Bill Cosby, convicted in 2018 of drugging and assaulting a woman, has been released from prison on a legal technicality. A screw-up by a former prosecutor gave the defence a lever which the judge acknowledged was a rare occurrence. More than 50 women came forward with similar stories and his trial was the first significant celebrity conviction of the #MeToo era, widely seen as symbolic of how powerful men could finally be held to account. He had served more than two years of his sentence and vowed to serve all 10 years rather than acknowledge any remorse for his actions.
He was born 12 July 1937 12.30 am Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and had a six decade showbusiness career as a stand-up comedian and TV actor with his own The Cosby Show. Like Rumsfeld (oddly enough or maybe not) he also has a Cancer Sun conjunct Pluto though in his case it is 4th rather than 8th house. His Sun, Mercury, Pluto are in a pushily confident opposition to Jupiter in his 10th which latter brought him success and a shining reputation, but the opposition also engendered a sense that rules weren’t meant for him. He would push social niceties to one side to get what he wanted. His Sun, Mercury, Pluto were also in a harsh trine to Mars in vengeful Scorpio; with his Mars in turn in a no-compromise opposition to Uranus. He was not a man who brooked interference with his wishes.
He’s got a successful tr Pluto square his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint exactly now and repeating in December but that apart he’s not facing an inspiring three years ahead with disappointments this September – and catastrophes littering 2022/23 which may be health related since he looks frail.
I was involved in a legal case some years ago had a strong chance of winning, it was kicked out on a technicality and i had to fight to bring it to appeal. Meanwhile the defendants spent 3 times what a settlement was worth attempting to block me. I had hoped that Pluto in Capricorn would stop this law for the rich – it seems not.
I remember janice Dickinson talking about bill Cosby. poor lady. I read somewhere one of the actresses playing his daughter left abruptly and never spoke about what Crosby did to her. I never liked him in any of his shows or cartoons. I thought he was just playing a character. not even funny.
Another legal “pearl”
https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/jul/02/trans-women-with-sex-offence-convictions-in- female-jails-lawful-rules judge
Is there a chance that a change in law regarding statute of limitations would happen? Making it a political issue, meaning that politicians stand to lose significant support if they don’t produce laws that give victims more time to come forward. How just can it be for time limits can be imposed for such horrible crimes?
I suppose on the good side, Corey Feldman managed to get one of his abusers convicted. The man was sentenced to 1 year imprisonment and 5 years probation and has to be registered as a sex offender. I know it is a very soft sentence for the abuse he caused.
I am sure that appeals will be lodged to stop Cosby going free. I hope those succeed! Astrologically this might be difficult as each state having it’s own laws and justice system. But maybe bringing in a federal law that stops statutes of limitations in it’s tracks might be the way to go. That means The Supreme Court. What do you think the Supreme Court’s chart show?
There is the real possibility of false accusations, so therefore the law requires a complaint filed within a defined time limit. Politicians/lawmakers can set this limit or that one; there is no consensus on what it should be other than it cannot be unlimited. It generally is expected that someone who has experienced such a crime as a victim would notify either the authorities or medical help, who in turn would notify the appropriate authorities. That would start the process for an investigation and possible prosecution.
Statute of limitations are quite common and reasonable for all but the most heinous crimes. Cosby “won” because the legal procedures to guarantee free and fair trials were not followed. This is a direct violation of our Constitution. For all practical purposes he is going to be free. We live with that prospect to protect the innocently prosecuted. It is fundamental to our legal system.
He joins OJ as one who got away with it.
And Epstein. I’ve always thought the gladiatorial legal system in the USA and UK was not well designed for sex offences – far too blunt an instrument. I’m not sure what the answer is but fragile, damaged victims being harassed in court by a bullying defence lawyer is not way to get at the truth. Especially since most sex offenders are narcissists and lie as easily as they breathe.
I had half an idea that the Dutch system had an alternative approach.
Cosby also currently has tr Neptune trine and sextile his natal Mercury and Jupiter, which would have helped ease the way for the decision, plus tr Uranus conj. his natal Uranus in the first house for a surprising new beginning. The planets don’t judge, they just keep revolving.
Moon-Neptune in Virgo – there’s drugging women. Moon is right on cusp of 6th, I wouldn’t be surprised if that 00:30 time is rounded and it actually falls in the 5th house of sexual fun and also explain his career as a comedian.
Saturn in Aries lacks assertiveness; as does sun/mercury/pluto in Cancer 4th and virgo moon/neptune. No wonder he resorted to drugging women to have sex.
Decision aside, astrologically interesting to see him freed on his Uranus return. There’s a couple more passes with its retro cycle and saturn squaring from aqua to come. Will be interesting to see what, if anything happens, with those.
What a devastating blow to his poor victims. I can only imagine how dismissed and discarded they are feeling in the light of this ruling. It’s still very much a Man’s world and women are rarely believed anyway. You only have to read any comments beneath an article on rape cases to see that minimising the victim’s suffering as well as victim blaming is the usual macho response. No surprise then that Cosby is a Sun/Pluto-Jupiter with the inevitable risk-taking Mars/Uranus contact of many, many high profile sexual predators.
I see also that James Franco, one of Hollywood’s finest sex pests has paid off yet another sexual harassment suit. And yet another Mars square Uranus, natch.
There must be some good examples of men with Mars/Uranus aspects? What other aspects to it or alongside it would be considered a more evolved Mars/Uranus? Though it IS interesting that it does crop up in these predators charts. I think James Franco the Fake will have his day in court sooner or later. I could be easy to dismiss the women taking the money but we don’t know if they are being threatened. By taking the money it makes them look guilty later on. However, I think we are, finally, in the territory where women are starting to be heard and we’re gaining some power in the landscape even if it’s in large numbers. And the gaslighting techniques are starting to become well-known to be recognised and smacked down for what they are.
Actually, in true Mars/Uranus fashion I jumped the gun and Franco’s Mars/Uranus is too wide an orb to qualify! I keep coming across Mars/Uranus at the moment too. I would say that at its best Mars Uranus can be inventive, does things in an out-of-the-box, brilliant kind of way with abundant energy which is sparkling and stimulating. They are movers and shakers in technology and engineering and film making. There can also be an alluring sexual energy. Alexander Graham-Bell, Johannes Kepler, Jim Morrison, H.G. Wells and Andre Agassi.
Thanks. I wonder if having Mars/Uranus with poor moon aspects (women) is more likely to make them predatory? James Franco has had a LOT of internet gossip about him about his predatory predilections. As much speculation as Weinstein and other greasy notables. Obviously, he’s innocent until proven guilty but I feel we are all just waiting for the shoe to fall with this one too.
VF: What a devastating blow to his poor victims
I agree to an extent but Bill spent over two years in jail and for someone who is in his 80’s that’s more like 10 years for the average person. Also one of Bill’s four daughters died of a kidney condition while he was in prison and he has paid out tens of millions to settle lawsuits brought by his accusers.
Also for the few years Bill has left he will be a pariah similar to OJ so I will leave Bill to live out the rest of his karma and not add any bad to mine by wishing anything bad on him.
Over fifty women accused him and there will undoubtedly be more. All of them will have suffered lifelong consequences from his brutal actions. So no two years isn’t remotely enough.
Cosby is legally blind and only has a few years left, but hey go ahead a beat this dead horse.
Also I have questions about some of these women’s stories because I am not taking anything that some stranger hands me not knowing what it is.
This absolutely enrages me! Bill Cosby gets to walk free because, you know, patriarchy. Britney Spears who has said she is afraid of her father and that he drugs her and abuses her regularly and wants him removed from her conservatorship has been told by the same judge today for a second time that he will not be removed from her conservatorship.
A lawyer who was called in by Britney in 2007 has said on record that he thought that she WAS of sound mind BEFORE this controlling negotiation was put into place and was then kicked off Britney’s team. And that she stated clearly from the get go that she didn’t want her father to take over. Her crime? Having the audacity to have post natal depression, not a thick enough skin to deal with the savage and very public criticisms because she was not the perfect role model, slut shamed, called a bad mother, drank and probably did drugs to deal with it all, and being so desperately lonely that she sought solace in a creep who tried to control everything. Cue her absent father who swooped in with the conservatorship idea to do what the creep was doing; control her.
And here’s the predator Bill Cosby laughing his ass off to go home and Britney, after exposing her abusers in her testimony who is now forced to go back to her own prison with these evil people in charge. This is a prime example of Misogyny at play here. And women are gaslighted by men and even female misogynists constantly who say male privilege is the figment of a ‘Feminazi’s’ mind!!!
Did you actually listen or read the decision?
The testimony that Cosby gave during the civil trial should never have been been used in his criminal trial because in a civil trial you can’t plead the 5th Amendment against self-incrimination.
What is so difficult to understand about that fact?
It didn’t say that he wasn’t guilty just that the evidence should not have been allowed.
Cosby’s triumph will be short-lived, as he will still be universally deemed as a pariah for his disgraceful behaviour
towards the many women, he abused.