Bernie Sanders – fireworks through May into June

Bernie Sanders has tr Uranus opposing his Venus in Libra from May 8th to 27th at the same time as tr Uranus square his Sun/Saturn midpoint and Sun/Uranus – all of which look nervy, tense, upsetting. Then tr Uranus moves on to conjunct his Mars from late May till late June which can be insecure, tending to over-react to prove a point, bad tempered. Though Uranus transits can be a wild card and his Lunar Return for May looks good; June less so.

He’s lost the lucky/successful tr Uranus sextile Jupiter which was around up to late March.

His bid chart isn’t any help though the time of 12.10 am may be off. When Ted Cruz withdrew tr Neptune was opposing his Bid MC which makes sense.

Maybe he’s hanging on to see if Hillary gets nailed by the FBI.

10 thoughts on “Bernie Sanders – fireworks through May into June

  1. Chris, I posted this yesterday and it disappeared for some reason. Get a grip. I’ve no skin in this game and know nothing aboiut Sanders apart from the astrology. At a personal level I’d prefer to see the first woman president. But I do, as I’ve said before, try to remain detached so the astrology does not go askew. This isn’t a political forum and I really don’t appreciate snashy comments

  2. Chris, Get a grip. I have no skin in this game and as I explained previously I do try to remain detached otherwise the astrology goes askew. At a personal level, I’d quite like Hillary as a woman to get the Presidency. Bernie Sanders I know zero about and I haven’t been as involved in his utterances as home grown Americans. All I know is his astrology.
    I don’t mind arguments but this is an astrology forum not a political one. Getting over excited when we have – Lord save us – another seven months plus to go will only give you ulcers.

  3. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that Hillary Clinton is not only ahead of Bernie Sanders in pledged and super-delegates, she’s also ahead of Bernie Sanders by 3 million plus votes (Hillary now has over 12 million votes, Bernie Sanders only has 9 million). Also, Bernie Sanders had the audacity to actually sue the DNC and criticize the Democratic Party for years. So, there’s a few other reasons why Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee. I promise you, Bernie Sanders will have his head handed to him at the convention this summer. If he wants to salvage what’s left of his *dignity* (because he has no integrity), then I strongly suggest he drop out of the race; us real Democrats can make life a living hell for him if he wants to continue this little game. My cousin is one of the delegates by the way.

  4. Marjorie Orr is obviously hoping Bernie Sanders will get the nomination. Sorry Marjorie, it’s not going to work. Hillary Clinton won Guam yesterday (I’m very happy about that) and she received ALL of the islands super-delegates (plus 4 pledged delegates). She won 60% of Guam’s popular vote. Now, Bernie Sanders won Wyoming (Hillary still ended up with more delegates than him), he won Michigan (Hillary still got more delegates there too), he won Indiana (Hillary, again got more delegates) and he won New Hampshire (they tied in the number of delegates there). No matter how you want to look at it; Hillary Clinton has the nomination. She’s won majority of the states and she’s won ALL of the territories so far. As of right now, Hillary Clinton doesn’t even have to win one more primary or caucus – she only needs ~155 delegates before she is declared the nominee. Even is she loses a state, she still gets delegates, LoL. Hillary Clinton is expected to win Puerto Rico, District of Columbia, New Mexico, Kentucky, the U.S. Virgin Islands and New Jersey – those will put her over the top. Bernie Sanders will win West Virginia, Oregon, Montana and the Dakotas. California will be a toss-up. In other words, Hillary’s still winning the places that offer more delegates, more diversity and larger populations. Bernie Sanders can contest the convention if he pleases…but it will do him absolutely no good whatsoever. See, our Democratic Party doesn’t want him; I don’t want him. The super-delegates are not going to switch over to Bernie Sanders because 1. Bernie has raised absolutely NO MONEY for the DNC (while Hillary has raised 15 million dollars for them), 2. Bernie has raise NO MONEY for other Democrats running in the House and Senate (Hillary has though). 3. Bernie is still NOT a registered Democrat (Hillary’s been one since 1968). 4. Hillary Clinton has won the African-American, Latino, senior citizen, LGBT American and women’s vote (Bernie’s only won the angry White man and millennial vote) 5. The super-delegates feel Hillary Clinton has a much better chance of winning in the general election (Bernie is a self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist and most people in the U.S. aren’t cool with that). All in all, Hillary Clinton has this in the bag. Whether you like it or not, Bernie Sanders is NOT GOING TO GET THE NOMINATION. Perhaps, Marjorie, if you knew a little more about American politics, you would know I’m right about this…but keep living in your fantasy world. Oh, and I see you brought up the FBI thing again – that’s so typical of the haters. If you’ve been keeping up with the news (since, apparently the UK is so obsessed with our election), FBI just announced that they have found NO EVIDENCE that Hillary Clinton deliberately did anything wrong. I knew they wouldn’t find anything. Bernie Sanders knows it too. If Bernie Sanders doesn’t drop out of this race soon….our Democratic Party will FORCE HIM TO. He’s not calling the shots; the power is with Hillary Clinton…and her supporters (like me).

  5. Appreciate the time and care you have put into your research on the U.S. election…the wind-down of the FBI interviews is happening now, they say, and with the Attorney General a Democratic Obama appointee it would be extremely unexpected for her to oppose the White House and issue a Clinton indictment. What a heartbreaking mess this primary season has been! Trump is exceedingly dangerous, with his desire to let more countries go nuclear as long as they pay their own ways, and Hillary is Lady MacBeth on steroids. What a foul choice.

  6. Thanks very much for your interesting astrological pieces re. Trump and Sanders characters and prospects. I may be in the minority but I do admire Trump for opening a few cans of worms about the crooked system regarding the election and telling it all like it is.I do wonder when you mention his health how he has stood all the extreme negativity without it affecting him healthwise apart from the daily intense routine of constant travelling and campaigning.For a man of his age it must be hard to say the least. I would say the same for Sanders and although I don’t agree with his politics would be very pleased to see him beat Clinton. Her email situation is disgusting and knowing how protected she is I’m wondering if they will ever let the truth come out.

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