Trump’s bombastic Mars in Leo just moved up to Defcon1, as expected astrologically given the impending collision with the Leo Solar Eclipse in less than two weeks’ time. His threat to North Korea that it would see “fire and fury like the world has never seen” if it continued with provocations, has unfortunate parallels with President Harry S. Truman’s 1945 post-Hiroshima warning to Japan if they didn’t surrender. “They may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth.” Not only are the words similar but the upcoming (Great American) Solar Eclipse on the 21st is in the same Saros Series as the one which occurred a month before the first and only nuclear bombs ever dropped, by the USA on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.
There’s no inevitability of the same outcome since this eclipse series repeats every 18 years or so. But it is ratcheting up the tension.
The relationship chart between the USA and North Korea is being buffeted by this month’s eclipses – the composite Sun almost exactly on this week’s Lunar eclipse and the composite Mars conjunct the Solar Eclipse. With emotions running very high through September/October with tr Pluto opposition the composite Venus.
Kim Jong Un has a questionable birth date, but was inducted as leader at 11.57am on 29 Dec 2011 in P’yonggang, NK. This chart indicates his grip on power is in its most unstable period over the next six months as Uranus moves by Solar Arc to square the Sun Pluto conjunction exactly. The tension is mounting at the moment with tr Uranus opposition the Saturn, which most often brings temper tantrums, kicking against restrictions and a self-willed, autocratic mood. There’ll be more of the same this December; and an enraged, frustrated, cornered, situation in January 2018, with the exact Solar Arc Uranus square Sun Pluto by late Feb/March 2018 (though the effects tend to precede the exact date.)
The worry is that China will get dragged into the furore. Despite counselling North Korea to back down, they won’t take kindly to US aggression in their region. The Mars Pluto in mid Leo in the 7th on the China chart is on high alert this week with the Lunar Eclipse in opposition; and tensions are escalating there with the Solar Arc Uranus conjunct the China Saturn, exact within a few weeks.
The China/US relationship chart is at its most combative for years in 2017 to the end of 2018 with tr Pluto opposition the composite Mars, which will bring aggravated fury. Tr Saturn is also opposition the Uranus now till early September. With the composite Sun hitting the Solar Eclipse this month as well. All very much on edge.
James Mattis, Secretary of Defense, 8 September 1950, might be a pointer to any US military action, though it’s tricky to extrapolate from his chart which influences come from being in the centre of the swirling chaos of the Trump internal circus and which might be outside pressures. He does look in a high-risk phase with tr Pluto square his Sun/Mars (either this month or Sept/Oct depending on his birth time), and repeating in 2018. He’s also got a ‘jolting shock’ Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Sun this year, maybe early 2018. With a fair amount of Neptunian confusion, losses and mayhem running till 2019. What is most pointed is tr Pluto square his Mars/Saturn midpoint from early 2018 to late 2019 – that is disaster-ridden, dangerous and could be an indicator of military action.
Tense times. But despite the Eclipses becoming a minor obsession this month, there’s not much else showing up as catastrophic. Though on second thoughts the Eclipsed New Moon is conjunct Mars and trine Saturn and Uranus, so quite inflammatory. Late Sept/early Oct look edgy; as does late Nov and Dec 2017.
The Lunar Eclipses located to North Korea all look stressed this month as do the two in 2018, most especially the July one which looks devastating – with the Full Moon conjunct Mars on the Asc/Desc square Uranus.
Guam, 10 Dec 1898, in the direct firing line of threats, looks understandably panicked and that runs on, worsening through 2018/19/20 with tr Neptune square its Pluto and then Saturn Sun. The Guam/NK relationship chart is heavily disrupted exactly now with tr Pluto trine the composite Uranus; at risk of violent interventions through the next few months and worse in 2018/19 with tr Pluto trine the Mars/Uranus midpoint and then composite Mars. So it is living under the shadow of a brutal attack.