Carlo Ancelotti – doing the management shuffle


More musical chairs amongst football’s top managers as Carlo Ancelotti is fired from Napoli and is being mentioned as a hopeful to take over at Everton or Arsenal. He’s been manager at nine different clubs and had the winning team at the Champions League and World Cup several times.

Born 10 June 1959 1pm Reggiolo, Italy (birth certificate) he has a restless 9th house Gemini with communicative Mercury in Gemini on his Midheaven. He also has a flamboyant collection of Venus, Moon, Mars conjunct in Leo with Uranus also in Leo. With a tough-minded Pluto trine Saturn, sextile Neptune and Jupiter in money-attracting Scorpio. Despite his restless and scattered Gemini Sun, Mercury, he’s fairly Fixed and enduring.

He’s had a run of setbacks recently with tr Pluto square his Mars//Saturn midpoint over the past two years but that is now gone. Tr Uranus is square his Venus at the moment for an emotional upset or change, which repeats in early 2020 with tr Uranus square his Moon (for a change of residence?) and then square his Mars in April for more gear-shifts.

Across this New Year and through January he looks heartened with a lucky break or lucky opportunity as tr Uranus opposes his Jupiter/Node midpoint. And what will also work in his favour is tr Pluto sextile his Jupiter and conjunct his Solar Arc Jupiter from late February 2020, on and off till late 2021, which will bounce up his enthusiasm and his chances. Although Neptune squaring his Sun also from late February 2020 to January 2021 will be a touch lacklustre.

One thought on “Carlo Ancelotti – doing the management shuffle

  1. His Asc is on the Aries Point, self-promotion which is double emphasized by his HALF GRAND SEXTILE pointing to his ASC….he is totally

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