Boris Johnson’s latest offering in book form Unleashed about his recent political foray which ended in ignominy is typically ebullient, unapologetic, shameless and a rollick through his Mayoral and No 10 days when nothing was ever his fault.
A columnist who shared his office in yesteryear described him as “this clown” who “ has an amazing ability to self-destruct, blowing us all up with him.” “He always takes it too far, apologises, promises to change then explains why he was right all along. It never ends very well.”
Serialised in the Daily Mail it has the feel of a damp squib, a deflated balloon, the slightly desperate meanderings of a yesterday man. Maybe that’s just my bias – or hope.
Born on 19 June 1964 2pm New York, he has the Solar eclipse conjunct his Libra Ascendant (birth time being accurate) which will put a spotlight onto his image. He has an undermining tr Neptune in square to his Sun Venus exactly now and repeating through February 2025. With tr Saturn square his Mercury, Sun, Venus from February on and off till February 2026 – which looks enthusiasm-dampening.
Plus tr Pluto is trine his focal point 8th house Mars on and off this year till late 2025; with tr Neptune Saturn sextile his Mars as well from April 2025 onwards as well; followed by an insecure, jolting tr Uranus conjunct his Mars from July 2025 onwards. Since his Mars is on the point of a T square it will be especially significant, making him feel trapped and undermined and then shaken about.
He will have a lucky patch late this December to mid March courtesy of a Jupiter midpoint but otherwise he’ll be struggling against headwinds in the immediate future. His rubber-ball qualities means he won’t disappear for ever – there will be a bounce back. But tr Uranus in Gemini moving round his Mutable T Square will have him in more of a frenzy than usual almost to the end of this decade.
His wife Carrie, 17 March 1986, is a Sun Pisces with the triple conjunction in Capricorn plus Mars in a stellium is talented, creative and fairly highly strung if not chaotic. She has a Half Grand Sextile of Venus opposition Pluto sextile her Capricorn planets and widely sextile Mercury. She has been labouring slightly in recent times with tr Neptune crossing her Sun which finishes within a few months. Then she will catch the tr Saturn Neptune square her Uranus and then Saturn over the next two/three years which will be uncertain. Tr Pluto square her Jupiter will give her a few uplifting moments till late 2025.
Can astrology helps us regarding Johnson’s clandestine relationship with Russia;oligarchs;dubious financials; Tory sleaze; Brexit; potential for blackmail? I guess thats 8th or 12th house domains? His cheery-patter bluff and bluster is a million miles from the real BJ and I would like to think its those very dubious aspects of his nature that might be his downfall.
What is there to say? I read a bit of these abstracts from his book. It reads like a man child on steroids! If this country didn’t have enough to contend with at the moment, Boris is sure to pop up and astound us with his ability to be over the top with gusto. Anyone remember Just William?
Is there anything to look out for like even fix stars that show self sabotage? This seems like a common theme recently.
Thanks Marjorie. If the DM extracts are anything to go by, he comes across as a heroic figure, having nearly died in a Scottish lake while on holiday to planning the invasion of the Netherlands to seize quantities of the AstroZeneca vaccine and likening himself to Julius Caesar when Rishi’betrayed’ him.
I noticed the Independent ran a review of the book with the headline, ‘No Narcissus ever stared more intently into the limpid waters of self-love.’
Of course the irony about the Narcissus comparison is that Boris has no capacity for self reflection!
Sometimes I try to guess what new article is coming, and whoops, I made an error here: wasn’t expecting Boris! I was thinking the Duffield saga might be next.
@El Aznar
I am glad that it is Boris, which was a full blown saga, Duffield is small in comparison.