Prince Albert – a surprise move that may backfire

The explosive second instalment to the recent Monaco corruption allegations has opened with Prince Albert taking the nuclear option to fire Palermo, his long-term asset manager, and his chief of staff, and distance himself from his lawyer and the president of the Supreme Court.

  Last year’s rumours of alleged corruption involving property deals running to tens and sometimes hundreds of millions of euros on an anonymous website were initially written off by Albert as baseless conspiracies and dismissed. Now he has decided they might be true. But his precipitate dismissals may open a can of worms he won’t like.  Le Monde said Palermo was the “holder of all the secrets of the principality, from the prince’s private accounts to government investments”. Le Monde reported that he was preparing to sue the prince for libel.

 Monaco is a principality, which has a population of just 37,000 but the world’s highest percentage of millionaires, with property prices on average five times higher than in Paris

[See previous post Prince Albert – trouble in paradise. 28 March 2022.]

  Prince Albert, 14 March 1958 10.47 am Monte Carlo, with the sad wife and colourful love life, has a 10th house Pisces Sun square Saturn in Sagittarius in his 7th house of relationships, as well as a troubled, intense and impulsive Moon and Mars in Capricorn in his 8th house and controlling Pluto in his 4th house – leading to a complicated and turbulent love life. Just to add to his unpredictable romantic inclinations his Venus in Aquarius opposes Uranus and squares onto Neptune, North Node Jupiter in Scorpio.

  He is seething at the moment with tr Pluto conjunct his 8th house Mars till late this year, which picked up in 2022 – so jeopardy where business finances are concerned.  Plus tr Neptune square his Saturn undermining his close associations this year. He’ll be charging ahead regardless with tr Pluto square his Jupiter in 2023/24, but will be brought down to earth with a bump if not this year then certainly in 2024/25. The next two or three years will be a mess of confusion, devastation, setbacks and irritations. With a considerable upheaval at home as tr Uranus in Gemini squares his Pluto in 2025.

  The lovely, fragile Princess Charlene, 25 January 1978 12.35pm Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, is equally looking strained and panicked over the next two years with a trapped, fearful tr Pluto opposition her Mars this year and next, followed by tr Pluto conjunct her Sun Venus in 2026/27. Her Solar Arc Mars squares her Neptune in late 2024/25 for a pervading sense of failure and her Solar Arc Saturn is in a discouraging and blocked conjunction to her Pluto also in 2025. 

  Their relationship chart is no happier than it has been recently with immense pressure being exerted by tr Pluto square the Saturn Mars in 2023/24 and tr Uranus upending dreams and delusions in 2024/24. It is a one-sided and unkind partnership that only survives if one partner, presumably her, completely suppresses their identity.

Monaco has had a long history with the first Grimaldi to rule installing himself on 8 January 1297 (OS). He was known as  “Malizia” (translated from Italian either as “The Malicious One” or “The Cunning One.) It changed hands several times over the centuries and remained an autocratic monarchy under the Grimaldis as absolute rulers until a revolution demanded a  Constitution which marginally reduced their power in 1911.   

The 5 January 1911 chart and the 1297 one have fittingly enough a Capricorn Sun apiece, good for making money and business. The 1297 has Jupiter also in Capricorn and the 1911 Jupiter in Scorpio, equally no slouch when it comes to attracting gold. The 9 May 1949 which is the previous Prince Rainier’s Accession has the Sun, Venus and Mars in earthy Taurus in a determined square to Pluto Saturn in Leo. All three charts look edgy at the moment. And Prince Albert’s Accession of 6 April 2005 6.35am is undermined this year, involved in tangles with the authorities in 2024 and hitting a major setback in 2026.

It is a totally claustrophobic and quite gruesome 2 square kilometres (less than 1 square mile) of crowded living.

Conjoined twins – rare but recurring tragedy

The medical mystery of conjoined twins has had a continuing fascination throughout the ages. The first successful surgical separation of such occurred in the 17th Century but others went on display in travelling entertainment shows. Even this century one set of twins, Abby and Brittany Hensel, had their own reality TV show only a decade or so ago.

  Below are four charts of conjoined twins which I confess does feel a touch ghoulish but if there are any comments on the astrology do feel free.

Abby and Brittany Hensel, 7 March 1990 11.29am Buffalo, Minnesota – a 10th house Pisces Sun trine a 5th house Pluto sextiling the Neptune Uranus conjunction in Capricorn of the time which in turn opposes their Chiron. They have an expansive Jupiter on their Ascendant and that plus a 5th house Pluto will give them extra confidence.  Though an 8th house Saturn, Mars in Capricorn and Venus in Aquarius with Mars Venus opposition Moon hints at troubled depths. They are now teachers.

  Their chart is similar to the Tedesco twins, 4 March 1988 10am Naples, Italy – also a Pisces Sun trine Pluto and Mars Saturn plus Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn in the 8th. With Sun North Node opposition Moon square Chiron.

  Two others with birth times.

Margaret and Mary Gibbs, 20 May 1912 6.30am Holyoke, MA, had four planets spread out through Taurus in the 11th with a Cancer Moon, Neptune, Mars in Cancer and Pluto on the Ascendant, Chiron on the Midheaven.

  Daisy and Violet Hutton, 5 February 1908 9pm Brighton, England, a 5th house Aquarius Sun conjunct Chiron trine Pluto; with Neptune  conjunct North Node in their 10th opposition Uranus square a 7th house Mars in Aries.

  The 3rd house of siblings should be emphasized and in two it is ruled by the Sun and one other by the Moon – which kind of fits. Chiron in all four is heavily aspected in their charts.

McConnell, Feinstein – refusing to face the realities of age

A stumbling president, a freezing Senate Minority leader and a confused senior Democratic senator are headlining the necessity for younger blood in USA politics.

  Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate Minority Leader,  froze during a press conference and was escorted away from a lectern by colleagues.  He was able to return later but is known to have suffered a concussion and a broken rib from a fall recently and has fallen at least two other times this year.

  He was born February 20 1942, Sheffield, Al, no birth time, and is a Sun Pisces on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Pluto sextile Neptune; with a persuasive and manipulative Venus Mercury in Aquarius opposition Pluto square a Taurus Moon; and a tough, extra-stubborn collection of Mars Saturn Uranus in Taurus. Ego-centric, unbudgeable, hard-edged, unsentimental.

He looks irritated and frustrated at the moment with his Solar Arc Mars opposition his Mercury and confused with tr Pluto trine his Neptune exactly now and repeating later this year. Plus a ratchety, high-tension, overly stressed tr Uranus conjunct his Mars Saturn this year and his Uranus in 2024 – so a longish stretch of influences that will put him under a good deal of strain.

  Dianne Feinstein, 22 June 1933 12.44 am San Francisco, has only just returned to Washington after a nearly three-month absence, during which she was hospitalized with shingles, suffered from encephalitis (brain inflammation) as well as hearing loss. When where she was asked about her return, she told reporters she hadn’t left, seemingly unaware of her hospital stay and prolonged recovery at home. She has said she will not seek re-election in 2024.

  She has a quick witted Cancer Sun in her 3rd house along with a Gemini Moon. And a 4th house Venus, Pluto, Mercury in Cancer square a defiant/maverick Uranus in her 1st house and three planets in Virgo in her hard-working 6th house.

   Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 15 March 1933, the Supreme Court Justice, who should have retired earlier to allow for a Democrat-appointed replacement during Obama’s term but hung on through bouts of cancer and in the face of pleas to go, was a Sun Pisces like McConnell; with like Feinstein three planets including Mars in Virgo, a defiant Uranus square Pluto and a stubborn Saturn in Aquarius.

  The arrogance of old age. Or maybe just the fear of the void created by no working life. Certainly putting their own needs above the country’s.

Tippi Hedren – her altruism spawned an $8 bn industry

Tippi Hedren, former fashion model who shot to stardom in Hitchcock’s The Birds and Marnie and then saw her career ruined as she escaped his clutches, turned to activism to give her fulfilment. In later years she accepted acting parts to finance her African wildlife charity.

   She was also the catalyst for Vietnamese refugee women in California getting into the nail salon business. Her personal manicurist trained 20 refugee women who then went on to transform an industry that is now worth eight billion dollars.  80% of nail salon owners in California are Vietnamese Americans.

  Tippi Hedren born 19 January 1930 6 am New Ulm, MN, has  a potent collection of Mars, Venus, Sun in Capricorn in her 1st house opposition Pluto in her 7th, so she would attract intense and controlling partners – and have a life filled with dramatic events and acute frustrations. Her 9th house much-travelled Libra Moon opposed Uranus and squared a cool, defensive Saturn in Capricorn on her Ascendant which would add to the complications around her emotional life. She also had a Taurus North Node in her 4th conjunct Chiron which may be connected both to her unsettled, revolving-partner domestic life and also to her need to protect nature. The 4th house connects to roots which can be family lineage but beyond that has a resonance to mother earth. She also has  Jupiter in her performing 5th house. 

   She also has a Yod of Mercury sextile Uranus inconjunct an 8th house Neptune, which may be the key to her having the magic touch which kickstarted a whole new way of life in the beauty business for impoverished Vietnamese refugees.

  Although her initial contact was with a North California Vietnamese refugee group, her chart relocated to Vietnam puts her Jupiter in the 10th and her Libra Moon (always elegant) in the 2nd house of money – which fits.  On the Vietnam chart, 2 July 1976 8.30am Hanoi, her lucky Jupiter falls in their 10th bringing them success. Her Libra Moon falls in their 2nd conjunct the Vietnam Pluto with her Uranus in opposition as she revolutionized their ability to support themselves with a feminine business (Moon Libra).  Her well-organised Saturn Mars also falls in the Vietnam 5th house of creativity and display.

 Africa also works well on her astrocartography with her Jupiter Ascendant line through it.

  Hitchcock, 13 August 1899 3.15am London,  a Sun Leo trine Saturn in Sagittarius opposition Pluto and Neptune in Gemini did put her on the map with his lucky and intense Moon Jupiter in Scorpio sitting on her Midheaven.  But with his Sun and Venus in Leo falling in her 8th it all got too claustrophobic and possessive. Their relationship chart has an affectionate composite Sun Venus conjunction in a passionate trine to Pluto but also a needs-space square to Uranus. And a defensive Saturn in the 8th.

  An interesting women whose influence spread out in unexpected directions.

Tony Blair – a toxic oldie hoping for a reprise

With Keir Starmer a policy-free mystery, there are ominous signs that Tony Blair stands poised to re-enter the UK political arena on the Labour side to fill in the void when they sweep to a momentous victory at the next election (or so they hope.)

  In the 16 years after he exited No 10, he started by advising questionable emirs, oligarchs and despots, then set up the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, which unbelievably has 750 staff in 40 countries advising governments in Nigeria, Rwanda, San Francisco, Serbia, Togo and many more.  100 of its staff are currently “embedded” in other governments. But ‘Blairism for the planet’ as the Telegraph neatly puts it has not yet reached these green pastures.

  Maybe not for much longer. According to reports he is poised to infiltrate Blairites into key positions in readiness for taking over – with him presumably as puppetmaster.  

  He and Starmer are alike in one way in that both have Earth Sun with strong Pluto aspects. Blair is a Sun Taurus square Pluto and Starmer a Sun Pluto in Virgo. But both are heavy on control and not exactly soulmates. Starmer’s idealistic/evasive Neptune opposes TB’s Sun and squares TB’s 10th house Aquarius Moon for a confusing interface.  And Starmer’s ‘leadership’ North Node is conjunct TB’s South Node. This could indicate that Starmer’s role as head of the party tugs on TB’s egocentricity/self-interest, and maybe TB threatens to undermine Starmer’s position by repeating the mistakes of the past. It is certainly a strong and fated connection on the nodal axis.

  Their relationship chart has an inspirational (maybe not realistic) Grand Trine with an irritable/resentful one-sided Mars opposition Saturn which does not suggest an equal partnership.  

  Blair is certainly ready for a significant change in his life with tr Uranus square his Pluto this year and next; and heading for a ‘lucky break’ tr Uranus conjunct his Jupiter in 2025.  His Solar Arc Jupiter is aiming to conjunct his South Node by this coming New Year which may see him falling back onto old tropes, standing on his pride instead of putting his ideals first. He’ll run into a major failure, panicky setback in 2025 alongside his lucky break – as his Progressed Mars squares his Neptune. That is on the same degree now and through 2024 but since Progressed Mars moves slowly won’t clear the aspect until 2026 – and indeed it won’t get better for him since his Prog Mars then squares his Saturn which in many ways is worse. 

  Whatever his plans, hopes and dreams, while he’ll get some luck, he’ll also hit major reverses.  Given the state of Starmer’s chart with a disastrous 2025/26/27 ahead, it does not suggest the TB will find a ready platform in a centrist Labour Government to strut his stuff.

  Their relationship chart moves into swampy territory in 2024/25 with tr Pluto square the composite Neptune; is in a state of upheaval in 2025 with tr Uranus square the composite Pluto and the resentful Mars opposition Saturn is being rattled as well.

  Interesting times, if as clear as mud what is coming.

Andrew Malkinson – a corrupt conviction and still no closure ++ Greater Manchester Police ++ Criminal Case Review Commission

Andrew Malkinson lost a third of his life after being ‘kidnapped by the state’ for a rape he did not commit in 2004. No DNA evidence linked him to the crime, with the prosecution case based solely on contested eyewitness identification. The court was never told that a key witness only came forward on the day he was arrested for another crime – and that he was addicted to heroin and had multiple criminal convictions. Malkinson did not match key parts of the victim’s original description of the attacker. She said she remembered causing a “deep scratch” to her attacker’s right cheek but Malkinson was seen at work with no scratches the next day. He was also 3in taller, had chest hair, when her attacker’s chest was described as hairless and shiny, and had prominent tattoos on his forearms when no tattoos were mentioned.

 DNA evidence exonerated him finally, though not from Greater Manchester Police, who had lost the original clothing but from forensic swaps held by another agency. He is now living in financial hardship and faces another long battle, perhaps for years, to claim compensation.

   He was born 23 January 1966 in Manchester, and has the same Saturn Chiron opposition Uranus Pluto square Jupiter as Sinead O’Connor (and oddly enough J.K. Rowling).  He has a friendly Sun Venus in Aquarius with a determined Mars (Moon) also in Aquarius. His Jupiter is trine Mars (maybe Moon) and inconjunct Neptune and that plus Jupiter being on a focal point of a T- square would give him enough optimism to keep him afloat through difficult years  He said he survived in prison by studying pure mathematics and Buddhism.

 When he was convicted tr Pluto was square his Chiron and his Pluto Uranus in Virgo.

  The compensation body is the one tasked with handling the Post Office debacle which does not raise too many hopes of a speedy closure. Living with the anger at the outrageous injustice – and staggering incompetence/malpractice of the original police and prosecuting authorities – would take a zen-like level of detachment. Urgh.  Poor man.

Add On: Greater Manchester Police founded 1 April 1974, like the London Met has a Sun opposition Pluto – heavy on control and power. It also has Jupiter inconjunct Pluto hinting at over-confidence and a hard-edged, can-be-destructive Mars Saturn in Gemini with the North Node sitting on the midpoint. That North Node is opposition Malkinson’s Jupiter.  So his optimism/lucky genie was squelched by GMP’s South Node (= die-hard, regressive, under-developed). GMP’s Mercury is conjunct his Chiron making him feel his words went for nothing.  

  Their relationship chart has a composite Sun in an evasive/disappointing square to Neptune. More significantly there is a fated yod, changing the lives of both irrevocably – of Sun sextile Saturn inconjunct Uranus. There are likely to be far-reaching implications, beyond the reality-check of the moment as tr Saturn is conjunct the Sun .  

Add On: It now transpire there was significant DNA evidence three years after Malkinson was convicted which could have cleared him and the Criminal Cases Review Commission and others in authority did nothing about it. The CCRC, 31 March 1997, has a hard-edged, unsentimental Sun Saturn in Aries trine Pluto with its Uranus conjunct Malkinson’s Venus Sun and its Mars in allegedly meticulous Virgo conjunct Malkinson’s Uranus Pluto. Not a combination which was designed to lead to constructive cooperation.

The CCRC are due a serious shake up late in 2024 into 2025 when the Solar Arc Sun Saturn squares the Uranus – and not before time. Let’s hope they have sorted the Post Office compensation by then.

Kevin Spacey – found not guilty, can he reboot his fame?

Kevin Spacey has been found not guilty in a London court, on a majority verdict, of all charges of sexual assault that were laid against him arising from his time as director of the Old Vic Theatre. Separate criminal charges in LA and Massachusetts were dropped in 2018 and 2019. In 2022, he was found not liable in a civil trial in New York.

  Prosecutors claim he was a “sexual bully” who “abused the power and influence” his fame afforded him. His legal team countered by suggesting the alleged victims sought to exploit the actor’s “wealth and influence” and had “waited for the bandwagon to roll by to jump on it”. His lawyer said it was “easy” to lie about him: “A man who is promiscuous, not publicly out, although everyone in the businesses knows he’s gay, who wants to be just a normal guy – to drink beer and laugh and smoke weed and sit in the front and spend time with younger people who he’s attracted to… “It’s a life that makes you an easy target when the internet turns against you and you’re tried by social media.”

  He was one of the first actors subject to allegations of sexual misconduct when the #MeToo scandal engulfed Hollywood in 2017. Spacey said “There was a rush to judgement and before the first question was asked or answered I lost my job, I lost my reputation – I lost everything, in a matter of days.”

  He was erased from Ridley Scott’s All The Money In The World, with Christopher Plummer reshooting his scenes as billionaire John Paul Getty – and axed from his role as scheming politician Frank Underwood in Netflix’s House Of Cards.

  His birth data are iffy but 27 July 1959 5.42am South Orange, New Jersey, looks about right. His father, reportedly a racist neo-Nazi, was abusive, physically and sexually of his older brother from whom Spacey is now estranged.

  On this chart he has a boisterous Leo Sun on his Ascendant square an earthy Taurus Moon in his career 10th opposition Neptune in his 4th. More significantly he has an ultra-determined Mars Pluto in Virgo, legacy of a bullying father, which falls in his financial 2nd and it trines his Moon and Saturn in Capricorn. He will be driven by remembrances of his unhappy childhood. A troubled man.

  He also has Mercury Uranus in Leo square Jupiter giving him an adventurous and impulsive streak.

  The question on everyone’s lips is whether he can make a comeback and whether the big studios will be prepared to withstand negative social media to invite him back into the fold.

  He does have a lucky tr Uranus opposition his Jupiter exactly now giving him a gigantic sigh of relief as the UK trial folds in his favour and that fortunate influence returns on and off into early 2024. But he will have various mountains to climb ahead and a fair few setbacks as well. His Mars Pluto in Virgo is catching the tr Saturn opposition from this September on and off into January 2024 which will be irritable with a few significant glitches; and even more irksome will be his Solar Arc Saturn opposition his Mars in late 2024. 

  2024 to 2027 will be a gruelling test of his ability to transform and slough off the past as tr Pluto squares his Taurus Moon in 24/25 and then opposes his Leo Sun in 25/26, followed by a square to his Neptune up to late 2027. It will pull away much of his old personality, grind him down and reissue him as a transformed personality. And as if all that was not enough the tr Neptune Saturn conjunction in Aries in 2025 will square his Saturn for high uncertainty.

  He won’t be stepping back into his old lifestyle anytime soon. But maybe the lessons he has and will learn will turn him into a beacon of insight and wisdom.

  Pity since he was/is a very talented actor and it is a waste.

Infected Blood – 50 years on victims still await justice

The worst treatment disaster in the NHS is still the subject of an inquiry half a century later with a compensation scheme not yet established for the victims of the infected blood scandal. Experts estimate that about 2,900 deaths from 1970 to 2019 were caused by patients being given unscreened blood contaminated with HIV and hepatitis, imported from the USA, from high-risk groups including prisoners and drug users. An inquiry was set up by Theresa May in 2018 to examine how it happened and whether there was a government cover up.

The medical background; By 1960 the life expectancy for a person with severe haemophilia was less than 20 years old. When Judith Pool, an American researcher, made a breakthrough in 1965 by isolating a vital factor V111 in blood which would revolutionize the treatment of haemophilia, it was hailed as a breakthrough. That was when the leading edge Uranus Pluto conjunction was in health-conscious Virgo – a time of many medical breakthroughs.   

  Then came AIDs in the early 1980s, with the first clinical case being reported on June 1981 on the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Libra. That was just weeks before the July Solar Eclipse in the 1 North series which Bernadette Brady connects to relationship challenges and health issues.

By the mid-1980s, it was confirmed that HIV/AIDS could be transmitted through the use of blood and blood products, such as those used to treat hemophilia. Approximately half of the people with hemophilia in the US eventually became infected with HIV through contaminated blood products; thousands died. The overwhelming impact of HIV on the bleeding disorders community was felt into the next few decades.

  The hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection was also transmitted through contaminated factor products, pooled from the blood of hundreds of thousands of donors. Before testing for HCV began in 1992, an estimated 44% of all people with hemophilia had contracted it. With the advent of more sophisticated screening methods and purification techniques, the risk of contracting HCV through factor products is virtually nil.

Most children born with haemophilia in the US today can look forward to long, healthy and active lives.

  The Infected Blood Inquiry was set up in the UK on 2 July 2018 when there was a Water Grand Trine of a Cancer Sun trine Jupiter trine Neptune with Sun opposition Saturn – caring, well-intentioned, can be overly-self-protective, not always realistic. But it also has a stubbornly determined and uncompromising Mars in Aquarius opposition North Node in Leo widely square Jupiter which might give hope that it will walk its own independent road and not give in to outside pressure. The chairman has already insisted on £100k interim payments to some 4000 individuals.  The end of the inquiry is flagged up by the Solar Arc Saturn now closing the opposition to the Sun to exact.

  There is also a Yod of Neptune sextile Pluto inconjunct Venus in Leo which if handled properly will produce a strong social goal and can be helpful for legal affairs. So its heart is probably in the right place. The Inquiry Venus will be rattled by tr Uranus in square on and off until spring 2024 – so the repercussions will roll on.

   There is no way of knowing whether it will be any better handled by the disastrous Post Office compensation scheme or even Windrush.  A mixture of inertia, gross incompetence and lack of motivation (or a gun at their head) may drag matters out – or not. The Inquiry chair Brian Longstaff, 30 April 1948, is not one to be pushed around – an excessively steady and Fixed Sun Taurus square Saturn Pluto in Leo and Mars in Leo – but he only issues his conclusions. Getting them acted on is another matter.

Sinead O’Connor – a haunting voice in a tortured life – a trailblazer for Ireland

The sad but not unexpected death of Sinead O’Connor has brought a raft of poignant accolades –  “Supremely gifted, terrifyingly vulnerable and hilarious – even at her bleakest she’d make you laugh.” “A heroic talent who spoke truth to power – and found redemption in art. Her music made everything worthwhile.” “A complicated, sensitive, erratic woman from a very difficult, abusive background, who led a life beset by controversy, confrontation, mental health problems and terrible personal tragedies.” “ She was a volatile person, passionate, intelligent, contrarian.”

  She was born 8 December 1966 in Dublin with no verified birth time, with a kleptomaniac mother who abused her physically and sexually about which she spoke openly. She had issues with the Catholic Church and nearly wrecked her career by tearing up the Pope’s photograph at one point. She compared the Ireland she grew up in to Iran: “a theocracy, slightly less potent but the same situation.” She ricocheted through several marriages, had four children, became a priest and then converted to Islam and spent a good deal of time in mental hospitals with a bipolar diagnosis with two previous suicide attempts. She never recovered from the suicide of one of her sons, aged 17 last year.  

 “A reputation as a crazy self-destructive person pursued her down decades of erratic and polarising behaviour, whether declaring then retracting lesbianism or being ordained as a renegade Catholic priest whilst campaigning against sexual abuse in the church, then converting to Islam.”

  She had the rebellious, chaotic Uranus Pluto in Virgo of the mid 1960s – it’s energy so visibly lived out it must have been on the angles of her chart or in her 8th house. It opposed Saturn in Pisces and Chiron square an outspoken Sagittarius Sun. Her Chiron conjunct Saturn and opposition Pluto and Uranus would have made her psychic wounds deep. Depression, a grinding sense of betrayal, grief and loss of power would come from Chiron Pluto. Chiron Saturn hints at fear, deep insecurity, an over-compensation in work to stave off sorrow.

  Her Taurus North Node in a different way hints at a turbulent life searching for peace and different values. The recent May Lunar Eclipse was exactly conjunct her South Node.

   Her Mars was sparsely aspected being only sextile Jupiter which would make her  overly-energetic and uncompromising.

  Her Moon was late Libra or Scorpio and the latter sounds more likely.

Her singing touched the hearts of many and her courage.

Add On:

‘The huge outpouring in the Irish Republic since the death of Sinéad O’Connor reflects a late realisation that she helped the country confront its own trauma, writes Una Mullally.’

‘She was part of a generation intent on dragging Ireland out of theocratic oppression, and towards a sense of empathy and liberation.’

‘O’Connor was a lighthouse for those who felt adrift in Irish society. She offered a new moral compass beyond the lie of societal piety, one that pointed towards an uncharted direction of authenticity.’

‘O’Connor had been right all along, and everyone knew it. As Ireland became a more secular country, she was one of the leading voices for confronting the Catholic Church while maintaining a personal spirituality.’

‘In recent days, people have recalled her attendance at reproductive rights marches in the early 1990s and her kindness towards the Traveller community, refugees, trans rights organisations, and the Dublin Aids Alliance.’

  Her rebellious revolutionary, status-quo-upsetting Uranus Pluto falls in the Ireland 4th – 6 December 1922 5pm Dublin as she set about uprooting the country from its reactionary past. Her Saturn Chiron fell in the Ireland 10th conjunct their South Node as her pain and anguish set the country on a new road, pushing it into unfamiliar territory and away from old damaging securities.