Brad Parscale – here we go again (sigh)



Trump who clearly prefers campaigning to actually running the USA has already indicated he is gearing up for another go in 2020. If America spent a hundredth of the money that is thrown in obscene quantities at elections on sensible domestic projects, it’d be a better country. And we’d all get less bored lurching from one political frenzy to the next before you can draw breath.

He’s named Brad Parscale as his campaign manager (for now) who was the Digital Director running into 2016 and has worked for the Trump Organization since 2011.

Born 3 January 1976 in Topeka, KS, he’s got a Capricorn Sun on the focal point of a T Square to a pushily-confident Pluto opposition Jupiter in Capricorn; plus a publicity-seeking Mars in Gemini opposition Neptune; and a wannabe-important Saturn in Leo opposition Mercury (Moon) in Aquarius square Uranus in Scorpio – well-suited to high tech and all matters innovative.

Tr Saturn will dent his enthusiasm as it hits his Sun, Jupiter, Pluto through 2019 though that could just be excessively hard work. But tr Neptune square his Mars till late 2019 doesn’t look successful. Plus major upheavals from tr Uranus hitting on his Saturn, Mercury and Uranus in early and later 2019. Plus he has a ‘shocking setback’ Solar Arc Mars conjunct Saturn in 2019; and a rerun of the same from Solar Arc Saturn square his Mars in 2020.

It’s not the greatest of matches with Trump with Parscale’s Mars conjunct Trump’s Uranus; and Parscale’s Uranus square Trump’s Pluto – though that latter could be his IT-input.

The relationship chart has a wildly over-enthusiastic and risk-taking composite Mars opposition Jupiter square Mercury, which will be under considerable pressure in 2019. The composite Mars is also in a ratchety conjunction with Saturn, which will be stretched to breaking point in terms of temper in 2020/2021.

Trump went through several campaign managers as I recollect last time so he may not stay the course.

3 thoughts on “Brad Parscale – here we go again (sigh)

  1. Thank you, Marjorie.
    Trump’s forever campaign released a truly despicable “Willie Horton” style racist ad yesterday, especially for the Nov 6 midterm elections. Can’t think badly enough of these humans who strive to hurt others so purposefully and with such glee.

    • Depends a lot on how Midterms will go. It seems that “Trumpian” candidates are not doing well, and this is happening in unexpected places. For instance, West Virginia 3rd District, which Trump carried by 50 points (!) has a Democrat House candidate within 5 to 10 points from Republican Candidate. This is a volatile district, though, they’ve had sharp switches like this recently. Or Iowa 4th, that is solidly Republican, but went to Trump by 27 (!) points, and incumbent Steve King carried the district by 20 points. Now the Democratic candidate has reached him in polls, and, according to reliable FiveThirtyEight has about the same chance of winning they gave to Trump against Clinton.

      Republicans failing to “reproduct” Trump seems a genuine concern to GOP leadership, and Trump is already starting the blame game for now very likely House loss and possible Senate loss. But he will not go unopposed, you already saw GOP leaders not following him to Pittsburgh.

      So, Parscale will end up in a middle of what could be a truly dirty fight, with more Republican Establishment names willing to challenge Trump 2020

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