Natural and man-made disasters often have an eerie significance and are a synchronous forerunner to key changes in a country’s and individual’s destiny.
“Synchronicity is a phenomenon in which people interpret two separate—and seemingly unrelated—experiences as being meaningfully intertwined, even though there is no evidence that one led to the other or that the two events are linked in any other causal way.”
It may sound like peasant superstition but it does appear to be a pattern and is worth watching for.
The Washington plane and helicopter crash at 8.48 pm last night occurred when the Midheaven was at 20 degrees Gemini exactly conjunct Trump’s North Node and Sun and opposition his Moon, with tr Uranus close to his Midheaven and the Aquarius Sun exactly opposition his Pluto. So it was certainly impacting Trump’s chart.
It was also marked up in the USA’s chart with the Solar Arc Saturn around the same degree Gemini as the plane crash MC conjunct the Mars and moving to square the Neptune over the next eight months to a year – which is accident-prone, destructive and worrisome. With tr Saturn now direct in Pisces heading to square the USA Mars and oppose the USA Neptune in March.
The London military horses accident of 24 April 2024 8.40 am where a black and a white horse covered in blood galloped through heavy traffic also had a resonance beyond a simple mishap. When it happened there was a Nodal Return of transiting Node conjunct the 7th house (difficulty in relationship) UK North Node; and tr Pluto was trine the UK Uranus for an upheaval. The Starmer government came in several months later in July which has not been a resounding success and won’t end well.
A previous run of UK horror disasters in the late 1980s included the Kings Cross Fire on 18 November 1987 when tr Pluto in Scorpio was opposition the 8th house Mars; and the transiting South Node was conjunct the UK Uranus with an undermining tr Neptune heading to conjunct the UK Sun the following year. Margaret Thatcher hung on till 1990 but was failing badly in her later No 10 years.
The Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 26 April 1986 happened just before the USSR headed for break up. Tr Pluto in early Scorpio was heading to square the Russia 1917 Neptune and conjunct the Scorpio Sun and square the Russia Saturn by 1989. That does seem prescient.
I also vaguely remember connecting the Bhopal chemical factory accident to later events in India. It happened on 3 December 1984 when there was a transiting Nodal Return. Since the India 15 August 1947 12am Delhi chart has the North Node conjunct the Ascendant one might surmise that India’s image and identity were being spotlighted. Tr Neptune moving into the India financial 8th pointed to a lost decade economically with a major revival in the 1990s. So Bhopal accompanied the dip before the economic rebirth some years later.
This is a stretch so any comments welcome.