic background, earning tens of thousands of £££’s and claiming tax expenses right down to a sodding Kit-Kat, that they feel this compulsion to skirt the laws and take back-handers, all the while as they dismantle democracy, for a further secret million or ten being hushed into their offshore accounts. It’s this kind of behaviour that pushes me more into a Socialists ideology (albeit a modern one). They make me so angry. I wish they would swing from the rafters at Westminster for this. I really hope Pluto’s last sweep of Capricorn exposes this Jupiter-sized mountain of turds and prison sentences follow in abundance in a very harsh manner.
Never voted Tory, Jo never would knowing what they stand for, their history and the way they have always enriched themselves while simultaneously stealing from the people. Not part of my moral code to cr*p on those who have the least.
I’m the same, VF. I’ve tended to go for Labour, Liberal-Dems (way back) and Green, so I do lean to the left. But the tory moral code is absolutely ghastly.
I live in the North East of England and it looked like Rishi Sunak was going to give a green light for a work plan in Sunderland (he even worked with the guy who was designing the plan) that would bring 60,000 jobs into the area as well as close to £3.5 billion coming into one of the ports. It all looked quite exciting and was a change for someone who was conservative. But no. In the end, he proved he was tory and he shafted the guy he was building the plan with (he was on the news totally bewildered why Sunak had changed his mind and demanded an explanation) and Rishi decided to work with a Tory fellow from Teeside instead and I don’t think his decision was going to bring in thousands of jobs or revenue either which makes his decision alarming.
Interestingly, when this bombshell was on the news a couple of months ago, it was highlighting potential lobbying being the cause behind such a U-turn. I think if it looks like a turd and smells like one, then we are dealing with one hell of a stinker here. Shame on them all and I am sick to death of seeing the tories constantly stab the northern block in the back. Now we are learning that Rishi is also involved in the Greensill scandal which appears to show he was a go-between to try and get David Cameron access to covid funds via the Bank of England for Cameron’s slimy connections.
Yes, Sunak is in the frame too.
As you say, when Johnson succeeded in winning votes from the Northern constituencies during the last election, it was inevitable that they would be rewarded with betrayal. That is how Johnson & co operate, as we saw with the derisory pay rise he gave NHS workers, the NHS having saved his life. Meanwhile, Symonds spends millions on redecorating number 10 with gold-plated wallpaper. Such shamelessness seems to characterise this nihilistic Johnson administration.
Dave’s natal Mercury and Neptune flank his south node, notably in the second house….quelle chance! Boris’ Neptune falls on this point – q.e.d…… In May the Sun will conjunct Boris’ Jupiter opposing the 2nd house setup, so what’s the bet he sets Dave up as the baddy, escaping yet another crisis personally (temporarily)…but hideously, Dave’s pr MC will conjunct Moon/Jupiter…another whitewash? beggars belief……they will both be whitewashed but not, unfortunately, hung out to dry…..Boris will have great difficulty in ‘remembering’ anything that happened (even how he got his family, plus spares) let alone anybody else’s woes…….he’ll dump on Dave but they will both wriggle out of it, pass the gin and the loaded gun.
“I never did buy into that faux sincere, shiny faced, ‘Call-me-Dave’ schtick of Cameron’s – he simply oozes excess and venality.”
Me neither, I know exactly what you mean.
I said at the time, I think the media need to keep a very close eye on that £55billion “fighting fund” announced by Rishi Sunak in the Nov 2020 spending review. How many cronies have earmarked a slice of that to provide crappy ” jobs retraining” programmes or privatised services to the NHS to make it more “efficient”? I can see all sorts of tenuous, sketchy schemes of dubious impact arising.
This is not just between Cameron and Johnson, it also brings the Civil Service to the fore. Is there a chart for the Civil Service?
It evolved from the Northcote–Trevelyan Report dated 23 November 1853 and published February 1854. That was just after the triple conjunction of Uranus Pluto and Saturn – by then into Taurus. Ironically the Civil Service was set up precisely to stamp out corruption.
Reportrd on BBC news online 15 mins ago that Health Secretary Matt Hancock owns shares in a company approved to be a NHS Supplier in 2019 and the Government says there is no conflict of interest. Dept of Health say he discussed that he was gifted shares in the company with civil servants and essentially it’s ok because he doesn’t have an active role in the company. Now how is that not a conflict of interest?? Or have I misunderstood the definition of the term. Birth date 2 October 1978. How does things look for him Marjorie?
What’s going on with these Librans and for that matter Air signs these days?
An excellent point. There is a tendency for the press and public to focus on politicians when potential corruption is exposed but the reality is that issue extends way beyond Ministers and MPs into the very structure of the administration of government. Indeed in a democracy removing corrupt politicians is relatively easy. Dealing with embedded influence peddling within the structure of the bureaucracy is far harder. A lot of the problems date back to the concept of private public partnerships introduced under John Major’s government and continued under successive governments run by both parties including Blair, Brown,Cameron etc. It is this public/private nexus where corruption thrives. This problem runs a lot deeper than just David Cameron or sleazy Tory ministers. It has been rotting away public life in the U.K. for nearly three decades and the truth is that none of the parties once in power appear prepared to address the issue no matter what they say in opposition.
It must be bad when even the right-wing press are voicing alarm.
“Greensill is just one small part of the negligence, recklessness and cronyism that has come to characterise the unchecked largesse of Britain’s Covid response. It’s been a bonanza for those with the connections and expertise to exploit it; regrettably, someone has to bear its costs, and that’s us, the taxpayers. Like parasites to the pig’s belly, all and sundry have come swarming in to feast on the abundance of government money, many enriching themselves beyond the dreams of avarice. One dreads to think what snouts will be taking their fill at the trough if the Government were to persist with its plan to mass test all citizens at least once a week.” https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2021/04/16/greensill-one-small-part-parasitic-monster-feasting-governments/
“Are there 22 more Greensills? Fears of a lobbying timebomb as it emerges group of business chiefs have access to No10”
Nick Hancock has a 15% stake in his sister’s company who won NHS contracts: https://m.huffingtonpost.co.uk/amp/entry/matt-hancock-topwood-nhs-contracts_uk_607876f3e4b01654bb7c0c54/
I noticed that the “cash for questions” lobbying scandal in early 2010 erupted in a year with Saturn Square Pluto, and Saturn opposition Uranus. That scandal involved four Labour MP’s – including Stephen Byers who described himself as a “cab for hire” to an undercover journalist…..Stephen Byers (13 April 1953) has a Sun/Venus conjunction in Aries opposing a Neptune/Saturn conjunction in Libra. He has a Jupiter/Mars conjunction in Taurus, square Pluto. I’d imagine a little digging will reveal other scandals, large versions of the kind of story found at local council level – lucrative building contracts going to friends of the mayor etc etc. All very dispiriting, but sadly in no way a shock.
Generally ex-prime ministers are put in the House of Lords in order to serve their party better. While I do not know the financial arrangements that are made to benefit PMs when they step down the pension or whatever it is was obviously not enough. It wasn’t too long ago that Cameron was gunning for a top job in NATO.
I hope a deep and thorough investigation takes place to expose these disgusting parasites in our government. If they do the investigation properly, I bet we will find MOST of them are up to their eyeballs in shady money deals, money laundering, and the usual run-of-the-mill corruption.
Guardian journalist, George Monbiot, has been grinding his ax about the state of British politics and the deliberate dismantling of democracy for a long time and is also a member, if not the driving force, behind an independent journalist group called Double Down News. They expose the dirty dealings going on not just here but all over the world. One of the expose’s about shady lobbying and the Tory party being funded by billionaires with questionable links to fascism is mentioned in this Dec 2019 video featuring Irish broadcaster and investigative editor, Peter Geoghegan. It’s called, ‘The Secret Elite Group Worth £50 Billion Funding the Tory Party’ and is here:
George Monbiot’s piece in The Guardian from Sep 2020, ‘If You Think The UK Isn’t Corrupt, You Haven’t Looked Hard Enough,’ is here:
I wish they would find out what the lot of them are getting up to and throw them in the bloody clink, quick sticks. I’m sick of the lot of them and their awful ‘Big Boys Club’!!!
Thanks Marjorie – I’m sure as you say this will be “blossoming as it goes”, since it is the tip of a huge iceberg of many years standing. Cameron is certainly not alone, and the so-called “rules” are quite ambiguous.
Both David Cameron and Boris Johnson’s charts have eclipses in 2022. The lunar in May is square Cameron’s Mars, if you allow 2 degrees. The Solar in October squares Cameron’s Jupiter, and is conjunct Boris’ Moon. That’s an interesting one to watch, as the UK 1801 Jupiter is conjunct Cameron’s own Jupiter in Leo. Luck and the law? Then the lunar eclipse in Taurus in November aligns with Boris’ Neptune/Jupiter opposition exactly. It’s one degree off Cameron’s nodal axis as well. That one may work out in private between the two men, but it does radiate not only issues around fate, but money, money, money……
” But that hale-fellow-well-met image never squared with his 12th house Uranus Pluto opposition Saturn, sextile/trine Neptune conjunct his South Node. I always wondered when it would surface – and here it is.”
Marjorie – can you expand further on this please? What is surfacing?
Have added an extra bit
Thank-you Marjorie – very well-explained.
I’ve met and worked with many of the mid-60s generation. Some of them are good friends but oh my, they’re always difficult. They don’t seem capable of any internal change. The flexibility that should be a strength of Pisces-Virgo becomes gummed up by all the fixedness of Saturn-Uranus-Pluto. They don’t play the victim outright because their Uranus-Pluto-Saturn is good at coming up with ways to rearrange everything around them. I suspect the trine/sextile to Neptune in Scorpio also prevents them seeing their issues clearly.
Yes, similar experience, GD. I’ve always put it down to that Uranus/Pluto opposing a Piscean Saturn – hard to grasp or pin down and the sense of responsibility can be undeveloped. Curiously, I’ve known several men with this position who have fathered quite a few children but avoided the responsibility of raising them, plus have a drug or alcohol problem — not a million miles away from our own dear leader. Saturn isn’t happy in Pisces, I’ve found.
Haven’t met too many like that VF but it certainly wouldn’t surprise me. There’s a huge co-dependency thing going on with this generation. Rescuing and saving each other. Needing to be needed. An inherent distrust/disbelief that other people can grow, I suppose because they can’t do themselves. And then passing it onto their kids by being the helicopter parent generation.
I’ve never found their issues too overt. Like Cameron, there’s a veneer because they always know how to superficially cover over the cracks with the perfect material life.
(Incidentally my dad was Saturn in Pisces generation of the 30s – he was a rescuer – not helped by other placements like a Libra moon. He always saw his enabling/rescuing as being helpful. Tried for many years to explain it wasn’t. I eventually accepted he wasn’t going to change and it had to come at the expense of ever having a meaningful relationship)
“Needing to be needed”. Oh yes absolutely, I think that’s a very Virgo/Pisces thing in general. Plus, I also notice the need to enable and rescue, particularly in romantic relationships