A magnitude 7 earthquake struck off the north west coast of California yesterday at around 10.40am local time with minimal damage and a tsunami warning proving to be redundant.
The quake chart has Pluto on the Aquarius Ascendant in a destructive, scary opposition to Mars; with Uranus conjunct the IC – which is fairly descriptive of a disruptive event causing fear.
The recent Solar Eclipse set for Ferndale, California has Mercury on the Ascendant, Neptune on the Descendent and a high-tension Saturn and Uranus straddling the Midheaven. The recent Lunar Eclipse has Neptune on the Ascendant and Uranus on the IC. Planets on an eclipse chart axis located to a specific place/region usually suggest major events.
The classic Earthquake signature is Uranus Neptune – around for the San Francisco 1906 quake and the Los Angeles 1994 one. Or Pluto Neptune. Neither of which are around in direct aspect for many years ahead.
The state of California, 9 September 1850, is looking rattled at the moment, in part presumably because of the political scene. The California Mars at 11 Libra was triggered by the recent Solar Eclipse and again by next March’s Aries Eclipse = angry, argumentative. Tr Saturn is in a downbeat opposition to the California Virgo Sun over the Inauguration in January with an undermining, dented-hopes tr Neptune opposition the Jupiter throughout 2025 which can have financial implications.
Thanks Marjorie. It’s interesting to see the chart for the Fort Tejan, California 7.9 earthquake, 9 January, 1857. Uranus 21 Taurus was sextile Neptune, 18 Pisces back then, while Pluto was 3 Taurus, and the Nodes, like today, were in Aries (10). The two events share signs on the ascendant/MC. For Fort Tejan, (Astro.com) the ascendant was 8 Aquarius, with a 27 Scorpio MC – Uranus close to the IC back then, squaring Mars in Aquarius.
That earthquake and its astrology marks an intense year for the American Civil War, and also a big financial crisis that summer – The Panic of 1857.
There are 5 markers for earthquake, and they all made aspects to the
angles of the California chart.
Richter conj natal Mars on the Descendant; Zhang Heng conj Poseidon,
tsunami at the MC; Nagai conj Moon at the Asc; Aleppo 150 MC; and
Tangshan con natal Mars-Richter on the Descendant.