Christine Lagarde – IMF report lacerates Eurozone policies



Christine Lagarde, CEO of the IMF, doesn’t have her troubles to seek at the moment. She is to stand trial over a state payout to the French tycoon Bernard Tapie when she served as economy minister under President Nicolas Sarkozy. Mr Tapie was a supporter of Mr Sarkozy and there were allegations this may have played a role in her decision. She denies any wrongdoing, saying she acted in the interest of the state and with respect for the law.

Now an internal watchdog’s report has pronounced that ‘the IMF’s top staff misled their own board, made a series of calamitous misjudgments in Greece, became euphoric cheerleaders for the euro project, ignored warning signs of impending crisis, and collectively failed to grasp an elemental concept of currency theory.’

They punished Greece in order to save the euro and northern European banks – in what ex-finance minister Yanis Varoufakis called an exercise in “fiscal water-boarding”.

In castigating the IMF, the report has laid bare, in searing detail, the gigantic flaw in the eurozone set up.

Born 1 January 1956 1.40pm Paris, she has a formidably powerful and stubborn chart with a 9th house Capricorn Sun; and Mars Saturn in Scorpio square Moon Pluto in Leo and Jupiter in Virgo. But she does have tr Uranus square her MC again early in 2017; with the tr Saturn square tr Neptune in hard aspect to her Solar Arc Sun at the moment and into 2017; plus a devastating Solar Arc Pluto conjunct her 6th house Neptune, exact in four months time. And tr Pluto conjunct her MC in 2018/19 (or earlier if her birth time has been rounded up from a couple of minutes earlier) which can destroy reputations and bring down careers.

3 thoughts on “Christine Lagarde – IMF report lacerates Eurozone policies

  1. Any update on her Marjorie, as she just announced a further €600 billion of ECB emergency funding?
    Thank you if you do.

  2. Tellos, It can be, though more often it goes the other way, especially with high-profile ambitious types. It certainly means a total reorientation of reputation and career-direction.

  3. “tr Pluto conjunct her MC in 2018/19 (or earlier if her birth time has been rounded up from a couple of minutes earlier) which can destroy reputations and bring down careers.”

    Can’t it also be a time of career empowerment?

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