The horror story of Sara Sharif’s life was laid bare in court with her father and stepmother finally found guilty of her murder after years of abuse and torture. The judge described the 10-year-old was as “a very courageous little girl with an unquenchable spirit” who loved to sing and dance. A postmortem found she had 71 external injuries, including bruises, burns, and human bite marks. She also had at least 25 fractures, including to the hyoid bone in her neck and 11 to her spine from being beaten with a cricket bat, metal pole and mobile phone. Her father and stepmother who fled to Pakistan after her death have both been given life sentences.
She was born on 11 January 2013 and immediately made subject to a child protection plan due to existing concerns about her parents. She was briefly placed into foster care in 2014 and later a refuge after her biological mother, Olga Domin, accused her father Sharif of domestic abuse. Sara returned to live with her father after a family court ruling in October 2019. ?? Why? There is pressure to name the judges who returned her to her father. An inexperienced social worker was assigned to her case recently.
She wore a hijab headscarf when she was at school which hid the evidence of her brutal treatment and was latterly home schooled to keep her away from prying eyes.
The usual litany of ‘lessons will be learned’ is hardly sufficient. The judges who gave her father custody should be named and told to explain their reasons. Hijabs should be banned in school – she was evidently the only one in the family who was forced to wear one – as should home schooling especially where ill treatment is suspected.
She was born 11 January 2013 and had a stellium in Capricorn of Sun, Mercury Moon and Pluto. She had one upbeat yod of Pluto sextile Saturn in Scorpio inconjunct Jupiter which would be what gave her an enthusiastic, optimistic streak. Plus another yod of Uranus sextile Jupiter inconjunct Saturn which is marginally trickier. But what sits across her chart is Saturn square Mars which does suggest cruelty and ill treatment and could have been emphasized depending on house position.
Her father Urfan Sharif, 25 November 1981, a Sun Sagittarius has a heavyweight Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter in Libra which squared Sara’s Sun so he would want to quench her challenging spirit, given his comments on ‘justified punishments’.
Her step mother Beinash Batool, 14 July 1994, a highly strung Sun Cancer opposition Uranus Neptune in Capricorn would also clash with Sara’s Capricorn Sun.
On the relationship charts with her father Irfan there is a total-domination composite Mars Pluto conjunction and with her stepmother Mars trine Pluto and a Mars square Saturn – and perhaps significantly her stepmother’s Pluto was exactly conjunct Sara’s Scorpio North Node.
Too depressing for words.