Chelsea Clinton – not a chip off the old block



Chelsea Clinton has put her head above the parapet as she launches her new children’s picture book about extraordinary women through the ages, who persevered in the face of prejudice and changed history. In a Guardian interview she criticised Trump for spreading meanness and degrading America; and her former friend Ivanka for not making her own decisions.

Born 27 February 1980 11.24pm Little Rock, Arkansas, she was 12 when her father became president and she had to endure an avalanche of vitriol and humiliating criticism thrown at her. She says in the past she thought the best way to cope was to ignore it. But now she thinks that hateful speech needs to be countered.

After college and Oxford, she tried various jobs and is now  vice-chair of the family foundation, campaigning for girls’ empowerment, early access to childhood education and global healthcare initiatives. She married Marc Mervinsky, son of a convicted Ponzi scheme financier father, and has two children.

She has a 4th house Pisces Sun opposition a 10th house Jupiter Mars in Virgo – home and family rooted, private, also ambitious, exceptionally hard working, passionately enthusiastic about her specific interests. More significantly she has a leadership North Node in Leo conjunct her midheaven, so whatever she chooses to do she’ll make a difference. Her flamboyant Leo Moon is in the 9th suggesting living abroad at one point in her life (ambassadress?).

Her MC North Node are in an inspirational, high-vitality Fire Grand Trine to Neptune trine Venus, formed into a Kite by Venus opposition Pluto. The passionate and possessive Venus in Aries in the hard-working 6th opposition a 12th house Pluto points to her ability to wield power behind the scenes; and with Pluto being the driving planet she will want to make a difference. Though the Fire Grand Trine plus Pluto will make her aloof and enigmatic, rarely revealing her motives.

She also has a scattered Mutable T Square of Mercury in Pisces in the performing 5th opposition Saturn in Virgo square Neptune in her 2nd.  This will tend to making her anxious about her speaking/writing/communicating abilities (Mercury Saturn) which is mentioned in the Guardian interviews, so she can come across stiffly.  A focal point Neptune can lack will power, be naïve or overly inclined to fit in. If well handled it will be idealistic and healing.

She’s certainly not got either of her parents’ relentless determination and endurance – both of them are exceptionally Fixed. And she has two central oppositions so will wobble around see-saw fashion trying to find a balance in life. Saturn Neptune, while kind and creative, tends to lack the killer instinct necessary for the upper echelons of politics.

Her Moon isn’t well integrated in her chart being only quincunx her Sun; and her Sun/Moon marriage significator is opposition her 1st house Uranus, so her emotional life will always bring less fulfilment than her work.

With tr Saturn about to move into her 3rd house, she’s still trying to find her feet in this new Saturn career cycle which will push her up to a peak in her late fifties.

Tr Uranus will give her career a boost in 2019 as it trines her Jupiter Mars; though she’ll have a discouraging two years in 2020/2021 with tr Pluto trine her Saturn.

Where she’s at a confident and success high with her influence making a difference will be around 2027 when her Solar Arc Jupiter is conjunct her Pluto.

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