Carlos Ghosn – from saviour to pariah



Businessman Carlos Ghosn, who rose to super-hero status as head honcho of Renault, Nissan and Mitsubishi, appears to have stumbled from his elevated pedestal charged with false accounting and under reporting his earnings and now detained in Japan.  He turned Renault’s fortunes round as ‘le cost killer’; and rescued Nissan from near bankruptcy as ‘Mr Fix It.’

Born 12 March 1954 in Brazil, he’s Lebanese-Brazilian-French, multi-lingual and from an entrepreneurial family. He has a Pisces Sun on the focal point of a Mutable T Square to a risk-taking, adventurous (and opportunistic) Mars in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter. Such a Sun can have a good deal to offer but is often arrogant, know-it-all and headstrong, and is very driven.

He has a strong get-it-together 5th harmonic; and a rise-and-fall 10H. His leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17H is also marked so he’s not all bad.

Tr Neptune is proving his downfall now as it forms a panicky-failure square to his Mars in 2018/19 and then bursting his happiness bubble and denting his confidence square to his Jupiter in 2019 as well as making an undermining conjunction to his Sun – and all that trails into 2020. Tr Pluto is also opposing his Uranus exactly now for the final time for a major upheaval; as well as hard-aspecting his trapped and enraged Mars/Pluto midpoint.

He’ll probably bounce back by 2021 as his Solar Arc Jupiter is conjunct his Pluto; though he’ll be muddled at the same time with tr Pluto square his Neptune. At that level, handling and generating multi-billions, they all get tinged with megalomania and think themselves untouchable.

One thought on “Carlos Ghosn – from saviour to pariah

  1. Happy New Year Marjorie!
    CG gave a long, powerhouse of a press conference yesterday in Beirut following his audacious escape from Japan.
    Any further thoughts?

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