Daniel Day Lewis – movieland losing a great talent


The actor and triple Oscar winner Daniel Day Lewis has said he is retiring from acting – again – having disappeared for several years in the 1990s. Liam Neeson said he was retiring in disgust in 1999 from the Hollywood scene, but that didn’t last for too long. So who knows?

Lewis, 29 April 1957, doesn’t have a birth time so there’s a chunk of information missing. He’s a Sun Venus Mercury, maybe Moon, in Taurus with his Sun opposition Neptune square Uranus. So he’ll be fairly highly-strung, and while quite fixed, will also be prone to instant changes. He’s in an uncertain year with tr Neptune square his Saturn; with a downbeat tr Saturn opposition his Mars and square his Jupiter. At the moment he’s got a marginally catastrophic tr Uranus square his Mars/Pluto, though also a great-relief tr Uranus trine his Jupiter/Uranus – so there may be something going on in his life which provoked this announcement.

Tr Uranus is moving towards the opposition to his Neptune in 2018, starting a four year trail in hard aspect round his Fixed T Square, which will shake his life up considerably. 2019/2020 look confident with tr Pluto trine his Jupiter; but 2020 has his Solar Arc Mars conjunct his Pluto, which is hugely problematic and stuck.

He’s always seemed quite a tortured and troubled soul, so it’s a pity there’s no birth time.

4 thoughts on “Daniel Day Lewis – movieland losing a great talent

  1. What parallels with Abraham Lincoln, also a very intelligent, troubled soul? And one of DDL most important roles.

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