Paris Olympics – France a high alert summer

 The Paris Olympics getting underway on 26 July 2024 will be on high alert, more so than usual, because of the troubled global situation at that point. The Opening Ceremony starting at 7.30pm has an 8th house Sun opposition Pluto, sextile/trine Mars in the sporting 5th with a muddled 3rd house of communications and transport with Saturn, Neptune and the Moon there. It is not particularly explosive, disruptive or violent but then neither was the start of the Munich Olympics where the Palestinian Black September militia massacred Israeli athletes.  And I have seen Olympic charts which hinted at major aggravations where nothing much happened  barring the usual spats.

  What is maybe more significant is the France chart, 21 September 1792 3.30 pm Paris. French public sector workers, as per usual, are up in arms at losing their summer vacation, regarded as sacrosanct, and there will no doubt be pitchforks at the ready for any other government gripes at the time. Transiting Neptune is exactly opposition the France Virgo Sun at that time through till early September so the country won’t be feeling confident or upbeat.

 Tr Uranus will be opposition the France focal point Mars in Scorpio mid June to early July which will be disruptive if not high risk. The Progressed Mars somewhat alarmingly will be conjunct the SA Sun exactly and square the revolutionary, explosive Uranus opposition Pluto across the summer. And on this start time tr Uranus will be just into the France domestic 4th house – so there could be local unrest. France’s substantial Muslim population will be involved in whatever Middle East aggravation is going on.   

  Emmanuel Macron, 21 December 1977 10.40am Paris, is also not feeling too chipper with tr Neptune square his Sagittarius Sun and Mercury which will make him feel undermined and less than confident.

Scotland Hate Act – ill-drafted and unnecessary

  Nicola Sturgeon’s legacy became manifest on April Fools’ Day causing a gynormous furore in Scotland as the Hate Crime Act intended to tackle the harm caused by prejudice based on age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity, became law. The fear is it will stifle free speech and anyway ignores women, a group who receive more abuse, violence and threats of violence than any other. The Association of Scottish Police Superintendents has raised serious concerns about the pressure it will put on an already overstretched force, warning that there is “enough anger and hateful bile online to occupy every police officer in Scotland”, given that current guidelines state that all hate crime complaints should be investigated.

   A commentator describes the act as “ one of the most confused, ill-drafted and unnecessary pieces of legislation enacted by the Scottish National Party government in a long list of badly prepared SNP laws.

  It was passed on 11 March 2021 though only put into force this week. The Act has a muddled Sun Neptune conjunction in Pisces with an autocratic, willful, quarrelsome Saturn square Uranus and an aggravated Saturn trine Mars. As it came into force there was an approaching, bad-tempered, prone-to-setbacks Saturn Mars conjunction.  

  More complaints have been raised about First Minister Humza Yousaf than about JK Rowling, whom police say will not be prosecuted for her gender-critical (born a woman stays a woman) tweets and comments.

 Humza Yousaf’s term as First Minister kicked off on 28 March 2023 at 3.03pm with a changeable Uranus in the 10th and an afflicted, argumentative Mars in Cancer conjunct Moon, square Sun and an 8th house Neptune, trine Saturn and inconjunct Pluto – so was never going to be a walk in the park on a sunny day. The approaching Aries Eclipse will conjunct the Mercury Jupiter on this chart, clearly amplifying communications, discussions and extreme views.

His personal chart, 7 April 1985, Glasgow, has a 17 degree Aries Sun in line for the approaching Solar Eclipse crisis. His year will jinx and jangle with tr Uranus in a high-tension opposition to his Saturn and the October Libra Eclipse exactly conjunct his Mercury for muddled thinking and another communication kerfuffle.

Israel v Iran – an escalating crisis ++ possible USA involvement?

  In Israel, demonstrators are out on the streets demonstrating their anger against Netanyahu and the lack of a deal to free the remaining Hamas hostages. This against a backdrop of Israel’s strike against Iran’s consulate in Damascus on Monday, killing Tehran’s top generals in the country, which threatens to escalate into a regional war. This was always the fear since the war in Gaza erupted, putting Israel in a conflict with Iranian allied militias.

  Iran will now be forced to respond but may hesitate to embark on a direct confrontation.

Several related charts are on high alert with danger-zone, red-flags waving in the months ahead.  Netanyahu has a catastrophic tr Uranus square his Mars/Pluto midpoint from late this month to mid May. A nerve-stretched and highly-strung, prone-to-misjudgments June with Neptune Uranus midpoint aspects triggered will be the fore runner to an explosive tr Uranus square his Mars picking up through July and running on and off into mid 2025. His Libra Moon is catching the upcoming April Aries Solar Eclipse so he will be standing on shaky ground politically and finding his image further dented. He will be undermined and failing mid October to February 2025 with tr Neptune opposition his Sun/Mars and Mercury/Saturn midpoints.

 Israel, of course, has its 8th house Taurus Sun at 23 degrees catching the disruptive tr Uranus conjunction for the second time this May, repeating New Year to mid March 2025 plus the possibility of more violence in 2025 from tr Uranus square the Mars. This October’s Libra Solar Eclipse will conjunct the 12th house Neptune which does not give much hope for realistic decisions.

 The Israel/Iran 1906 relationship chart points to July/August as flash points; as does the Israel/Iran Islamic Republic 1979 relationship chart. The Iran 22 December 1501 chart which worked well against the 2017 earthquake, is also showing high stress June onwards with tr Uranus conjunct the Mars and square the Mars/Pluto midpoint into 2025. The Iran 1 April 1979 chart is catching this Aries Solar Eclipse opposition its Pluto and the September Lunar Eclipse conjunct its Mars Mercury.

  All of which will impact on Joe Biden who looks edgy in the extreme on more or less the same timeline. Tr Uranus opposes his Sun/Mars midpoint exactly now; then hits his Mars/Uranus midpoint late April to mid May; and his disaster-zone Mars/Saturn by July and beyond – all of which have potential military as well as other associations. Tr Uranus will also oppose his Scorpio Sun picking up in July this year.

ADD ON:  Will USA be dragged into the fight? There is a Solar Arc Saturn conjunct the US Mars exact this July which does have military associations – or can be a setback of a different order. On the US Sibley 5.10pm chart, the Moon at 27 Aquarius catches a conjunction from the SA Mars in August as well as tr Uranus in square which will bring a shock/collision of sorts.

  The Iran Islamic Republic April 1979 chart in relation both to Biden and the USA shows July/August as flare-up points. The Iran 1906 and 150 charts in relation to Biden and the USA have a marginally different timeline but also show significant unrest this year.

  Worrisome times.  It could, of course, be triggered by an attack on American soil which was a scenario mentioned after the Moscow bomb attack – not that an Iran militia was behind it but the Islamic ISIS-K probably also inflamed by US policies.

Erdogan and Orban – less than loved populists

Two strongman rulers in eastern Europe are in trouble  with Turkey’s Recep Erdogan facing losses in elections; and Hungary’s Viktor Orban besieged by corruption allegations affecting his party and government.

 The Turkish President Erdogan has just experienced what analysts deem his worst political setback in more than two decades with overwhelming losses in local elections.   The economy is the biggest gripe with runaway inflation remaining at 70 percent and the collapsing value of the currency.

 Erdogan, 26 February 1954, has tr Uranus upending his Pluto continuing from last year, repeating this May and again New Year through to March 2025 – so a highly unstable phase. Made worse as Solar Arc Saturn opposes his Uranus in 2025. Plus tr Saturn in Pisces square conjunct his Pisces Sun, Mercury and Venus and square his Jupiter – a confidence-denting year.

 His original Presidency chart, 28 August 2014 has the April Solar Eclipse opposition the North Node – so a definite fork in the road. It may not be enough to unseat him altogether but the rot is setting in. The relationship between himself and Turkey is chained together and steeped in resentment and under increasing pressure in the next three years but it will take time for the ties-that-bind to part company – and it will be messy when they do.

Viktor Orban, the thorn in the EU’s flesh with his autocratic demands, is under assault from a former inner circle ally. Peter Magyar, a senior but obscure Hungarian official, who has come from nowhere to promise to oust Orban with corruption allegations against his government. Magyar, 16 March 1981, for all he is being talked up, won’t win much over the next year with tr Neptune conjunct his Mars.  But the damage may stick.

 Orban, 31 May 1963, is certainly being rocked by the arguments and allegations with his Fixed T Square of Mercury in Taurus square Saturn opposition Mars being upended by tr Uranus escalating from this month, jolting through May, and again New Year till March 2025 and worsening into 2025. His security will be severely rattled.

 His initial PMship chart, 29 May 2010, is showing similar signs of unease with tr Neptune in an high-uncertainty opposition to the Saturn, picking up in 2023 and running off and on to early 2025. Plus tr Uranus square the Mars in Leo opposition Neptune from mid this June, on and off through an extremely nervy 2025.

 Two swallows don’t make a summer and two demagogues on the slide may not make a trend but it is hopeful.  

Kim Mulkey – a Taurus, Algol, Uranus mix

Headline-grabbing Kim Mulkey, a successful college basketball coach and Olympic gold medallist, is in a brawl with two US newspapers over their comments about her controversial approach and her team.  Known for her exuberant choice of clothes worn during games, she was hardly going to be an understated personality with her Taurus Sun exactly conjunct Algol and exactly square Uranus. Her Uranus is also in a high-vitality, uncompromising and volatile trine to Mars in upfront Aries, sextile Venus.

  According to the Washington Post she is ‘known to hold grudges and clash with players, including about their appearances and displays of their sexuality’. Described as “one of college basketball’s most colourful personalities, she is viewed by some as an almost cartoonishly ornery supervillain.”  She has not spoken to her father for 37 years, after his infidelity and eventual divorce from her mother. She wrote about it in her 2007 autobiography, “Won’t Back Down.” She walked alone down the aisle at her wedding, and returned notes from her father unread as he pleaded for reconciliation.

  Born 17 May 1962 in Louisiana, she has a ‘leadership’ North Node in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius square Neptune (and probably Moon) in Scorpio – emotionally intense, though often misreading the signals from others and her own feelings, can be misled by delusions, acutely lonely at an inner level, though capable of being supportive. Plus a super-confident and over-pushy Jupiter opposition Pluto. A curious mix of a bulldozing warrior and an idealist/dreamer.

  This year will rattle her up with tr Uranus heading to conjunct her Sun and square her Uranus in that over-heated July meeting of Uranus Algol and Mars – and tr Uranus continues on and  off into 2024 trying to jolt her onto a new path.

 Coaches can’t be retiring mice and she certainly lives her chart out to the full.  

Constantin Brancusi – talent, luck and self-belief

A rare retrospective of Constantin Brâncuși who revolutionised sculpture in the early 20th century opens in Paris this week. Considered as one of the fathers of abstract art, a pioneer of modernism and the patriarch of modern sculpture, he came from unlikely beginnings.

  Born on 19 February 1876 in Romania to poor peasants he herded the family’s flock of sheep aged 7 and often ran away from home to escape the bullying of his father and older brothers. Aged nine he left the village to work in the nearest large town, in the service of a grocer, then as a domestic servant. An industrialist who spotted his talent for carving enrolled him in an Arts and Crafts school where he graduated with honors. The Bucharest School of Fine Arts then gave him  academic training in sculpture where he distinguished himself as talented. Aged 28 he moved to Paris to join the workshop of Auguste Rodin, though he soon moved out to work independently.

 In addition to abstract sculptures he is also renowned for his 1938 memorials to the Romanian First War Dead – the Table of Silence and the Infinity Column.

  Fittingly he was born as Neptune had just entered Taurus, the sign of the sculptor, which was sextile his creative Pisces Sun and Saturn in late Aquarius. His Pluto also in Taurus was emphasised as well, being in a used-to-hardship square to Saturn and Mercury and square a revolutionary, original, mould-breaking square to Uranus. He probably also had an inspirational, attention-demanding Fire Grand Trine of Mars in Aries trine Uranus trine a Sagittarius Moon. Jupiter in Sagittarius was square his Sun, trine his creative Venus in Aries and inconjunct Neptune. He was blessed with luck, self-belief and determination as well as talent.

  His emphasised Pluto on the focal point of a Fixed T square would make him stubborn to the nth degree, ultra-determined, ahead of his time, inclined to arouse resistance – some of his works were banned as obscene early on. But destined ultimately to lead the way.

  I saw an exhibition of his at MOMA in New York in the 1990s and it was mesmerising.

Marvin Gaye – huge talent, double sorrow

Marvin Gaye fans have sad memories of their idol around April 1st which was the day he was shot by his father forty years ago and a day before his 45th birthday. He was one of the lead stars of the Motown group in the the 1960’s and 1970s and an influential force in the music scene. His greatest duets were with Tammi Terrell, including “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough,” and “Your Precious Love,” “Ain’t Nothing Like the Real Thing” and “You’re All I Need to Get By.

 He was born 2 April 1939 Washington, DC at noon (from memory) with an abusive ordained minister father from a conservative Christian sect, who had himself grown up in an abusive home, who gave him daily beatings.

  Musical success in the late 1970s was interrupted by a messy divorce, drug problems and challenges from the IRS over his tax affairs. He disappeared off to Europe with tales of his cocaine addiction and erratic behaviour circulating. Inexplicably he returned to live with his parents which sent him unsurprisingly into a suicidal depression and quarrels with his father. His father shot and killed him the day before his 45th birthday. Gay Snr was initially charged with first-degree murder, but the charges were reduced to voluntary manslaughter following a diagnosis of a brain tumor, leading to a suspended six-year sentence and probation.

  Marvin Gaye was a Sun, Mercury, Saturn in pro-active Aries with his Sun in a volatile square to Mars in Capricorn. He had Jupiter in musical Pisces opposition Neptune Moon in Virgo and a Scorpio North Node.

  When he was killed both transiting Pluto and tr Saturn were moving through his 4th house of family/father as he tried – and failed – to come to terms with his brutal childhood. His Progressed Moon was moving to oppose his 4th house Scorpio North Node and his Progressed Mars was approaching the opposition to his Pluto. Oddly enough tr Jupiter was almost exactly square his Sun.

 Marvin Gay Snr, 1 October 1914, Kentucky, was a Sun Libra in an adventurous trine to Uranus Jupiter in Aquarius. But what blighted his life and personality was Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn Pluto conjunct in Cancer with his Mars square Uranus opposition Neptune – violent, ruthless, vengeful, fanatical.  To a degree excused by his own savage childhood but not a man in control of his baser urges.

  When he shot his son in the middle of a quarrel tr Pluto was exactly conjunct his Mars with tr Mercury in opposition.

 Gay Snr’s grudge-bearing Mars in Scorpio was conjunct his son’s 4th house Scorpio North Node which figures. And his unyielding Saturn Pluto in Cancer opposed his son’s Mars so they would trigger each other’s anger.

 Marvin Gaye’s creative 5th and 7th harmonic were marked and his 7th often found with musical artists and addictions had a gritty Mars Saturn Uranus link. His ‘victim’ 12th was also starkly aspected. His breakthrough-genius 13H, leaving-a-legacy 17H and global-influencer 22H gave him a lasting reputation.

 Intergenerational trauma and the damage it wreaks!

Trump’s little helpers – mixed fortunes ahead

On the other side of the electoral aisle, many of Trump’s erstwhile helpers from his previous stint – Mike Pence, John Bolton, William Barr – have said he is not fit to be president. However he has collected a coterie of advisers moving ahead which the FT usefully listed.

   Most don’t have birth times and their astrology could reflect personal circumstances, offers of jobs from whoever wins – or indeed their situation at the time of the election/inauguration in the event of Trump falling out for any reason. Remember also Trump’s fall-out and turnover rate of staff is high.

David Cornstein: has a fair smattering of good luck influences pre-the election and through November and spring 2025.

Susie Wiles: will be devastated from this mid April to late May and February 2025 onwards. Upbeat this August though confused and panicked in November. With hints of good luck across the Inauguration and beyond.

Mike Johnson: Over hopeful running into the election, though cheered up through November and across the Inauguration.

Fred Fleitz: On good form, feels he is winning across the election, upbeat New Year to mid March 2025.

Keith Kellogg: Sagging May to late September; not in good humour through November and generally finding life an uphill struggle and confusing.

Steve Bannon: Stuck through November; gloomy over New Year; a hint of luck from SA Jupiter square his Sun but edgy.

Russell Vought: Pushing confidently ahead late November to end of December; panicked over the Inauguration and discouraged. In better spirits from late February 2025 onwards.

Matthew Whitaker: Calamities in July 2024 and spring 2025; out of sorts through January over the Inauguration.

Robert Lighthizer: a mix of panicky slumps from this September to late November. More buoyant through January with some luck and also irritations across the Inauguration.

John Ratcliffe: Definite no-no through September to late November as he runs into road blocks and disasters.

Ken Hassett: Some upbeat moments and as many downers and insecure-making jolts through this year; with January 2025 looking blocked/pressured as well as lucky.

Jared Kushner: Not winning through September to late November.

   Not sure why I thought this would bring enlightenment. But it gives the other side.

Obama and Clinton – pointers to the election ++ Biden’s campaign manager

Amidst concern for Biden’s progress towards the election, former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton have stepped up to help raise a healthy $25 million for campaign funds. He is running neck and neck with Trump though polls are never much of a guide but there are concerns about his fitness and the damage caused by the Gaza calamity.

    Assuming Obama and Clinton have a vested interest in the result their charts could be a pointer, remembering though that personal issues may be pointed up in the astrology which are tricky to separate out from jubilation/despair at the result.

  Barack Obama, 4 August 1961 7.24pm Honolulu, Hawaii,  on the upside has tr Pluto conjunct his Jupiter, exact from November 20th to late December 2024 with his Solar Arc Midheaven conjunct both – which looks like a considerable triumph. He looks upbeat in October before the election but will be on high alert over New Year for a few days with the possibility of disasters  and very edgy over the Inauguration itself with tr Uranus opposition his Solar Arc Mars. What is troubling is his Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Neptune in effect over the election and Inauguration and exact in February/March 2025 which can suggest devastation, confusion and losses. And his Progressed Moon moves into his troubled 8th house just after the Inauguration to stay throughout the next presidency until early 2028.

 Bill Clinton, 19 August 1946 8.51am Hope, Arizona, has less of cheer with tr Uranus conjunct his Moon now and then square his Sun from this July onwards – though the effects of those may be less political and more personal. The October Solar Eclipse is conjunct his Venus for a potential emotional upset;  with setbacks over early November from tr Saturn opposition his Jupiter/Saturn midpoint; and more negativity over the Inauguration from tr Saturn hitting his Sun/Mars and Sun/Neptune midpoint.

 Chuck Schumer, the Democratic Senate Majority Leader, 23 November 1950 11am New York,  has an extremely mixed bag of influences – ranging from a lucky/successful tr Uranus conjunct his Jupiter/Puto midpoint from November 24th to late December; with a disastrous run through January 2025 with tr Pluto square his Mars/Pluto and Venus/Saturn midpoints (at risk and feeling unappreciated) repeating later in 2025. Better luck and success for him picks up from early March 2025 on and off till late 2026 with tr Pluto square his Jupiter/Uranus midpoint.

  Election prediction is always a tap dance through a minefield of conflicting influences. External global factors may be at play in the hints of disaster and major anxiety; or personal health issues. Internal unrest may also loom large if a chunk of the electorate decide they have been short changed. But for what it is worth here it is.

ADD ON: Julia Chavez Rodriguez, 7 April 1978 Delano, California, is Biden’s campaign manager. She has a frustrated, trapped tr Pluto opposition her Mars across the election until November 21st and picks up a lucky, relief-bringing tr Uranus conjunct her Sun/Jupiter from December 21st through till mid March. Which on the face of it could suggest a tight result which ultimately turns out the way she hoped.