Nodes – finding balance on the tightrope of life ++ Moon

The North and South Node as drivers of a core element of the lifetime’s journey can be helped and/or hindered by planets in hard aspect – conjunct or square.

  Understanding the nature – and spectrum of meanings – for the planet involved as well as the sign and house placing of the Nodes gets complicated. But worth pursuing.

  You don’t have to believe in reincarnation (which I don’t) but it is a useful way of explaining the ways in which the South Node in particular can operate. Planets on the South Node suggest past tendencies to be e.g. overly aggressive with Mars conjunct SN and thus on the receiving end this time round.

  The Saturn conjunct the South Node – Howard Sasportas mentions an individual with this who was permeated by fear, everything was a challenge and overly difficult. She was dragged back into negative Saturn (for reincarnationers she was getting karmic payback for an overly Saturnine past life of being emotionally cold, critical etc). Now she needed to get away from her overdose of Saturn and whatever sign the South Node was in and reach away from it. Tracy Marks says planets on SN need to be reworked and brought into consciousness, reassessed and then let go. Not be owned by the South Node and in this case Saturn.

 Sakoian & Acker who are hooked on the notion that the Nodes tune us in or not to social trends point out that Saturn conjunct the South Node while out of step with society and isolated, can do well in obscure areas.

  North Node conjunct Saturn needs to work on the positive sides of Saturn – discipline, patience, caution and realism.

  Planets in square can be more problematic since there is a more evident swing between the Nodes – too much of one and then too much of the other. Finding the balance is vital with this aspect.

  Pluto conjunct the South Node indicates an individual who out of step with society and stands alone so it fosters self-reliance though they can be a victim of circumstances.

  Pluto conjunct North Node can be opportunistic and get onto  bandwagons though it can backfire – getting a tiger by the tail – with the result that affairs of life can get out of hand.

Neptune conjunct North Node – swept along by social trends, going with the crowd.

Neptune conjunct South Node – past life as alcoholic, pulled back into escapism, addiction, lack of discrimination/boundaries. Out of step with social trends, unpopular. Though individualistic. Watch out for deception. 

Sun conjunct North Node –  can be expansive, fit in with prevailing trends, though can be draining.  

Sun conjunct South Node – not in a leadership/attention-demanding situation this time round so thwarted by others.

Moon conjunct North Node – in tune with social trends and well designed for any activity in contact with the general public, popular, good with women in general.

Moon conjunct South Node – out of step with social trends so forced to be self-reliant. Emotionally self-sufficient.

Mercury – words are your ally on North Node, can be an intellectual leader or swept along by popular ideas.

Mercury on South Node you’re too much up in your head and need to stop analyzing and talking, get into your feelings and be realistic. Ideas out of step with society. Can be an original thinker though not listened to.

Venus conjunct North Node – friendly with a leaning towards frivolity. Need to develop creativity. In harmony with social trends.

Venus conjunct South Node – isolated, bad timing in romance, can have spiritual benefit.

Mars conjunct North Node – pro-active where social trends are concerned though a tendency to get swept up in mass passions. Empowering.

Mars conjunct South Node – re-enacting old patterns of being assertive/angry. Needing to pull away from past grievances and ingrained habit patterns. Bad timing and then lash out in frustration. Loners.

Jupiter conjunct North Node – popular, in harmony with the mood in society, take too much for granted,

Jupiter conjunct South Node – tendency to go overboard.  Bad timing. Values may clash with present trends. Problems in education and travel.

Squares – Jupiter square – overdo SN and then swing to overdo NN

Uranus conjunct North Node – allow self to be crazy, original, inventive. Attuned to changing times.  Over enthusiastic.

Uranus conjunct South Node – upset by social changes, life disrupted by outer events.

Uranus square Nodes – tension in resolving the polarity.

North Node on Ascendant – have to develop faith in self and develop Ascendant sign way of appearing in the world.

South Node on the Descendant – attract people who encourage South Node regressive tendencies.

North Node in the 7th – need the experience of relationship. Even if difficult.

North Node in 1st – forced into independence at an early age, can’t get people to care for you.

  A passing example from the alarming and bizarre tale of Ruby Franke, a ‘parenting’ influencer who has been arrested along with her business partner Jodi Hildebrandt on charges of  aggravated child abuse after two of her malnourished kids were found starved with open wounds and wrapped in duct tape. Her  YouTube channel had 2.2 million subscribers before it stopped in 2022.

 She was born 18 January 1982 with a Capricorn Sun conjunct her South Node square a bleak, uncaring Saturn Pluto – which kind of says it all.

  Jodi, 15 June 1960 – has his pushily confident Jupiter Pluto conjunct his South Node.

  Money, money, money.  

Both of them probably have their Chiron square their Moon.


Andy Murray – contemplating life after top tennis + Jamie, Dunblane shooting, hotel

Andy Murray, former tennis world No 1 and three times Grand Slam winner, may be facing the winding down of his international career. His defeat in the US Open recently prompted him to say he would step away if his play “gets worse”. He has struggled over recent years with hip problems.

   Born 15 May 1987 2.10pm, Glasgow, Scotland, he has a much-travelled 9th house Taurus Sun inconjunct a 4th house Sagittarius Moon Uranus and Saturn – not designed for a stay-at-home life. He also has an ambitious 10th house Mars in Gemini opposition his Moon Uranus, giving him a liking for thrills, excitement, risk and provoking excitable emotional reactions.  He also has a yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct his Midheaven and Mercury. Whatever comes next he’ll need to find a wide-ranging, constantly changing, varied career. He’s a real jitterbug.  He also has Venus Jupiter in Aries in his 8th – lucky financially, emotionally secretive.

  His Aries North Node falls in his 7th house of relationships so he’ll be constantly searching for a way to be independent within the context of a meaningful relationship.

  Tr Uranus is aiming to conjunct his Sun from June 2024 on and off into 2025 which is possibly when he will make the changeover. This year into early 2024 as well he has tr Saturn square his Midheaven which usually accompanies career setbacks which may be the decider. Plus tr Neptune square his Mars and Uranus which will induce a sense of failure until early March 2024.

  He’ll also have some upbeat patches late – this September to the end of October could see a confident run and he will have some luck mid October to mid November this year and April 2024.

  His Progressed Moon has another year moving through his 8th house which will find him swinging from one extreme to the other as he searches for a new direction emotionally as well as in other ways. From July 2024 as it moves into his 9th he’ll feel lighter and brighter, more secure in himself.

  July 2024 sees Jupiter moving across his 10th house until September 2025 which is usually successful.

By 2027 he will be ready for a complete change of direction with tr Uranus moving across his Midheaven and into his 10th for several years thereafter.

ADD ON: He and brother Jamie were present when Thomas Hamilton shot and killed 16 at their school on 13 March 1996 9.35am Dunblane, Scotland. At that point there was a transiting Mars, Sun, Saturn in Pisces with tr Saturn exactly square Andy’s Mars – so a considerable shock, unsurprisingly. Tr Mars was exactly square his Moon as well. His SA North Node opposition his 8th house Jupiter might suggest he felt lucky to emerge physically unscathed.

  His brother Jamie, 13 February 1986 2.01am Glasgow, has a friendly Sun, Jupiter, Venus in Aquarius in his chatty 3rd house; with a go-ahead Aries Moon in his sporting 5th house. He also has a tough Mars Saturn conjunction in Sagittarius in his 1st square his Mercury with his Mercury also trine a 12th house Pluto. He will hold strong opinion and not have had the easiest of childhoods.

  The tr Mars, Sun, Saturn were square his Uranus at the shooting.

  Andy and wife Kim Sears have done up a Dunblane Hotel in sumptuous style – nice piece with pics:

Mohammed Al Fayed – the very nearly man

Mohammed Al Fayed has died who almost became father-in-law to Princess Diana. Starting from lowly beginnings in Alexandria, Egypt he rose through unscrupulous tactics and persistence to amass a fortune, own Harrods and take on the trapping of a ‘classic English aristocrat’. He lived in fashionable houses, had helicopters, private planes, a Rolls-Royce. He sponsored the Royal Windsor Horse Show in order to be seen sitting next to the Queen. One obituary said of him he was “A foul-mouthed, misogynistic street bully when he wanted to be, he was also capable of extraordinary generosity, especially to children.”

  He cultivated Princess Diana after her divorce, invited her onto his yacht where his playboy son Dodi, fell into a relationship with her. It was hardly the love of her life but she might have tied the knot if only to get access to the luxury life that Papa Al Fayed was offering. After she and Dodi died being driven by a drunk driver in his employ he turned paranoid and accused Prince Philip of being behind an assassination plot.  

  Mohammed Al Fayed was an Aquarius Sun with an over-hopeful/scandal-prone Jupiter Chiron trine Neptune trine Saturn in late Sagittarius; with a hard-edged, short-fused Mars in Gemini opposition Saturn and an evasive Mercury opposition Neptune. His North Node was in Taurus which he lived out in lifelong wrangles over money; as well as his constant womanizing.

  His Sun was conjunct Diana’s 2nd house Jupiter so he would appeal to her extravagant tendencies and his Jupiter in Taurus fell in her 4th as he offered her the possibility of an indulgent and extravagant home. At that point she must have felt rootless and homeless. His controlling Pluto fell in her 8th so he would be manipulating her covertly.

 Dodi Al Fayed, 15 April 1955, was a Sun Mercury in Aries  opposition Neptune with a stubborn Saturn in Scorpio square Pluto.  His Sun also fell in Diana’s 4th – like his father giving her a sense of the possibility of a settled home life. Though his Neptune in her 10th square her Saturn would ultimately have proved a disaster as would his Mars in Gemini square her Mars Pluto in Virgo.

  What is curious is that Mohammed Al Fayed had similar traits to Prince Philip. Philip was a Sun Mars in Gemini square Saturn in Virgo with Venus in Taurus; where Mohammed had Mars in Gemini opposition Saturn and Jupiter in Taurus. Both had troubled childhoods and difficult beginnings though in different spheres.

 The Royals ever did have a leaning towards obscenely wealthy, often unsavoury types and remarkably bad judgement.  He did very nearly become step-grandpa to the heir to the throne and tried to bribe politicians to do his will.

  His Pluto was conjunct the UK 10th house Cancer Moon which refers to the ruling classes and he certainly made an attempt to wield influence way beyond his worth. In one way you have to admire his chutzpah while despairing of the establishment’s willingness to be bought.

Ramaswamy, Haley, Youngkin – circling the alpha males

The American never-ending obsession with elections rolls on and there’s only fifteen months to go before the next one. Sigh. Once that is out of the way the neurosis about the 2026 midterms will spring up. It is a weird and exasperating national trait which someone will someday explain to me – and costs a stupendous amount of money, better spent elsewhere.

  The second rankers have been jostling for attention in the hope that one of the geriatrics may fall over or be imprisoned.

  Vivek Ramaswamy, a businessman (pharma) and candidate, 9 August 1985 as befits a brash Mars, Sun, Mercury in Leo has been blowing his trumpet at full volume.  His Mars opposes Jupiter and squares Pluto, with similarities to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, born three weeks later. VR’s Sun Mercury squares Saturn in Scorpio with perhaps a Taurus Moon and North Node tied into a T Square. There is nothing (without a birth time) to suggest cheer for him moving ahead – indeed there will be disappointments this year and next and worse in 2025.

   Nikki Haley, 20 January 1972, with a late Capricorn Sun in a redoubtable Grand Trine to Saturn in Taurus trine Pluto is no one’s push over. Her Grand Trine is formed into a Kite by Saturn opposition Neptune, making Neptune the leading planet, not always helpful for a politician. She’ll have a few blips of good luck up to May 2024 but not much thereafter.  

   The interesting one is Glenn Youngkin, 9 December 1966, Governor of Virginia, who has not yet thrown his hat into the ring. He has a Sagittarius Sun conjunct Venus on the focal point of a T square to Saturn in Pisces opposition Uranus Pluto in Virgo.

  He has his Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Mars exactly over the Inauguration which will give him a boost and he’ll be on a lucky roll from March 2025 for two years after with tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter; and more good fortune comes from June 2025 on in 2026. He looks lacklustre up to this coming New Year and has mixed fortunes  before the election – with a lucky break in August to late September 2024 though that runs side by side with a disaster or two. If the election was in 2025 it would suit him better and his triumphs may be in another field. But he certainly looks in better fettle than the other two.

  Just a spare thought – the election itself will be held on a bitterly hostile Mars opposition Pluto, with a need-for-a-change Uranus trine Pluto. The Inauguration is also blighted by Sun Pluto opposition Mars with a downbeat Venus conjunct Saturn.   The mood will be exceedingly strained.  

North Node – the road less travelled ++

The Moon’s Nodes carry a theme that is echoed throughout a birth chart as if they encapsulated the fundamentals of the personality – its learning lessons and possibilities. The theory is well enough known of the South Node representing the pull from the past into what is comfortable and familiar – the line of least resistance. The North Node is the unfamiliar, the challenge that must be met in order to develop as a personality. What is not always recognized is how often individuals never rise to the test and exit this lifetime in much the same way they entered, clinging in to their South Node.

  The house position will be important as well as the sign so the North Node will be lived out in the life arena ruled by that house. Remember also that the signs and indeed houses have a spectrum of meaning, positive and negative,

   Although there probably is a need to find a way of integrating the South Node energies in evolved form as well as activating the unfamiliar North Node, it should not take precedence. Many/most don’t ever make the effort to move away from the South Node. Celebrities and politicians are not a good guide for most people struggling to lead a productive life – and many of them don’t reach out for the transformation involved which is why examples below may look negative. But it is instructive to see the groupings.

  On a personal note I recollect Howard Sasportas saying he was offended when he read Martin Shulman’s book on Nodes since he said ‘nasty things’ about his South Node (in Scorpio) – and I must admit I winced when I first read it – Capricorn South Node – and it took me a while to get over my defensiveness to grasp that much of what he said made sense. It may be the Second Nodal Return at age 37 which is the pivotal one for reaching out for the North Node.

ARIES North Node and North Node in 1st house  – needs to learn to build up a strong individual identity, be independent or take the lead and not be constantly trying to please others by sliding back into the Libra South Node. Rupert Murdoch certainly has developed his leadership traits though perhaps his obsession with finding another half even at 90 can be laid down to his regressive tendencies.

TAURUS North Node and North Node in 2nd house – one of the trickier Nodes which tends to bring a turbulent and tumultuous life with much intensity of feeling. Can smile sweetly but be plotting and planning behind the scenes. Dislikes taking advice. Tendency to be vengeful and lash back at perceived threats. Pulling away from the Scorpio South Node’s inclination to become embroiled in sexual or financial entanglements and reaching out for Taurus’s earthy stability is the way to go.   Schulman remarks ”will make much growth when able to see the actions of others as reflections of own subconscious.”   Sinead O’Connor, Prince Harry, Stephen King, Clarence Thomas all live out differing versions of this Node. King Charles may have overcome much of the storminess by developing his love of gardening and nature.

Gemini North Node and North Node in 3rd house – needing to pull away from wildness, constant rush, irresponsibility and free spiritedness of the Sagittarius South Node, and learn to listen to others. “Bull in a china shop” Schulman calls it. Donald Trump, Bashar Assad, Mark Zuckerburg, Harold Shipman (serial killing doctor).  Needing to understand that communication is a two way process. Interacting with others is a challenge.

Cancer North Node and North Node in 4th house – their Achilles Heel is pride, an obsession with status, extravagance, an overly materialistic outlook, resistance to advice, opportunistic, unable to admit when wrong (Capricorn South Node). Learning to give to others rather than taking.  Boris Johnson, Rudi Giuliani. Michelle Obama is one who has transitioned into the feeding hands.

Leo North Node and North Node in the 5th house – no shortage of those in showbusiness. Tom Cruise, Jerry Springer, Meghan Markle. Can be a dreamer, head-in the-clouds type, leadership potential though tendency to be overly scattered and at times not good at moderation. Needs to learn to stand alone.

Virgo North Node and North Node in the 6th house – need to learn not to allow suffering to drain strength and avoid sliding back into Piscean daydreaming and escapism. A life of service will bring fulfilment where playing the victim won’t. Interestingly physicist Stephen Hawking and actor Michael Fox, with incapacitating Lou Gehrig’s disease and Parkinson’s respectively have this Node, as does UK former politician Jonathan Aitken who had tuberculosis which left him an inpatient for three years from 4 to 7. And Joe Biden has not had his sorrows to seek on the family front.

Libra North Node and North Node in the 7th – needing to learn how to cooperate by truly understanding another’s needs, caring and relating. Forging a successful one-to-one relationship is the key to their development and overcoming a dislike of being dependent.  Luis Robiales, Kevin Spacey, Emmanuel Macron, Madonna, Sarah Ferguson, Princess Charlene, Raquel Welch (four short-lived marriages), John Cleese, David Koresh (WACO cult leader). Falling back on their impatient, restless Aries South Node, they prefer to lead rather than share and are edgy about having their free expression restricted for the sake of togetherness. Tina Turner found her other half after years of struggle so might be deemed a nodal success.

Scorpio North Node and North Node in the 8th – Prince Albert (Monaco), Asma Assad (Syria), Patricia Highsmith (crime novelist). A tendency to slide back into Taurus’s indulgence and acquisitiveness for possessions and money. Sexuality and self-control will be issues for some. Transformation comes at quite a price of letting go everything that was once deemed valuable. Unlikely in the case of Albert or Mrs Assad. Wrestling with the darkness in life will be the way to the light.

Sagittarius North Node and North Node in the 9th –  needing to learn loyalty and commitment, not swing around leaving all options open, and be constantly scattering attention in too many directions.  Travel will bring enlightenment and detachment from the trivia of everyday life. Learning faith and finding a belief system that holds will help. Silvio Berlusconi, Pablo Picasso, Noel Coward, actress Sarah Bernhardt, Bill Cosby.

Capricorn North Node and North Node in the 10th –  emotional entanglements within the family tend to bring a childish naivety which must be fought against. Taking responsibility and growing up are key issues and not being distracted by the pull of the past.  Yearning for the support of early childhood gets in the way of development. Learning to let go is vital. John F Kennedy, Oprah Winfrey, Dalai Lama, Angela Merkel.  

Aquarius North Node or North Node in the 11th – learning detachment from the Leo South Node’s ego-centred outlook and pride is crucial. A romantic dreamer can with effort come to realise that friendship offers more than a fleeting passion. Dedicating energy to a cause that benefits humanity is the road to fulfilment. Elvis Presley, Taylor Swift, Elon Musk

PISCES North Node and North Node in the 12th house – oddly enough both Melanie Trump and Jill Biden as well as  Nicola Sturgeon have a Pisces North Node. Can be self-pitying and feel unappreciated. Tendency to be manipulative, being too stuck in practicalities, learning faith is vital and letting go.

Andrew – Royals torn about family embarrassment

Royal watchers are perplexed by Prince Andrew’s rehabilitation into the family as he attended a church service along with the Royal tribe.  It is odd for two reasons – one it misjudges public antipathy which is implacably opposed to his resurfacing and therefore risks damaging the monarchy and Charles’ popularity. The other is that William dislikes his uncle as does Kate and it must have taken a hard word to persuade him to do his duty as chauffeur.

  Marina Hyde, as usual, has it nailed. “Sticking a disgraced dimwit in the front seat of your car is not just some random thing that happens of a Sunday morning. This is a planned and choreographed moment, with William as the designated driver.”

   William’s determined 9th house Pluto opposes Andrew’s Aries Midheaven exactly and squares Andrew’s Venus Mars in Capricorn so he won’t be backward about stating his vehement objections to his uncle’s decisions and inclinations. Their relationship chart has a toxic composite Mars, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter conjunction – suspicious, distrustful, aggravated, all of which is quincunx the composite Sun. Stressed and strained to a remarkable degree – and it is being pummelled by tr Saturn square Mars, Neptune, Saturn from late this August through till January 2024. As well as tr Pluto square the composite Sun at zero Taurus in 2023/24.

  William’s relationship with his father is also under pressure from mid this September with tr Saturn dampening enthusiasm as it squares the composite Moon opposition Jupiter; with uncertainty, anxiety and distrust from October through till March 2024. They have not always been on the best of terms until William stepped up to the mark to take on the mantle of duty. But Charles’s 4th house Neptune in Libra which may cloud his judgement on family matters and make him an easy mark for pressure from the unrepentant Andrew. His Neptune clashes with William’s steely Saturn in Libra.

  Prince Andrew, 19 February 1960 3.38 pm London, has dollops of undeserved Jupiter this year and next (like Trump, sigh) which will keep him pushing ahead with bullish confidence. However those sit side by side with a whole plethora of complications and difficulties. Tr Saturn is hitting his Pisces Sun opposition Pluto throughout this year, noticeably across this autumn and into early 2024, which will be discouraging. Tr Pluto is also in a trapped, frustrating conjunction to his Mars, Venus in Capricorn until late December this year. Tr Neptune is in an undermining square to his Solar Arc Midheaven this year and next as it is made clear he will not resume Royal duties.

 2024 looks disappointing and self-esteem-denting with tr Neptune square his 5th house ebullient Jupiter with tr Saturn following along behind in 2025. Plus a devastating Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Neptune, exact in mid 2024, which is when tr Uranus starts to oppose his Moon in June, hinting at a house move and relocation and maybe family upheaval – running into 2025. Plus a volcanically irritated and shocking Progressed Mars conjunct his 8th house Mercury in late 2024. With his Mercury being on one leg of his yod sextile Saturn inconjunct Uranus that will have a powerful effect. And may drag more dirt out into the open from the 8th.

  Not plain sailing ahead for him despite his bluff and bluster.

  King Charles’ relationship with Andrew, which has always been competitive with a composite Sun Mars Mercury in their relationship chart, is moving into a disappointing and bumpy phase from next May 2024 with tr Neptune square the composite Jupiter and tr Uranus square the composite Pluto, running into 2025. Whatever is going on at present with the playing-nice scenario, family togetherness is unlikely to hold from this autumn onwards.

See previous posts: 2 March and 22 January 2023.

Australia – truth and reconciliation in the balance

Ensuring an Indigenous voice in the Australian parliament appears to be causing an unholy fuss. A referendum on the issue, a requirement before the Constitution is changed, will be held this October on the 14th, the day before the Libra Solar Eclipse.

 The referendum campaign has been vitriolic and racially charged despite the PM Anthony Albanese’s plea that it was a “once-in-a-generation chance to bring our country together”. The key “no” spokespeople are backed by conservative groups with links to conservative Christian organisations and have been accused by the government of importing “Trump-style” political campaigning to Australia.

   The Eclipsed New Moon is on the focal point of a yod to Neptune sextile Uranus, and is exactly conjunct the Neptune on the Australia Settlement chart of 26 January 1788 5.25am Sydney, AU.  

 A Neptunian yod with religious bigots involved. Who’d have thought?  If the settlement chart is accurate, the Neptune in the 1788 chart is in the 9th house of spiritual beliefs and heavily aspected so a key part of the early settlers’ mindset. The Virgo Moon is quincunx Pluto and Venus in Aquarius conjunct Saturn is chilly – not sweetness and light. Four planets in Aquarius might have suggested an interest in furthering the great brotherhood/sisterhood of mankind but maybe Pluto and Saturn in Aquarius have tilted it towards its less humanitarian and intolerant side.

  The referendum chart does have an implacably hostile and determined Mars in Scorpio square Pluto and an emotionally bleak Saturn opposition Venus – not exactly overflowing with inclusive compassion.

  The modern Australia chart has not much of note showing apart from the Mars/North Node midpoint being triggered by the Eclipse at the same degree. Since it can either mean collaboration or arguments, there is not a helpful signpost from that.

   Nonetheless there are far reaching changes ongoing in Australia’s direction with Pluto now moving across the 10th house of the 1901 chart. And major upheavals showing on the settlement chart.  There will be some shifts ahead though referendums are evidently hard to win.  

Syria – hints of another uprising against Assad

Anti-government demonstrators in Northern Syria have burnt the face of Bashar Assad on billboards, calling for his overthrow, in protests against living conditions and corruption.  It is the biggest insurrection in living memory from a people more than 90 per cent of whom live in poverty. The war-shattered economy hit record lows last week with the currency trading at 15,500 Syrian pounds (SYP) to one US dollar. When the 2011 protests that led to the war broke out, it had been trading at 47 to the dollar. ‘While the demonstrations have not yet reached key government-held areas such as Aleppo, Homs and Damascus — where Assad would probably act against dissent much more harshly — anti-regime sentiments have been shared online in recent days.’

   Nothing is ever a sure fire certainty but 2025 would look like a nadir for Assad. I had thought he might depart when tr Puto opposed the Mars and Cancer Sun of his Presidency chart, (17 July 2000) between 2018 to 2021 but he hung on grimly. Several charts, however, all point to two years hence being a time of major disruption.   His Presidency chart has a destabilizing Solar Arc Sun opposition Uranus in 2025 and even before then tr Saturn will square the Jupiter opposition Pluto, denting his administration’s confidence this year and next. Late 2024 his unpopularity will peak with a devastating meltdown in 2026.

His personal chart, 11 September 1965, has Solar Arc Sun conjunct his Neptune in 2025 miring him in a swamp. Before then he has a trapped, high-risk Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Mars in 2024 and an extended run of ruin and desolation up to 2027. With tr Saturn running into his Second Saturn Return in 2024 and opposing his Uranus, Pluto, Sun and then squaring his Jupiter in 2025 – bringing him down to face a hard reality.  

 The Syrian Civil War started on 15 March 2011 and that chart with its revolutionary/rebellious Uranus square Pluto in Capricorn has the Solar Arc Mars conjunct the Uranus in 2025 – which may not be pretty, since it sounds explosive but it may shift the situation on from the present unhealthy stagnation. The war effectively started with tr Pluto conjunct the Sun on the Syria country chart which is a classic civil war signature.

 The Syria chart, 1 January 1944 12 am Damascus, is already labouring under an undermining and directionless Solar Arc MC conjunct the Neptune, exactly earlier this year as an earthquake struck. And does seem poised for change. One leg of the natal yod of Mars Uranus sextile Pluto inconjunct a Capricorn Sun has moved by Solar Arc to find the SA Uranus Mars conjunct the Syria Jupiter this year and next – which could suggest relief of sorts or even luck. Though the population look downbeat in 2025 with Solar Arc Saturn opposition the Moon.

  Tr Uranus into Gemini will start to rattle up the yod  in 2026/27 as it is conjunct the Mars Uranus; with tr Pluto opposition the Pluto in 2028/29 pulling away from the past.

Spain – Women on the Verge of a Breakthrough

Snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory, Luis Robiales, the Spanish football chief, has managed to drown out the celebrations of the victory at the Women’s World Cup final by acting the bully in forcibly kissing winning player Jennifer Hermoso and then doubling down on refusals to apologise. FIFA has suspended him though the internal Spanish association have not (to date), even in the face of general condemnation and resignations within the sport and government ministers demanding his resignation.

  As he celebrated at the final whistle Robiales grabbed his crotch, with Queen Letizia of Spain and her 16-year-old daughter standing nearby, for which he later apologised.

  It is being called Spain’s #MeToo moment though the hashtag has become #SeAcabó = “it’s over”. 

 The Spain 22 November 1975 12.45pm chart is certainly in a Plutonic, maybe transformational, moment. The Scorpio Sun has Solar Arc Pluto conjunct exactly now and the Solar Arc North Node is square the Spain Pluto. With Pluto involved it will be a bitter and prolonged wrangle for the upper hand which appears to be playing out.

  The Spain chart does have a Cancer Moon square Venus Pluto opposition Jupiter. That would certainly indicate intense emotional involvements where women/mother are concerned. Females will be seen as sexualised (Venus) and possessive (thereby needing to be kept under control). Jupiter Pluto tends to the over confident, pushing aside social niceties to grab what is desired. The Sun is also quincunx Mars hinting at problems handling anger and assertion in a modulated way. And Saturn in Leo square Uranus which can be autocratic.

  Robiales, 23 August 1977, is a Sun Leo/Virgo with Saturn in wannabe-important Leo and Mars in Gemini. His North Node conjunct Pluto is in Libra which hints at a difficulty in understanding what others want in close relationships.  It is not an especially alarming chart though the angles will make a difference. Where a birth time is missing it is often worth looking at the midpoints since they can round out some of the missing pieces.   His Venus is conjunct his unkind Mars/Saturn midpoint and his Uranus squares his Venus/Saturn midpoint – both of which suggest coldness and lack of sensitivity in romance to put it at its mildest.

  He picked the wrong target for his exuberant caveman kiss. Jennifer Hermoso, 9 May 1990, is a stalwart and unbudgeable Sun Taurus opposition a Scorpio Moon and Pluto; with her Sun trine Saturn in Capricorn as well as Neptune (Uranus) in Capricorn; and a formidable Water Grand Trine of Jupiter trine Pluto trine Mars in Pisces, formed into a Kite by Jupiter opposition Uranus and Neptune.    

    Robiales has tr Neptune square his Mars in Gemini late November/December this year for a sense of sinking failure and undermined masculinity.

  Jennifer Hermoso intriguingly has her central Jupiter opposition Uranus having moved to trigger her Aquarius North Node – putting her in a position to spearhead a cause.

There will be more to Spain’s SA Pluto conjunct Sun than this spat so worth watching for what else is ongoing.