Petty spite drives so many of Trump’s decisions and none more so than when setting out to destroy Obama’s legacy – what Kim Darroch, the former UK Ambassador, described as ‘diplomatic vandalism’ in the case of the Iran deal.
Whether Trump is motivated in this instance, by naked racism or by envious resentment or bitter enmity – or a mix of all three – it’s a character flaw that dominates his life and actions.
There’s no doubt that Obama presses all his hot spots especially his can-be-malign 12th house Pluto on which Obama’s Leo Sun sits. Obama’s reforming Uranus is also conjunct Trump’s bombastic Mars in Leo and square his Midheaven; and Obama’s intense 8th house Mars squares Trump’s Sun Uranus and Moon – so it is a volcanic, inflammatory interface.
There can be positive aspects to having a 12th house Pluto but in an unenlightened personality it is a dark energy, obsessive and driven by primitive emotional responses.
Their relationship chart has a high-tension, disruptive, differing-agendas composite Sun Mercury Uranus square Saturn opposition Neptune – which will bring out knee-jerk and fanatical responses. Obama must have the self-control of a saint not to respond. There’s also a chained-together by circumstance Saturn trine Pluto; and an emotionally ratchety Moon opposition Mars square an exaggerating Jupiter.
There’s no indication that the sour feelings will die down anytime soon. If anything they will gear up in 2020/21 as Trump attempts to emulate Obama’s two terms.
I sincerely hope Trump does not get reelected next year; he is such an international embarrassment.
Emulate Obama’s two terms? Why would he want to do that? Glad Trump dismantled agreement.
Well, he solved the NKorea issue by labeling Kim…”Little Rocket Man.” Frightened him into obedience under threat from “…fire, fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before.”
Iran making nukes? Tsk, tsk.
“With Obama selling enriched uranium which is used in nuclear weapons, which I suspect will be used to destroy us in The West, (and Israel), I, for one, am relieved this agreement is being torn up.” Oh? Is Obama working again?
Better retune your Etch-a-Sketch.
I’m relieved Trump is dismantling this agreement. Iran has vowed to destroy 3 countries. Israel, big Satan aka the USA and little Satan, aka the UK.
With Obama selling enriched uranium which is used in nuclear weapons, which I suspect will be used to destroy us in The West, (and Israel), I, for one, am relieved this agreement is being torn up.
I wouldn’t want to be within 100 yards of Trump, but am happy he’s done this.
Iran now able to enrich uranium after the orange idiots petulance makes us all a whole lot safer. Satire is dead.