The Paris Olympics getting underway on 26 July 2024 will be on high alert, more so than usual, because of the troubled global situation at that point. The Opening Ceremony starting at 7.30pm has an 8th house Sun opposition Pluto, sextile/trine Mars in the sporting 5th with a muddled 3rd house of communications and transport with Saturn, Neptune and the Moon there. It is not particularly explosive, disruptive or violent but then neither was the start of the Munich Olympics where the Palestinian Black September militia massacred Israeli athletes. And I have seen Olympic charts which hinted at major aggravations where nothing much happened barring the usual spats.
What is maybe more significant is the France chart, 21 September 1792 3.30 pm Paris. French public sector workers, as per usual, are up in arms at losing their summer vacation, regarded as sacrosanct, and there will no doubt be pitchforks at the ready for any other government gripes at the time. Transiting Neptune is exactly opposition the France Virgo Sun at that time through till early September so the country won’t be feeling confident or upbeat.
Tr Uranus will be opposition the France focal point Mars in Scorpio mid June to early July which will be disruptive if not high risk. The Progressed Mars somewhat alarmingly will be conjunct the SA Sun exactly and square the revolutionary, explosive Uranus opposition Pluto across the summer. And on this start time tr Uranus will be just into the France domestic 4th house – so there could be local unrest. France’s substantial Muslim population will be involved in whatever Middle East aggravation is going on.
Emmanuel Macron, 21 December 1977 10.40am Paris, is also not feeling too chipper with tr Neptune square his Sagittarius Sun and Mercury which will make him feel undermined and less than confident.