Peter Higgs, the theoretical physicist, who won the Nobel Prize for his discovery of the “God particle” as it became known much to his irritation as an atheist, has died. His work on the mass of subatomic particles had a profound effect on our understanding of matter and how the universe was formed.
From The Times “ In layman’s terms, Higgs’s theory suggested that all space is permeated by a “field” that interacts with the particles within it, giving them mass. One analogy is to imagine a room with people milling round. A celebrity (the particle) enters and people cluster around — suddenly the celebrity particle has mass. Higgs developed the idea that particles had no mass when the universe began, but acquired mass a fraction of a second afterwards when they entered a theoretical field. Higgs proposed that this field, now known as the “Higgs field”, permeates space, giving mass to all elementary particles that interact with it.”
From an astrological point of view what is intriguing is that he had his “eureka” moment on July 16, 1964. He then spent years touting his theory to scientific journals with little interest initially and was totally vindicated in 2012 when Cern researchers in Switzerland were able to isolate the Higgs boson.
He was born 29 May 1929 Newcastle on Tyne, had asthma as a child and was home schooled for a while, then went on to study mathematics and molecular physics. He had his Sun in Gemini on the focal point of an inventive mini Grand Trine of Uranus in Aries trine Mars in Leo. What is notable is his Jupiter in Taurus conjunct Algol and conjunct his North Node which was square Neptune and inconjunct his Saturn. His Saturn trine Neptune trine Venus made up an inspirational, attention-grabbing Fire Grand Trine which usually harbours little self-doubt. And that focused onto a Kite driving planet Mercury in Gemini.
A marked experimental Mars trine Uranus, a Fire Grand Trine and an emphasized Mercury and Jupiter would give him the potential and self-belief to succeed.
When he had his “Oh shit” moment as he put it in 1964, transiting Jupiter then in Taurus, heading for a Jupiter Return was conjunct his North Node with his Solar Arc Pluto square his Node. Trailblazing tr Uranus was square his Sun. Tr Pluto was conjunct his Solar Arc Mars tugging on his SA Uranus. Transiting North Node was hovering around his SA Jupiter and his Progressed Mars was conjunct his Progressed Neptune. A conflagration of luck, transformation under pressure opening up new horizons, having an impact on society and attracting publicity.
When the proof was finally published on 4 July 2012 tr Jupiter was heading to conjunct his Gemini Sun for a morale boost, his Pluto was on a Half Return; and his Solar Arc North Node was conjunct his Mars, emphasising his experimental mini Grand Trine.
His global influencer 22nd harmonic is notable as was his creative, get-it-together 5H. His breakthrough-genius 13th harmonic was his strongest.
The staging posts in his remarkable life were well marked by his astrology.