The Solstice is here again with the ingress of the Sun into Capricorn today. In ancient mythology Capricorn was associated with Janus, the two faced god, reflecting back over the old year and looking ahead to the new.
An upbeat Capricorn Sun trine Moon Jupiter sounds uplifting though the midpoint sextile to regretful Saturn in Pisces may dampen the mood slightly. Venus opposes Uranus, sextiles Pluto and trines Neptune for a complicated mix of emotional responses – charming, seductive, persuasive, dreamy, unrealistic and mischievous.
Mars squares Neptune for some failed plans and also a hint of glamour and pzazz.
As ever I don’t find the ingress chart too illuminating about events on the ground but others might.
What time frame does a solstice chart represent? Upcoming 3 months, 6 months, year?