Raine Spencer – a stepmother with attitude



Raine Spencer was nicknamed ‘Acid Rain’ by the children when she married Earl Spencer, the father of Princess Diana and Charles Spencer. Their mother had fled the nest and they did not appreciate the new incomer, though by all accounts it was a good marriage, with Raine giving him support when he fell seriously ill. She was the daughter of Barbara Cartland, the romantic novelist, did the debutante thing, married and turned into a powerhouse of energy, taking up local politics, and working for the UN.

She had an ambitious though not easy chart with Mars Mercury in Libra on her midheaven opposition a 4th house Uranus square Pluto in the 8th – volatile, uncompromising, forceful. Her 9th house Sun Virgo squared Saturn in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter in Gemini Descendant so wide interests, a traveller, a thinker and prone to mood swings.

After Diana’s divorce they did become closer and that relationship, although not exactly a marriage of hearts and minds was a good deal easier than Raine’s with her stepson, the present Earl Spencer. The relationship chart with Diana had a composite Sun Pluto trine Jupiter so there would be a possibility of it transforming and offering help in difficult circumstances. Though a chilly Moon Saturn opposition Venus and a fiery Mars square Uranus wouldn’t design it for long exposure together.

The relationship chart with Charles Spencer is unremittingly grim with a composite Sun Venus Mercury Saturn opposition Saturn possibly square Moon. So outright dislike. The moment his father died, he took over the family pile and ripped out all the decorative touches Raine had added.

Prince Henrik – a right Royal strop



Prince Henrik of Denmark is grumping his way to the grave, announcing that he doesn’t want to be buried beside his wife Queen Margarethe, despite a specially designed sarcophagus being made for the couple at her request. And then he gave an interview to a celebrity gossip magazine saying his wife does “not respect” him. He has always been unhappy about the fact he has never been recognised as her equal, repeatedly saying he wanted to be named King Consort, rather than Prince Consort.

Born 11 June 1934 10pm Bordeaux, France, he has a New Moon in Gemini in the 6th trine Saturn in Aquarius on one side and trine Jupiter in Libra on the other. Part of his problem may come from an intense Pluto in his 7th house of marriage and he’s clearly not got the better end of Pluto’s determination to maintain an iron control and superior status. He’ll hate being put down as he sees it, not regarded as an equal. His Saturn is also square his Mars in Gemini, which will give him a gritty irritability and a sense of being unfairly treated by life. He got into a strop when the heir to the throne, Crown Prince Frederik, took precedence over him some years back at a New Year reception.

It makes you appreciate Prince Philip, another 6th house Gemini, who has stood by Queen Elizabeth stalwartly and never complained about Prince Charles’ presence.

Their relationship chart does have an affectionate composite Sun Venus; though there’s also a struggle for the upper hand composite Jupiter Pluto conjunction as well. Tr Pluto is opposing the composite Jupiter in 2017/18 so he’s clearly determined to make his point.

Their wedding chart, 10 June 1967, hinted at problems ahead with a harsh Saturn opposition Mars, suggesting duty took precedence over one partner’s needs; and an unstable Sun square Uranus Pluto.

On his personal chart his Solar Arc Pluto is conjunct his Jupiter which will be amplifying his need to stand out as special; plus tr Uranus square his 7th house Pluto, causing ruptures with his Royal Mrs. And his Solar Arc Sun is conjunct his 8th house Neptune so confusion may be setting in.

He’s not been the easiest spouse for her with his Uranus conjunct her 10th house dutiful Saturn; and his blocking Saturn in her 8th house of intimacy; with his Pluto conjunct her Ascendant and trine her MC. She does have Venus in Gemini which chimes with his New Moon, and both have Mars in Gemini. But his Pluto is square her 10th house Jupiter, hence the envy of her prime position.

Glen Campbell – singing from a tortured soul

Glen Campbell, the fresh-faced country singer whose soulful lyrics – Wichita Linesman, Galveston, Phoenix on My Mind, Rhinestone Cowboy – made him a smash hit in the late 1960s and 1970s, has died of Alzheimers. Born 22 April 1936 8.14pm Delight, Arkansas, he was the seventh of 12 children with a sharecropper father, started guitar playing at five and though he could never read music became one of the top session guitarists in LA, working with Phil Spector, the Beach Boys, The Monkees, The Righteous Brothers, Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley. Then he carved out his own career.

As ever the public image and private reality were a million miles apart as he described in his autobiography. At the height of his fame he spent his nights hoovering up lines of cocaine while reading the Bible. A tempestuous, violent and destructive relationship with 21-year-old country star Tanya Tucker, also a cocaine addict, fuelled his fall from grace. He eventually cleaned up his act with wife number 4 and took to evangelical religion.

He had a hard-working 6th house Sun Uranus in Taurus trine his late Leo midheaven, who helped him carve out a unique niche for himself. His creative and neurotic Saturn opposition Neptune squared onto an optimistic, lucky Jupiter – which gave him musical Neptune in the 10th, sombre Saturn in his childhood/domestic 4th and expansive Jupiter in his financial 2nd, so pluses and minuses. His Saturn was in a bleak, enduring trine to Pluto, sextile Moon, Ascendant, Mercury, Mars all in Taurus.  He was an emotionally complicated man – possessive, dependent, angry, shaped by the rigours of his poor childhood, and a mother preoccupied with child-bearing. He also had a creative and healing-for-others-if-not-himself Water Grand Trine of Saturn Pluto and a Scorpio Ascendant, formed into a Kite by Ascendant opposition Moon – so making the Moon, which is usually prominent in individuals who work with the public, the driving planet. His Pluto in the 9th would give him strong religious beliefs.

His 7th Harmonic (septiles) is heavily aspected and his strongest with the Harmonic midheaven tied into the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury. That’s most often the prominent harmonic with musical types.

North Korea – the dogs of war straining at the leash



Trump’s bombastic Mars in Leo just moved up to Defcon1, as expected astrologically given the impending collision with the Leo Solar Eclipse in less than two weeks’ time. His threat to North Korea that it would see “fire and fury like the world has never seen” if it continued with provocations, has unfortunate parallels with President Harry S. Truman’s 1945 post-Hiroshima warning to Japan if they didn’t surrender. “They may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth.” Not only are the words similar but the upcoming (Great American) Solar Eclipse on the 21st is in the same Saros Series as the one which occurred a month before the first and only nuclear bombs ever dropped, by the USA on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.

There’s no inevitability of the same outcome since this eclipse series repeats every 18 years or so. But it is ratcheting up the tension.

The relationship chart between the USA and North Korea is being buffeted by this month’s eclipses – the composite Sun almost exactly on this week’s Lunar eclipse and the composite Mars conjunct the Solar Eclipse. With emotions running very high through September/October with tr Pluto opposition the composite Venus.

Kim Jong Un has a questionable birth date, but was inducted as leader at 11.57am on 29 Dec 2011 in P’yonggang, NK. This chart indicates his grip on power is in its most unstable period over the next six months as Uranus moves by Solar Arc to square the Sun Pluto conjunction exactly. The tension is mounting at the moment with tr Uranus opposition the Saturn, which most often brings temper tantrums, kicking against restrictions and a self-willed, autocratic mood. There’ll be more of the same this December; and an enraged, frustrated, cornered, situation in January 2018, with the exact Solar Arc Uranus square Sun Pluto by late Feb/March 2018 (though the effects tend to precede the exact date.)

The worry is that China will get dragged into the furore. Despite counselling North Korea to back down, they won’t take kindly to US aggression in their region. The Mars Pluto in mid Leo in the 7th on the China chart is on high alert this week with the Lunar Eclipse in opposition; and tensions are escalating there with the Solar Arc Uranus conjunct the China Saturn, exact within a few weeks.

The China/US relationship chart is at its most combative for years in 2017 to the end of 2018 with tr Pluto opposition the composite Mars, which will bring aggravated fury. Tr Saturn is also opposition the Uranus now till early September. With the composite Sun hitting the Solar Eclipse this month as well. All very much on edge.

James Mattis, Secretary of Defense, 8 September 1950, might be a pointer to any US military action, though it’s tricky to extrapolate from his chart which influences come from being in the centre of the swirling chaos of the Trump internal circus and which might be outside pressures. He does look in a high-risk phase with tr Pluto square his Sun/Mars (either this month or Sept/Oct depending on his birth time), and repeating in 2018. He’s also got a ‘jolting shock’ Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Sun this year, maybe early 2018. With a fair amount of Neptunian confusion, losses and mayhem running till 2019. What is most pointed is tr Pluto square his Mars/Saturn midpoint from early 2018 to late 2019 – that is disaster-ridden, dangerous and could be an indicator of military action.

Tense times. But despite the Eclipses becoming a minor obsession this month, there’s not much else showing up as catastrophic. Though on second thoughts the Eclipsed New Moon is conjunct Mars and trine Saturn and Uranus, so quite inflammatory. Late Sept/early Oct look edgy; as does late Nov and Dec 2017.

The Lunar Eclipses located to North Korea all look stressed this month as do the two in 2018, most especially the July one which looks devastating – with the Full Moon conjunct Mars on the Asc/Desc square Uranus.

Guam, 10 Dec 1898, in the direct firing line of threats, looks understandably panicked and that runs on, worsening through 2018/19/20 with tr Neptune square its Pluto and then Saturn Sun. The Guam/NK relationship chart is heavily disrupted exactly now with tr Pluto trine the composite Uranus; at risk of violent interventions through the next few months and  worse in 2018/19 with tr Pluto trine the Mars/Uranus midpoint and then composite Mars. So it is living under the shadow of a brutal attack.

Mike Pence & the Koch Bros – an unholy alliance



Mike Pence is denouncing as “disgraceful and offensive” suggestions that he is financing-up to prep for the 2020 presidential election. Well he would say that, wouldn’t he, especially within spitting range of the Donald.

Just to run over his political CV. On social and cultural issues, he is to the right of the right – anti-abortion; abstinence is the entire key to sex education; condoms are useless in AIDS prevention; global warming “is a myth”; and evolution is a false theory whereas creationism “is a fact”.

There’s no birth time for him so predictions are iffier than usual. But he does look exceptionally upbeat and successful over the 2021 Inauguration with tr Pluto sextile his Jupiter in Scorpio; and the tr Jupiter Pluto in Capricorn conjunct his Solar Arc Jupiter in the aftermath of the November 2020 election. That’s once he has pulled himself out of a real trough in 2018/19 with tr Neptune square his Gemini Sun.

What is more worrisome may be his economic theories – or at least those of his prime backers, the Koch Brothers. They focus on private enterprise profit, low taxation, removal of big business regulations including the minimum wage; and a shrinking of state power in general. The Kochs fund, among other things, nearly 300 academic courses at colleges and universities, where the syllabus is dictated by the right: Keynes is bad, sweatshops are good and climate change is a myth. They don’t hold strong views on ethnicity, statehood or private vices. They just want more money and less government.

The Kochs’ backstory and influence is documented in Jane Mayer’s 2016 book Dark Money. Their father got his start-up oil money came from Stalin, then the Nazis, graduated in the US to the John Birch Society and he was an abusive disciplinarian of his sons. Mayer writes. Charles’s goal was to “tear the government out ‘at the root’.” Another commentator thought “he was driven by some deeper urge to smash the one thing left in the world that could discipline him: the government”.    All these angry, ‘destroy the state’ guys have ginormous father issues, which they are projecting out onto the global scene. Scary.

The Kochs apparently dislike Trump, though they’re sticking around to help along the tax cut campaign; and definitely dislike Robert Mercer’s camp with Steve Bannon (see post June 29 2017.) Though what seems to join all these alt-righters together is a common cause of wrecking the state and eviscerating the constitution if that’s what it takes. So they will attack the judiciary, the FBI, the media, the EU with its multilateral systems and rules.

Charles Koch, 1 Nov 1935, is a Sun Scorpio opposition Saturn, sextile Mars in Capricorn, sextile Saturn. His younger brother David, 3 May 1940, has a Taurus Sun conjunct Saturn on one side with Saturn square Pluto, and Sun conjunct Uranus on the other. So father comes across as bleak, unyielding, disruptive, certainly a hard driver. And ultra-confident and not averse to breaking a few rules with Jupiter Pluto aspects strong in both charts.

Pence gets on exceptionally well with Charles Koch with a composite Sun Venus square Jupiter in their relationship chart. Both Koch Bros are having an undermining 2017/18; and then move into a roller coaster ride with Uranus causing a fair few upheavals (though that doesn’t always mean bad); but with a considerable amount of disillusionment as well. Both look more enthused from 2022 onwards but that may be business matters with tr Saturn out of Capricorn by then. Charles doesn’t look too enamoured around the Nov 2020 election while David seems very upbeat over the Inauguration, though even he’s still on a Neptunian slide through till 2022.

As someone remarked the one outstanding virtue of Trump is that he’s so incompetent nothing gets done; Pence might well be a different kettle of fish altogether.




Roman Abramovitch & Dasha – pressures of too much money



Russian billionaire Roman Abramovitch, owner of Chelsea FC and oil and metal companies, is splitting from his third wife, former model, Dasha Zhukova, mother of his two latest children, in addition to five from his previous relationships.

Abramovitch, 24 October 1966, was orphaned at 4, grew up badly educated, but blossomed after perestroika into the 1990s, investing shrewdly in mineral wealth. His Sun is almost certainly zero Scorpio conjunct Venus in late Libra square Jupiter in Leo, so optimistic and lucky despite his difficult beginnings; with the gritty, innovative Uranus Pluto in Virgo opposition Saturn, sextile/trine Mercury Neptune in Scorpio; with an Aquarius/Pisces Moon.

Dasha Zhukova, 8 June 1981, was born into a wealthy family, part of the Russian intelligentsia, studied at a U.S. university and is an art collector, owns an arts centre in Russia, and has a non-profit Foundation which promotes contemporary culture.  She’s a Sun Gemini opposition Neptune and trine Pluto, so creative and influential; with an idealistic Saturn Jupiter conjunction in Libra trine Mars in Gemini; an uncompromising Mars opposition Uranus; and a Leo/Virgo Moon.

Her Sun opposition Neptune squares his Uranus Pluto opposition Saturn – so differing agendas. He’s evidently all work and business, while she has more arty interests.

Their relationship chart does have an affectionate composite Sun Venus Jupiter so there would be a real spark initially. But that squares onto Neptune, which always sets up a scenario for a letdown once the shine wears off. The composite Sun trines Saturn, sextile Uranus – so there would be a real chance of stability and co-operation in innovative projects. But tr Pluto picked up the opposition to the composite Mars this year, running to the end of 2018, which would exacerbate differences and bring bitter arguments or a stalemate. It’s a pity since it could have worked.

Chris Pratt & Anna Faris – a Hollywood mirage



Chris Pratt, 38, the face of “Guardians of the Galaxy” and “Jurassic Park” has announced he is separating from his wife of 8 years Anna Faris, star of “Mom” for five seasons and the voice of the Jailbreak character in “The Emoji Movie.” And this after years of trilling and coo-ing in interviews about how their destinies intertwined and how deliriously happy they were. Now it transpires they have had problems long time since.

The media blurb was how similar their lives were, growing up in the same location, both getting starts in horror spoofs, working with the same people, both with mothers who have MS, both with dead bug collections. So when they met it was soul-mate time.

Chris, 21 June 1979 4.31pm Virginian, Minnesota, is a Sun Gemini; with a formidable Moon Mars in Taurus in his 7th, so emotionally volatile. With a hidden Venus in Gemini in the 8th opposition Neptune square North Node (Saturn) in Virgo – intense, restless, a romantic idealist though subject to illusions. His Venus is also trine a 12th house Pluto, so controlling in a subtle way; and he has a maverick, freedom-loving Uranus in the 1st.

Anna Faris, 29 November 1976, Baltimore, MD, is a Sun Mars Neptune Mercury in Sagittarius with a Pisces Moon. He’s an Air Sun with Earth Moon; while she’s a Fire Sun, Water Moon – so very different types. Her Jupiter is conjunct his Moon Mars which would give them a boost when together; her Saturn is on his midheaven and square his Uranus, so she’d try to instill discipline into his life but clash over differing aims and his dislike of having his independence restricted.

Their relationship chart is a bit of a mystery with the Sun square Neptune, which fits the movie business, but tends to bring an illusory relationship where disappointment sets in as reality bites. The composite Venus has a superficially sociable square to Jupiter and opposition Mercury but not much else. And there’s a composite Mars opposition Saturn, which suggests a one-sided relationship where the needs of one partner were subsumed, and not always kindly, by the other.

The wedding chart, 9 July 2009, is also not inspiring. Certainly there was a passionately enthusiastic Mars Venus maybe trine Moon, but it was also in a strained inconjunct to Pluto; a high tension Saturn opposition Uranus, with Uranus in a changeable square to Pluto; and a head-in-the-clouds Jupiter Neptune square Mars Venus.

I never trust Mars Jupiter relationships when there aren’t any balancing and grounding factors. They fall into the category of – seemed like a good idea at the time and a great adventure – but when that wears off, the split.

Hillary Clinton – lost in a fog of self-doubt

Hillary Clinton is staying out of sight, no doubt writing or proof reading her book What Happened about her election debacle, due out in the fall; and according to reports considering becoming an ordained Methodist minister. Religion has evidently been a staple of her life from her childhood onwards.

If her birth time of 8 am is reasonably accurate, it gives her a marked 9th house of Mars Pluto Saturn, which would certainly be strong beliefs; and Sun Venus in the 12th which would be drawn to an active inner life.

Tomorrow’s Lunar Eclipse will oppose her Mars Pluto (Saturn) which will stir up a good deal of her thinking and outlook. She’s in a fairly Neptunian fog over the next two to three years; with tr Neptune hitting on two of her key midpoints; plus a chaotic, disappointing, maybe scandal-ridden tr Pluto square her Sun/Neptune in 2018/19. There’s a Solar Arc Saturn conjunct her Sun end of this year or into 2018, which looks discouraging and stuck; and her Progressed Moon is heading into her 12th on an 8am birth time very soon to stay there for two years. That is an inward looking time of clearing out the past and tying up loose ends of an old way of life. She looks emotionally downbeat as well with tr Saturn square her Moon and opposition her 8th house Uranus from this September for a few months.

Any defeat after a punishing campaign takes its toll and she’s very Scorpionic and Fixed so won’t let go hurts and resentments easily. The fact that Trump is turning out to be such a disaster, in some odd way, may make it worse. And she doesn’t look too sympatico with Bill either.

Joyce ‘Catwoman’ Wildenstein – a freakish Leo and Taurus mix



The grotesquely-bizarre, elderly socialite with a cosmetic surgeon fetish Joyce Wildenstein (Catwoman), having split last year from her boyfriend after a fight that ended up with both in prison now says she’s engaged to him.

Born 5 August 1940 in Lausanne, Switzerland, no time unfortunately, is a Sun Leo conjunct Mars in Leo on one side and widely conjunct Pluto on the other; with the Sun squaring Jupiter Saturn in Taurus; and Mars square Uranus Jupiter Saturn. Incredibly fixed, stubborn, flamboyant, volatile and volcanic, materialistic; all Fire and Earth so a bullish personality.

Her Uranus is conjunct Algol, often connected to facial deformity – she evidently thinks she looks beautiful (google her). I’d be inclined to put Uranus Algol on her Ascendant.

Her fashion designer fiancé Lloyd Klein, 15 Feb 1967, is a Sun Aquarius with a late Aries or Taurus Moon opposition Mars in Scorpio, so attracted to angry women. His Mars squares her Pluto, so they will clash mightily. His Neptune opposes her Uranus; his Uranus Pluto is conjunct her Neptune with his Saturn in opposition – all weird crossovers. Their relationship chart has a possessive, controlling composite Sun square Pluto, trine Mars; with Neptune trine Jupiter, sextile Pluto – so something dark and spider’s-webbish about it all. All the outer planets are in the last decan so quite a tangle of aspects. She’s now 76 so it doesn’t have to last a lifetime but I’d doubt if they would make it up the aisle.