Clint Eastwood at 94 has just released his latest movie with a sterling record as a director, grossing over a billion dollars, with three of his biggest hits coming in the last decade.
And Michael Caine, British actor, at 91, with an equally prolific output of 160 films during a seventy year career, now retired, has come out with his third memoir titled Don’t Look Back You’ll Trip Over.
Eastwood born 31 May 1930 5.35 pm San Francisco, California has the signature depression/innovation Cardinal T square of Saturn in Capricorn opposition Pluto square Uranus. Though he had a reasonably affluent middle class upbringing. He has a filmic Neptune conjunct his Midheaven square a Gemini Sun and in a showbusiness/publicity-attracting trine to a hard-working Mars in Aries in his 6th. A lucky Jupiter in his 8th will have helped to keep him well supported.
According to wiki, twice divorced, Eastwood “has had numerous casual and serious relationships of varying length and intensity over his life, many of which overlapped. He has eight known children by six women.” With a focal point Uranus in his 5th house of children and romances, he would want and certainly end up with variety and constant change – and Chiron and Algol in his chart area of close relationships would not make for calm and harmony. His Leo Moon is on the focal point of a T square to Mars North Node opposition South Node, fitted him for a public career but did not necessarily fashion him for one-to-one commitment.
Michael Caine, 14 March 1933 10.10am London, grew up poor in London’s East End though spent the war years in rural Norfolk. He did active service in Korea before embarking on his acting career.
His creative, filmic Pisces Sun and Venus are in his career 10th with his Sun in a laid-back opposition to Jupiter and his Venus opposing a creative, talented and upbeat Jupiter, Neptune, Mars in Virgo. His Libra Moon in his 5th house of performance opposes Uranus and squares Pluto – so like Eastwood he came out of a tough, turbulent ethos but will be steadier (and more controlling) with a prominent Pluto. He does have a yod of Mercury in upfront Aries sextile Saturn inconjunct Mars Neptune – so is well suited to a world of pzazz and glamour.
His Moon is inconjunct his Sun for a degree of strain between his head and his heart but his Moon square Pluto and 4th house Jupiter have kept him married to his second wife for fifty years.
How fascinating that Quincy Jones and Michael Caine were born on the same day… albeit different time zones… exceptional Astro qualities
Thank you, Marjorie!
Caine’s Age Harmonic biwheel below.
Here is Caine’s biwheel, natal inside, and Age Harmonic for 91+ outside.
Ebertin gives Saturn-Uranus conjunction as heart block or operations
prompting the removal of something, eg, like intestinal parts, spleen.
For Mars aspecting Uranus, he gives proneness to injuries, accidents.
The beginning of an operation, the cutting of skin
Here is Eastwood’s biwheel, natal & Age Harmonic chart for 94+ yrs., outer.
His health axis is currently being activated. Mars, ruler 6th of health,
is aspecting Pluto, ruler Asc, the body. Neptune in 12th.