China – life in the ancient dragon despite dire forecasts



Predictions of a financial crash in China are, according to Forbes, a fantasy, at least for the time being. Economic commentators do appear to be worse gloom-merchants than astrologers. Catastrophe lurks round every corner.

On the China chart there will be wobbles of financial uncertainty until tr Neptune clears the opposition to the 8th house Saturn this New Year; with more blips from tr Saturn square the 8th house Neptune through 2019 as well. But neither of those is earth-shattering. The imponderable is tr Pluto Saturn conjunct the 12th house Jupiter in 2019/2020. Tr Pluto should provide a boost, while Saturn does the opposite. So it may be stop-start or more likely a global Saturn Pluto recession will bite to some degree but it will be short lived. Especially with a Jupiter Return in 2020 and then tr Jupiter moving across the Ascendant a year later, along with Saturn.

The Bank of China chart, 1 December 1948 is showing a few belt-tightening moments this autumn and a few hiccups in 2019 but again nothing off the Richter-scale.

Xi Jinping’s Term chart 24 October 2017 12.30pm is having a bumpy ride ahead but is generally a lucky chart with an inspirational Fire Grand Trine of North Node trine Saturn Moon trine Uranus, formed into a Kite by Uranus opposition Sun and Jupiter, the latter two planets conjunct the midheaven from the 9th. 2020 does look troubled with tr Neptune square the Moon for an unhappy populace; and 2021/22 has an unstable tr Pluto square the Term Uranus.

In many ways China looks in better shape ahead than the USA or the EU.

2 thoughts on “China – life in the ancient dragon despite dire forecasts

  1. Note what you said here Marjorie, but reading online in today’s Financial Times
    that China’s 2nd quarter was the worse in 30 years.
    The trade war having more of an effect than expected on them?
    Thank you if you look into.

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