Brexit – into the valley of the unknown *updated



The Brexit bullet having been fired is due to hit its target on 29 March 2019 at 11pm London time, which may (or may not) see a divorce decree absolute, given the amount of foot-shuffling going on. But it’s what Theresa May is rigidly clinging onto, at least for today.

It would make sense astrologically since tr Saturn in Capricorn is exactly opposition the UK Moon then for a sense of mourning, and it returns on and off till December 2019. Tr Uranus is square the UK Jupiter for a monumental sigh of relief – jubilation from those who want out; and for those who didn’t, at least the boring haggling is over so we can get on with making the best of a bad deal. The Solar Arc Pluto is within 6 months of being exactly conjunct the UK Libra Ascendant, which is usually a time of taking control. The Solar Arc UK Moon is opposition the UK natal 11th house Saturn bringing a sense of loss and perhaps popular displeasure with the legislature. The Secondary Progressed Moon is conjunct the UK natal Moon, so on a Progressed Return, which is a significant marker. (see below)

The Brexit chart itself for 2019 looks argumentative, stressed and fraught with a 7th house Mars in Taurus trine Moon Pluto (Saturn) in Capricorn. It’s a very lower hemisphere chart so inward looking, concerned with self rather than others. The only upper hemisphere point if the Node in Cancer in the 9th – so it’ll be a struggle to connect to the wider world, with pride getting in the way. The tendency will be to get entangled in complications – can’t see the wood for the trees.

The Jupiter trine Uranus suggests a leap of faith with costs attached; and Saturn also in the 2nd will require teeth-gritting decisions about money.

Add On: Looking back on the UK’s previous Progressed Moon Returns they have coincided with game-changing events, most often connected to the Royal Family. That isn’t surprising since the 10th house where the Moon sits is associated in mundane astrology with the rulership of the country.

The previous one in late 1991 saw the UK in an economic depression, worsening in November 1991 and leading to the UK crashing out of the ERM in 1992 to great embarrassment and loss of money; described as the most significant event until Brexit 2016. The aftermath also saw the Queen’s Annis Horribilis with three of her children divorcing or separating in 1992 and Windsor Castle going on fire.

One back in November 1964, the Return foreshadowed Winston Churchill’s death in January 1965. During the three days of lying-in-state, 321,000 people file past the catafalque.

The Progressed Moon conjunct the UK Moon in mid 1937 coincided with the Coronation of George V1 in May. And on the previous occurrence in February 1910, King Edward V11’s health was worsening. He died in May 1910 with a state funeral, and was succeeded by George V.


2 thoughts on “Brexit – into the valley of the unknown *updated

  1. If there is an atmosphere of relief, I’d say that’s an indicator that either a) we get a deal which avoids a cliff edge or b) we change our minds and revoke the Article 50 notice. A scenario of gridlocked ports and lorries parked up the M20, stock-outs of food, job transfers to Europe etc wouldn’t have people feeling great.

    I wonder if there might be either another election or a second referendum next year. I cannot believe that Theresa May would take the country off a cliff (the no deal scenario) without getting some further endorsement from the electorate.

  2. In a previous answer you said the 2019 eclipses would be important as it related to the British Royal family and would look into it.I have done a search but nothing came up.

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