Charlotte Rampling – air and water

Charlotte Rampling also picked up two awards at the European Film Festival, one lifetime and one as best actress for 45 Years.

Born 5 Feb 1946 7.20 am London, she’s got a very Airy chart with Sun Venus Mercury in Aquarius trine Uranus in Gemini trine Neptune in Libra with Jupiter also in Libra. The Air Grand Trine is formed into a Kite by Sun Mercury Venus opposition Pluto – so a powerful, determined personality. Though with Pluto in the 7th she’s attracted to intense, controlling partners.

She’s also got a really difficult Mars Saturn conjunct in Cancer in her 6th trine a Pisces Moon. Tr Uranus square tr Pluto has been bouncing off that conjunction through 2015 – her long-time partner died earlier this year – and some of those difficult aspects will roll on for another year or two.

There’s nothing much to suggest success at the Oscars. Not that she would be that fussed, I imagine.

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