Celebrity storm over nothing at all



Two TV soap stars on Celebrity Big Brother have, for reasons beyond my ken, ended up as a headline story even in the sensible media. Roxanne Pallett, ex-Emmerdale, alleged Ryan Thomas of Coronation Street punched her deliberately. He ended up chastised by the powers that be and in tears while she left the house. When  video footage emerged showing he made no physical contact, she apologised on television and is sinking under a sea of hostile tweets from her ex-colleagues who clearly thought she had form on this kind of thing.

[Confession: I’d never heard of them and don’t watch soaps or reality shows.]

Roxanne who did Dancing on Ice and has acted on stage and in various horror films was born 26 December 1982 and is a tough-minded Sun Capricorn sextile Saturn in Scorpio conjunct Pluto in late Libra; with a stubborn Taurus Moon in a flammable square to Mars in Aquarius. Her Moon may be opposition Saturn square Mars. She never knew her Iranian father and was brought up by her mother and maternal grandmother. They lost their house in a fire when she was 16 and she had a serious car accident two years back – all of which would fit Mars Saturn.

Ryan Thomas born 10 June 1984 is on the surface a light-hearted and charming Sun Venus in Gemini but he has a formidably difficult Mars Saturn Moon in Scorpio with perhaps Moon conjunct Pluto, so he won’t have an easy relationship with women. He filed for bankruptcy in 2013 and was once charged with being drunk and disorderly.

Neither of them are exactly happy individuals, so the vibes would be at cross purposes, though clearly she brewed a something out of nothing.

Their relationship chart has a composite Sun Mercury square Mars Neptune which would result in an ego-clash – one wins the other loses.

7 thoughts on “Celebrity storm over nothing at all

  1. Even though Mars is now direct, we are still in the shadow period until October. In addition, Mars is still out of bounds which involves the planet going a bit rogue, maverick or something to do with that planet that isn’t running as it would do conventionally. It has now reached 29 Cap and is going back into Aquarius, where it will soon square Uranus again, and we have these things playing out on TV.

    Mars retrograde is when actions associated with that planet backfire. So you have your little ratings boost argument-in-guise-of-reconciliation plan for your TV show or manipulative lie to boost a TV career, and you’re going full speed ahead with it and suddenly the engine isn’t working, the wind is gone out of the sails and it’s not going in the direction you thought it would. Now in light of this retrograde, we see all past actions coming up review and fellow actors coming forward to back up with their experience. Note also how the victims/perpetrators were reversed.

    The last Mars retrograde was during the Brexit referendum, where of course Cameron’s massive gamble backfired spectacularly (Sag-Sco-Sag). It’s not really a time to bluff, gamble, plot or initiate any argument or aggression, lest it backfire on you. We’ll see if the Brexit deal gets signed in October, we’ll be out of the shadow then and Mars will have done it’s work.

  2. I personally believe it has ended up in the sensible media and a talking point on global news sites due to the MeToo movement, or more disturbingly, to prove a valid point for the anti-MeToo brigade.

    It was absolutely despicable what Roxanne did to Ryan. The utter lengths she went to paint him as someone who physically assaulted her and how she feared for her life that she had to sleep separately in another part of the Big Brother house, the way she turned on the waterworks and manipulated other housemates/Big Brother to side with her and try to ostracize him was breathtakingly shocking. She has painted herself as a deeply malignant narcissistic diarrhea stain of a human being and deserves to reap what she’s sown. Apparently, she has form for this disturbing behaviour. Hopefully, she will learn form it but her being an obvious narcissist, I think she’s beyond help, as I personally believe narcissism is one mental disorder that can never be cured.

    She used to date Ryan’s best friend and from what he said she did a number on him and is extremely manipulative. Perhaps she felt the need to gaslight him and triangulate the group in order to turn them against him, as narcissists do but thankfully, it all blew up in her face and on national TV. Maybe finally, her chickens are coming home to roost.

    The fact it has gone global and a hot talking point infuriates me because all I hear and read, predictably is, “see, this is what women do. This is how easy it is to manipulate men and paint them as the bad guy,” and her actions serves as proof for this argument. If the MeToo movement had never happened, this would have graced The Sun, The Daily Star, etc, and a few low-brow daily talk shows. Even if it had, I do believe it’s a talking point because her behaviour is wrong on so many levels.

    It absolutely enrages me how she even had the nerve to stand there sobbing in front of the group saying along the lines, “this is what happens to women of abuse around the world. They never get believed. They always take the side of the men!” I don’t condone violence at all but, my goodness, I really wanted to smack her in the mouth for such a manipulation. How dare she! Hopefully, she’ll soon crawl off back down into the sewer from whence she came.

    • Sorry I may have made too light of this, since I came late to the party. Though I do think these programmes deliberately stoke up a pressure cooker atmosphere in the hope of headline-catching explosions so they are in part to blame. Ditto the Colleen Nolan hooha. What was Janet Street Porter thinking, dressing up in a judge’s garb? Ludicrous. The media delight in gladiatorial contests.
      Roxanne sounds like a hysteric and paranoid – one story has her accusing someone previously of trying to drown her when they handed her a glass of water.
      As far as #metoo goes – it’s always the way of these things – the pendulum swing. Total denial moves across to transparency and then some jackasses go too far and hijack the trend as a vehicle either for revenge or for their delusional fantasies and it starts to swing back again.
      The police in child abuse cases spent decades tripping one way and then managed to trip the other – which has more than queered the pitch there. The question of whether to believe or not to believe is a fraught one, especially with historical memories. In psychoanalysis memories are always handled with great care, unpicking what can be verified and what can’t. If there is no corroboration then a degree of uncertainty has to be accepted, however reluctantly. Though if effort is made to find corroboration from outside sources, it is often forthcoming.
      The whole area is a nightmare swamp especially for court cases.
      PS I’d charge and imprison those making false allegations.

      • Gladiatorial is the perfect word to describe the circus of the modern day media. It’s crazy as are many of the people who partake in attention seeking contests.

        I agree about the pendulum swing going back and forth but it’s so frustrating. Roxanne Pallet is now the poster girl for the raging misogynists of this world. It’s bad enough when men call women ’emotional’ when we articulate our feelings in order to be heard. It’s another feeling altogether when women speak a truth the men are unwilling to face and all they ever see are the Roxanne’s of this world and how ’emotionally unstable and manipulating and dangerous’ the female species is and we can never be trusted to tell the real truth. It’s just another form of gaslighting and invalidating as usual and so it goes. So thank you, Miss Pallet, for helping out the sisterhood. Not.

        I can’t say I’m glad to see the media happily destroy Roxanne though. She’s single-handedly destroyed her own career, been exposed by fellow actors as a fantasist and a bully who seems happy to destroy peoples reputations with lies in order to garner attention. She has to deal with that now. Also, for a predatory male I’d say she’s now easy pickings because she’s now the girl who cried wolf too many times. God forbid anything like that should happen because nobody will believe a damn word that comes out of her mouth. The psychology of people’s minds and how they treat others completely dumbfounds me at times.

  3. Third time celeb has been caught (out) on camera this week displaying (and denying) bad behaviour. Roxy, Liam Gallagher and Coleen Nolan (Kim Woodall, bullying).

  4. I read about this whole furore. Interesting to hear about their charts. Their spat did feel initially like a ego-clash to me. What she did was a big deal because if the situation wasn’t recorded, or if they were a regular couple – he would’ve torn himself to pieces. She came off looking like a psychopath – and trivalised real abuse victims while she was at it.

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