Carl Dean, the famously reclusive husband of Dolly Parton, who maintained a steadfast presence behind the scenes for almost six decades, has died aged 82. Their long separations because of her successful career raised media comments but she insisted they were a contented and faithful twosome.
She was born 19 January 1946 8.25 pm Little River, Tennessee, with a charming, attention-seeking, ambitious and entertaining Sun Venus in Capricorn in her performing 5th house opposition a hard-edged and disciplined Mars Saturn in Cancer square Jupiter in her 2nd. A poverty stricken and deprived childhood left its mark and gave her a driving need to earn money. Her Virgo Moon was tucked away in her 12th inconjunct her Sun – and now that I look in a yod sextile the North Node inconjunct her Sun Venus – so she would graduate from feelings of unworthiness in early life to being able to utilize her personality in a positive way later on. She also has Uranus conjunct her Midheaven marking her out for an unconventional career and it trined Neptune and sextiled Pluto giving her influence.
Carl was born 20 July 1942, Nashville, no birth time, with a home-loving Cancer Sun conjunct Pluto in early Leo; with Jupiter Mercury also in Cancer. His light-hearted Venus in Gemini was square Neptune, sextile a flamboyant Mars in Leo and probably trine an easy going Libra Moon. Plus a Saturn Uranus conjunction in Gemini.
His Virgo North Node was conjunct her Moon and his Venus was conjunct her North Node so there would be a karmic connection. His Moon was probably conjunct her 2nd house wealthy Jupiter which would help give him comfort and his Sun opposed her Sun Venus in Capricorn. Cancer and Capricorn are a frequent mating pair. His Venus and Jupiter Mercury fell in her 10th so her career would be important to him and he would be of assistance.
It wasn’t the easiest of relationships since the composite Sun was square a controlling/dominating Mars Pluto conjunction – and that can be tricky to handle without it turning hostile. The composite Venus was opposition a creative and evasive Neptune, and trine Mars Pluto, sextile Uranus – which would bring a good deal of passion of both the positive and negative variety.
Their wedding chart, 30 May 1966 Ringgold, Georgia, was also not ideal though perhaps suited to an unconventional, independent pairing – with the Sun in an argumentative conjunction to Mars and square Uranus Pluto for constant upheavals.
Showbiz marriages are often not what they appear to be.
In Ireland, there was a very active hostess and socialite whose name I’ve forgotten. Her husband didn’t participate in her activities, staying at home in their country house. When he died, she dropped all her activities, went home and stayed there. I wonder if Dolly will be the same, especially because of their karmic connection. There are ties that enable us to function which don’t make sense to the outside world or even to us.
Yes. I think karmic ties don’t make sense in a rational way because we don’t see the whole picture of how, when or why they developed. But, we feel the emotional pull toward them.
Too bad there wasn’t a TOB for Carl, because I feel the house placement of that Composite Aries Mercury/Venus and Sun would tell a story in itself. Also, Composite Virgo Moon placement would be telling.
They maintained a lot of space in their marriage–he was a homebody and she was constantly on the road. I’m sure that contributed to their relationship staying afloat for so long. What’s that old saying? Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
I see their suns being complementary in their respective oppositions. Equal house charts would set each on the other’s descendant.
No, show biz marriages are often not what they appear to be but Dolly never left though she had the resources to do so if there had been any reason to do so. I suspect that she and Carl really did love each other and simply did it their way.