France – bulldozer meets brick wall ++ 5th Republic chart

France’s government is on the brink of collapse as PM Michel Barnier vowed to force through draft tax and spending plans without parliamentary approval in the face of a no confidence vote backed by Marine Le Pen. He said. ““We have arrived at a moment of truth. It is now up to members of the parliament to decide if our country gets a responsible, indispensable budget or if we step into uncharted territory.” France with its bloated state-sector costs is facing a financial crisis which has proved impossible to tackle given public determination to hang onto past securities.

If Barnier’s government falls it would make him France’s shortest-serving premier since 1958. Emmanuel Macron appointed him after the gamble on a summer election backfired, leaving Macron’s centrist coalition far short of a majority in the National Assembly. Macron would have to name another prime minister if the motion of no confidence succeeds.

France was always in for a quagmire phase with tr Neptune opposition its Virgo Sun from May 2024 on and off till March 2026. And the astro-detail has been covered in several recent posts.

La France – the day of confusion has arrived 8th July 2024

France – teetering on the brink 1st July 2024

France – Macron’s desperate gamble 10th June 2024 by Marjorie

  What is intriguing is that Michel Barnier, 9 January 1951 4.40 pm La Tronche, France, has his terrifyingly stubborn 8th house Mars Moon in Aquarius opposition Pluto sitting exactly on top of France’s revolutionary (can-be-violent and defiant) Pluto in Aquarius opposition Uranus which squares Mars in Scorpio. A gladiatorial conflict of earth-shaking proportions.

  Barnier’s appointment, 5 September 2024 does have a 13 degree Virgo Sun which is exactly now facing the tr Saturn opposition which could spell a speedy end. If he staggers on in situ then tr Neptune Saturn into Aries square the PMship Mars from April 2025 onwards hints at setbacks and failure.

 Later this month to mid March 2025 is another trigger point with both Macron’s Presidency charts starting on a 23 degree Taurus Sun which will catch the tr Uranus conjunction from Dec 21st onwards. That also flags up on Barnier’s relationship chart with France.

 In the unlikely event of Barnier being left in place his relationship with Le Pen will not improve in the next three years.

 Barnier himself, no matter what happens, will have a few moments of cheer from May 2025 onwards into 2026 with two of his Jupiter midpoints picking up traction.  

Dementia – coming too soon

Wendy Williams, the former UK talk show host is tragically now permanently incapacitated at the young age of 60 due to aphasia and frontotemporal dementia, the same form of the illness as actor Bruce Willis.

 There are no agreed astro-indicators for dementia but it was clear from her chart she was moving into dark and difficult times just before her diagnosis was publicly announced.  Born 18 July 1964 9.30 pm Monmouth, New Jersey, she has a 6th house Cancer Sun trine a Scorpio Moon (Neptune) opposition Jupiter. Plus Saturn in Pisces opposition Uranus Pluto in Virgo.

 In 2021 and 2022 tr Pluto having moved into her 12th house was opposing her 6th house Sun. By 2022 tr Uranus was opposing her Neptune, heading to oppose her Moon in 2024/early 2025. Plus her Progressed Moon is moving through her 12th at the moment. None of it easy.

  Bruce Willis, 19 March 1955 6.32pm Idar-Oberstein, Germany, has a 7th house Pisces Sun trine Uranus Jupiter in Cancer; with Pluto on the cusp of his 12th square Saturn in Scorpio which in turn opposes Mars in Taurus in his 8th house. He admitted his diagnosis in 2019 though symptoms had been obvious before then. In 2019 tr Pluto was opposition his Uranus moving on to square his Neptune by 2022; with a SA Saturn square his Neptune also in 2021 at the same time as tr Uranus was conjunct his 8th house Mars for a profound upset.

 The German psychiatrist and neuropathologist credited with researching dementia who gave his name to the general condition though there are different varieties was Alois Alzheimer, born 14 June 1864 4am Marktbreit, Germany,  who had an innovative Sun Uranus in Gemini on his Ascendant. He had Chiron in his career 10th house; a confident Pluto in Taurus opposition Jupiter; and a fractious Moon Saturn in Libra opposition Mars Neptune in Aries.  

 His victim/healer 12th harmonic is strong with a yod of Mars Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Uranus.

 Other examples of charts with dementia:

USA Justice – one law for the powerful ++ USA Constitution

Joe Biden’s pardon for his son Hunter for gun and tax charges and broken promise not to do so has brought criticism even from his own side. One Democratic congressman tweeted  “This wasn’t a politically-motivated prosecution. Hunter committed felonies, and was convicted by a jury of his peers.” The president backdated the wide-ranging pardon to 2014, even though the gun charges arose from actions in 2018 and the tax charges from 2016-19. Hunter began working for a Ukrainian gas company, in 2014, a lucrative job clearly linked to his father’s role as vice-president with responsibility for that country, leaving the impression that Biden is covering both himself and Hunter from future investigation.

 Arguments that the other side is worse are hardly encouraging especially when the USA chart has Saturn in Libra, supposedly rigorous about fairness in legal matters.

  The broader question is whether the entire system is sinking into banana republic corruption. The Times writes: “America’s presidential power of pardon was always in danger of becoming just another lever of patronage and perhaps this should not be surprising in a legal system which is overtly politicised from top to bottom thanks to its system of elected prosecutors and politically appointed judges.”

  Whether it would ever be possible to entirely remake this system, part of which is the ludicrously partisan Supreme Court, would depend on grassroots pressure of major proportions from a public largely disinterested in social makeovers.

  My eye is drawn to the USA Saturn in Libra which has the Solar Arc South Node conjunct in late 2025 which suggests a slide backwards, not forwards.

  On the Supreme Court chart, 2 February 1790, transiting North Node will conjunct the Aquarius Sun Pluto in 2027 which may bring a prompt to improve its Aquarian credentials – though it has a very Fixed chart and won’t budge under anything but monumental pressure. 2028/29 will see tr Pluto opposing the SCOTUS Uranus for another disruptive phase of challenge to change. 

But it is 2032/33 which will see tr Pluto conjunct the SCOTUS Sun and trine the USA Saturn which might be the crucial trigger for change (against reluctance and under extreme pressure).  SCOTUS will go through its Pluto Return in 2034/35, which again could be a marker which separates it out from the immediate past. Or not. At that point tr Saturn Uranus in Cancer is around which historically is associated with the rise of better times.

It may all be part and parcel of the USA’s Pluto Return recently which hints either at a slide into irrelevance, stagnation, deterioration or a chance for a reboot.

  As far as Joe Biden is concerned, this decision will do nothing to burnish his image already wilting under criticism that he hung on too long and made Kamala Harris the only choice. With his 5th house Taurus Moon under pressure from tr Pluto square earlier through this year and again in January 2025, it was clear that his son would be his Achilles’ Heel, a dilemma and a priority. His SA Pluto also opposes his Moon in a few months which will be emotionally fraught.

  Hunter Biden’s time ahead won’t be a walk in the park with tr Pluto moving into his 8th house for many years to come which can throw up financial problems and well as restrictions elsewhere. His Progressed Moon is also moving through his 8th for nearly another two years which can also be slow going, a time of pressure to transform inwardly – which he may or may not pick up.

Add On: The USA Constitution, 17 September 1787, is also undergoing its Pluto Return in 2032/33.

Syria – more Middle East turmoil

 The shifting sand storms in the Middle East are brewing up more chaos with rebel forces taking control of Syria’s  second-largest city, Aleppo. Although Russia has launched air strikes in response, for the first time since 2016, the rebels know that Assad’s old allies in Hezbollah, Iran and Russia are overstretched fending off Israeli attacks and coping with Ukraine.

 An analyst says: “Years of economic collapse, internal fragmentation and the rise of unchecked militias have left Assad severely weakened. In many ways, the regime is now a hollow version of the one Russia and Iran fought to save in 2015.”

  Assad may tilt towards Russia and the Arab states, as well as try to curry favour further west as European nations will be keen to return Syrian refugees.

 His Presidency chart, 12 July 2000, has been dealt a devastating blow exactly now with the Solar Arc Neptune square Saturn; with 2026/27 looking to be mired in confusion and paralysis with tr Pluto conjunct the Neptune.

 His personal chart, 11 September 1965 4.43 pm Damascus is following a similar trajectory – an undermining SA Sun conjunct his Neptune now into 2025; his SA Pluto in a potentially destructive conjunction to his Mars in Scorpio now, and in a total-confusion conjunction to his Neptune in 2027. 2025 sees high hopes dented with tr Neptune square his Jupiter with a major setback from his SA Saturn opposition his Mars in 2026/27.

 The Syria 12 January 1944 chart also points to 2026 as being an explosive moment of change with tr Uranus conjunct the Uranus Mars in Gemini; and tr Saturn Neptune opposing the Neptune.

 The civil war started in 2011 when tr Pluto was conjunct Syria’s Capricorn Sun.

An endless mess and unconscionable suffering for the displaced.

Assisted Dying – an 8th house decision

The Assisted Dying Bill for England and Wales was voted through yesterday in Westminster at around 2.15pm. It would allow terminally ill adults expected to die within six months to seek help to end their own life. There will be hurdles ahead before it becomes law and (I think) it requires two doctors and a judge to sign off on any procedure as a safeguard which could be cumbersome.

  If the time is accurate there is a hidden Fire Grand Trine of Sun in the 8th house of death and transformation trine North Node (and Chiron) In the 12th trine Mars in Leo which Mars opposition Pluto. Both the 8th house Sun and ‘driving rod’ Mars Pluto opposition tie in with a profoundly serious, fundamental issue concerning death.

  Uranus in the 1st conjunct the ‘destructive’ planet Algol oppose a 7th house Scorpio Moon. Algol features heavily in other dying with dignity campaigns and organisations. See

Taking control of death in terminal illness + Canada & EXIT 19th December 2023.

Dying with dignity – Algol rules 10th May 2023

Algol – light in the heart of darkness ++ additional thoughts 25th March 2024

Greg Wise – an Algol that breeds empathy 24th March 2024

  On a personal note I used to be drawn to the notion of death being a spiritual journey which should not be interfered with – but the older I have got the more I see it as a personal choice. Modern medicine prolongs life long after it would have petered out in centuries past. And in more recent times pre-the odious Harold Shipman (the GP who bumped off scores of aged patients) doctors were happy to administer morphine overdoses to speed the process along when too much pain and suffering was involved.

 Having had dogs and cats put down over the years when it was ‘their time’ and life had become too much of a struggle (with many tears but knowing it was in their best interest), it seems heartless to force people to hang on grimly to an often bitter and inhumane end.  

Mars in Leo – Gregg Wallace, Haigh, Albanese, Cher ++ Frank Auerbach

Mars in Leo gives drive, will-power, dramatic flair and creativity, leadership ability, self-confidence, a competitive nature which can tilt over into egotism and an over bearing streak with a tendency to dominate others. Not surprisingly it fills the ranks of those seeking attention in politics and showbusiness – Donald Trump, Emmanuel Macron, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris + George Clooney, Cher, Robert Redford, Harrison Ford, Beyonce, Megan Thee Stallion,  Paul McCartney.

 In the news today one of their number is Gregg Wallace, presenter of BBC’s Master Chef, who has been sidelined after a slew of allegations about his wildly inappropriate sexual behaviour and jokes. Born 17 October 1964 London, his charming Libra Sun and sensitive Pisces Moon, are clearly not his leading lights, as his brash Mars in Leo in a hard-edged opposition to Saturn and square Jupiter in Taurus opposition Neptune dominate his chart and presumably personality.

 He was born 3 days before Kamala Harris and what is interesting is that tr Uranus is exactly conjunct his Jupiter as was the case with her over the election result. On its own that aspect should bring a lucky opportunity – instead it clearly tugged on an uncertain, failure-prone Neptune and Mars opposition Saturn which often brings considerable setbacks.  The same happened with Boris Johnson when tr Uranus hit his Jupiter opposition Neptune which brings over-confidence and self-created scandals.  Gregg Wallace also has a discouraging tr Saturn opposing his Uranus Venus in Virgo and then Pluto now and in coming weeks. Plus his SA Sun is conjunct his South Node.

  Louise Haigh, 22 July 1987, Starmer’s hapless Minister for Transport is another who has just resigned over what sounds like a fairly minor conviction from years back though more may emerge; and she has certainly been impolitic in her approach since taking up high office.  She is a Sun Cancer in an overly expansive square to Jupiter opposition Pluto in Scorpio with her Mars also square Pluto. That is way too much pushy self-assurance and brashness.  Her Mars is also trine her Saturn which in turn is conjunct a can-be-autocratic conjunction to Uranus.  A chaotic loose cannon.  Tr Pluto is opposition her Sun now for maximum pressure; with her Solar Arec Mars square her Saturn for a considerable setback.

  Emmanuel Macron another with a prominent Mars in Leo is also finding his confident push backfiring and deserves a post to himself along with France, Barnier etc tomorrow.

 Anthony Albanese, the Australian PM, 2 March 1963, Sydney, AU, is not in as much trouble immediately, but he has a similar Mars in Leo widely opposition Saturn square Neptune. His Pisces Sun opposition Pluto is a hanger-oner, but his term chart, 23 May 2022, won’t have its troubles to seek through 2025 from February onwards with a failure-ridden tr Neptune conjunct the Mars and worse as the year goes on.

  In this week’s news as well for other reasons is Cher with her Memoir Part One being released with grim tales of her early abusive marriage to Sonny Bono. Born 20 May 1946 7.25am El Centro, California,  she has a late Taurus Sun and Capricorn Moon with a difficult Mars Pluto conjunction in Leo. Mars Pluto when not lived out can attract dominant, if not ruthless partners and experiences. Though it can ultimately mature into a determined personality.

  Mars in Leo is all its multi-faceted glory.

Add On: The painter Frank Auerbach (see post 13 November below) was another Mars in Leo square a Taurus Sun Mercury and trine Venus in Aries. The description below from a reviewer may be as much about his Taurus Sun but it also hints of the Mars in Leo’s difficulty with introspection.

“His lack of introspection. Because no one had more to be introspective about. As a child, Auerbach was sent to Britain from Nazi Berlin by his Jewish parents, whom he would never see again. Asked about this experience, he’d offer the following. “I’ve simply moved on.” “Life is too short.” “I’ve done this thing that psychiatrists disapprove of, which is blocking things out.” “There’s just never been a point in my life when I felt I wish I had parents.” “I’m not given to self-analysis.”

JonBenet Ramsey – glitzy and tragic

JonBenet Ramsey, the miniature beauty queen murdered nearly 30 years ago is back in the news with a Netflix True Crime documentary about her.

 On the morning after Christmas the family reported a kidnap and the house was over-run by police setting up for a ransom demand; and when the body was discovered, it was moved by the father, further contaminating any evidence that may have been left. The initial call to the police was deemed odd and rehearsed, as was the ransom note. The parents John, a multi-millionaire business man, and Patsy, now dead, were always under suspicion but never charged. A mentally unstable, serial sex offender confessed in recent years but that has never been corroborated.

JonBenet was born 6 Aug 1990 1.36am Atlanta, Georgia, and had a truly difficult chart, so even before her murder, must have lived with high levels of anxiety, fear and anger. Her 4th house Leo Sun opposed an Aquarius Moon, MC, North Node squaring onto Mars in Taurus opposition Pluto in Scorpio. For her, both parents carried the overly dominating Mars Pluto signature. Her superficially glitzy (fashion conscious) Venus Jupiter in Cancer opposed Saturn hinting at an emotionally cold atmosphere in childhood. Her Saturn was trine Mars and sextile Pluto – bleak, unkind and deprived, trapped.  It’s often the case with individuals who exhibit an exterior ‘beauty’ that they are driven by underlying dread and horrors. They put on a façade of pleasing in order to escape punishment or worse. Her highly-strung Uranus Neptune in Capricorn in her 8th house hint at a family legacy of potential instability from a previous generation.

 Poor little mite had quite a psychological burden to carry from square one.

  When she died her Aquarius Moon had moved by Solar Arc to close the square to the Mars Pluto opposition to exact. And her Uranus Neptune conjunction in her 8th had moved by Solar Arc Directions to close the conjunction to exact.

  What struck me years ago when I first looked at the charts was how stressed/emotionally conflicted the parents’ relationship chart with each other were. John Ramsey, 7 Dec 1943 12.45am Omaha, Nebraska, is a volatile Sagittarius Sun opposition Uranus Mars in Gemini and widely opposition Saturn in Gemini; with Uranus Mars trine Neptune, sextile Pluto – so quite explosive and controlling. Patsy Ramsey, 29 Dec 1956, who died of ovarian cancer, was a Sun Capricorn trine Pluto on one side and square Mars in Aries on the other; with a Sagittarius Moon conjunct Saturn trine Mars trine Uranus – certainly impulsive and ambitious with a Fire Grand Trine but also probably passive-aggressive.

 Their relationship chart had a composite Venus opposition Mars square Pluto probably opposition Moon which is an unpleasant mix of sexuality and power.

  No proof of anything, but JonBenet was a lotus growing in a swamp.

  Burke, her brother, 27 Jan 1987, is a Sun Aquarius square Pluto with a Capricorn Moon probably conjunct Neptune square Mars in Aries; with Mars trine Saturn Venus (Uranus) in Sagittarius. So he’ll be bubbling with the family tensions and anger as well.

 The Netflix producer now says he has backtracked from his initial suspicion of the parents as being responsible. Whether or not this renewed exposure brings any answers is questionable. Though on her posthumous chart her Solar Arc Uranus is exactly conjunct her Moon at the moment.

   One way or another, her life always was going to be a tragedy. 

Angela Merkel – faded former glory

Angela Merkel regrets little in her fairly anodyne memoirs, keen to shore up her legacy. Critics say what she left behind was the German economic miracle sagging, the automotive industry struggling and debt at a post-war high. She became too close to Vladimir Putin, causing Germany to become dependent on Russian oil and gas, and allowed one million migrants into Germany in 2015, helping the vote in the UK to exit the EU and bolstering populist parties across the continent.

 One review says: “Few politicians have been more lauded during their careers and more excoriated in retirement than Angela Merkel.” Her chief qualities were caution and discretion which saw her through the financial crisis, the Russian occupation of Crimea and the dependency on Moscow’s gas.

 She was born 17 July 1954 5.45pm Hamburg, and spent her first 35 years in the socialist German Democratic Republic (GDR). She was a good fit for united Germany with her Jupiter in Cancer conjunct the Germany Midheaven and her Sun Uranus conjunction conjunct the Germany 10th house Uranus.

  Her rebellious, unconventional streak from her Sun Uranus conjunction were kept well hidden in her confidential 8th house but she was undoubtedly a trailblazer, certainly in becoming a woman leader and staying for 16 years in power.  Her assertive Mars in Sagittarius in her 1st house was in a determined trine to an opinionated 9th house Pluto. Her 10th house Neptune would give her an idealistic slant and soften her tougher inclinations -as well as giving her a talent for evasion and smoke-screening.  Her Aquarius Moon sits awkwardly with four Cancer planets though would give her the necessary detachment for a political career.

 Her relationship chart with Germany does suggest a successful combination with a composite Jupiter Pluto conjunction trine an enthusiastic Venus Mars. Plus an enlightening (and illusory) composite Sun opposition Mercury square Uranus opposition Neptune.

 She became Chancellor in 2005 and resigned Half a Saturn cycle later in December 2021.

 At the moment she looks less than upbeat with tr Pluto square her 10th house intense Saturn in Scorpio, with a discouraging SA Pluto conjunct her Saturn in 2025. Her Solar Arc Midheaven will also conjunct her Mars in 2025, hinting at another setback to her reputation.

  All political careers end in failure and hers may be weighing heavily on her in retirement.

Keir Starmer – facing a relentless storm

Keir Starmer’s freefall down the polls with a petition pleading with him to resign doing the opposite does little to foster calm in a UK which had grown weary of revolving premiers amongst the previous administration.  

Starmer’s Government chart, 5 July 2024 12.19 pm always looked ominous with Mars Uranus (Algol) in the 8th hinting at turbulence especially on the economic front. Plus a discouraging Saturn in the 6th house of employment and health.

 Liz Truss’s ill-fated 45 day premiership, 6 September 2022 12.27pm which ended when she was forced to resign after an internal rebellion, also had Mars in the 8th. According to a political analyst it was the market crisis which tolled her departure. And that may well be the next hurdle for the hapless Starmer/Reeves duo. Since on the UK chart, the 8th house Mars, already heavily stressed will face a major explosion point when the conjunction from Solar Arc Uranus reaches exact in five months.

  The UK chart also has an undermining, indecisive Solar Arc Midheaven square its 2nd house Neptune now; tr Uranus square the 11th house Saturn (= hopes for the future and the legislature) for high tensions and divisive arguments late this December to mid March 2025. Plus a panicked tr Neptune Saturn opposition the UK Uranus come mid 2025 into 2026.  Nothing that will make it easy for an administration already struggling to gain traction.

  If Starmer were to be voted out by an internal rebellion it would not be entirely surprising since his Leadership chart, 4 April 2020 10.45 am London, has an equally punishing Saturn Mars in Aquarius in the 8th – which is being ground down by tr Pluto conjunct the Saturn now and moving in to conjunct the Mars/Saturn and Mars in 2025/26.

 His personal chart, 2 September 1962, no time, Southwark, is facing a significant setback around now with his Solar Arc Saturn squaring his Mars on one leg of his Water Grand Trine/Kite – so disaster resonating right round his chart. With a Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Neptune and SA Sun to follow within months which suggests devastating confusion. A staging-post tr Uranus square Uranus from mid 2025 into 2026; and a collision-type shock probably late 2025 from SA Mars conjunct his Sun. With the complete end-of-the-road SA Mars conjunct his Sun Pluto conjunction through 2025.

  I never thought he’d see 2026 still in power but his exit stage-left may come before then – not that it would make much difference since there is no messiah in sight across the political landscape.

  Rachel Reeves, 13 February 1979, with her fixed Aquarius Sun catching the tr Uranus square now and again in the spring will be stiffening against the changes being presented to her. With tr Pluto opposing her Jupiter giving her an overdose of misplaced confidence through 2025.  The UK will not be looking kindly on the results of her policies with tr Neptune Saturn opposing the composite Mars from April 2025 onwards plus other negative indicators.

  The Labour Party, 12 February 1906, chart which showed the recent win most clearly looks rattled ahead, stuck in 2025 and panicked and riven by internal arguments by 2026.

  None of which looks like bringing peace to a fractious nation anytime soon.

  Standing back to take a considered view of the UK chart – tr Uranus finishes its shake-up of all the UK Fixed planets from spring 2025 onwards and heads to the end of the 8th house of transformation in 2026 which should stabilise the economic situation thereafter.  The SA Uranus crossing the 8th house Mars in 2025 will be a last hurdle though of considerable proportions.

  The UK yod of Jupiter sextile Uranus inconjunct Pluto in Pisces is getting hammered all the way with tr Pluto opposition the Jupiter in 2025, which could see social unrest and jousting with authorities. Tr Neptune Saturn opposition the Uranus from mid 2025 into 2026 will be highly strung, nerve-stretched, could see fanatical outbursts and divisive arguments. Then tr Uranus square the focal point Pluto in 2026/27 which will see disruptions, upheavals and a sudden shift onto a new trajectory.

  A bruised, battered, tattered but revisioned UK will emerge thereafter. Stirring times though utterly exhausting.

  Poor Keir Starmer, right place, wrong time.