President Biden’s decision to allow Ukraine to use long-range US missiles to strike inside Russia has provoked a strong response from Moscow. The Kremlin says it will view such missiles as an attack not from Ukraine, but from the US itself, accusing the outgoing US administration of adding ‘oil to the fire’.
There is a flurry of astro-activity for a few days across this New Year with tr Saturn at 14 Pisces opposition the composite Mars on the USA/Russia 1991 relationship chart; and the composite Sun Saturn on the USA/Russia 1917 relationship chart.
The Ukraine 1991/Russia 1917 relationship chart also has Mars (conjunct Pluto) at 14 degrees Virgo also catching the tr Saturn opposition over the New Year. Even before then the Ukraine/Russia 1991 relationship chart is showing a sharp escalation in aggravation from tomorrow onwards through December with tr Pluto square the composite Mars; and worsening through 2025 with tr Pluto conjunct the composite Saturn.
The USA/Russia 1991 relationship chart points to disappointment and undermining circumstances throughout 2025 with tr Neptune and tr Saturn opposing the composite Sun at 29 Virgo.
To a lesser degree the EU and UK’s relationship charts with Russia hint at a chill now and further separation through 2025.
What ever happens, it will be messy. Putin’s stated intention is to recreate the borders of the Russian Empire. He does have something on Trump. People are going to learn hard lessons about Reality and living in an information bubble. Very concerned about the cable cuts.
Whatever Putin claims he has on Drompf, it pulls no unknown strings. Launching IRBMs into a country which has no such weapons is pure malice. Teach the West a tangible lesson? Is Russia entitled to use such weapons? Drompf will only deploy his slimey smile, raise his right fist, and proclaim “both sides have good people”. Born-agains and evangelicals will raise the roof with cheers while flooding his coffers with moolah.
Once Kyiv is destroyed, I envision a major diaspora from Ukraine and eastern Europe. Putin will not stop.
Perhaps I’ve always had an affinity to Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton because they’re both Scorpios…and I’m a Scorpio ascendant. Scorpios are NOT the people you want to antagonize – they know how to get even (regardless of how long it takes). They can be clever, cunning, and calculating. Personally, I think that can be a good thing.
Biden has been very strategic with regards to Ukraine. I welcome President Biden giving Ukraine permission to use the ATACMS to strike targets within the Russian Federation. While some may see this as an escalation, I see this as common sense self-defense.
Let’s remember, in its 33 years of independence, Ukraine has never provoked, threatened, or attacked any of its neighbors. Ukraine even gave up its nuclear weapons after the 1994 Budapest Memorandum and all they asked for in exchange was for their sovereignty to be respected and support from the West should their sovereignty be threatened.
Vladimir Putin is the sole aggressor here and it’s time for the world to quit coddling and pacifying him. I’m glad President Biden and Zelenskyy are standing up to Putin.
For the record, I’m not worried about the “World War III” and nuclear apocalypse doomsday scenarios that many of the anti-Ukraine ignoramuses on the far-left and far-right carry on about – that isn’t going to happen. Vladimir Putin, I’m sure, will continue to make such threats but he knows that we (the U.S.) have over 5,000 plus nukes on speed dial (thank goodness). So, it’s an even playing field (no one-upmanship; either nobody gets annihilated or we all get annihilated). In other words, Vladimir Putin might be crazy, but he’s not stupid – he’s not touching those nukes.
Anyway, I need to take another look at Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton’s charts to see if I find any comparisons to my own chart. I feel like I share similar personality traits with both of them.
really? can you elaborate? astrologically?
I’ve been wondering about 1991, when Saturn was first in Aquarius. Pluto has now committed to its new Aquarian home, and will be opposed by Mars Rx in Leo at 1 degree as 2025 begins.
Ukraine, along with Estonia and Latvia has Saturn 1 Aquarius, while Lithuania has Mars 0 Aquarius (1990). Various charts for events in Russia at that time also share the Saturn in early Aquarius. The Ukraine/Russia composite Moon and Saturn, as Marjorie writes, is also involved.
This, on the BBC News website, also caught my attention:
“On Monday, millions of Swedes will start receiving copies of a pamphlet advising the population how to prepare and cope in the event of war or another unexpected crisis.
“In case of crisis or war” has been updated from six years ago, external because of what the government in Stockholm calls the worsening security situation, by which it means Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The booklet is also twice the size.
Neighbouring Finland has also just published its own fresh advice online on “preparing for incidents and crises”.
And Norwegians have also recently received a pamphlet, external urging them to be prepared to manage on their own for a week in the event of extreme weather, war and other threats.
During the summer, Denmark’s emergency management agency, external said it was emailing Danish adults details on the water, food and medicine they would need to get through a crisis for three days.”
In what way is Ukraine as bad as Russia? As far as I am aware Ukraine is not abducting children or invading another country’s territory in an attempt to topple a democratically-elected leader and impose its own repressive political regime so it can steal the valuable mineral resources. That we get tired of this war and leave Ukraine to its fate is precisely what Putin is hoping for. In Trump he has found a willing advocate. If we value our own freedom we had better step up and soon. I think the war is going to get a lot worse before it gets better and I think NATO will start to be more visibly involved than it has so far, with or without the support of the US. I think Zelensky’s plan to bring the war home to ordinary Russians is maybe just what is needed. But there will be a price to pay.
And mysteriously, just 12 hours from this decision the only direct communication cable between Finland and Germany was cut, right from the middle. ♀️
But am more than willing to live with slightly slower internet if this helps Ukrainians. There are still entire Ukrainian families dying in missile attacks almost on daily bases.
It is reported a second cable has been compromised.
Under the Saturn-Neptune conjunction, of course this could be critical. The first submarines appeared in the US Civil War while Neptune was in Aries.
I know it’s a cliche, but do not antagonize a Scorpio. Biden knows Putin has involvement in the 2024 election.
@Lizzie, well, they also further messed the life of his son, whose troubles must gave hurt Biden more than anything political.
But I think it also has a lot to do with Biden’s personal belief system, as a devout Catholic, he knows that as his time on this Earth nears the end, he must seek forgiveness for his sins through chartible acts. He already personally apologized First Nations for the treatment of children at boarding schools. He must have hurt watching entire Ukrainian families perish in missile attacks because of politics. And I think his last acts as President will be related to suffering in Gaza and Lebanon – there are enough leaks on him truly despising Netanyahu.
Good points, @Solaia.
As a devout Catholic, he probably sees Trump, Putin and perhaps Netanyahu as evil. To him, world history would be spiritual warfare. Too bad he won’t be around for Neptune in Aries.
I’m catholic but don;t see it the same way. Trump is not intrinsically evil; he is lonely and lost so he emulates behavior that attracts “attention”. Netanyahu is acting out his childish ambitions, same as Trump.
Dunno what to say abt Putin.
@Solaia – “https://www.suomi.fi/news/a-new-guide-instructs-the-population-to-prepare-for-incidents-and-crises”
Available in English also. I just downloaded the Swedish update in English.
Instead of pleasing Trump, Zelensky suddenly got nerves to call Ukraine independent ..seems it has stronger than Trump backing..though Elon laughed but when a pleader becomes brave, it’s not without a power behind ….so war continues, sadly it seems
I see that transiting Pluto in Aquarius (6th house) will move over the Moon in the US/ Russia first Composite Chart in 2025 and again in 2026. Although it does trine Mercury in Libra (2nd house) which may mean plenty of discussion involving various group, along with how much money it may cost. Also looking for a way to balance out, how this can be achieved? There is also Saturn/Sun conjunction in Virgo (12th house) which could mean discussion thrashing out a rulership in private without others be involved in the second London Composite US/Russia Chart too. Venus is also in Libra (1st house) which may be an added bonus. What is interesting is that Pluto is moving out of Capricorn this November having completed a two year cycle of transiting Ukraine and Russia’s Composite Chart’s Uranus. This is significant in as much that Pluto is leaving Capricorn ruled by Saturn and is now entering Aquarius ruled by Uranus. As Uranus rules groups, rather than individuals; this may take two different directions. As either group discussion (Uranus 3rd house) will be beneficial or more groups are drawn into the conflict. A quick calculation of this charts Pluto/Sun midpoint places the midpoint at circa 24 degrees of Virgo ( in the 11th house which ruled by Uranus) with its Moon at 25 degrees in Scorpio (1st house) ruled by Pluto. This combination is in a sextile – working purposely together, or Virgo earth and Scorpio water – making mud, then all bogged down? Trump takes office in January when transiting Pluto in Aquarius will be squaring the Ukraine/Russia Composite Charts Scorpion Ascendant and again in the Autumn of 2025. It looks like next year is indeed a pivotal year for make or break, as the tussle between Pluto/Uranus remains, however, with Uranus being the strongest influence, rather than Pluto. A Mars /Pluto conjunction in the 1991 chart in the tenth would always mean a struggle for power. However, that is the latest chart. Perhaps a new settlement could bring a new era – like Pandora’s box we all can only hope for peace.
Thanks Marjorie, very interesting. Will the UK’s best interests be served in pivoting towards Europe in its future Russia dealings, or with the new administration in the US?
Much as I loathe Trump, is his evident position of peacemaker real or more dissembling gibberish? Im not sure if astrology can help here?
@Gamal, Trump has a 12th house Leo Mars squaring his MC. In order to make peace, one needs to understand conflicts. And he doesn’t, his world view is, for ever, that of a school yard bully. For a reference, you might remember how he mishandled the withdrawl of 2000 US troops from Northern Syria in 2019. They essentially had to leave the base in such a hurry it fell to the hands of Wagner troops. I think this did more to antagonise Military leadership against him than any other thing
Thx Solaia
Yup not the placements of peacemaker.
He is entirely transactional and in thrall to others i think. I also think Trump and B Johnson are much more alligned with Russia than widely understood IMO. Can astrology throw light on blackmail, coercion and kompromat?
@Gamal, I think that Trump is beyond fearing anything Russians have on him affecting him, but also, the hold Putin still likely has on him isn’t based on that, but identifying with Putin’s strong man image.
It’s noteworthy that before becoming POTUS, Trump didn’t travel much abroad. He is a creature of habit, visibly upset when he can’t wear his business or casual uniform of last 40 years or so. He likes his Big Macs in a specific way, his resorts tend to look very much like one and other. Therefore, he likely doesn’t enjoy travelling much. However, he has visited Russia numerous times, starting from the 1980’s. Over these visits, he has seen how Moscow has developed, and likely thinks Putin having a firm hand in all. So, it would only take flattery from Putin to manipulate Trump.
Astrology? Likely something to do with issues with his biological father not being a father figure to him (Sun/North Node/Uranus) and tendency to project (Mercury square Neptune).
@Gamal, yes, Trump is entirely transactional. “What’s in it for me?” is his modus operandi. Solaia, Roderick and you have it right. I fear for the future of my country and the world with this “small-fingered vulgarian,” as, I think, the former editor of Vanity Fair once described him. We’re all in for a rough ride, with a lot of buyers’ remorse as the reality of Trump’s mass deportations and tariffs take hold.
Trump also delivers obeisance to Putin and almost certainly handed over American and foreign secrets to his master. I consider Trump both a traitor and a criminal; his Cabinet picks confirm his intent to exact vengeance on his opponents and impose Project 2025 on the country.
I’m glad Biden gave the Ukrainians the green light to use American weapons as they please. I see it as Biden sticking his thumb in Putin’s eye for his election interference and in Trump’s for his total degeneracy, assholery and betrayal of American democracy.
@Nicole: buyers’ remorse? Nah, Amerikans will find a way to rationalize.
In college, it was called “Correction for Incredulity”. Nixon wasn’t a crook, he could/would NEVER do bad things.
“Concluding that because you can’t or refuse to believe something, it must not be true, improbable, or the argument must be flawed.”
All those mean, nasty illegals eating my neighbors’ cats. Ship ’em out, poste haste! Put ’em on leaky old Liberty ships!
Boris Johnson is no friend of Putin! Whatever his fauts (and they are many), he was, as PM, and still is the most passionate ally of Ukraine. Becoming a close friend of Zelensky, he amped UK aid and arms to Ukraine and worked tirelessly to persuade other European nations to offer more support. BJ met with Trump shortly after his election to try and persuade him to keep supporting Ukraine.
Do not forget it also led to the rape and killing of able Kurdish female warriors by Turkish troops. I owe that one to their memory.
Trump spreads nothing but chaos, but his idea of a peace plan is to hand the Ukraine to Putin on a silver platter.
His plan to deport both legal and illegal immigrants is already causing a lot of stress and division.
Add to that there are occupants of many households in the western U.S. who of mixed immigration status.
Some parents are illegal or undocumented while their children are U.S. citizen.
Then you’re going to have vigilantes taking the law into their own hands in certain parts of the country performing ‘citizens arrests’ on people they think are illegal.
It is hard at this point to see how this ends without bloodshed. One of the possible manifestations of Uranus in Gemini is another civil war. The combination of Neptune in Aries and Uranus in Gemini, which will now be repeating, was lethal the last time it took place in the 1860s, the only time in US history. Pluto was in Taurus then, which possibly made it worse and made the Civil War land-based. This time, it will be in Aquarius, an air sign which will make the conflict based in space and telecommunications or drones and missiles. The ominous indicator is that both Taurus and Aquarius are fixed signs which are overly stubborn and unyielding. Major conflict can only end with a decisive defeat or an unconditional victory. I expect it will be the same in Ukraine despite silly hopes and lies on all sides.
By the time of the final battle of the War of Independence at Yorktown in 1781, Pluto had reached 5 Aquarius. There will soon be a Pluto return for that chart. The loser then was mad king George III. There will soon be another mad king in the White House. Maybe that is how the US, as presently constituted, begins and ends. The US Constitution’s Pluto return will follow. As for Canada, it was created by a US Civil War and may also end with another.