Marvin Gaye – huge talent, double sorrow

Marvin Gaye fans have sad memories of their idol around April 1st which was the day he was shot by his father forty years ago and a day before his 45th birthday. He was one of the lead stars of the Motown group in the the 1960’s and 1970s and an influential force in the music scene. His greatest duets were with Tammi Terrell, including “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough,” and “Your Precious Love,” “Ain’t Nothing Like the Real Thing” and “You’re All I Need to Get By.

 He was born 2 April 1939 Washington, DC at noon (from memory) with an abusive ordained minister father from a conservative Christian sect, who had himself grown up in an abusive home, who gave him daily beatings.

  Musical success in the late 1970s was interrupted by a messy divorce, drug problems and challenges from the IRS over his tax affairs. He disappeared off to Europe with tales of his cocaine addiction and erratic behaviour circulating. Inexplicably he returned to live with his parents which sent him unsurprisingly into a suicidal depression and quarrels with his father. His father shot and killed him the day before his 45th birthday. Gay Snr was initially charged with first-degree murder, but the charges were reduced to voluntary manslaughter following a diagnosis of a brain tumor, leading to a suspended six-year sentence and probation.

  Marvin Gaye was a Sun, Mercury, Saturn in pro-active Aries with his Sun in a volatile square to Mars in Capricorn. He had Jupiter in musical Pisces opposition Neptune Moon in Virgo and a Scorpio North Node.

  When he was killed both transiting Pluto and tr Saturn were moving through his 4th house of family/father as he tried – and failed – to come to terms with his brutal childhood. His Progressed Moon was moving to oppose his 4th house Scorpio North Node and his Progressed Mars was approaching the opposition to his Pluto. Oddly enough tr Jupiter was almost exactly square his Sun.

 Marvin Gay Snr, 1 October 1914, Kentucky, was a Sun Libra in an adventurous trine to Uranus Jupiter in Aquarius. But what blighted his life and personality was Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn Pluto conjunct in Cancer with his Mars square Uranus opposition Neptune – violent, ruthless, vengeful, fanatical.  To a degree excused by his own savage childhood but not a man in control of his baser urges.

  When he shot his son in the middle of a quarrel tr Pluto was exactly conjunct his Mars with tr Mercury in opposition.

 Gay Snr’s grudge-bearing Mars in Scorpio was conjunct his son’s 4th house Scorpio North Node which figures. And his unyielding Saturn Pluto in Cancer opposed his son’s Mars so they would trigger each other’s anger.

 Marvin Gaye’s creative 5th and 7th harmonic were marked and his 7th often found with musical artists and addictions had a gritty Mars Saturn Uranus link. His ‘victim’ 12th was also starkly aspected. His breakthrough-genius 13H, leaving-a-legacy 17H and global-influencer 22H gave him a lasting reputation.

 Intergenerational trauma and the damage it wreaks!

Trump’s little helpers – mixed fortunes ahead

On the other side of the electoral aisle, many of Trump’s erstwhile helpers from his previous stint – Mike Pence, John Bolton, William Barr – have said he is not fit to be president. However he has collected a coterie of advisers moving ahead which the FT usefully listed.

   Most don’t have birth times and their astrology could reflect personal circumstances, offers of jobs from whoever wins – or indeed their situation at the time of the election/inauguration in the event of Trump falling out for any reason. Remember also Trump’s fall-out and turnover rate of staff is high.

David Cornstein: has a fair smattering of good luck influences pre-the election and through November and spring 2025.

Susie Wiles: will be devastated from this mid April to late May and February 2025 onwards. Upbeat this August though confused and panicked in November. With hints of good luck across the Inauguration and beyond.

Mike Johnson: Over hopeful running into the election, though cheered up through November and across the Inauguration.

Fred Fleitz: On good form, feels he is winning across the election, upbeat New Year to mid March 2025.

Keith Kellogg: Sagging May to late September; not in good humour through November and generally finding life an uphill struggle and confusing.

Steve Bannon: Stuck through November; gloomy over New Year; a hint of luck from SA Jupiter square his Sun but edgy.

Russell Vought: Pushing confidently ahead late November to end of December; panicked over the Inauguration and discouraged. In better spirits from late February 2025 onwards.

Matthew Whitaker: Calamities in July 2024 and spring 2025; out of sorts through January over the Inauguration.

Robert Lighthizer: a mix of panicky slumps from this September to late November. More buoyant through January with some luck and also irritations across the Inauguration.

John Ratcliffe: Definite no-no through September to late November as he runs into road blocks and disasters.

Ken Hassett: Some upbeat moments and as many downers and insecure-making jolts through this year; with January 2025 looking blocked/pressured as well as lucky.

Jared Kushner: Not winning through September to late November.

   Not sure why I thought this would bring enlightenment. But it gives the other side.

Obama and Clinton – pointers to the election ++ Biden’s campaign manager

Amidst concern for Biden’s progress towards the election, former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton have stepped up to help raise a healthy $25 million for campaign funds. He is running neck and neck with Trump though polls are never much of a guide but there are concerns about his fitness and the damage caused by the Gaza calamity.

    Assuming Obama and Clinton have a vested interest in the result their charts could be a pointer, remembering though that personal issues may be pointed up in the astrology which are tricky to separate out from jubilation/despair at the result.

  Barack Obama, 4 August 1961 7.24pm Honolulu, Hawaii,  on the upside has tr Pluto conjunct his Jupiter, exact from November 20th to late December 2024 with his Solar Arc Midheaven conjunct both – which looks like a considerable triumph. He looks upbeat in October before the election but will be on high alert over New Year for a few days with the possibility of disasters  and very edgy over the Inauguration itself with tr Uranus opposition his Solar Arc Mars. What is troubling is his Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Neptune in effect over the election and Inauguration and exact in February/March 2025 which can suggest devastation, confusion and losses. And his Progressed Moon moves into his troubled 8th house just after the Inauguration to stay throughout the next presidency until early 2028.

 Bill Clinton, 19 August 1946 8.51am Hope, Arizona, has less of cheer with tr Uranus conjunct his Moon now and then square his Sun from this July onwards – though the effects of those may be less political and more personal. The October Solar Eclipse is conjunct his Venus for a potential emotional upset;  with setbacks over early November from tr Saturn opposition his Jupiter/Saturn midpoint; and more negativity over the Inauguration from tr Saturn hitting his Sun/Mars and Sun/Neptune midpoint.

 Chuck Schumer, the Democratic Senate Majority Leader, 23 November 1950 11am New York,  has an extremely mixed bag of influences – ranging from a lucky/successful tr Uranus conjunct his Jupiter/Puto midpoint from November 24th to late December; with a disastrous run through January 2025 with tr Pluto square his Mars/Pluto and Venus/Saturn midpoints (at risk and feeling unappreciated) repeating later in 2025. Better luck and success for him picks up from early March 2025 on and off till late 2026 with tr Pluto square his Jupiter/Uranus midpoint.

  Election prediction is always a tap dance through a minefield of conflicting influences. External global factors may be at play in the hints of disaster and major anxiety; or personal health issues. Internal unrest may also loom large if a chunk of the electorate decide they have been short changed. But for what it is worth here it is.

ADD ON: Julia Chavez Rodriguez, 7 April 1978 Delano, California, is Biden’s campaign manager. She has a frustrated, trapped tr Pluto opposition her Mars across the election until November 21st and picks up a lucky, relief-bringing tr Uranus conjunct her Sun/Jupiter from December 21st through till mid March. Which on the face of it could suggest a tight result which ultimately turns out the way she hoped.

Angela Rayner – nothing settled ahead

A kerfuffle about not very much is preoccupying Angela Rayner, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, as Tories accuse her of ducking capital gains tax on the sale of a previous house – which if proven would be tax and/or electoral fraud. She said she followed tax advice.

 She was born 28 March 1980 in Stockport, England and left school pregnant at sixteen, before working her way up into politics.  

  Of astro-interest is that her Pluto is catching the conjunction from the April Solar Eclipse which appears to be bringing a different effect to Beyonce’s. Like her as well, Angela Rayner has her midlife crisis tr Uranus opposition Uranus from the middle of this year – which can bring impulsive decisions and upsets. More pointedly she has a Fixed T Square of Venus in Taurus opposition Uranus square Mars in Leo which is being rattled to its foundations as tr Uranus is conjunct her Venus through the middle of this May and again late December to mid March 2025; and tr Uranus also makes an explosive and insecure square to her Mars in July and beyond.

  Her relationship with Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, is under acute and frustrating pressure right now with tr Pluto opposition their composite Mars and that rolls on and off to late 2025.

  None of which look like sailing the pair to a slamdunk victory whenever the election comes.

Beyonce – a country breakthrough

Country music is having a moment spearheaded by the unlikely figure of Beyonce who has stepped beyond her rhythm and blues image to deliver a message with Cowboy Carter, her latest album, which has soared to make her the first black woman to top Billboard’s country chart.

 Music critics say she “has come not to pay homage to country music but to transform it,” in a “dazzling, genre-defying songcraft, a twisted and magnificent psychedelic shapeshifting folk-rock hip-hop broadside against the conservatism of the country genre.”

  Her chart, 4 September 1981, Houston Texas has not a verified birth time, but her Venus Pluto in Libra are catching the opposition to the upcoming April Solar Eclipse, so it isn’t always a negative indicator.  She is in the middle of her midlife crisis with tr Uranus heading to oppose her Uranus so her rebel spirit will be surfacing  as she aims to fulfil old ambitions which have been pushed aside and step into a new mould.

   On astrotheme’s unverified 10am birthtime it puts the eclipse opposition her Ascendant as she revisions her image – so might be feasible.

  It won’t all be strumming guitars and roses ahead with tr Pluto opposing her Mars in Leo and North Node this year and next. But she does have a lucky, upbeat SA Jupiter conjunct her Uranus to look forward to in 2026 which is perhaps when the third album of her Renaissance trilogy comes out.  

The eclipse effect – crisis v the chance to change

Eclipses come round twice a year, with a Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) and Solar Eclipse (New Moon) two weeks apart, followed every six months by the same pair. The Solar Eclipses fall into different Saros Series which have their own theme.

  On individual charts, the eclipses fall in a particular house and may aspect – conjunction or opposition – natal planets or the chart axis. Since eclipses are Nodal experiences – driven by the movement of the North/South Nodes – they bring challenges to individual development. The South Node represents what is familiar, our unevolved selves, into which we tend to retreat as the line of least resistance – the road to nowhere.  The North Node is the unfamiliar towards which the individual must strive if they wish to be fulfilled.  

  Eclipses can bring crises as a way of forcing change especially if lessons have not been learned and challenges ducked. There is usually a sense of heightened awareness or trepidation when they come round.

 The up and coming April Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Aries is being hyped because its path runs across North America. But is not an especially difficult Saros Series (see post 20th March 2024).

 Previous Solar Eclipses around this degree occurred on April 2005 (19 Aries); April 1986 (19 Aries); April 1978 (17 Aries); April 1959 (18 Aries). October 2004 (21 Libra); October 1996 (20 Libra); October 1977 (19 Libra); October 1958 (19 Libra).

Eclipse conjunct natal Sun is a wake-up call, indicating a new path must be chosen, old attitudes junked, a definite decision to let go what is familiar and find the courage to reorganize priorities and make a fresh start. Burying head in sand is only likely to bring forced change, so best get in front of the curve and volunteer.

Eclipse opposition natal Sun – mistakes need to be faced and acknowledged. Finding a new perspective will bring a chance to get off onto a better footing.

Eclipse conjunct natal Moon – will bring into focus Moon areas such as family, mother figures, the past, close relationships, the connection to the individual’s community in terms of public image, sometimes health, what brings safety and security. It will prompt a reevaluation of the past and a need to alter habitual ways of approaching problems. Given the Moon’s nurturing qualities, it could feel as if foundations under a life are shifting.

 Eclipse opposition Moon – it may put strain on close relationships with emotional over-reactions. Moving away from the past will help in the long run and more significantly realizing what old emotional patterns need to change.

Eclipse conjunct Mercury – upsets familiar attitudes, opinions, beliefs and ways of looking at the world to force a rethink. Brings added curiosity. Getting out of an intellectual rut.

Eclipse opposition Mercury – communication muddles as loose ends fly around. Effort will be need to maintain order in thinking and in organization. Time to get a grip and get jolted out of familiar ways of looking at life.

Eclipse conjunct Venus – can bring an emotional or financial crisis, feeling isolated for a while, but also a hint that indulging yourself is not a sin. 

Eclipse opposition Venus – feeling separated from appreciation, indulgence or a close relationship. Being tolerant, compromising and thinking of other people’s needs, not your own is required.

Eclipse conjunct Mars – will press a red button on energy and anger. If normally over-active, then will need to slow down but for the meek and mild will be a time to find a backbone, put down limits and indicate displeasure at being pushed around.

Eclipse opposition Mars – argumentative, uncompromising, revitalizing. Needs to be handled with caution since an urge for thrills and excitement can cause trouble.

Eclipse conjunct Jupiter – over optimism can be a problem since Jupiter’s tendency to extremes gets out of hand. Need to double check and take nothing for granted.

Eclipse opposition Jupiter –  questions of trust come into focus. Have you relied too much on an unreliable friend/institution/belief. Sorting out what to put your faith in and what not is crucial.

Eclipse conjunct Saturn – chickens come home to roost and the price must be paid for past actions. Taking responsibility is key where Saturn is involved. Be realistic and get a grip.

Eclipse opposition Saturn – getting landed with added responsibilities, including for other people’s actions. A need to face up to fears and have a good clean out.

The outer planets are probably less noticeable in effect but worth paying attention to with a hint of problems when the attributes of the planets are ignored.  Uranus can offer liberation or if avoided restrict freedom. Neptune points to deeper spiritual understanding or self-deception. Pluto – opportunity for transformation which if ducked leads to stagnation/decay.

Eclipse conjunct Ascendant – a change in image is required, how others see you, whether in changing job, relationship status, wardrobe and appearance.

 Eclipse conjunct Descendant – need to be less self-sufficient and more adaptable to make close relationships work, otherwise a separation may occur.

Eclipse conjunct Midheaven which rules career and direction in life – will bring a rethink of how best to fulfil your inner potential by walking a path that suits you. Can precipitate a career change or just a fundamental revaluation of your life’s direction.

If the eclipse falls near your North or South Node it is a key staging post in your development (or should be). The Nodal Returns occur at approximately 18, 37, 55, or 74 years of age. This is when a Solar Eclipse is around the conjunction to the North Node. It will be a time to reconsider your priorities and get yourself onto the right track.

  The Nodal Half Return at approximately 27, 46, 64 or 83 years of age will occur with the Solar Eclipse around a conjunction to the South Node. You may be tempted to slide backwards into familiar habit patterns. But more helpfully you can explore the better qualities of the south node without going into reverse gear.

Eclipses through the houses see: Eclipses on top bar or:–full-moons.html

Pisces plus Mars allergic to Pluto – Rebel Wilson, Giovanni Pernice

Australian actress Rebel Wilson is not backing away from her claim that comedian Sacha Baron Cohen is an “asshole” who misbehaved when they were filming together in the 2016 movie The Brothers Grimsby and is attempting to prevent her from publishing her memoir, which includes a chapter centered around his alleged misconduct. His camp has denied her “demonstrably false claims,” saying they were contradicted by “extensive detailed evidence etc etc.”

  And there is another row raging over Strictly Come Dancing with professional dancer Giovanni Pernice in the spotlight after his celebrity partner in the last series Amanda Abington exited claiming health issues and said she had been left with “PTSD” after her experiences in rehearsal and on the show. Debbie McGee on the other hand said her experience with him was positive.

  Given that lawyers are front and centre of both disputes nothing that follows should be taken as a commentary on the guilt or innocence of either side.

 Two astro-aspects intrigue me. Both Rebel Wilson, 2 March 1980, and Amanda Abington, 28 February 1974, are Sun Pisces – and Pluto is involved in the synastry. Rebel has her Sun in Pisces opposition Jupiter Mars in Virgo so will be exuberant and reactive with a Sun Mars; her Mercury in Pisces opposes Saturn (Moon) in Virgo square Neptune, so she is highly Mutable, inclined to go off on in all directions at once. Plus an emotionally intense Venus in Aries opposition Pluto.

  Her Pluto is conjunct Cohen’s Libra Sun Mercury Uranus conjunction and trine his Mars in Aquarius – so his wilful, defiant, mischievous, over pushy streak will press her Pluto button and send up her hackles when she feels pressured or manipulated. Their relationship chart has a composite Mars opposition Algol which will get rattled come this July. And has a chilly, defensive composite Venus opposition Saturn in a high tension, needs-space square to Uranus which is also getting triggered this year and on till 2026.

 Amanda Abington has her Sun Mercury in Pisces square Mars in Gemini opposition Neptune – again highly Mutable which is nervy and highly strung. Pisces plus hard Mars aspects are a tricky combination. She also has an Air Grand Trine of Saturn in Gemini trine Jupiter trine Uranus.

  Giovanni Pernice, 5 September 1990, describes himself as a perfectionist and is renowned as one of the toughest of the professional dancers in training but was glowingly described by Debbie McGee after her partnership with him. He is a Sun Virgo square Mars and trine the triple conjunction of Saturn, Neptune, Uranus in Capricorn. With his Pluto sextile Saturn and probably trine a Pisces Moon.

  His Pluto may oppose Amanda’s Taurus Moon and his Uranus Neptune square her Pluto which is inconjunct her Sun and trine her Mars – so she will be hyper-sensitive to being controlled.

  Debbie McGee, 31 October 1958, on the other hand is a Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Neptune in Scorpio with her Mercury in Scorpio opposition Mars in Taurus. Giovanni’s Pluto is conjunct her Jupiter and his Sun widely conjunct her Pluto. Their relationship chart has a composite Sun, Pluto, Venus conjunction tied into Neptune trine Mars and square Saturn – so a heavy Plutonic experience but one which her Scorpionic temperament found to be positive.

  Not sure what the conclusion of all this – and it is not to excuse bad behaviour –  but relationships are tricky and what suits one person will raise another’s hackles.

  And you do NOT get PTSD from Strictly Come Dancing rehearsals.

Baltimore Bridge – the star spangled banner trembles

A Baltimore bridge has entirely collapsed after being hit by a container ship in a “mass casualty event” with up to 20 people and several vehicles having fallen into the river. A container ship hit a column on the bridge at around 01:30 ET (05:30 GMT)

The bridge is 3km (1.6 miles) long and is part of the major orbital that encircles Baltimore. It is named after Francis Scott Key, former USA Attorney for the District of Columbia, author, and amateur poet, best known as the author of the text of the U.S. national anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner”.

 The accident happened a day after the Lunar Eclipse, with the Moon in the 10th conjunct the South Node on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Saturn Venus sextile Jupiter Uranus.

  The bridge was opened on 23 March 1977 with that chart having Solar Arc Jupiter square the Pluto for an extreme event. There is also a yod of Solar Arc Uranus sextile North Node inconjunct Solar Arc Mercury, Algol and Jupiter – sounds obscure but these ‘travelling’ yods do crop up as significant.

 Baltimore was incorporated on 31 December 1796 and that chart has the Solar Arc Pluto square the Capricorn Sun, and a panicky Solar Arc Neptune conjunct the Saturn as well as tr Saturn opposition the Uranus tugging on the accident-prone Uranus Mars opposition.

  Francis Scott Key, 1 August 1779, had a determined Leo Sun opposition Pluto with tr Pluto about to conjunct his Pluto for his first (posthumous) Pluto Return. And he had an accident-prone Saturn Mars in Scorpio conjunct Algol and Capulus which is catching tr Uranus opposition the Saturn exactly at the moment. As his namesake collapses in a gruesome spectacle.  How extraordinary (his astrology I mean).

  Does seem not only a tragic accident but slightly spooky in terms of its symbolic significance.  

The Star Spangled Banner

“Oh, say, can you see

By the dawn’s early light

What so proudly we hail’d

At the twilight’s last gleaming?

Whose broad stripes and bright stars

Through the perilous fight

O’er the ramparts we watch’d

Were so gallantly streaming?

And the rocket’s red glare

The bombs bursting in air

Gave proof through the night

That our flag was still there

O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave

O’er the land of the free

And the home of the brave?

Algol – light in the heart of darkness ++ additional thoughts

 Harnessing destructive powers to do good is one of the redeeming characteristics of Algol. In mythology, the ghoul/gorgon’s head so hideous it would kill all who looked at it, was later used as a protective device on Athena’s shield and by Perseus against the sea monster when rescuing Andromeda.

  Given Algol’s pervasive presence this year, conjunct Jupiter just before the middle of May and conjunct Mars Uranus in mid July, it is worth exploring its deeper meaning.

  The key association of Algol is the sight that is so terrible it is beyond human capacity to experience. Looking at the gorgon’s head turns the onlooker to stone. Yet if a strategy can be found whereby the destructive entity can be utilized it can do good. Perseus decapitated the gorgon by using his shield as a mirror. He struck at the reflection and did not face it directly.

  Algol has produced brutal leaders with few redeeming features such as Stalin with his Pluto conjunct Algol and Mao Tse Tung with his Mars opposition Algol, who seemed to glory in destruction for its own sake.

   The dual nature of Algol is personified in the physicists intimately involved in atomic research which led ultimately to the bomb and later more helpful nuclear advances. Oppenheimer with his Venus opposition Algol –  “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds”; and Niels Bohr with his Neptune conjunct Algol.

 At the positive end there are those who have a lesson for ordinary living in embodying the capacity of Algol to face suffering and horror and not brush it aside.  All the more relevant in today’s climate of ignoring inconvenient realities.

  “Is the truth destroyed because it distresses you?” Euripides.

 What is so terrible that it cannot be faced?  Death, war trauma, torture, rape, abuse.  The UK’s first Rape Crisis centre was set up in November 1974 when the Sun Venus were opposition Algol. Esther Rantzen who set up Childline for abuse survivors has her Uranus conjunct Algol.

Medusa, the gorgon, herself a rape victim at the hands of Neptune, was turned petrifyingly ugly by the rage and envy of Athena.

 R.J. Lifton is an American psychiatrist who has studied and written numerous books on war trauma and the worst aspects of the 20th Century: Death in Life: Survivors of Hiroshima; The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide; Surviving Our Catastrophes: The Protean Self: Human Resilience in an Age of Fragmentation; Resilience and Renewal from Hiroshima to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

  Lifton was born 16 May 1926 and has his Sun conjunct Algol and his Saturn in opposition.  His Algol has given him a strength to lead the way into studying atrocities and not burn out as happens with many trauma researchers. 

   The blurb for his book is worth reading: “Proteanism”,or the protean self, describes a psychological phenomenon integral to our times. We live in a world marked by breathtaking historical change and instantaneous global communication. Our lives seem utterly unpredictable: there are few absolutes. Rather than collapsing under these threats and pulls, Robert Jay Lifton tells us, the self turns out to be remarkably resilient. Like the Greek god Proteaus, who was able to change shape in response to crisis, we create new psychological combinations, immersing ourselves in fresh and surprising endeavours over our lifetimes.”

  Dori Laub, 8 June 1937, another psychiatrist, an American-Israeli, a Holocaust survivor and later expert in the area of testimony methodology, and a trauma researcher, had his Mercury conjunct Algol and his Mars in opposition to Algol. In one of his memorable observations about witnessing trauma and the holocaust he wrote “The fight against the obliteration of the story could only be won at the cost of the obliteration of the audience.”

   The challenge of Algol is to face up to the unbearable and not sidestep. The gift it offers, or more accurately one strategy it suggests as a way of approaching the unbearable is creativity. Art becomes the reflective shield represented by Pegasus, the winged horse, which flies free once Medusa, the gorgon, is decapitated.

Not everyone has the capacity of Lifton or Laub for walking into the heart of darkness and not be destroyed by it. Having Algol emphasised in a chart gives almost superhuman strength – which can be turned to good use.

 Other thoughts:

Algol makes the wearer bold and magnanimous, preserves the body, protects against witchcraft, and turns evil and spells back upon those who work them. Rules diamond, black hellebore.

ADD ON: One stray thought is that astrology itself may be a mirror reflection allowing the ugliness of reality to be faced.

   Other non-astro background.

 Two things are true:

“Man lives by lying to himself about himself and about his world. * The individual  has to protect himself against the world, and he can do this only as any other animal would; by narrowing down the world, shutting off experience, developing an obliviousness to the terrors of the world and to his own anxieties…..* Ernest Becker.


“All truths that are kept silent become poisonous”.  Nietzsche.

Elie Wiesel: “Without memory there is no ethics.”

  In the field of trauma which came together in the 1990s in response to the backlash against child abuse being acknowledged, there was knowledge-sharing between professionals who worked with war-induced PTSD; with Holocaust survivors and their children blighted by intergenerational trauma; and with child abuse survivors. Two notable facts emerged.

  Firstly in the immediate aftermath of conflict, war trauma is studied. But as time goes on, it fades into the background and the research disappears into the archives, to be forgotten until the next outbreak of hostilities. And it is not because former soldiers get cured. More the thought that extreme experiences can drive people mad appears to be too toxic to handle.

In related vein, one of the principal problems in the field of child abuse is the unwillingness/inability of the great mass of the general public to face head on the fact that children can be sexually or physically abused. Hence the scramble for denial scenarios – they lied, invented it, were brainwashed etc.  

“Humankind cannot bear very much reality.” T.S. Elliot.

  Yet all the indications are that those who can face what actually happened/happens are much less likely to repeat old destructive patterns. Those who insist on erecting a Pollyannish smokescreen over the way things never were will do more damage in the long run.

  Not everyone has Algol’s strength and even those who do are aware there are limits. Burnout in the trauma field is an accepted fact – too much darkness can eat you.

  I never quite got to grips with Freud’s death instinct and life instinct theory – but he may have had a point.

 Years ago I spoke to a women who had worked for years with Rape Crisis in one of London’s tougher districts and she surprised me by saying she was giving up, clearly worn out. She said “All I want to do is go off and grow roses.”  No one seemed less likely to be a gardener than her and yet her instincts had it right. She need new life, regeneration, healthy growth not sucked into the black whirlpool.

  There are risks in facing the starker faces of reality but equally great risks in avoidance. We should be grateful to the Algolites who have the constitution to cope with what many can’t.