Assad falls – a shift in the great power game

The tectonic plates in the great power game are shifting on cue with the outer planet transitions and an October Solar Eclipse pointing to a time of completion and separation from the past.

  The fall of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is marked in the date of the original military coup which brought his repressive father to power on 13 November 1970. That happened with Neptune at zero degrees Sagittarius and Pluto at 29 Virgo. The Assad Dynasty born on a change, dies on a change, albeit a third of a zodiacal cycle on. The Uranus (conjunct Mars) on the 1970 coup chart is also triggered by the recent Solar Eclipse in opposition upending 55 years of brutal rule.

  Although Syria 1 January 1944 with its controlling Pluto in the 10th and explosive Mars Uranus conjunction will be prone to strong-man rulers and intermittent violence. So there is no guarantee a jihadist government will be an improvement. Which is not stopping jubilation in the moment. One Syrian is quoted as saying “This is our Berlin Wall moment.”

  Iran-backed Hezbollah is on the backfoot after Israel’s recent Lebanon campaign against them and suffering from an Eclipse assault as well with its Mars Venus in Aries catching the recent and next March’s Solar Eclipses for a challenging shake up.  

  All of which reflects back to Iran, with an elderly, ailing ruler still holding power. His Leadership chart, 6 August 1989 will be unnerved as tr Neptune Saturn move into Aries mid 2025 squaring the Uranus; and more so with tr Uranus square the Mars by August 2025.

 Vladimir Putin’s initial Presidency chart, 31 December 1999, marking his long reign in power will find his grip shaken in May 2025 – with a potential topple-of-perch SA Uranus square Pluto late in 2025/early 2026. Which would fit with the Saturn Neptune conjunction being a key changeover period for Russia.

 There are too many charts to run through without getting confused but Turkey looks at odds with Russia and Iran – perhaps because of its (maybe) support for the Syrian rebels, hopeful of an opportunity to return the massive influx of Syrian refugees. With a complicating factor of Kurdish rebel factions.

  Next late March Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Aries was around in the same Saros Series in 1989 and is physically expressive, sometimes violent or accident prone.

Previous post Syria – more Middle East turmoil 30 November 2024 gives details of Assad’s presidency and personal chart. “His Presidency chart, 12 July 2000, has been dealt a devastating blow exactly now with the Solar Arc Neptune square Saturn; with 2026/27 looking to be mired in confusion and paralysis with tr Pluto conjunct the Neptune.

   His personal chart, 11 September 1965 4.43 pm Damascus is following a similar trajectory – an undermining SA Sun conjunct his Neptune now into 2025; his SA Pluto in a potentially destructive conjunction to his Mars in Scorpio now, and in a total-confusion conjunction to his Neptune in 2027. 2025 sees high hopes dented with tr Neptune square his Jupiter with a major setback from his SA Saturn opposition his Mars in 2026/27.”

Watch and wait as recent history reaches a crossroads.

Nigel Farage – trailblazer or chaos creator

The collapse of the old left-right political battleground in the UK has led to Reform stepping up as a viable alternative with a recent polls giving Reform (24%) the edge on Labour (23%) with Tories just ahead (26%). Even Morgan McSweeney, the PM’s chief of staff, said it is unclear who Labour’s main opponents will be come 2029.

  [Major caveats include polls being notoriously unreliable; and Starmer et al may not make it for a full term.]

  However Nigel Farage for all his oddities does seem to be giving his Reform party a boost in the midst of widespread disillusionment with what went before. At a recent meeting he declared with his characteristic bombastic flourish, “We are about to witness a political revolution the likes of which you’ve not seen since Labour after the First World War.”

Sir John Curtice, the pollster said: “The electorate fractured in 2024. At the moment it is fracturing a bit more.” There is speculation that at the next election an insurgent party will be the incumbent or main challenger in most constituencies.

 Farage, born 3 April 1964 4.30 pm Farnborough, England, has an 8th house Aries Sun widely conjunct Mars in upfront Aries in his 7th; with Jupiter in Aries conjunct Mercury in Taurus also in his 8th = intense, competitive, confident. He has the rebellious, disruptive Uranus Pluto conjunction sitting on his Ascendant so will be in his element as a troublemaker and upsetter of the status quo, rather than as a steady hand on the tiller.

  He is on a communicative roll at the moment tr tr Pluto square his Mercury and just off the square to his Jupiter; and tr Jupiter across his 10th now till April 2026 should be successful.  Tr Saturn now rising above his Descendant will also bring him more prominence in a hard-working patch ahead. Tr Uranus square his 6th house Saturn from August 2025 into 2026  could throw up odd health issues given his smoking and drinking habits. 2026/27 will not be progressive years for him with tr Neptune Saturn conjunct his Mars. And 2026 could see a sharp change of direction on the career front with tr Uranus crossing his Midheaven.

 The Reform Party chart, 23 November 2018, will be on their toes with tr Uranus opposition their Sagittarius Sun from August 2025 and then tr Uranus opposition their Jupiter and square Mars in 2026/27. They will be highly visible, buoyed up by confidence but tending to go off like a scattergun. 2028/29 look less certain with tr Neptune square the Saturn. [Another caveat – political party charts are not always the best guide.]

  The much vaunted Elon Musk/Farage bro-romance is built on shaky sands with their relationship chart having an illusory composite Sun opposition Neptune which will be upended next March/April. Plus an aggravated Mars opposition Pluto with Saturn inconjunct Pluto as well.

USA healthcare – next term turmoil

The street shooting of Brian Thompson CEO of UnitedHealth Group, the largest insurance provider in the US, has brought into focus consumer rage against the trillion dollar healthcare business. Social media is awash with Americans’ dire experiences at the hands of health insurance companies and outrage at the large profits that they generate. United Healthcare is one of the biggest companies in the world, valued on the market at $539bn and is renowned as one of the worst for rejecting claims. Thompson himself was paid $10.2m (£8m) last year.

Background: There is a widespread perception that health insurance companies are characterized by avarice and callousness. The public hold them largely responsible for high healthcare prices. Another national poll found that almost 1 in 4 Americans agreed with the statement that “true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.”

  Thompson’s shooting which appears closely connected to public anger happened at 6.44 am New York on 4 December 2024 with Pluto sitting at zero degrees Aquarius opposition Mars in the 8th/9th; and a disruptive Uranus in the 6th house of health.  The Saturn square Jupiter was prominent being tied into the Sagittarius Sun Mercury.

 Jupiter is also highlighted in Thompson’s chart being on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Mars and Uranus – which can have a tendency to let hubris and amplification = bigger is better – overtake common sense and humility. His Jupiter was in the line of fire of tr Jupiter square when he died – which would exacerbate his tragic flaw of aggrandisement.

  Jupiter Saturn in conjunction is also associated with those who fly too high on a Jupiterian and wave get cut down by Saturn’s grim reaper tendencies.

United Healthcare was founded in the late 1970s with its IPO on 17 October 1984 when Pluto had just moved into Scorpio, ruler of the 8th house of business finances. Jupiter in materialistic Capricorn was also in a super-charged conjunction to Mars.  The Solar Arc Jupiter is square the Saturn exactly now for another uneasy fluctuation in its fortunes. Though 2027/28 look more ominous.

  I am not familiar enough with the highly complex USA healthcare system to make specific comments. Though I cannot see Trump undermining the insurance billionaires. The Inauguration for 2025, assuming it is held on schedule, does have a heavily aspected Moon in the 6th house of health. It sits on the focal point of a Cardinal T Square to Mars on the IC (= angry electorate) opposition Mercury. At the very least that suggests rancorous arguments.  The Moon is also on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Uranus and Venus Saturn.

  The Moon as focal point of a yod tends to be disorganized, overly defensive and agitated but does have a potential, if well handled, ultimately to look after the needs of the weaker; and ‘attend to the basic needs of the populace.’ A Cardinal Moon on the focal point of a T Square tends to be hyper-sensitive and overly emotional.

  It could well be a central focus of the next administration for good or for ill provoking ire amongst the electorate (Mars in 4th).

 Obamacare, 23 March 2010 11.56pm Washington, DC, could be affected in a Trumpian term. It has tr Pluto opposition the Mars throughout 2025 which is trapped and at risk. The Cardinal Grand Cross of the Aries Sun opposition Saturn square Pluto opposition Moon will be under assault from tr Neptune from May 2025 right through till 2028.  With tr Saturn adding its dollop of woe through 2026.

Anxious times ahead.

Romania – alarm at election interference

Romania’s constitutional court has annulled the result of the first round of voting in the presidential election after it was won by Calin Georgescu, an almost unknown far-right Nato-sceptic who has previously praised Vladimir Putin. The decision came after suggestions that  he benefitted from a mass influence operation, assumed to be Russian, to interfere with the result of the vote.

 Born 26 March 1962 in Bucharest, he is a far-right politician and prominent conspiracy theorist, with no party of his own, who campaigned mainly on TikTok. His videos had more than 52 million views in a four day period and attracted the attention of younger voters. He won 23% of the vote. He is a Sun and Venus in Aries; with a power-hungry yod of his Sun sextile Saturn in Aquarius inconjunct Pluto and Pluto opposition both Mars in Pisces and Jupiter.

 He looks aggravated and setback exactly now though has some moments of cheer late December and throughout patches of 2025. A dip in 202  when his Solar Arc Mars opposes his Neptune.

 Romania made its independence proclamation on May 21, 1877, Bucharest from the Ottoman Empire.

 That chart is undergoing seismic changes with tr Uranus conjunct the focal point Pluto in Taurus at the moment and again next March/April. The Pluto squares a volatile and intransigent Mars in Aquarius opposition Uranus so it will create waves.  Then tr Uranus will conjunct the zero degrees Gemini Sun from July 2025 on into 2026. It is undergoing a Saturn Return now as well.  

California Earthquake – fault line opens up

A magnitude 7 earthquake struck off the north west coast of California yesterday at around 10.40am local time with minimal damage and a tsunami warning proving to be redundant.

 The quake chart has Pluto on the Aquarius Ascendant in a destructive, scary opposition to Mars; with Uranus conjunct the IC – which is fairly descriptive of a disruptive event causing fear.

 The recent Solar Eclipse set for Ferndale, California has Mercury on the Ascendant, Neptune on the Descendent and a high-tension Saturn and Uranus straddling the Midheaven.  The recent Lunar Eclipse has Neptune on the Ascendant and Uranus on the IC. Planets on an eclipse chart axis located to a specific place/region usually suggest major events.

 The classic Earthquake signature is Uranus Neptune – around for the San Francisco 1906 quake and the Los Angeles 1994 one. Or Pluto Neptune. Neither of which are around in direct aspect for many years ahead.

The state of California, 9 September 1850, is looking rattled at the moment, in part presumably because of the political scene. The California Mars at 11 Libra was triggered by the recent Solar Eclipse and again by next March’s Aries Eclipse = angry, argumentative. Tr Saturn is in a downbeat opposition to the California Virgo Sun over the Inauguration in January with an undermining, dented-hopes tr Neptune opposition the Jupiter throughout 2025 which can have financial implications.

Queen Camilla – emerging from a Neptunian dip

Queen Camilla recovering from a recent bout of pneumonia still appears to have a busy schedule of state dinners and book club jaunts. She has had a punishing year with her husband King Charles’ cancer diagnosis and treatment as well as the Princess of Wales – and is known for not finding overseas visits especially to hot countries easy. So the recent down-under one will have taken its toll.

 Born 17 July 1947 7.10 am (biography) London, she has a happy-behind-the-scenes 12th house Cancer Sun and Moon Venus in Cancer as well. She was born at the time of the formidably tough Saturn Pluto conjunction in Leo which sits on her Ascendant on the midpoint of a showy Mars trine Neptune. Jupiter in Scorpio in her 4th points to a happy upbringing and focus on a contented family life.

 Her Solar Arc Sun has been conjunct her Neptune through recent months and continuing on for another six months – which will make her less energetic than usual. Tr Pluto has been moving through her 6th house of health for more than a decade and exits within a year or so which may help to lift pressure from her on the minor ailment front.

   She clearly makes Charles happy which is not surprising with her Jupiter conjunct his 4th house Sun and her Sun, Moon, Venus in his 12th giving him discreet support.

 Their relationship chart  has an easy going, supportive composite Moon opposition Jupiter – and an encouraging, morale-boosting composite Pluto trine Jupiter. But it will have its fractious moments with the composite Sun Mercury opposing Mars and the Sun being square Uranus. A busy schedule with separate houses will help to soak up the Mars and provide space from each other.

  Her Chiron falls in his 4th house conjunct his South Node and his Chiron falls in her 4th house conjunct her South Node. I have absolutely no idea how to interpret that – well the 4th house makes sense of healing old childhood wounds and bringing domestic stability. But the South Node? Hmm.

  Melanie Rhinehart suggests that in an individual’s chart Chiron on either Node suggests a strong vocational interest. So maybe in a relationship it means that each supports the other in their career and purpose in life.

France – the downside of Pluto in Aquarius

La France born on Pluto in Aquarius with an added splash of Uranus is grandstanding the downside of Fixed, egalitarian, Airy Aquarius. As one commentator pointed out, France has never developed a culture of compromise. An angry ideological push for ever more generous spending pledges, despite stark warnings about the national debt flies in the face of common sense.

  Veteran journalist Eric Brunet said after viewing the fractious debate which toppled Prime Minister Barnier, “What we have just seen is jaw-droppingly French. No pragmatism. Just ideology. All the speeches were about values, about extremes. Our whole discourse is disconnected from reality. It is typically, singularly French.” Predictions are that this process will be repeated several times over before daylight sinks in. Which fits the previous post with tr Neptune opposing the France Virgo Sun until early 2026.

 What makes France’s chart even more intransigent is the Uranus opposition Pluto in Aquarius square Mars in Scorpio which creates a determination to die at the barricades before surrender. Stirring stuff for movies, less helpful for balancing the economic books.

  The EU’s two power horses are now both in trouble with Germany being elbowed into a snap general election in February after its bickering coalition government recently collapsed.

  Key points from earlier posts. The EU 31 December 1957 chart has a deadlocked Solar Arc Pluto opposition its 8th house economic Moon and square its Uranus later in 2025. With an upending, disruptive tr Uranus square Pluto in 2026/27. Though the catastrophic perhaps terminal problems come later this decade as tr Pluto squares the EU Moon and opposes the Pluto. This is when the 2004 enlargement countries of Czechia, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia may consider a breakaway as their entry chart also has a 10 degree Taurus Sun.

 The Maastricht Treaty chart, 1 November 1993 12 am,  is seriously rattled at the moment till April 2025 with tr Uranus conjunct the Taurus Moon, opposing the Mars Pluto in Scorpio and square Saturn which will see a considerable crisis. But again its moment of greatest jeopardy will be later in this decade.

See previous posts:

France – bulldozer meets brick wall ++ 5th Republic chart  3rd December 2024

EU – heading for splits or a collapse ++ Germany ++ Poland 4th October 2024

Lena Zavaroni – sacrificed on the altar of success ++ Karen Carpenter

The sad tale of child singing phenomenon Lena Zavaroni is the subject of a new BBC documentary.  She shot to fame aged 10, winning the TV talent show Opportunity Knocks and was whisked off to London by agents away from her family to entertain on TV shows on both sides of the Atlantic. She sang with Frank Sinatra and at the White House. By 13 she was diagnosed as anorexic, almost certainly a result of outside pressure to lose weight. At 15 she weighed four stone and was diagnosed with depression as well. She eventually died from pneumonia, exacerbated by her condition aged 35.

  Born on 4 November 1963 12.45am Greenock, Scotland, with musical parents who ran a chip shop, she had a chart riddled with quincunxes giving her an internal unease as if she could never quite pull together the contradictory sides of her personality. She had a quick witted and intense 3rd house Sun, Mercury, Neptune in Scorpio inconjunct a 10th house career-oriented, restless Gemini Moon formed into a yod by Moon sextile Jupiter. She had another yod of Uranus Pluto sextile her Sun, Neptune inconjunct her 8th house Jupiter. And her Jupiter sextile her 6th house Saturn was inconjunct a highly-strung and erratic 1st house Uranus Pluto.

  Her Gemini Moon was widely opposition a 4th house Mars square Uranus Pluto in Virgo in her 1st house further emphasizing her chaotic, nervy, high-octane approach to life.  

 In her twenties her mother died of a tranquilliser overdose and Lena had a fire in her home which destroyed all her showbiz memorabilia. Her short-lived marriage broke up after 18 months. She was unable to work and had ended up on state benefits. Towards the end of her life she underwent electroconvulsive therapy and threatened suicide if doctor’s didn’t attempt brain surgery to alleviate her depression. She did undergo “psychosurgical” operation but contracted pneumonia and died.

 Her global superstar 22nd Harmonic was notable; as was her creative 5th H. Her ‘victim’ 12H had a trapped, frustrated, destructive Mars square Pluto tied into the Midheaven.

  Talent and early success often comes at a great price.

Apple Martin * Donatella – Taurus on show

Apple Martin, Gwyneth Paltrow and Coldplay Chris Martin’s daughter was wheeled out for a time-warp debutante ball in Paris. Le Bal des Débutantes is an annual invitation-only event that introduces young women from prominent families “into society” and aims to raise money for charities. Apple wore a strapless blue Valentino gown that took 750 hours to make and was paired with a ‘cavalier’ from a distinguished background, in her case a German count, son of a film producer.

 It’s enough to jump start another French Revolution.

Apple was born 14 May 2004 1 am London and has her Taurus Sun on her IC making her private and very attached to her family and roots with her Sun square a kind but vague 1st house Neptune. Her Sun is also inconjunct her Pluto for an uneasiness about how best to use her influence. She has a financially lucky 8th house Jupiter opposition Uranus; and a sociable, charming, though can be manipulative Venus opposition Pluto square a 2nd house Pisces Moon. Good at putting on a show and keen on financial stability.  She does have a tricky Mars Saturn in her 6th which will make her hard-working but could suggest health issues down the line. Her Saturn sextile Jupiter is inconjunct Neptune for an head-in-the-clouds Neptunian yod.

  Her earthy, Fixed Taurus Sun will anchor her which is a help with a fairly disorganized, insecure though compassionate Moon.

  Her mother Gwyneth, 27 September 1972 5.25pm Los Angeles, does not have the easiest of temperaments with a controlling (and then some) Sun conjunct Pluto in Libra conjunct Mars in late Virgo, all in her 7th house of relationships. With her Saturn in Gemini in her 4th hinting at a cool, workaholic approach to domestic and family life with her Saturn in a hard-edged square to Mars;  plus her Saturn is conjunct a restless Gemini Moon. Her Saturn Moon trine an 8th house Uranus.  Her megaton Mars Pluto Sun conjunction plus Venus all fall in Apple’s 8th which is possessive, suggesting a deep-rooted bond (chain) between mother and daughter which it will be difficult to separate from.   

 Their relationship chart is a web of complexity with an affectionate composite Sun Venus; plus an edgy Sun inconjunct Uranus with Uranus opposition Saturn; a power-couple Jupiter Pluto and Pluto square Mars. All of which will take time to play out but suggests difficulties in embracing differing needs and wishes between the pair and undercurrents of power struggles and resentment.

 Her father Chris Martin, 2 March 1977 5.52pm (?) Exeter, England, has his Jupiter on her Sun for a reassuringly, supportive connection. Though his Mars in Aquarius opposition Saturn square Uranus all impacting on Apple’s Neptune suggests a confusing and erratic chemistry between them.

  All three have afflicted Mars in their charts which suggests that anger (and assertion) is not something well handled within the family.

 Another Taurus in the news – Donatella Versace, 2 May 1955 5am Reggio di Calabria, Italy, the fashion designer, attracted comment for her changed looks as she stepped out at the Devil Wears Prada musical. With her Sun on her Taurus Ascendant she will be naturally focused on her appearance and brand. And that plus an attention-seeking Pluto in her 5th plus a 5th house Virgo Moon, means she will rarely go unnoticed. Tr Saturn is opposition her Moon and square her Mars for a few weeks ahead but there is nothing much affecting her Ascendant or her Venus.