Veteran actor Gene Hackman has died aged 95, having retired from movies two decades ago and turned his hand to co-writing three historical fiction novels. Renowned for The French Connection, Unforgiven, Mississippi Burning, Superman, A Bridge Too Far, Enemy of the State, amongst many others he was prolific over an award-strewn, four decade career on screen.
He was born January 30, 1930 7.45 am San Bernadino, California, and had ambitions to be an actor at a young age though he volunteered for the Marines aged 16 and became a field radio operator in China, Hawaii and Japan.
He struggled initially as an actor along with Dustin Hoffman, acting on stage and in bit parts but broke into the big time when he was in his forties with the French Connection after which he never looked back.
He had a New Moon and Venus in Aquarius in his reclusive and creative 12th house with Jupiter on his IC so he would be content to relax at home in between movies. His ambitious Mars in Capricorn in a sharp-spoken conjunction to Mercury sat on the cusp of his 12th house and was in an ultra-determined opposition to an attention-commanding Pluto in his performing 5th house. His Saturn in Capricorn was in his not-altogether friendly 11th house reinforcing his image as not light hearted or sociable. His Saturn was in a can-be irritable and/or autocratic square to Uranus.
He also had an Earth Grand Trine of Saturn trine North Node in Taurus trine Neptune in Virgo in his 7th house.
An interesting, intensely talented man if not always easy within himself or with others.
His actors 15th harmonic was powerfully confident, though strained. His leaving-a-legacy 17H was lucky and adventurous. And his global superstar 22H was explosive and intense, reflecting the characters he played.
He appears to have been found along with his second wife of twenty five years, former classical pianist Betty Arakawa. She was born 1 December 1961 and was a lively Sun Mars in Sagittarius though that made an intense square onto Pluto and her Mercury in Sagittarius was square Uranus. She had Jupiter in Aquarius which would sit well with his New Moon and Venus and his Jupiter IC. Though her Saturn conjunct his Mars would be scratchy and her Uranus in his 7th conjunct his Neptune hinted at an unconventional bond. His Mars Pluto would be fairly dominating and her Mars Pluto was used to being submissive (mainly).
Their relationship chart had a passionately enthusiastic composite Sun, Mars, Venus conjunction squaring Jupiter opposition Neptune – Jupiter to bring mutual support and confidence; Jupiter Neptune for optimism and Neptune for ideals and illusions. There was also a composite yod of Pluto sextile Uranus inconjunct Saturn which would require maturity to make it work.
It is not clear in what circumstances she died though police say there are no indications at this stage of foul play.