Saturn, bringer of woes and hardship or of rewards for hard work moves into its own sign Capricorn this December to stay until late 2020. As ever, looking back over past occurrences in the 20th century, every 29 years, the outcome is very dependent on what other aspects are in place. The 1959/1961 Saturn in Capricorn was generally prosperous in the US, UK and Europe, although the US was running a major deficit for the first time. During that phase there was a Saturn Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn.
The most recent one in the late 1980s/early 1990s was so muddled in with the conjunction to Uranus Neptune, it’s impossible to extrapolate what effects came from which planet. Though there was a significant global economic downturn.
The more worrying similarities crop up with the 1930/32 Saturn in Capricorn which occurred just after the Wall Street Crash and through the Great Depression. At that point Saturn moved in square to Uranus, which is usually a time of economic instability, then opposed Pluto, bringing great hardship to some and Jupiter in Cancer, which would bring a harvest for the lucky few. In this next phase Saturn will conjunct Pluto by 2019, which usually brings its share of deprivation, though mercifully Saturn misses the square to Uranus which has moved into Taurus by then. In 2020 expansive Jupiter moves into Capricorn for a year. So it’s a watered down version of the early 1930’s Saturn in Capricorn; with a hint of the 1960s one which was more upbeat.
There was a previous Saturn Pluto Jupiter conjunction (as we have coming up in 2020) in 1819/20. In fact it never came together as all three since the Saturn Pluto conjunction in Pisces of 1819 had separated before Jupiter caught up in 1820. ‘The Panic of 1819 was the first major peacetime financial crisis in the United States followed by a general collapse of the American economy persisting through 1821. The Panic announced the transition of the nation from its colonial commercial status with Europe toward a dynamic economy, increasingly characterized by the financial and industrial imperatives of laissez-faire capitalism. Though driven by global market adjustments in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars, the severity of the downturn was compounded by excessive speculation in public lands, fueled by the unrestrained issue of paper money from banks and business concerns.’ (wiki)
Interesting that the financial collapse – Saturn Pluto = deprivation – was followed by a resurgence from Jupiter. It was certainly a major turning point at least for the USA.’ That is a useful parallel.