The money men are stirring the political pot pre-election with Elon Musk drenching Trump and potential voters with hard cash, Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos causing ructions banning a Harris endorsement; and Murdoch as usual rolling over to assist Trump’s chances.
Elon Musk, 28 June 1971 7.30am (unverified) Pretoria, South Africa, is certainly in the eye of the celestial storm of the moment with his Uranus in Libra catching the recent Solar Eclipse and next March’s by opposition; plus his Pluto in late Virgo being rattled up by the recent September Lunar Eclipse and early and late eclipses in 2025. How that will play out is anyone’s guess with an eclipsed Uranus hinting that a radical change of outlook is required; with much the same for an eclipsed Pluto – transform or stagnate. He also has tr Uranus moving to hard aspect his Jupiter Neptune opposition Saturn from spring 2023 on into 2026 which will be an exceptionally rocky ride and dent a few of his high hopes. Running into a dead-halt meltdown by 2026/27 from SA Pluto square his Mars.
His relationship chart with Trump looks extremely uncertain and undermined now right through till early 2026 with tr Neptune square the composite Sun Saturn conjunction. Late December to mid March 2025 looks especially jangled.
Musk’s time of birth is uncertain as is Putin’s birth date; though if the Putin 1952 date is sound then there may be successful associations between them from this November through till 2026.
Jeff Bezos, 12 January 1964, has alarmed Washington Post staffers and some board members by issuing an edict against supporting Harris in the election the first time in 30 years the paper has not stood behind the Democratic candidate. The billionaire LA Times owner has done the same saying he does not wish to widen the divide out in society and that readers should decide for themselves.
[A dispassionate media would be a fine thing but in the present climate it hardly stands up to scrutiny as an excuse.]
Bezos, 12 January 1964, is looking hemmed in and frustrated throughout November with tr Pluto conjunct his Mars for the final time. And none too happy or popular through January 2025. He does have a Jupiterian yod in his chart inconjunct Uranus Pluto sextile Neptune which is being triggered by the recent Libra Eclipse and the next March Aries Eclipse – so his tendency to trip himself up from over confidence may be on show. His 2026/27 look devastatingly confused and disappointed with losses in various quarters.
His relationship chart with Trump has a veneer of enthusiasm covering over an aggravated and resentful composite Saturn Venus opposition Mars. Not a match made in heaven.
Bezos’ relationship with the Washington Post hints at more tempests, tensions and disappointments to come because of his autocratic behaviour over the next three years or more. The WPost, 6 December 1877, is panicked and disillusioned at the moment till February 2025 with tr Neptune conjunct the Mars; and mightily jangled through late this November to late December with tr Uranus conjunct the Pluto; and emotionally overwrought through January 2025.
** A minor thought vis a vis the UK Government’s incomprehensible decision to allow/encourage Labour activists to assist the Harris campaign which was (yet another) tone deaf and politically inept decision. The relationship chart between Starmer and Trump is under a dark cloud till late this November with tr Pluto square the composite Saturn; in turmoil through December and in a bad-tempered stand-off through January, repeating later in 2025 with tr Pluto opposition the composite Sun Mars conjunction.
“Round about the cauldron go;
In the poison’d entrails throw.
Toad, that under cold stone
Days and nights has thirty-one
Swelter’d venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first i’ the charmed pot.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg and owlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.”