Chuka Umanna – all systems change


Chuka Umanna, former Opposition Shadow Cabinet member, a Blairite and Remainer, who backed out of the Labour Party leadership race in 2015, then objected to the leftward drift of the party and finally this year baled to start the Change UK independent group before exiting for the Lib Dems. The cartoonist are having a field day about his flip flopping.

Born 17 October 1978 he’s a controlled and controlling Sun Pluto in Libra with a charming, though changeable and stubborn Venus Mars Uranus in Scorpio. He’s also got Mercury in Scorpio square Jupiter in Leo – plenty of fixed signs so he’s not exactly one to waver around in the breeze, except for Saturn in Virgo square Neptune.

He’s not having a great year with tr Neptune opposition his Sun/Jupiter midpoint till December; a hugely pressured tr Pluto square his Sun until late 2020; a muddled-thinking Solar Arc Mercury conjunct his Neptune; and a couple of unfortunate Uranus and Neptune hard aspects to midpoints, which run into and through next year.  He’ll get some uplift from tr Uranus square his Jupiter this July to September but there’s not much else of cheer.

Pic: Chris McAndrew

One thought on “Chuka Umanna – all systems change

  1. Thank you, very interesting. My chart is weighted in a similar way to his, also quite fixed with water and Venus/Uranus. I think the biggest mistake people make with fixed charts is to assume that we never change our minds, don’t bet on it. Some changes take a megaton of resilience that many would avoid. “Changeable and stubborn” I like that a lot 😉

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