Brexit fatigue – all diddly squat * update



The Brexit ‘deal’ was agreed by the EU this morning around 10.30 am – for what it’s worth since no one seems to think it can get through Parliament, given the outraged howls in the UK about Gibraltar, fishing rights, Irish border backstop, never mind the whole customs union fadaddle, EU laws etc.

Brexit Fatigue was skewered this week in the Times by Deborah Ross. ‘Also known as “sick to death of Brexit”, “Brexit is doing my head in” and “I can’t take any more of this shit show, seriously”. “Until it does get itself sorted, there is no way I could listen to another single word.”

“Full-blown BF, characterised by not wanting to know about this conjecture or that speculation because it’ll only add up to diddly-squat anyhow.” “Oh please, God, make it all go away.”

The only thing of note in this chart is Sun Jupiter square Mars – apologies to anyone who has Mars square Jupiter in their charts since I’m sure it has a positive side – but it does hint at biting off more than can be chewed, rushing blindly ahead, over confidence. Sakoian & Acker are fairly damning about its propensity for using collective power for self-aggrandisement. (See John Chau post below).

The Westminster vote will be on December 11th after five days of debate. Tr Saturn will be square Theresa May’s Libra Sun and square her Solar Arc Uranus from, December 2nd to the 11th with Saturn always hanging around for a hangover few days after the exact aspect. Tr Saturn is conjunct the UK Sun for a week from December 20th and the EU/UK Sun – so gloom and discouragement all round.

The vote chart, no time, isn’t too inspiring with Sun square a Mars Neptune conjunction which Ebertin describes as ‘paralysed activity’; ‘failure through lack of plans and energy.’ With Jupiter also square Neptune associated with a ‘poor speculation’ and ‘a scandal through instability.’  Mercury in late Scorpio is inconjunct Uranus in late Aries which is nervy, with excitement and upsets and bitter words.

15 thoughts on “Brexit fatigue – all diddly squat * update

  1. Can you please do a one for David Liddington ? if Theresa May is forced to resign when she loses the vote one assumes he becomes de facto Prime Minister until the Tories get their act together.

  2. What is interesting for me is that the charts show things getting worse for May and Corbyn in 2019. I think in all likelyhood this deal will fail in parliament and a second referendum is coming. May’s 2019 chart shows failure so her Brexit will not happen while Corbyn’s chart shows him at odds with his party in 2019. Labour are all for a second referendum while he doesn’t really want another one so he is going to be on collision course with his MPs.

    • I’ll send Brenda from Bristol to have a few words with you on the idea of “another one”.

      Marjorie, assuming that the debate takes it allocated time fully, the votes (assuming that there is more than one motion/amendment-very likely) will start from 7PM GMT on 12th December. Each vote typically takes between 15 & 20 minutes and I would expect 2-3 votes (though could be as many as five).

    • As an aside, Marjorie has written repeatedly that the mood on 29th March in the UK will be people vs legislators. That can be read in many different ways.

  3. You can be sure none of those criticizing TM will be rushing forward to pick up the Poisoned Chalice. I expect them all to stay heckling safely from the sidelines until the dust has settled. It should be noted that if TM loses the Brexit vote, it is not certain that she will resign and I am not convinced that Labour can win a vote of No Confidence since the DUP will certainly not want to risk putting Corbyn into No 10 as he is on record as wanting a United Ireland. Nor are Tory MPs going to be rushing to put themselves on the dole queue. That means the whole show could well drag on interminably.

  4. Marjorie,

    It has just been announced that the Meaningful Vote will take place on Tuesday, 11th December 2018. That was also the day that James II of England fled and Edward VIII abdicated the throne. Will we see a Prime Ministerial resignation on that day?

    • Marjorie (and Hugh),

      I am sure that you will likely throw something at me if I say that I see a Pluto Return (to a specific point in the sky, not necessarily it’s original location) pattern to regnal deaths. All the English kings (and thus far, all of them were kings) in this particular Pluto Return either died abroad (not necessarily in that year) or they were deposed before their deaths.

      1192 – Richard I (who died in Normandy in 1199)
      1440 – Henry VI (deposed in 1461 and most likely murdered in the Tower in 1471)
      1688 – James II of England (VII of Scotland) fled from London in 1688 and died in France in 1701
      1936 – Edward VIII abdicated and died in Paris in 1972

      Given the pattern of all the kings but one dying in France, I am tempted to suggest that Henry VI may also have died in France.

      Can you see the position of Pluto in these years and see if they were triggering something in the England chart?

      • All the kings listed above also had attempts to depose them (both unsuccessful and successful, depending on your interpretation of the abdication of Edward VIII).

  5. Two quick observations on the chart.

    If using the Equal Houses system (which I do), the Southern Node comes into the First House. Don’t the Nodes denote destiny, Marjorie?

    It is interesting how many planets are in the 26-07 degrees range, thus potentially affecting each other.

  6. I watch with increasing horror Teresa May apparently succumbing to the megalomania which characterises most PMs after they have been in office for about 7years. Does she seriously believe that we want to listen to what she has to say given her duplicity in recent months? Does she seriously think she can trump Corbyn in a live debate? I very much think not. It worries me that she can’t see any of this. Marie

    • There is some very odd parallel between Trump’s rise and Brexit/Theresa May. As individuals they couldn’t be more different but their fortunes appear to dance to the same rhythm – and 2019 will be when both for different reasons grind to a halt.

      • I take a different viewpoint. I have mixed views of the deal itself (the best under the circumstances, but still pretty awful), but I applaud Theresa May for not quitting at the first hurdle as Cameron did. She is going out in front of the Commons and the nation, on radio and TV and getting hit with hostility and taking the hits for a deal that she most likely dislikes herself. She is not talking because she likes the sound of her own voice. She is doing it out of a duty to the nation and I appreciate that.

        Whether we have the deal, or leave without a deal or move to an EFTA/EEA option, hopefully the first phase of Brexit will be done by 2019 and I think that Theresa May will be spent and will likely step down voluntarily.

  7. In the mean time, Russia has opened fire towards Ukrainian vessel on Black Sea and The US Boarder Patrol has teargassed immigrants on Mexican side of the boarder within the last couple of hours.

    It actually looks like come tomorrow, Hard Brexiters won’t look like thd biggest fools of the day.

    • Are those Trump’s version of MS13, ISIS, bad hombres, invaders, et al…?

      Yet, another Mars Lander due by 3pm Eastern time on Mars. Good luck!

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