Boeing mishaps strike again with two American astronauts on Starliner already stuck for two months at the International Space Station, on what was supposed to be a nine-day round trip, are now expected not to be able to return till next February.
The spacecraft is well-stocked but it is another nightmare for Boeing after a year of headlines about doors and wheels flying off its jets in mid-air. And industry analysts say for NASA it looks worse: It seems to be falling back into the bungling ways that led to two space-shuttle disasters.
The sums of money involved are eye-watering billions and the signs were not good from the start with problems before the launch which were written off by NASA and Boeing as trivial.
NASA, 29 July 1958, looks in a terminal panic and completely trapped at the moment with Solar Arc Pluto opposition their Mars this year; and had a devastatingly confused tr Pluto square Neptune earlier this year which influence returns in February 2025. With more hiccups and upheavals from mid 2025 onwards with tr Uranus square the Pluto.
Boeing, 15 July 1916 is also labouring mightily with tr Pluto opposition its Neptune returning in February 2025 and December 2025 – which will be much of a muchness with NASA above. The new CEO will be pushing ahead with determination but ahead looks every bit as stuck as it has been in recent years when tr Pluto was opposing its Saturn Sun up until recently and moving forward in 2026 the Solar Arc Pluto squares the Boeing Saturn.
Kelly Ortbeg takes over as Boeing CEO, no birth date apart from April 1960. But his Term chart from 8 August 2024 has an accident-prone Saturn square Mars and Jupiter so setbacks are likely.
The two beleaguered astronauts:
Butch Wilmore, 29 December 1962, a Sun Capricorn trine Uranus Pluto in Virgo and sextile Jupiter with Moon and Saturn in scientific Aquarius is a confident personality, keen on pushing back boundaries. His Venus in Scorpio is conjunct Neptune. His Jupiter conjunct Chiron will give him confidence in his super-powers and should bring him luck.
Suni Williams, 19 September 1965, is a Sun Virgo in a confident square to Jupiter, also with the Uranus Pluto in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces. She also has planets in Scorpio – Venus, Neptune, Mars trine Saturn and trine a Cancer Moon in probably a Water Grand Trine, focused onto the leading-edge Uranus Pluto.
I cannot imagine anything worse frankly than being stuck in a spacecraft (or submarine) – and then it going wrong!! Aaah. Still I suppose they pick the temperaments that can cope. But all that jitterbug Uranus Pluto? Not easy.
Is there an industry wide shortage in skilled technicians or are they hiring for other reasons than merit, I wonder?
“The poorly welded fuel tank dome was a repeated and reemphasized cause for concern to NASA OIG, who attributed the issue to lax hiring and training practices.
‘According to NASA officials, the welding issues arose due to Boeing’s inexperienced technicians and inadequate work order planning and supervision,’ NASA OIG said.
‘The lack of a trained and qualified workforce increases the risk that Boeing will continue to manufacture parts and components that do not adhere to NASA requirements and industry standards,’ the office’s report continued.”
From today’s Daily Mail
Being adrift in a submarine or space station is almost too horrifying to imagine. I can’t begin to imagine what they are going through.
Boeing hires for reasons other than brains. Low level muscle has always been incorporated into the work flow in waves. I recall busloads of new techs and machinists unloading at the back door of the 787 main assembly area. 90 days later, they were, in general, all laid off. Followed by another bus train of new techs.
NASA specs are much different than comml aircraft specs. But NASA specs are not always achieveable.
One would expect the 2 astronauts to have Uranian influences, and indeed they do! Hopefullly their Earth sun signs will help them remain unlikely to panic, as long as they trust the engineers.
I don’t know whether Boeing’s chart interpretation points to money (ie MBAs running the place instead of engineers) but that has clearly been the cause of their current situation. A new technical CEO would help going forward, but inherently faulty existing designs such as the 737 Max cannot be fixed – they need to be scrapped altogether, not patched up as they have been – which will cost money.
I recognize that NASA’s earlier failures led to this type of ‘outsourcing’, but one has to wonder whether relying on Boeing, and now SpaceX (which has had its own issues, along with a mercurial & tyrannical leader) is the solution. The privatization of space travel (which is supposed to be more ‘cost-efficient’) has built-in conflicts of interest between profit and safety.
Well, the new CEO did start his new job during merc retro.
There is always a need for bean counters mixed with engineers.
Trusting the engineers is not always a sound philosophy.
Dear Marjorie,
thank you very much for running this very helpful Astrology blog site and helping us understand what”s in the sky above planet wise that affects our day to day lives.
with that said if time permitting will you please take a look at future of FEDERAL RESERVE 2025 ONWARDS
seems like big mouth Trump if he gets elected then he wants to rule FEDERAL RESERVE also and advice and tell them also
what to do about interest rates and their future policies
with many thanks
It is so sad to see what is happening with Boeing. They were one of the greats.
Marjorie – a big thank you for this write up.
Former Boeing executive and FAA team members started an independent watchdog called Foundation for Aviation Safety. https://www.foundationforaviationsafety.org/
I have been tracking all of this closely.
I am very concerned about the astronauts being stuck in space. I don’t know how this will end. Hopefully, back here safely. But still, the one thing that Boeing could not screw up…..
I understand the new CEO is an Engineer and was coaxed out of retirement and has experience with Boeing. Also, that his offices will be in Washington state.
I have a 10th house Jupiter, it manifests in my life as unusually famous people in my personal scope.
Case in point, a good friend of mine. He often spoke to me earlier this year, Winter and Spring, about
his former neighbor, Barry ‘Butch’ Wilmore. My friend knew Barry Wilmore before Barry actually became
an astronaut. He was a military test pilot, wanting very much to be chosen to go to space. Barry flew
every single day, in order to meet the requirements. He was a very good neighbor, was happily married
and doted on his children. Barry was admiring a motorcycle that my friend had, my friend encouraged
Barry to take it out for a spin, but Barry refused because his government clearance did not allow for him
to take chances with his physical being outside the scope of required physical duty.
When news came out of the two astronauts not able to return using the same capsule, it really placed a
human face on the news for me. I pray everyday for their safe return. Such brave individuals, so unfair
to be held at the mercy of an inferior and most disturbingly selfish corporation that is Boeing.
The new CEO has taken the mantle of phoenix and savior…according to market analyst articles. Talking with neighbors here in the apt complex here who work at Boeing-Everett, the problems are legion. Mfg issues on 787 (of which I was formerly/intimately familiar) are being hush-hushed & downplayed as special projects. Same problems from 2008 continue to drag along. Not so much technical issues…but from the indifference of the mgmt and union workforce demographics. As long as massive overtime is thrown around, people will continue to act as tho they are making a difference.
Pat Shanahan, former VP at Boeing on 787, was touted as Mister Fix-it…and eventually left for higher-pay ceilings. The 787 program overwhelmed him, almost as tho the ghost of Christmas Pasts were still haunting the corridors. He is now at Spirit Aerosystems…another coffin of mistakes for Boeing.
A psychic friend who is very good with tarot has claimed that…soon…Boeing will be partitioned and managed by independent and international investors. Call it as you will, “B” is not too big to fail.