Spain floods – Pluto eclipsed sends a message ++ King Felipe

Spain is in shock after its worst flooding in decades after a year’s worth of rain fell in a matter of hours onto drought- hardened ground. The death toll is well over 200 and rising. It is Europe’s worst flood-related disaster since 1967 when at least 500 people died in Portugal. Spanish troops have been drafted in to help, with questions being asked about why the extreme red weather alert was not communicated to residents sooner.

 The Spain, 22 November 1975 12.45pm chart had the recent Libra Solar Eclipse conjunct its Pluto – which is a hint about the need for change. Transform or stagnate is the message. Tr Uranus was also conjunct the Spain IC opposition the Midheaven and Mercury exactly now pointing to a domestic disruption. Tr Uranus moves on to oppose the Spain Sun later in 2025 into 2026 so major changes in the country’s direction will be unavoidable. Followed by tr Pluto opposition the Spain Saturn and square the Uranus between 2024 and 2027 bring a series of jolting events and a prompt to alter Spain’s attitudes and expectations.  Tr Saturn Neptune into Aries just before mid 2025 and on into 2026 will square the Spanish Mars for another image and confidence dent.

 The recent Solar Eclipse located to Valencia puts Pluto conjunct the Midheaven for an event of considerable magnitude and destructive power.

 The Spain/EU relationship chart has a composite Saturn at 11 degrees Libra also being triggered by last month’s Libra Eclipse and the Aries one next March. It will be a time for facing reality.

Add On: King Felipe and Queen Letizia faced angry crowds when they visited the flood devastated area with shouts of ‘murderer’ and mud and stones being thrown. Though why the Royals were being blamed for what were local authority failures over communication; and government failures over disaster relief isn’t clear.

There are predictions that segments of the Mediterranean will become uninhabitable due to climate change with untenably high temperatures, and extreme weather conditions both drought and excessive rain.

  King Felipe, 30 January 1968 12.45 pm Madrid, a New Moon in Aquarius; with Mars in Pisces opposition Pluto (conjunct Uranus) does have transiting Pluto crossing his Midheaven exactly at the moment which often accompanies a reputation come-down and damage to career. Tr Uranus is opposing his Neptune also this year into spring 2025 which hints at uncertainty in his relationship with the public (and wife). The recent September Lunar Eclipse and early and late Eclipses in 2025 hit his Uranus Pluto in Virgo, with a SA Sun conjunct his Saturn in 2025 and his SA MC opposition his Uranus by 2026. So there’s a whole cluster of sinkholes and potential calamities to negotiate over the next several years.

 His Accession chart, 19 June 2014 12am is being undermined by tr Neptune square the Sun and Mercury exactly now and across till early 2026.  It was always going to be a crisis-strewn reign with Uranus opposition Mars square Pluto.

Prince Andrew – forced to walk a lone road

A quick catch up on the ongoing Prince Andrew saga of will-he won’t-he be forced to move out of his palatial 37 room Royal Lodge which even his late mother thought he would have to exit. An updated biography of Robert Hardman claims King Charles has finally removed his £1 million annual allowance and ceased to fund his personal security staff.

 Andrew was born 19 February 1960 3.38pm London with a Pisces Sun opposition Pluto and a 4th house Scorpio Moon, so letting go is not his style. Pluto reigns supreme – for the time being. He also has a defiant Uranus on the focal point of a yod adding to his determination to walk his own road.

  But the astro-omens are not in his favour. His Solar Arc Uranus is now approaching a conjunction to his IC hinting at a major domestic upheaval ahead. His Solar Arc Pluto is conjunct his 4th house Neptune for a sense of devastation and confusion around home and family matters. Tr Saturn now moving through his 8th house suggests he is being thrown back on his own resources financially and having to cope independently. And his progressed Mars is now exactly conjunct his 8th house Mercury on one leg of his yod.

 He does not look popular with any of the senior Royals and tr Uranus opposition his Scorpio Moon has two more exact hits – one exactly through this month and another next April.

  His relationship chart with Charles is in a state of upheaval exactly now as well with tr Uranus square the composite Pluto.

  All in all, the winds of change are not blowing the way he’d like.

  See previous post: Prince Andrew – a cold cup of reality. 1st June 2024

Kemi Badenoch – new opposition leader ++ Tamworth + Starmer and Farage

Kemi Badenoch has been voted as leader of the UK Tory Party in opposition. With a background in IT, she was born in London, 2 January 1980 but grew up in Nigeria, returning when she was 16 and becoming an MP in 2017.

 Her Leadership chart, 2 November 2024 11.05 am approx, is challenging to put it mildly with the blocked, power-struggling Mars opposition Pluto falling across the financial 2nd/8th houses; and a jolting Uranus opposition both Mercury and a Scorpio Moon. Plus a superficially charming Venus opposition Jupiter square both Saturn and Neptune – ups and downs and not realistic in expectations. A sparsely aspected Scorpio Sun with only a sensible trine to Saturn hints at a serious, hard-working administration that will struggle to establish its identity.

  Her relationship chart with the Tory Party 1912 is intense, with an undercurrent of aggravation, subject to fluctuations. With the UK her chemistry is argumentative but reasonably OK.

 Her own chart has a Capricorn Sun in an enthusiastic and lucky trine to Jupiter Mars in Virgo and opposite a Cancer Moon; with a hope-for-a-better-society Saturn square Neptune. She looks fractious over the New Year for a few days, with plans not working out in February and on and off till late year. Though it is Neptune Saturn into Aries and tr Uranus into Gemini from mid 2025 onwards into 2026 which will cause her most grief.

  There is an odd sense from the Leadership chart and both relationship charts – of not much happening ahead.

See previous post: Tory Party – fighting over scraps
21st October 2024

Add On: The Tory Party 18 December 1834 Tamworth chart has a tough-minded Saturn in Libra opposition Pluto square Mars (Moon) in Cancer; with an Air Grand Trine of Saturn trine Uranus trine North Node in Gemini – with the Sun in last decan Sagittarius sextile Saturn and Uranus. Not exactly sentimental or touchy-feely but built for the long haul, ideologically-oriented and capable of innovation.

  Tr Pluto has been conjunct the Neptune in 2023/24 for confusion and meltdown but that will finish from this New Year. With tr Uranus square the Uranus for the final time into the early months of 2025 there will be moves afoot to set the agenda for the years ahead. 2026 looks stuck and upbeat at the same time with SA Pluto conjunct the Saturn bringing to an end a challenging and punishing few years since 2016. Tr Uranus will conjunct the Jupiter also in 2026/27 for a confidence boost.

Kemi Badenochs’ relationship with the 1834 chart: Could be successful if internal power struggles are quelled (large IF) with 2026/27 being disappointing with tr Neptune Saturn square the composite Sun.

Her relationship with Starmer will be noisy, argumentative and competitive. Her high-vitality Mars Jupiter in Virgo are conjunct his Sun Pluto so sparks will fly as she challenges his overly controlling approach.

Her relationship with Farage hints at superficial friendliness hiding a good deal of evasion and smokescreening. Less combative than with Starmer though there may be an eruption in May 2025 and early 2026 as tr Uranus squares the composite Sun. Farage will find her tricky since her super-charged Mars Jupiter is conjunct his Ascendant and Uranus Pluto in Virgo.

Mars Pluto – I want versus Letting go

 Mars at odds with Pluto will be the unwelcome spirit of the times until next April as Mars retrogrades and then advances across the zodiac from Pluto moving out of Capricorn into Aquarius. The first exact opposition is tomorrow, with another on January 3rd and finally April 27th 2025.

  Understanding the nature of this most intractable opposition may offer clues about how best to negotiate the challenges ahead.

 Mars Pluto operates in three arenas. Firstly in personal and event charts. Secondly in relationship dynamics. Thirdly out in the cosmos as a general trend affecting everyone.

  The simplistic interpretation of Mars Pluto highlights force, brutality, fanatical and obsessive ambition, ruthlessness, excessive effort with resulting violence and calamities.  The ultimate expression of power, with domination and submission being two sides of the same coin. The individual either becomes a bully, as a result of mirroring the behaviour of a dictatorial father, or remains a submissive and powerless victim, continually attracting Mars Pluto experiences and relationships from outside.

 In extremis, Mars Pluto results in events like the savage and barbaric Hamas attack of October 2023 with targeted, hate-filled killings and rape, which occurred on a close Mars Pluto square.

 Though it would have to be emphasized for most when these influences come around the prevailing sense is of being stuck, acutely frustrated and on occasion enraged about facing immoveable obstacles in the way of progress.

  In relationships in a composite chart it is a supremely challenging dynamic to handle. There is such a strong power drive in the dominating partner (coercive control) that the other is forced to continually give away their autonomy and freedom of choice to allow the partnership to continue. Confrontation won’t work and could result in physical violence. There is a faint hope that the relationship could be creative rather than destructive if love is allowed to mellow the need for control. “Where love rules, there is no will to power, and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other.” Carl Jung.

  Robert Hand shines an illuminating light on Mars Pluto in relationships and elsewhere. He says Mars has to do with ego drives. Pluto is a more cosmic energy, bringing intense and fundamental transformation. ‘A cosmic power is subjected to purely personal and selfish drives.’ Buried in that profound thought is the reason why Mars Pluto can be so immensely destructive.   

   Driving Mars, the warrior, forward with its aggressive and competitive need to win is an almost supra-human Plutonic power. Although Pluto is essentially about transformation, it can resist change with extraordinary stubbornness in a bid to maintain control. So there is something almost mythic in the conflict and cooperation between the two – human and inhuman, man and the god of the underworld – anger and power combined.

  Hand says in order to deal with the energy constructively, it is necessary to reverse the roles of Mars and Pluto so that the ego-drives are transformed by the cosmic power of Pluto. He says (hopefully) ‘You must let this relationship change and transform you without resistance.’ Though it does take two to tango so not too sure this would work in most individual Mars Pluto partnerships. 

  But again there is a glimmer of a solution to handling Mars Pluto in general – use the experience to become aware of where your Mars (ego-drive, assertive, competitive instincts, has to win) requires to transform.

  The standard response to Mars Pluto aspects celestially is to feel blocked and frustrated with less chance of forward movement. Accepting that the Mars energy (anger) is backed up for good reason – in order for a new awareness to develop and necessary changes to take place – may make it easier to handle.  

  John Townley adds his thought from Composite Charts –  Mars merging with the intractability of Pluto. Don’t fight it. That sounds defeatist but in a deeper sense may be what allows Pluto’s transformation to work its magic – if it is allowed to, which is a fairly large IF as below will indicate.

 Recently I have been keeping a tally of Mars Pluto types in the news. Twitter X launched in 2006 on a Mars opposition Pluto, perhaps one reason why it has fostered an echo-chamber for hate-filled rants.  Mike Amesbury, UK Labour MP involved in a much publicized physical brawl has a Mars square Pluto. Nicola Sturgeon’s 2014 elevation to the Scottish premiership (now on the skids) came on a Mars Pluto conjunction. Tommy Robinson, the far-right, anti-immigrant, ranting and raging activist, jailed for contempt of court, 27 November 1982, has his Mars square Pluto and Saturn. Richard Dawkins, with a new book out, a forceful exponent of his scientific viewpoint which allows little leeway for nuance or tolerance has a Mars opposition Pluto. The loopy Russell Brand with a Mars opposition Pluto as well, is involved in a village squall over his plans for a local pub. Angelina Jolie, ditto, is still ongoing in an endless divorce squabble with Brad Pitt. 

  The latest prime example of Mars Pluto’s inability to let go is Rebekah Vardy, a nonentity, who is fighting an eternal legal battle with a footballer’s wife over who leaked what to the press. Vardy, 17 February 1982, no birth time, has a ferociously difficult chart with a Mars, Saturn, Pluto conjunction in Libra trine an Aquarius Sun. She was abused as a child, abandoned by her mother and ended up homeless at 15, suicidal, with a brief early marriage, upgrading to a footballer and after a few years of spending his money moved, onto her present even wealthier footballer spouse.  

  She did have brutal experiences early on which toughened her up. Given the choice between becoming a doormat and letting life/anyone tramp over her, she refuses to give in and fights for the upper hand. Mars Pluto is known as do-or-die determined. For this temperament, the opposite of ‘do’ is annihilation. Accepting failure or submission would mean her personal autonomy was eradicated so she embarks on a desperate fight not only to regain control but at some fundamental level to show she exists. [See previous posts: Rebekah Vardy – a hard start in life left its mark, 30th July 2022; Rooney v Vardy – sound and fury signifying nothing, 11th May 2022.]

     Letting go is the hardest thing for Mars Pluto types. Which may be understandable given what has moulded their defences but it does not make them easy to handle or necessarily likeable and often makes their actions self-destructive.

  Where Mars Pluto excels is in coping with crises since it endows courage and its iron grip on control means panic is kept at bay in situations where everyone else is getting hysterical. It does give tremendous strength; and operating in the right context, usually where there is risk and emergency or calamities it does flourish. In an ordinary life not so much.

  Anyways some rambling thoughts on a celestial companion over the next six months.  

Rodney Alcala & Anna Kendrick – kill v cure

Rodney Alcala, known as The Dating Game Killer, is the subject of a true crime film made of his murderous career. He was found guilty of eight murders between 1971 and 1979, is suspected of killing more than 100 women and girls and died in 2021 on death row.

 The actress Anna Kendrick who directed the film also played Cheryl, a contestant on the dating show who refused to go out with Alcala because she thought he was creepy.  Anna Kendrick has donated her fee from hit Netflix film Woman of the Hour to Rainn (the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) and the National Centre for Victims of Crime, because she would have felt “gross” profiting from it. She had previously said her own experience in an emotionally abusive relationship inspired her performance in the 2022 psychological thriller about a coercive boyfriend, Alice, Darling.

  Rodney Alcala, August 23, 1943, San Antonio, Texas, joined the army at 17 and was described as manipulative, vindictive, and insubordinate. After a breakdown, he was diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, with later diagnoses labelling him with narcissistic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, and malignant narcissism with psychopathy and sexual sadism comorbidities.

 His Sun was on the cusp of Leo/Virgo and his Moon in Gemini. His Sun was square Mars and Algol in Taurus so quite a bulldozer personality with a short fuse with his Sun square a defiant Uranus as well.  Plus a super-over-confident Jupiter Pluto conjunction in Leo.

Where his sadistic inclinations show up clearly are on his ‘serial killer’ 18th harmonic which has a marked T square of Sun opposition Mars square Saturn – Mars Saturn being the traditional astrology signature for assassinations.

 What draws Anna Kendrick, 9 August 1985, Portland, ME, to playing in movies about abusers is her Mars in Leo opposition Jupiter square Pluto in Scorpio; with her Sun Mercury in Leo conjunct her Mars and square Saturn in Scorpio. She had an accountant mother and a history teacher father and started acting in community theatre when young. But with an accentuated Mars square Pluto – and widely connected into Saturn as well, she will have a sensitive antennae to coercion, bullying and worse. She has said in interviews she never intends to have children.

  Her Mars is conjunct Alcala’s emphasised Pluto Jupiter with her Jupiter in opposition and her North Node square so she would home in on his coercive personality.

 Her victim/healer 12th harmonic is significantly strong with a Grand Trine involving Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune Pluto, formed into a Kite by Pluto opposition Sun. She has the capacity to make a difference.  

Rachel Reeves – pride comes before ????

Rachel Reeves’ bombshell budget has attracted mixed reviews.

The Guardian cautions that “with a big budget comes a big risk”. The right wing media unsurprisingly slated it. Daily Mail – “A fatally flawed and seriously socialist Budget that dooms Britain to another lost decade. The Times – “Reeves missed her chance to bet on growth. The budget was much like those of the past 16 years: a funnel for pouring money into an unsustainable state sector.”

 The FT, possibly the best guide to the vagaries of economic prediction – “Bold ambition, uncertain prospects.”

 Reeves is not a lady given to doubt. Born 13 February 1979 she has a determined and go-getting Sun Mars and Mercury in Aquarius trine Pluto, square Uranus and sextile Neptune. Stubbornly intent on her own way, she won’t budge easy, is stratospherically ambitious, and defiant when it comes to facing pressure. Her Sun Mars in Aquarius trine Pluto especially makes her super-controlling.

 She has a confident tr Pluto opposition her Jupiter running through this year and next on and off which can be successful but also wilfully over-confident which could backfire. She is in good spirits and feeling lucky later this month into December and again mid March to early April 2025. Though will be marginally panicked through this December as well and irritable. Where the real problems for her crop up are when tr Uranus moves into Gemini and first opposes her Mars/Saturn midpoint in July 2025 and repeating into 2026 which will be a major setback. With more to following 2026 as plans fail and her confidence takes a dent. [Which is when many of the present government are showing problems.]

  The UK chart does have that tricky Solar Arc Uranus heading to conjunct the 8th house Mars, exactly in six months though in effect now. This may have a considerable financial/economic impact but could also bring other effects. Tr Neptune Saturn in Aries will oppose the UK Uranus from mid 2025 onwards which may not be specially money related but does suggest a difficult phase of transition with perhaps failed experiments (Nep opp Ura).

 More significantly the Bank of England chart, 27 July 1694 JC, is looking seriously rattled at the moment with the Solar Arc Uranus square the Sun; as well as blocked with SA Pluto opposition Saturn. Tr Neptune is also square the Saturn and SA Pluto in spring 2025 which will not bring good news in the fiscal front. Tr Saturn Neptune in Aries then opposes the BoE Mars for a devastating hit from April 2025 onwards into 2026; and tr Neptune Saturn moves on to square the BoE financial Venus in 2026/27; with another setback in 2028 from SA Pluto conjunct the Venus.

  Reeves’ relationship with Keir Starmer will be rattled late this December to mid March 2025 with tr Uranus opposition their composite Saturn – with disappointments through spring and more tensions and differences as tr Uranus moves into Gemini from July 2025 onwards.

 Reeves’ relationship with the UK has a fractious yod, hinting at a pivotal relationship which will have far-reaching consequences. It focuses onto Mars in Aries which will be badly affected by tr Neptune Saturn conjunct the yod Mars from April 2025 onwards so public confidence in her won’t be high and sinking fast into 2026.

Astrology – a unique channel into self knowledge

Astrology in a nutshell – some thoughts on psychological astrology and how transformative it can be.

“Understanding yourself in depth for which the birth chart is the road map is the key to understanding why certain events and experiences keep recurring. They may seem to be ‘out there’ but they are inextricably linked to the nature of us as individuals. As Carl Jung says – that of which we are unconscious meets up on the outside as if it were fate.

Coming to terms with ourselves, the totality of us, not just the surface layer, is what makes the crucial difference – owning the parts we have cut off and which consistently trip us up.

Astrology offers a channel into self-knowledge that is available nowhere else. It also tells us that life is about potentials and possibilities and nothing is pre-ordained.  We do have choices within the limitations of our innate nature. Carl Jung again – freewill is the ability to choose that of which we must do. You have to accept the hand of cards you were dealt at birth and see what is the best way of optimizing who you are.”

Advice to those starting their exploration of astrology?

Astrology is eternally fascinating and even after nearly five decades I still get a thrill when it explains the whys and wherefores of situations, relationships, and individuals. So it is worth slogging on through the initial stages. Learning it requires determination – someone once worked out a birth chart containing 2500 pieces of information some of which are contradictory.

Nailing down the meaning of 10 planets in 12 signs, in 12 different ‘houses’ of the chart, and in five major aspects to each other – and then prioritizing what is more important is step number one.

Once over the first hurdle, practice on family, friends, celebrities, and politicians in the news. Test out their birth chart with what you see and know. Do courses, read books, and use the internet where there are helpful, information-heavy astrology sites. If you want to go into practice, consider doing a counseling course whether related to astrology or not. Understanding people in depth and becoming sensitive to the risks of pushing too far too fast will all help.

Astrology can be a catalyst for change but it requires a thoughtful approach that is knowledgeable not just about astrology but also psychology.

  On a new website with a wealth of healing and psychic recommendations on offer.

Marjorie Orr on Astrology’s Transformative Power: Blending Tradition with Psychological Insight

Canada – envisioning a Trudeau-less future

Canada appears to be undergoing its own particular existential and identity crisis with the blame being directed at PM Justin Trudeau. His resignation has been demanded by 24 of his caucus members with today being the deadline for his decision. It seems unlikely he will go instantly though poll numbers are way down with defeat a real possibility in an election expected next year.

  When he took up the reins of office in 2015 according to critics he tore ‘the country’s historic identity to shreds. The three prongs of the attack involved setting fire to its past, promoting LGBTQ and critical race theory in schools and government, and unleashing an unprecedented wave of mass migration.’ Even the liberal Globe and Mail, published a piece about the betrayal of the ‘Canadian Dream’. It spoke of a social crisis, an immigration crisis, an economic crisis and a political crisis.  

 In 2015, transiting Uranus was moving across the Canada Ascendant, hinting at a pull away from the past with a new identity being forged. The tough-minded, persevering Saturn opposition Pluto which is a major prop of the Canada chart had moved by Solar Arc to sit on the Ascendant/Descendant axis and the Canada Neptune as well – so there was immense pressure for a rebranding of the old image. Tr Pluto was also square the Canada Neptune for a moment of confusion and anxiety.

 The hope-for-a-better-society-though-not-always-realistic tr Saturn square tr Neptune of 2015 was also bearing down on Canada’s exuberant and go-getting Mars opposition Jupiter.

  By 2022 into early 2023 tr Uranus was conjunct the Canada Pluto and opposition the Saturn for another considerable upheaval.

 Trudeau was always going to bring sweeping changes – or put another way he was the agent who turned up at a time when changes were going to happen no matter what.

 The relationship chart between Trudeau and Canada has a composite Saturn Uranus conjunction which suggests tension with one side wanting freedom and the other yearning for the status quo of stability. Past and future fight a battle which can be explosive. That Uranus Saturn squares the North Node and opposes the Moon and Algol – so it was always going to be a turbulent association with a good deal of ill feeling on the part of the public (Moon).

  Justin Trudeau’s personal chart, 25 December 1971 9.27 pm Ottawa, Canada, is a curious mix of compassionate Saturn Neptune sitting alongside ruthlessly determined Mars opposition Pluto square his Capricorn Sun. Kind and cruel at the same time.

  He is a thinker and communicator with an Air Grand Trine of Saturn trine Pluto trine Venus, so overly inclined to pursue dogmas and ideas – which he will do with excessive determination given the Pluto opposition Mars on the cusp of his 8th. Though not always sensibly or realistically with his Saturn opposition Neptune.

 Saturn conjunct his Midheaven natally will bring retribution for mistakes and any underhand actions – which may be more apparent as tr Uranus enters Gemini by July 2025 onwards. He may be forced into a change of career direction in May 2025 as tr Uranus is conjunct his Midheaven (repeating January to mid March 2026).

 Even before then tr Neptune conjunct his Mars next March followed by tr Saturn conjunct his Mars in May 2025 and beyond will bring losses and setbacks. Tr Neptune Saturn in Aries will then  proceed to oppose his Pluto and square his Sun through till 2027 for a swampy undermining phase.

 His initial Swearing In chart, 4 November 2015 10.45 am does have the Solar Arc exactly conjunct the IC at the moment for a time of disruption and uprooting. With the passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars in Virgo being rattled by the recent Lunar Eclipse and the March and September 2025 eclipses as well. He will most likely come out fighting since an 8th house Mars opposition Pluto is unlikely to go gracefully.

 That he was going to bring far-reaching changes was never in doubt with his Pluto opposition Mars square Capricorn Sun opposing the Canada Sun Uranus in Cancer; and his Uranus closely conjunct the Canada Descendant.

 The key question is what comes next?  Tr Uranus is now moving into the Ca 2nd house of finances so money will be erratic in the coming years though with a chance of innovative ventures paying off. Much internal dialogue and confusion with tr Saturn Neptune moving through the Ca 12th; and a chance to revision the future and the make-up of Canadian society as tr Pluto moves into the 11th this year and on for many years to come.

Gwyneth Paltrow – all not well in health paradise

Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop – ‘a major player in the cut-throat world of global wellness, a market recently valued by McKinsey as being worth more than £1 trillion’ – appears to be on the decline. Last year, Goop’s London store was shuttered after losing an estimated £1.4 million and there are cuts to the Goop workforce ongoing as revenue elsewhere slows. Ms Paltrow is returning to her former career on the big screen to appear in sport drama Marty Supreme alongside Timothee Chalamet.

 Goop while definitely weird as well as successful and riddled with scandals of various varieties, health-related and financial, was very much a Pluto in Capricorn entity. It started with a newsletter in 2008, was incorporated in the UK in 2011 and went stratospheric.

 Gwyneth Paltrow was born 27 September 1972 5.25pm Los Angeles, with an actress mother and producer-director father, and has a chart overloaded with do-or-die determination and luck. Her 7th house Libra Sun is conjunct Pluto and Mars in late Virgo all squaring a 10th house Jupiter. Her Gemini Moon on her IC is conjunct Saturn and opposition a ‘spiritual’ 9th house Neptune. 6 Air planets including an 8th house Mercury Uranus conjunction in Libra make her a communicator; and her Venus in fashionable Leo in her 6th would have inclined her towards pricey health products.

 What is intriguing is that the initial incorporation of Goop on 9 August 2011 occurred on a Mars opposition Pluto which fits her no-holds-barred chart and temperament; with Sun Venus in Leo to match her natal Venus in Leo. Jupiter in Taurus was then moving through her natal 2nd and tr Uranus was square her Sun paving the way for a life-changing and lucrative venture.

 Tr Saturn was then rising above her Descendant and as tr Saturn sets at the moment moving below her Ascendant her career will lose its momentum.

  She may not enjoy what comes next with tr Saturn moving through her low profile 1st quadrant for several years ahead; plus a seriously undermining tr Neptune Saturn opposing her Mars, Pluto and Sun and square her Jupiter through 2025 till late 2027 as well.  

 The Incorporation 2011 chart has the Solar Arc Sun opposition Neptune at the moment which is never a good financial omen with both squared by tr Uranus in 2025.

  The excesses of Capricorn – a quick trawl through the Goop website evokes astonishment that it ever made money at all.