In Bangladesh, student protestors are embroiled in violent demonstrations against the government over corruption and unemployment. The army has been deployed with at least 105 reported dead so far, a curfew has been imposed and the internet shut down. The protests began this month as students demanded an end to a quota system that reserves 30% of government jobs for family members of veterans who fought in Bangladesh’s war of independence in 1971 against Pakistan and benefits members of the ruling party, led by Sheik Hasina. She has ruled since 2009, overseeing a severe crackdown on political opponents and critics while corruption has flourished. “Enforced disappearances” by paramilitary forces are frequent and and tens of thousands of political opponents have been jailed. She won a fifth term in January in an election widely documented as being heavily rigged.
About 40% of young people in Bangladesh are unemployed as the economy has foundered post-Covid. A commentator said: “With no real alternative at the ballot box, discontented Bangladeshis have few options besides street protests to make their voices heard.”
Bangladesh is the eighth-most populous country in the world and densely populated countries with nearly 170 million living in an area of 57,320 sq miles. (USA covers 3.8 million square miles and UK 94,000 for comparison). It shares land borders with India and Myanmar.
Gen Z Movement in Kenya are posting in support with a rallying cry to move into ‘a leaderless, tribeless, genderless’ Revolution. (See previous post: Kenya 15 July 2024).
Bangladesh became independent on 26 March 1971 at 6pm, Dacca, which gives a New Moon in Aries square Mars in the 4th hinting at an argumentative populace. Pluto in the 12th on the focal point of a yod to Venus sextile Mercury would point to behind-the-scenes dirty-dealings, power-play and corruption. Tr Neptune is opposing that Pluto through this year until early 2025 undermining the power structure. Tr Uranus is also squaring the Venus on one leg of the yod now and into almost mid 2025 which will also bring pressure to bear for a change in the country’s direction.
The Solar Eclipse this October and next March are also rattling up the Bangladesh Uranus – so long overdue change will become an even more pressing issue. The early years of tr Neptune and Saturn in Aries will not be easy as they cross over the Bangladesh Moon and Sun in Aries and square the Mars between 2025 and 2028. 2026 looks particularly undermining with SA Mars square the Neptune.
Sheikh Hasina, 28 September 1947, has a deceptively charming Sun, Neptune, Venus in Libra but she is also one of the tough, unyielding Saturn Pluto in Leo generation; with Jupiter in money-magnet Scorpio opposition a plotting-and-planning Taurus North Node square her Saturn – which is obstinate to the nth degree and will make her reluctant to share the driving seat with anyone. The Libra Solar Eclipse this October and Aries Eclipse next March will elbow her Neptune Venus in Libra which could see her initially evading problems but it will be upsetting.
Her initial prime ministerial chart for this five term run, 6 January 2009, has a ruthless Mars Pluto conjunction, as well as an autocratic Saturn opposition Uranus. It is facing considerable setbacks at the moment from SA Saturn square Mars, though will remain bullishly confident to the end of this year. Thereafter there will be a gradual undermining of her authority with tr Saturn Neptune square her Administration Pluto from mid 2025 onwards; with further shocks in 2026 and more disasters for her in the years following if she is still there.
Interesting question from a reader – how the boomer generation politicians align or otherwise with the Gen Z generation.
The boomers start in the last 1940s with the enduring and stubborn Saturn Pluto in Leo – and another Saturn Pluto hard aspect (opposition) was around in 2001. So bulldozer meets brick wall for some old and young. The Gen z-ers also mainly have Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius which will seek to undermine those early boomers as it opposes the 1940s Saturn Pluto in Leo. And the later boomers in the 1950s had Uranus square Saturn Neptune so will clash with the Gen Z-ers with similar Uranus Neptune. I’m never too sure of these wide categorisations of the generations since they don’t really fit the astrology neatly.
I am a late boomer aged 66. The older boomers, and our generation really need to start moving over for the younger generations now.
Given most of those born with Pluto in early Leo are over 80 one does not have to be an astrologer to predict that the time when Pluto transits early Aquarius is likely to be tough for them. That is if they are still alive.
The situation in Bangladesh is not quite that straightforward. The economy has done well recently but the expectations of the relatively young population, and particularly those with University education is running ahead of what it can currently deliver. Unlike the west it actually does not have a lot of elderly people but it does have quite an old governing class who are also alleged to be corrupt. The age profile the leadership does not represent the population in quite the same way as Europe where the age of political leaders and MPs has not changed much. For example Starmer as British PM at 61 is probably going to be the last baby boomer PM. The likes of Liz Truss, Rishi Sunak , Macron and Meloni were all born between 1975 and 1979 so whatever one thinks of them they are not baby boomers.
With regard to Bangladesh the demographics show that Gen-Z are actually a baby boom generation in that country since they outnumber both older and younger age groups so the situation there may be in some ways more analogous to the 1960s than the West’s current tired old culture wars.
The astrology of the generational planets is showing that in 2025 Neptune at 1 Aries in a Sextile to Uranus at 1 Gemini. Similar sextiles occur in 2025 in late Taurus/Pisces, and in 2027 in Aries/Gemini. The last time these two planets made that aspect was in 1966 and 1967 in Scorpio/Virgo. The 1960s sextile received added impetus from the Pluto/Uranus conjunction in Virgo. This time Pluto will be trine Uranus and sextile Neptune. Interesting that Saturn moved from Pisces to Aries in 1966-67 similar to what will be happening in 2025-2026
Generally I’d reckon the GenZ with their Aqua Neptune-Uranus won’t give a fig about how the Pluto in Leo generation feel when they’re upended. They don’t understand the ego’s of individuals and why it’s all about what one want rather than what is best for everybody. Pluto in Aqua opposing the Pluto in Leo generation is going to be very tough for the latter.
Had to look it up online. Formerly known as East Pakistan. I’ve forgotten more than I recall.
Thank you, Marjorie, for writing about this. I was just about to ask you about Bangladesh. I have a friend who lives in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India and he tells me everyone in the Subcontinent is following the student protests very closely.
I used to have a favorable view of Sheikh Hasina Wazed because I thought she was a pragmatic, sensible, and secular leader…but the more I’ve learned about her over the years (especially from resources provided to me by people from Bangladesh), the more disillusioned I’ve become with her. Hasina Wazed’s regard for basic human rights was apparently a facade and her handling of the current protests are a testament to that.
I sincerely hope she gets ousted.