Sam Bankman Fried – a Solar Arc Force 9 tempest ++ accurate birth chart

Wunderkind of the crypto currency universe Sam Bankman-Fried is about to be sentenced next week on what is described as a colossal fraud and could be facing a forty to fifty year jail stretch.

  This is just an astro-quickie with all details in previous post November 14 2022.

 What is intriguing is a collision of his Solar Arcs with his natal chart which invariably accompanies a major life crisis.  Born 6 March 1992 in California he is a visionary and inventive Sun Pisces trine Pluto, sextile Uranus Neptune; with a manipulative Venus square Pluto as well as a Mars Saturn conjunction in Aquarius widely square his Pluto. Controlling, influential, with an inventive streak as well as hard-edged and chillingly single minded.

  His Solar Arc Mars Saturn are now about to conjunct his Sun for a massive setback. With his Solar Arc Sun square his high-wire Uranus Neptune conjunction. And his Solar Arc Neptune Uranus approaching the square to his Pluto. A perfect astrological storm that does not augur well.

Solar Arcs colliding with major configurations in a chart are worth looking out for.

ADD ON: Accurate birth time/date from birth certificate now puts him as born on 5 March 1992 at 9.51am Stanford, CA.

  His Sun and Moon (not conjunct) are in his 11th house with his Moon conjunct Mercury in Aries. His hard-edged, unsentimental Mars Saturn Venus conjunction are in his career 10th – giving him a charming veneer covering over ruthless ambition. His Pluto in Scorpio was in his 6th house nearly on the cusp of his 7th trine his Sun and Moon, and sextile Uranus Neptune in Capricorn as well as square Venus, Mars, Saturn. That is some Pluto – if in the 6th relentless about getting his own way at work. If in the 7th would impose his will on others. Pluto Venus is manipulative. Pluto square Saturn Mars is cold-hearted and merciless.

 His Solar Arc Pluto has just moved into his 8th house of joint finances to stay for the next 22 years. Tr Saturn is making him serious/discouraged about his long term plans as it heads to his 11th and aiming to conjunct his Sun Moon for a prune-back of optimism and confidence; along with transiting Neptune in an undermining, confusing conjunction to his Moon,

Odd enough his Solar Arc Midheaven is exactly opposition his Jupiter which may have amplified his extremist tendencies. What seems more apt is his Progressed Mars  moving to conjunct his SA Midheaven over coming months which does suggest a collision of sorts. The Solar Arcs detailed above still hold even with a day’s difference since they cover a span of several years.   If his birth time is accurate, it is surprising that tr Pluto conjunct his Midheaven did not show up – which won’t come until 2027/28 which is usually the fall-from-grace influence. With worse to follow as tr Pluto then crosses his Mars, Saturn and Venus through into the next decade which will be punishing.

Leo Varadkar – a mid life crisis rebellion

Leo Varadkar, who became a surprisingly progressive Taoiseach in the Republic of Ireland, has announced his resignation. He was the first openly gay Irish leader, and the first of half-Indian heritage. He saw through a referendum overturning Ireland’s abortion ban, and helped steer the country out of the pandemic to a healthy budget surplus. On the downside he suffered a humiliating loss recently with a referendum on family life and leaves with a housing crisis, a divisive debate over immigration, and his party Fine Gael facing defeat in a general election with Sinn Fein in the ascendant.

 In Brexit negotiations, he won acclaim at home and resentment in London by mobilising the EU behind the border backstop that rebalanced Ireland’s historically subservient relationship with Britain. It paved Johnson’s path to Downing Street and the Northern Ireland protocol that appalled unionists by putting a trade border in the Irish Sea.

A commentator said:  ‘Varadkar’s critics felt he was essentially a political lightweight without deep convictions, driven by fashion and the urge to show Ireland as a determinedly progressive little country.’

  Born 18 January 1979 5.30am (from memory) Dublin, he has an ambitious Sun Mars conjunct in Capricorn trine a Virgo Moon and sextile Uranus – hard-working, money-minded, a reformer and with Pluto in his 10th influential.

  It will have been an uphill struggle for him recently with tr Pluto conjunct his Sun Mars in 2022/23 and a major setback from SA Saturn square his Mars also in 2023. Plus he has tr Saturn moving through the middle of his 1st quadrant, making him question whether he was doing what best suited his essential self. At the moment he has the approaching April Solar Eclipse opposition his 10th house Pluto exactly which will have put pressure on him to change.

 His Solar Arc Sun is also exactly opposition his Saturn for a separation from the past. And his midlife crisis is in play with his tr Uranus opposition his natal Uranus, starting last year and with a final aspect exactly now. There is an urge to change over the midlife crisis with old unfulfilled ambitions becoming  urgent. At the same time he looks relieved and keen for a new start. His Progressed Moon and tr Uranus moving through his 6th may also have given him pause for thought on the health front.

 His initial term as Taoiseach, 14 June 2017 3.30pm Dublin, also has the Solar Eclipse square the Pluto and Midheaven and opposition the Ascendant, for a wrench away from the past.

  He was a surprising political leader for a country still enmeshed in its religious past but his Sun Mars was conjunct the Ireland Moon and opposition Neptune so he would clear away some of the old confusion. His Uranus in the Ireland 4th would create a minor domestic revolution and his Jupiter conjunct the Ireland South Node made for a partnership that moulded social trends.

 Whatever his political failings, he was an astonishing leader in troubled times. There is a great deal ahead for him on the career front whatever he chooses to do. At present he says he intends to stay in the Ireland parliament.

 His partner, another doctor, Matthew Barrett has preferred to stay low key. He possibly has the same birthday or thereabouts in 1987. If accurate that would make both Sun Capricorns, both have Venus in Sagittarius and both have a Virgo Moon.

Eclipses 2024 – USA a hotspot ++ Canada

  The first of this year’s eclipses comes next Monday with a Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra/Aries. Pluto will trine/sextile the Full Moon to provide a degree of get-it-together energy. Though Neptune widely conjunct the Sun opposition Moon may cast an air of dither and drift into proceedings. Jupiter Uranus conjunct will produce a dash of adventure and luck. It’s not a well-integrated chart so unless planets are on the axis it may not have much impact – Moon MC mid North America. Argumentative Mars MC Moscow, Saudi and Irag; and Pluto MC Germany.

  The Total Solar Eclipse on 8 April at 19 degrees Aries – the great American eclipse – has its path across the USA.   In addition to the lucky Jupiter Uranus there is a less cheerful Mars Saturn conjunction in Pisces which can be accident-prone or bring setbacks. Like the Lunar Eclipse it is not especially well integrated as a chart.  The New Moon/Midheaven line runs through the USA east and centre. The Mars Saturn Midheaven which is less helpful through the western USA. Jupiter Uranus through South America. Mars Saturn IC through Iran. Pluto IC through Germany.

  Bernadette Brady says of this Saros series that it is inventive, with flashes of genius, insights, good ideas, vivid dreams and an urge for freedom which may pull the individual away from relationships temporarily causing strain. Around before in 2006, 1988, 1970, 1952, 1934, 1916.

The eclipse will enter Canada in Southern Ontario, and continue through Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Cape Breton. The eclipse will exit continental North America on the Atlantic coast of Newfoundland, Canada, at 5:16 p.m. NDT. For those lucky enough to be in the ‘path of totality’, daytime will turn into darkness for a short time.

  The 18 September 2024 Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees Pisces/Virgo is conjunct Neptune and square Jupiter for a hint of over-optimism and delusion. There is an Earth Grand Trine of Uranus in Taurus trine Sun trine Pluto which is practical and good for crafting solid achievements. Except in this case it also forms a Kite with Sun opposition Neptune so there will be a degree of indecisiveness and confusion. As well as high hopes and enthusiasm.

The Solar Eclipse of 2 October 2024 at 10 degrees Libra has the New Moon in a hyper-active and argumentative square to Mars. And Jupiter square Neptune and Saturn so prone to mood swings, up and down.

 Bernadette Brady says of this Saros Series it is about separation and loss, to finish or complete a process. With sadness at the end or closure. Not good for strenuous physical activities. Around before 2006, 1988, 1970, 1952, 1934, 1916.  

 New Moon Midheaven through central USA. Pluto Midheaven Germany, Italy. Saturn MC Iran. Neptune MC Pakistan. Uranus MC Hong Kong and Philippines.  Jupiter Ascendant through Ukraine.

Hong Kong – China curtails civil liberties

China’s grip on Hong Kong has tightened with a draconian new security law which has attracted international condemnation.

Officials say the law is essential for stability but opponents called it a “nail in the city’s coffin”. The new law allows for closed-door trials, gives the police rights to detain suspects for up to 16 days without charge and penalties including life sentences, among other things.

Hong Kong’s leader John Lee defended the law which was fast-tracked through its final phase on Tuesday saying the legislation would help the city “effectively prevent, suppress and punish espionage activities, conspiracies and traps from foreign intelligence agencies, and infiltration and sabotage by hostile forces”. Commentators fear the law could also be used to target HongKongers overseas, or their families and friends back home. The city has previously offered bounties for information on activists who fled overseas, and arrested four people in Hong Kong for supporting people abroad who “endanger national security”.

   The Hong Kong 1 July 1997 chart has had a ruinous tr Pluto conjunct the Neptune through 2023 till late this year, which extends on as tr Pluto opposes the 5th house Venus this year and next putting a damper on self-expression and spontaneity. There is also a Solar Arc Uranus square the Pluto exactly now pointing to jarring changes and disruption. The second half of this decade does not offer much hope of positive change with tr Neptune Saturn in Aries impacting on the Capricorn Sun square Mars and tr Pluto conjunct the Uranus.

 The relationship chart between HK and China 1912 has similar astro-challenges with a hostile/trapped tr Pluto opposition Mars till late this year and conjunct the Uranus in 2025/26 and square the composite Saturn as well which looks discouraging and agitated.

 The present HK chief executive, John Lee Ka-chiu, a hardline former HK policeman, is under investigation by the EU as to  whether he should be sanctioned under the Magnitsky Act. His Term chart, 1 July 2022 10.20 am,  with a ruthless, domineering Mars square Pluto will undoubtedly follow Beijing’s party line. The mood last year and this has been punitive with some jolts and tensions erupting this June onwards.

   You can say what you like about the old empire and colonialism but in a toss up it was a million times better than this.

Oprah Winfrey – facing up to her fears

Oprah Winfrey has become the latest in a line of celebrities shunning the fat-is-fabulous trend to streamline their shape and take strain off their joints and kidneys.  After knee surgery in 2021 she went on a diet and exercise regime, helped along by a weight loss drug she admitted last year.

  She was born 29 January 1954 4.30am Kosciusko, MS and had a poor and abusive childhood. She has a charming Sun, Venus in Aquarius in her money-making 2nd house trine a 6th house Jupiter (which is prone to indulgence and expansion). More significantly she has Mars in Scorpio square an 8th house Pluto, hinting at the fears which will have dogged her steps throughout her life.

  Weight is often not just a way of filling an emotional void but more importantly a protection. Being small, slight and vulnerable is scary. Being heavyweight with layers of fat erects a defence for security and safety. Mars Pluto is about total domination so the child fears their life never mind their bodily integrity is at risk.

  Adele, 5 May 1988 8.19 am London has her Mars square Pluto opposition Sun Jupiter in Taurus with her Moon in the 6th as does Lizzo born a week earlier.

  Producer Shonda Rhimes has a Mars opposition Pluto. Kirstie Alley has a Mars opposition Pluto.  Gabourey Sibide has her Mars in Taurus (conjunct her Taurus Sun) on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Pluto sextile Neptune. Monique has a Mars sextile Saturn inconjunct Jupiter.

  Jupiter and Taurus have a hand in weight gain as does the Moon on occasion but the recurring Mars Pluto theme is striking.

  When Oprah finally got a grip of her weight problem after a life of yo-yo ups and downs, tr Saturn was moving through her 1st Quadrant. That is sometimes a point where the body says ‘enough’. But is also a time when unresolved psychological/emotional issues surface to be resolved. Tr Saturn was also in 2022 shaking up her Mars square Pluto; followed in 2023/24 by tr Uranus opposition her Mars square Pluto – so that defensive structure in her robust personality was being put under pressure to change.

  One reason diets often don’t hold is that the underlying fears about vulnerability and attractiveness surface and the old defence mechanisms come back into play.

Russia – farcical election win for Putin ++ Germany Retro Mars

Votski – Putin 87%, unfortunate accidents nul points.

  At least the cartoonists raised a smile at the foregone conclusion of an election described as “farcical” with Putin heading into a fifth term.

 The Russia 8 December 1991 7.45pm chart hints at strong emotional reactions domestically this year and next and an increasingly discouraging struggle where neighbours are concerned through 2025/26 with tr Pluto conjunct the 7th house Saturn.  With 2027 looking ruinous with hints of violence.

The Russia 8 November 1917 chart will have a blip of luck in 18 months’ time; but otherwise will be sagging domestically with tr Neptune Saturn squaring the 4th house Venus in 2025/26; with 2026/7 looking explosive and disruptive perhaps from internal dissidents with tr Uranus square the 12th house Mars. Tr Pluto opposition the Neptune by 2028/29 will see devastating confusion, perhaps with a natural disaster though also perhaps a political collapse.

 What is intriguing is the 1917 chart had its Progressed Mars go retrograde in November 2005 as Putin started to seriously strip away democratic protections with the Russian parliament and in the regions. The following year the USA saw its Progressed Mars also go retrograde for many decades thereafter. A retrograde Mars usually indicates a lessening of vitality and effectiveness.

 Putin’s initial Presidency chart 31 December 1999, which dipped badly last year, will get a sharp elbow in the ribs come this July/August and on; with calamities, confusion and lack of will in 2025/26 with tr Pluto conjunct the Neptune. But it is 2026/27 which may see his grip on power being destabilized with Solar Arc Uranus squaring the Pluto. Tr Saturn also squares the Sun in 2025 which sometimes see the curtain come down on administrations and if all that doesn’t shift him, then by 2028 tr Uranus will square the Pluto for more earthquakes under his feet.

  My estimate would be overall that Uranus moving into Gemini from 2025 onwards will be the catalyst for his final exit.

ADD ON: The Germany 1871 chart had its Progressed Mars retrograde between March 1910 and August 1990. In 1990 East and West German became united again with Unification Day celebrated on  3 October 1990. Blaschke describes Mars going direct as unleashing an inner reservoir of power that has been building up throughout the retrograde period. It is associated with will power and drive, which would certainly describe Germany’s economic resurgence in the years following.

Neptune Pluto – erotic, fluid, ambitious ++ Vita and Violet and two agitated husbands ++ Vita Taurus North Node

The coming together of Neptune Pluto in the past has produced megalomanic dictators (Attila the Hun, Tamerlane the Great,  Stalin, Cecil Rhodes, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung), scandals (Dreyfus, Oscar Wilde, Panama Canal), great erotic art (the Kamasutra, Canterbury Tales, Burton’s Thousand and One Nights), and science of intangibles (alchemy, electricity, radio waves, x-rays).  

400–420 in Taurus and Gemini; 892–919 in Taurus and Gemini with Saturn as well in 912; 1383–1411 in Taurus and Gemini; 1876–1902 in Taurus and Gemini.

Ebertin adds to its individual characteristics – clairvoyant visions and second sight, highly active imagination, self-torment, obsessions.

  Pluto’s emphasis on sexuality and Neptune’s boundary-dissolving qualities produced some memorably complicated relationships. Of which Louis and Edwina Mountbatten, Edward and Wallis, Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicholson as well as Stanley Spencer (below) are but a few examples.

 Lord Louis Mountbatten, (uncle of Prince Philip), 25 June 1900 6am Windsor, England, married the much wealthier Edwina, 28 November 1901 7am Romsey, England. She had affairs throughout the marriage, latterly including Nehru, doing little to hide them. He accepted them and even developed friendships with some of them – making them “part of the family”. Her daughter Pamela Hicks describes her mother as a man eater and a detached, rarely seen mother who preferred travelling the world with her current lover to mothering her children. Louis Mountbatten admitted: “Edwina and I spent all our married lives getting into other people’s beds.” He is also suspected of homosexual liaisons, some underage.

  He was a Sun Cancer with his Gemini Moon in a possessive conjunction to Pluto in a needs-space opposition to an adventurous Uranus Jupiter in Sagittarius with Neptune also in late Gemini in an escapist conjunction his Sun and an anxiety-riddled opposition to Saturn. He had a see-saw chart so was endlessly searching for another half to give him balance.  Edwina’s Sagittarius Sun was conjunct his Uranus for major differences and her evasive Moon Neptune in Cancer in an angry and elusive opposition to Mars in Capricorn collided with his Sun. She also had a rebellious Uranus opposition Pluto and an earthy Saturn Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn.  

  Both of them were a ferocious mess as personalities – and their relationship chart did not give much hope of a settled life with a composite Moon Pluto opposition Jupiter Uranus square Sun opposition Mars – a rolling tempest of a relationship.

  The Duke of Windsor, 23 June 1894 9.55pm Richmond, gave up the throne to marry the American divorcee Wallis Simpson, 19 June 1896 10.30pm and subsequently stuck together in exile in what seemed to be an unhappy liaison. He had a Cancer Sun in an impulsive square to Mars, with a Pisces Moon and a 4th house Pluto, Neptune conjunction in Gemini conjunct Jupiter in his 5th house, with an indulgent Venus in Taurus – reckless, trapped by his lineage and a playboy.  His 8th house Saturn was trine his Pluto Neptune Jupiter which could have been a stabilizing influence but instead seemed to have induced depression.  Wallis’s late Gemini Sun and Venus fell in his romantic 5th as well as her Neptune Mercury in Gemini. She did have her upbeat Jupiter in Leo in his 7th house which would offer him support. But their relationship chart with its out-of-step Full Moon, never in tune with each other’s moods, would take its toll. Their composite Venus, Pluto Neptune fell in the composite 4th for a trapped, confused and extravagant domestic life.

Novelist and garden designer Vita Sackville-West, 9 March 1892 4.15 pm Knowle, England, married penniless diplomat Harold Nicholson, 21 November 1886, after a chaste engagement without so much as a kiss and thereafter they had an open marriage. Both had same-sex relationships before and during their marriage. She had the Neptune Pluto conjunction in Gemini in her 10th house giving her creative talent and influence and a tendency to control. Her Leo Moon was square Uranus hinting at a need for constant change. She also had an unstable Saturn in Virgo opposition Jupiter square an excitable Mars in Sagittarius which would amplify her need for excitement and constant travel.

  Harold, who later became a politician and then a journalist/biographer, had a Sun, Venus in Scorpio opposition Neptune Pluto so would feel the full brunt of the creative, erotic, confusion-inducing fates that oversaw his birth.  He had several homosexual affairs and Vita discussed with him their shared homosexual tendencies They remained famously devoted to each other and wrote almost every day when they were separated because of Nicolson’s long diplomatic postings abroad or Vita’s insatiable wanderlust.

  His Sun Venus fell in her 4th house and and was trine her Jupiter and Pisces Sun for a mutually supportive bond.

  Their relationship chart was riddled with strained quincunxes – Saturn inconjunct the composite Sun; and Mars inconjunct the composite Neptune Pluto conjunction. Pieces that did not quite fit together. The Sun was also square Uranus – a union that needed a good deal of space and individual freedom. And the composite Moon may have been square Neptune Pluto – possessive and evasive. Somehow they made it work.

Nowadays seems unduly prudish in comparison.

ADD ON: An additional weirdness was Vita’s long passionate relationship with Violet Keppel-Trefusis, daughter of the favourite mistress of Albert Edward (“Bertie”), the Prince of Wales, who became King in 1901. He paid visits to her mother at tea time regularly until he died in 1910. Her father who was aware of the affair, was conveniently absent at these times.

  Violet met Vita when she was ten and formed an attachment. On learning in later years that Vita was to be engaged to Harold Nicolson and was involved in an affair with Rosamund Grosvenor, Violet became engaged to Denys Trefusis to make Vita jealous. But because of Vita’s exclusive claim, and her own loathing of marriage, Violet made her husband-to-be promise never to have sex with her as a condition for marriage. As Vita and Violet cavorted together in the south of France gossip about their loose behaviour reached London. There then ensued a merry-go-round with two agitated husbands in pursuit, which climaxed when  Harold told Vita that Violet had been unfaithful to her (with her husband Denys). Vita flew off the handle. Violet clung on via letters. And after to-ing and froing the affair ended and Vita stayed married to Harold.

  The aristos at their worst.

  Violet, 6 June 1894, London, no birth time, had a Sun. Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto conjunction in Geminis square Mars in Pisces – which was a whirlwind of over excitable chaos. Plus an indulgent Venus in Taurus; and an impulsive Mars trine Uranus perhaps trine a Cancer Moon.

  Her Mars was conjunct Vita’s Pisces Sun for a spark of attraction though was also a recipe for arguments. Violet’s Venus was in opposition to Vita’s Uranus again hinting at the thrill of the unconventional but not a recipe for calm togetherness.

 Their relationship chart did have an affectionate and mutually supportive composite Sun, Jupiter, Venus conjunction but it opposed Uranus for constant tensions and separations. There was also a Grand Trine of Mars trine Saturn trine Pluto Neptune hinting at a streak of unkindness, power-imbalance and considerable confusion.

All too exhausting.

ADD ON: Interesting that Vita S-W had a Taurus North Node and became one of the pre-eminent gardeners in the world with her husband in creating the Sissinghurst Garden. Traditionally Taurus NN have a powerful sex drive and tend to live out periods of intense emotional turmoil as they are pulled back into the Scorpio South Node. Moderation is lacking and they can be defensive in a hostile way if confronted. Reaching out for nature is what brings contentment ultimately. She was on her Nodal Return when she and her husband bought Sissinghurst.

Stanley Spencer – a life complicated by women

Artist Stanley Spencer’s marital life has been described as “the most bizarre domestic soap opera in the history of British art”. He was renowned for his First World War memorial paintings and his life in rural Cookham murals. His paintings originally provoked shock and controversy and foreshadow some of the much later works of Lucian Freud.

 He left his first wife, Hilda, having been vamped by Patricia Preece, who on marrying him, left immediately after the wedding with her lesbian lover and conned him out of his house, the assumption being she only married him to restore her bankrupt family’s fortunes. He returned intermittently to his first wife whom he faithfully visited during her last illness. Just to add to the confusion Patricia Preece’s paintings, well remarked at the time, appear to have been painted by her lover Dorothy Hepworth.

   Spencer was born 30 June 1891, no birth time, London and was a Sun Mars in Cancer with the inspired, imaginative and often tormented Neptune Pluto in Gemini amplified in his chart conjunct Venus and North Node and squaring a Saturn opposition Jupiter. No surprises his life read like overblown fiction – fantastical, prone to cons and falsehoods, mystical and clearly talented.

  His first wife Hilda, 20 November 1889, was a late Sun Scorpio with her Venus in Scorpio trine his Sun and her Mercury in Scorpio in an argumentative trine to his Mars. Their relationship chart has a passionate Venus Mars conjunction; and a power-couple, overly hopeful Jupiter trine Neptune Pluto but it was also riddled with doubt and suspicion from Neptune Pluto square Saturn.

Patricia Preece, 22 January 1894, was a Sun Aquarius with an ultra-determined and duplicitous Mars in Sagittarius opposition Neptune Pluto. Her Venus did trine his Sun and her Mars squaring his Venus would provide a spark of attraction; though clashing as it did with his Saturn it was always destined to end in tears.  Their relationship chart has an affectionate Sun, Venus, Jupiter conjunction which would be reassuringly affectionate but that sat side by side with an unkind/cruel/unpleasant Mars Saturn conjunction trine Pluto. Neptune  

 Dorothy Hepworth,  30 September 1894, was a Sun Libra and Moon which fitted with Preece’s Aquarius Sun and Leo Moon. But that apart it would be an uneasy match – though their relationship chart did have an affectionate Sun, Mercury, Venus opposition Pluto Neptune Jupiter conjunction – love and control and duplicity all sitting together; plus a one sided Saturn trine Mars.

  Oddly enough Spencer’s relationship chart with Hepworth was the most aggravated of the quartet with a composite Pluto Mars Neptune.

  His first wedding to Hilda on 23 February 1925 has a composite New Moon (probably) so she would make him feel whole with a doubting Venus opposition Neptune square Saturn; a push-and-pull Pluto Jupiter and a Grand Trine onto a Kite with Jupiter as the leading planet. More pluses than minuses though according to biographers her self-confidence waned during her marriage to Spencer and she painted more after the marriage split. He was a man of “idiosyncratic vision, unassailable conviction, egocentricity, and brilliance.” They could both be stubborn and argumentative.

 His wedding to Preece, 29 May 1937 had a power-couple (struggle for the upper hand) Jupiter opposition Pluto square Venus which does hint at manipulation (Venus Pluto) with a hyper-determined Mars trine Pluto inconjunct Venus.  

  The art world has always been awash with complicated liaisons and not on the whole renowned for committed marriages but this does seem to be weirder than most.

  A new book THE SECRET ART OF DOROTHY HEPWORTH AKA PATRICIA PREECE by Denys J. Wilcox is out later this month.

Billie Piper – empowering herself

Billie Piper, an actress with a rare reputation for talent in recent years, a child star and former singer, has been opening up about growing up in a male dominated world and her difficulties co-parenting with her divorced second husband the scandal-prone Laurence Fox.

  He was sacked by GB News last year after sexist comments he made on-air about a female journalist. He recently lost a  libel case with two people he called paedophiles on social media, and was arrested last October on suspicion of conspiring to commit criminal damage to Ulez cameras.

  They share teenage sons from their marriage which ended in 2016. Her first marriage was to Chris Evans, a tv presenter 16 years older.

  She was born 22 September 1982 in Swindon, England, maybe 10.20pm with a Virgo Sun and Neptune both square a 7th house Neptune (on this birth time) which makes sense of multiple relationships. She also has an impulsive, headstrong Mars Uranus in Sagittarius possibly conjunct her Moon which again will make for difficulty in finding domestic stability. Plus an unyielding Saturn Pluto conjunction

  Laurence Fox, 26 May 1978, is a Sun Gemini with a Capricorn/Aquarius Moon. He also has a hard-edged, overly reactive, angry Saturn Mars in Leo which sits in her 4th house of family; and his pushily-confident Jupiter square Pluto collides with her Mercury. Their relationship chart significantly has a composite Mars Pluto conjunction for a power-imbalance and hostility from that.

 Chris Evans, 1 April 1966, of whom she speaks highly, is a pro-active, excitable Sun Mars in Aries; with an aggravating opposition from his Mars to her Saturn and his unsettled Uranus Pluto conjunction sitting close to her Venus – none of which are recipes for long term contentment. Again the relationship chart has a dominating composite Mars Pluto trine; with a composite Sun opposition Saturn square Pluto. Power/submission would be issues.

  Even the wedding charts do not look hopeful.

To Evans: 6 May 2001, a Sun inconjunct Pluto, square Uranus and square Neptune, with Mars inconjunct Saturn and Jupiter opposition Pluto. Muddle, mayhem, one sided,

To Fox, 31 December 2007: there was an aggravated Sun opposition Mars, trine Saturn; Saturn opposition Uranus; and Jupiter Pluto opposition Mars. Arguments would follow.

  In the Vogue interview she said: “There was a point where I realised I had been drawn into siding with men on a lot of things.”  “I’d grown up in a world that was dominated by men.” “They always had the last word at home, which could be frightening.” “I became very famous very young, and went into the music industry, which was another place where you were told what to do by men.” “Sometimes I wanted to appeal to them, so that I could feel safe. Sometimes I wanted to be them because it looked like they were having a better time than I was. It was a period of time in the 1990s where it was just very, very male heavy. I felt a huge amount of frustration about that. And I carried that into my romantic relationships.”  

The old patterns repeat until as she describes she had a phase in her early thirties where she felt ‘unhinged and mentally not well’ and started to let go her old destructive patterns.  That would be when tr Uranus first opposed her Saturn Pluto conjunction but more so tr Pluto moved through Capricorn squaring her Saturn Pluto. Women who have been dominated and overly submissive often take into their forties after their tr Pluto square their natal Pluto to become empowered and learn to stand up for themselves