David Beckham is under attack for taking on a multi-million pound ambassadorial role with the Qatar 2022 World Cup. Qatar is an absolute monarchy with an appalling record for human and women’s rights, for mistreating migrant workers, more than 6500 of whom have died since Qatar was granted the World Cup. It punishes homosexuality with imprisonment and runs secret gay conversion programmes; and it won the right to host the tournament after allegations of corruption in the voting process.
Beckham who has had close ties with key figures in Qatar since his time playing at Paris St-Germain insists he was working with the nation because he believes in the “power of football to inspire positive change”.
Alternatively the rulers believe in the efficacy of ‘sportswashing’ – cosmeticising their mediaeval regimes with a western facelift.
Beckham, 2 May 1975 6.17 am London, does look rattled with the tr Saturn square tr Uranus hitting his Taurus Sun into early 2022; and a confusing tr Pluto conjunct his Solar Arc Neptune this December. Then tr Pluto will conjunct his Midheaven through next year (birth time being accurate) which could dent his image. Plus a disappointing tr Neptune square his Venus, making him feel less than loved. He does have his Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Mercury now which will lift his spirits and no doubt his bank account. 2022 looks insecure and rattled with his Solar Arc Uranus square his Mars – and his Solar Arc Moon conjunct his Mars. So it’ll be arguments all the way.
The World Cup chart, 21 November 2022, doesn’t look like anything much with the jolting Saturn square Uranus still in place; a delusional, expensive Jupiter Neptune in a showbizzy square to Mars – but nothing much joining together.
However the Qatar country chart, 1 September 1971 looks on a confident roll with tr Pluto sextile its Jupiter in money-magnet Scorpio through 2022/23; and tr Jupiter opposition its Pluto for the World Cup. They – or at least the rulers – will be pleased enough.
The present Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, 3 June 1980, is another Sun Gemini, widely trine Pluto opposition Neptune – and Jupiter Mars and Saturn in Virgo, which fits the present ‘whirlwind-in-a-storm’ leaders of elsewhere.
Qatar is being feted by the football “elite” as a suitable venue to host arguably the most important and lucrative event in world sport. Their human rights are atrocious yet we afford them this great respect. Grim and tyrannical it may be, why do we deal with them at all? Beckham is just another snout in the trough. Morality and old fashioned decency mean nothing anymore,certainly at that level of venality corruption and hypocrisy.
Over the years, the various relevations about this man – and to some extent his wife as well – has completely changed my impression of him. Granted, i’ve never been a fan, but he was constantly selling this family man, good husband image. The latter fell apart with so many stories of his affairs over the years though he seems (from the outside looking in) to be quite a devoted dad at least.
He strikes me as incredibly, insanely greedy and full of himself. It’s like the billions of dollars both Victoria and him have earned over the years is never enough.
His Capricorn moon will never be satisfied. Searching for happiness from external things but you can’t buy happiness. The Uranus square from Libra will also cut him off from developing emotionally as will the Saturn in Cancer. The Cancer-Cap help explain the “devoted dad” you see – he feels obligated to give them a good up bringing.
The greed isn’t helped by Taurus Sun-Mercury in the 12th.