California – under assault from nature’s fury


California is being devastated by state wide wild fires which have destroyed wineries and homes in the north and are now also raging in Los Angeles. A million people are without electricity, the biggest blackouts in the state’s history, and another million have been told they could lose supplies. Nearly 200,000 have been told to evacuate their homes north of San Francisco and many thousands in LA similarly. There are fears the blazes could enter areas that have not seen wildfires since the 1940s.

The California Virgo Sun is being undermined by a panicky, uncertain tr Neptune opposition exactly now to mid November and returning mid December to late January 2020; with the immensely pressured Solar Arc Uranus Pluto opposition the California Saturn exactly now creating major disruption. Plus an emotionally intense tr Pluto square the CA Venus until late December.

The recent Lunar Eclipse set for San Francisco had Mars in Leo conjunct the Midheaven square Uranus conjunct the Descendant which certainly looks volatile.

The Golden State isn’t short of trials and tribulations with fires worsening considerably in recent times and mud slides, never mind the prospect at some point of a quake.

10 thoughts on “California – under assault from nature’s fury

  1. Both North Dakota and South Dakota became 39th and 40th States on November 2 1889.
    Both have changed a lot in recent years, any thoughts Marjorie?

  2. Modern commercial interests – over building and negligent utility companies – do undoubtedly make freak natural disasters worse. In the south of France several years back scores of people died after a flash flood (many more than the authorities owned up to) because new houses had been built with no proper waterways to channel excess water in safe directions.
    But it’s still true that there have always been atypical and disastrous weather happenings. The California Great Flood of 1861 (across the New Year into 1862) they reckon was part of a pattern that happens every 100 to 200 years.
    In 1861 the Solar Eclipses were in Cancer/Capricorn as this year; and the preceding Lunar Eclipse of 17 December 1861 had Neptune on the Descendant opposition Jupiter Saturn Ascendant square Moon MC opposition Sun IC – so very angular.

  3. Larry – if you read the PG&E bankruptcy filing, the judge’s decisions, and attend PUC hearings, you might have
    a better comprehension of the situation. If a utility defers maintenance of their power transmission lines in favor of continued stockholder dividends, charitable contributions, and one of the highest expenditures for lobbying in the state, you can really only conclude that the utility company is to blame (and this is also shown in the utilities filings with the SEC about potential liability, just this week, and after the devastating Paradise fire last year).
    Mudslides are a byproduct of land with no vegetation to absorb the rainfall. Floods are the same sort of byproduct of fires in some cases. Again, there is insufficient vegetation to slow the runoff. Clear cutting forest
    timber is also a contribution to flooding.

    • well, if there is no vegetation, why the fires? does this not tie into Trump’s genius as the greatest president ever to “rake underneath the trees?”

      Elizabeth – you’ve failed to see that I’m getting your goat. The fires are about something bigger than agencies and people.

      I’m disengaging.

  4. The Great Flood of 1861 apparently started on Christmas Eve that year. Neptune was in Pisces, opposite Jupiter in Virgo in the California chart, and by transiting Jupiter in Virgo. Saturn was widely square those positions. Neptune, especially in Pisces, is in some ways so descriptive of California’s gold rush history, the film industry, and mass migration there. But Neptune is very tricky, as Marjorie has pointed out.

  5. Would be interesting to look at charts for PG&E (northern Calif. utility company) and the PUC (Public Utilities Commission) which is supposed to regulate the utilities. Fires are seasonal in California, but the utilities (and the stoned deer hunter who set a signal fire because he was lost, burning some 265,000 acres in San Diego) are the major cause of most recent and devastating fires. PUC oversight is lax to say the least. Cities have built and extended into areas that are not defensible. Wait for the mudslides and flooding. In 1860-61, the Central Valley was under 30 feet of water. So far the earthquakes are insignificant. 3.5 and 4.5 are not going to cause

    • I would challenge this premise. Simply pointing the blame on “ineffective PUC agencies” doesn’t cut the mustard. Sure, we can wait for mudslides and flooding…do you blame the utilities for those?

      Earthquakes along Cali fault lines would cause outgoing tsunamis, not incoming.

    • Apparently on 15 October there were tsunami warnings according to a friend who was there he was staying near Palo Alto! It must be nightmare if you live there every time their is a natural disaster people suggesting that this is they big one!’

  6. I understand that there were also some earthquakes of 4.5 on the Richter scale in the last month with tsunami watches in place too around San Francisco

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