Paris Jackson, the model and actress daughter of Michael Jackson, has been speaking out, urging calm after the Leaving Neverland documentary caused an uproar about her late father’s abuse of young boys. She was brought up in Jackson’s sole custody along with an older and a younger brother who led heavily restricted lives in public, being forced to wear veils and masks. Her concern is it will ruin her acting career; though it must also create considerable psychological turmoil being forced to face what presumably she semi-knew but may have blocked out. In her early teens she was an intravenous drug user and attempted suicide several times.
Born 3 April 1998 6.26 am Los Angeles, she does have a very stressed chart with a hidden 12th house Sun Mercury in Aries and more significantly Saturn exactly conjunct Mars in Aries also in the 12th. Mars Saturn at its most basic is cruelty; can be warped sexually since Mars is the libido and Saturn blocks it; always comes with major anger issues. She’s also got a Yod of a held-back-by-circumstances-beyond-her-control 8th house Pluto sextile a rebellious 10th house Uranus inconjunct a 3rd house Cancer Moon. A Yod apex Moon tends to be emotionally disorganized, overly defensive, tending to shy away from relationship difficulties. She was separated from her mother from birth which won’t have helped with a Cancer Moon – her nurturing would come from siblings, being 3rd house.
Her relationship chart with her ‘father’ was bleak with a Grand Trine of composite Sun Mercury trine Pluto trine Saturn; with Sun Mercury opposition Neptune – controlling, defensive, emotionally cold, suspicious, evasive. Plus an explosive composite Moon Mars opposition Uranus. Not much affection or friendliness showing.
Her elder brother Prince Michael Jackson Jnr, 13 February 1997 1.06am also has a seriously stressed Mars, in his case in Libra, opposition Saturn in forced-to-be-self-reliant Aries and sextile Pluto. Though that fits into a lucky, adventurous Half Grand Sextile involving Jupiter Uranus as well – which may well be his saving grace. But the unkindness of his childhood is writ large.
The youngest brother Blanket, 21 February 2002 has less strain on his Mars in Aries; but has a highly sensitive Venus in Pisces on the focal point of a T Square to a bleak Saturn (and Moon?) in Gemini opposition Pluto; with his Pisces Sun trine Jupiter and also square Saturn. It’s a Water Air chart so he will find it tricky to maintain a balance between his feelings and his rational functions.
Paris is going through a very tough patch with tr Uranus conjunct her Ascendant now as the documentary is aired; with tr Saturn conjunct her midheaven for a reality check. And a scary, trapped and discouraging tr Pluto square her Saturn Mars picking up the exact aspect this month and running on and off till late 2020. She’ll need a good deal of support.
What a messed up family of kids.