The battle of the egos between Elon Musk and Trump has not so far incurred any noticeable damage to their bro-romance. Though Musk’s $250 million contribution to the Trump campaign with an eye to more in the future no doubt plays a part. The recent kerfuffle over the spending deal had led some to conclude that Musk could be used as a effective weapon to pressure Congress and be a scapegoat for any backlash.
Musk born 28 June 1971 7.30 am (biography) Pretoria, South Africa, has a Cancer Sun exactly conjunct the USA Jupiter and square his Uranus. He has a neurotic and changeable Saturn in Gemini opposition Neptune in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Scorpio; with his scandal-prone, overly-hopeful Jupiter Neptune in an influential, lucky sextile to Pluto. Plus an inordinately stubborn Mars and North Node in Aquarius in his financial 8th which is square his 5th house Jupiter (on this birth time).
Tr Uranus moving into Gemini will alter his trajectory considerably -initially with a lucky break from tr Uranus opposition his Jupiter in May and late in the year, though since it is tied into his Neptune it could blow up a scandal caused by his instability through midyear and into 2026 as it moves to conjunct his Saturn. By 2026 his Solar Arc Pluto will square his Mars for a dead-halt, high-risk, enraging meltdown. By 2027/28 tr Neptune will be undermining his Sun by square.
His relationship chart with Trump for all the protestations to the contrary is feeling the strain with a rattled tr Uranus opposition the composite Mars now till mid March 2025; plus an uncertain tr Neptune square the composite Saturn now till early February, and then square the composite Sun in March 2025 and again late October to January 2026. March to early July 2025 and again on and off throughout 2026 tr Pluto will square their composite Neptune for major confusion and panic.
The UK is also in Musk’s sights though for the opposite reason as he warbles on about “Britain is going full Stalin” and opining that “Civil war is inevitable”. He is also promising to give £100 million to Nigel Farage’s Reform Party.
Musk’s relationship chart with the UK hints at distrust, competitiveness, dislike and irritation with a composite Sun conjunct Mars opposition Mercury Uranus; with Sun Uranus square Saturn. There will be ripples of discontent in late March through April 2025 and tr Neptune thereafter opposition the composite Mercury and conjunct the Mars from April onwards for several years will be accompanying a further deterioration in relations.
His relationship chart with Farage has a composite Sun opposition Neptune which suggests a degree of delusion (misplaced idealism) leading to disappointment.
Strange times – a weird trailblazer/Pied Piper.
Add On: There’s an undercurrent of serious dislike on the J.D. Vance/Musk relationship chart with a power struggling Mars square Pluto. It would not come into play in any major way until 2027 – by which time Musk may well be out of the park.