Alec Baldwin – laughter is the best tonic

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Actor, comedian Alec Baldwin has had a new lease of life with his impersonations of Trump on Saturday Night Live, which has seen ratings soar. A photograph of his impersonation even made it to the front page of a South American newspaper who mistook him for the president.

Baldwin, born 3 April 1958, is an upfront Sun Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius, with his Mars opposition Trump’s Pluto so a hostile clash; and Baldwin’s Uranus conjunct Trump’s Pluto, threatening to destabilise his power. Baldwin’s Saturn in Sagittarius is conjunct Trump’s Moon opposition his Sun so he’ll dent El Presidente’s self-esteem. A mighty match.

Their relationship chart has a fearsome composite Sun opposition Mars square Pluto which makes for implacable enmity; and a differing-agendas composite Saturn square Uranus. Tr Pluto makes an aggravated and vengeful sextile to the composite Mars in 2017/18; as well as making a devastating and confusing square to the composite Neptune.

Baldwin’s Pluto is conjunct Trump’s Ascendant so he’ll have the power to dent Trump’s image.

Melissa McCarthy has morphed beautifully into Sean Spicer, the hapless and overly controlled Trump press spokesman. Their composite chart has a tied-together and resenting-it composite Saturn trine Pluto; and an undermining Saturn opposition Neptune.

Rosie O’Donnell is pitching hard to do the Stephen Bannon take-off, which with a composite Mars Saturn conjunction and Mars trine Pluto in their relationship chart – could ruffle a few feathers. Her Mars in Pisces opposition Pluto squares Bannon’s Sagittarius Sun, so almost as bad as the Baldwin/Trump cross overs.

One odd consequence of Trump’s election is that various newspapers and news magazines have seen their circulation rise sharply.

EL James – whipped by the critics



Fifty Shades Darker, the sequel to Fifty Shades of Grey has hit the cinema screens to escoriatingly bad reviews. EL James, the author, has sold 100 million copies of her ‘mummy porn’ books worldwide and evidently insisted on full script, cast and direction control of this movie, unlike the last, with predictable results which fulfilled the studios’ worst fears. Dominatrix in life as well on the badly written page. [A creative writing tutor described her novels as being written for people who didn’t read books.]

Born 7 March 1963, she is a Sun Jupiter in Pisces with her Sun opposition controlling Pluto, trine Neptune. Lucky, confident, intense, a dreamer. She also has Venus in Aquarius opposition Mars in Leo – so somewhat unbalanced between love and lust. Her Mercury in Aquarius opposes outspoken Uranus. Her Leo Moon may oppose Saturn and square Neptune – emotionally rather battened down though creative as well as neurotic. Certainly she wants to be grand with Mars Moon in Leo. It’s a see saw chart with four oppositions so she’ll be constantly looking for answers outside herself in her relationships.

When the first volume of Fifty Shades hit the best sellers lists in 2011 her Solar Arc Mars was opposing her Jupiter with Solar Arc Venus conjunct her Jupiter following along behind.

She’s not so upbeat at the moment with tr Saturn square her Jupiter through this year; and tr Neptune opposition her Pluto, square her Sun/Pluto this year and conjunct her Sun in 2018, so undermined. 2019 looks blocked and frustrated with her Solar Arc Pluto square her Mars.


Kylie Minogue – Gemini Virgo mutability and a tough Saturn



Australian singer, songwriter, dancer, actress Kylie Minogue has split from her 20 year younger actor fiancé purportedly because of concerns over his fidelity. She’s had a chequered love life up till now.

Born 28 May 1968 11.16am Melbourne, AU (astrotheme) she has her Gemini Sun conjunct Venus on one side and Mars Moon on the other with Mercury making it five Gemini planets, so certainly a good multi-tasker, well designed astrologically as a pop singer and restless. Her Moon Mars are square Pluto, which is in turn conjunct Uranus, so she’ll have wildly contradictory needs – wanting freedom and possession at the same time. In addition she has a difficult Yod of Pluto Uranus sextile Neptune inconjunct Saturn in self-reliant Aries (conjunct an Aries North Node), which will have seen her struggling with feelings of frustration and low self-esteem through her life. That’s very much a stand-on-your-own-two-feet placing, fostering independence rather than dependence.

Tr Neptune is square her Moon Mars through this year and next which will make her emotionally disappointed and confused.

Assuming her birth time is sound her Progressed Moon will move out of her 8th in about six months’ time which will be less intense and anguished; and she does have tr Uranus trine her Jupiter in 2018 which will buck her up. Plus a couple of strongly upbeat transits to Jupiter midpoints through till late 2019. But she also has tr Pluto opposition her Saturn in 2018/19 which will be discouraging and a real tough slog. So a real mix of highs and lows.

Saudi Arabia v Iran – old foes waging war in parallel universes

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There is concern in the Middle East about an eventual Saudi Arabia war with Iran. Though as one commentator pointed out ‘it is already happening.’ The two countries are killing each other’s proxies, advisors and troops, in Yemen, Syria, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia’s Shiite Eastern Province.

If it were to come – via miscalculation – to a direct clash the Saudi air force and their key ally the UAE are now capable of destroying practically all Iran’s port facilities, oil loading terminals and key industries using stand-off precision-guided munitions. Iran can shower the Gulf coastline with unguided rockets and a higher concentration of guided long-range missiles than before. So a direct conflict is not an attractive proposition.

Where relations between the two countries looks to be at their most inflammatory is the period between 2018 up to 2020. Their relationship chart has a composite Sun, Mercury and Mars all in Aquarius, at 2,4 and 9 degrees, so will be jolted by tr Uranus in Taurus in square. There will be continually power-play through 2017; but Iran looks subdued through till 2019, rather than aggressive. And Saudi Arabia is struggling with its own internal economic woes.

Eclipses – delay effect – and troubled eclipses ahead for USA **Updated

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The problem with Eclipses, of which there are at least four per year (2 Solar, 2 Lunar), is that you end up drowning in data especially when you track back historical events connected to any one particular eclipse cycle or degree. However two things are clear. One is that specific eclipses do seem to resonate with particular countries as they repeat on their 18.5 years cycle. Secondly, they can trigger events slightly before: around the exact date; on the New/Full Moon following; or even much further ahead as the planets cycle round to their Eclipse degrees.

The delayed effect happened with the 1999 Total Solar Eclipse in the 1 North Saros cycle series, which is the same series as this upcoming August one. In 1999 it rose in the Eastern seaboard of the USA, then crossed the UK, curving down across Afghanistan, Pakistan to finish in southern India. There was one small earthquake somewhere at the time in Turkey of memory serves me right, but nothing else, despite the New Moon Node in Leo being opposition Uranus and square Mars in Scorpio opposition Saturn, which looked destructive.

In January 2001 the same aspects recurred with Mars returning for the first time since 1999 to Scorpio, and along with the Aquarian Sun picking up the tale end of the waning, disruptive Saturn Uranus square. As those aspects repeated, the devastating Gujarat earthquake in central western India on January 26 2001 – exactly on the 1999 eclipse path – occurred as these aspects all came together again. The catastrophic national foot & mouth epidemic in the UK, also started around this time. Even later still in late March 2002, when Mars again in a fixed sign, Taurus, sitting on the square to Uranus, there was a major earthquake in Afghanistan, also on that 1999 eclipse path.

Japan, although not on the 1999 Eclipse path, is obviously sensitive to this 1 North series since the atomic bombing of Hiroshima happened under its shadow; and in early 2001 the admission was finally made that Japan’s economy was at the point of collapse.

** Update: Another example of a delayed effect was from the August 2008 Solar Eclipse, where there was also an exceptionally difficult set of aspects – a Saturn Mars conjunction in Virgo with Mars opposition Uranus square Pluto which suggests a violent disruption. The Eclipse at 9 Leo itself was conjunct the Pakistan Saturn Pluto Venus in Leo. And setting the Eclipse chart for Sindh, Pakistan it puts the Saturn Mars conjunction straddling the Midheaven which points to Pakistan being a high- risk area for this particular eclipse. By July 2010 Mars was back in Virgo for the first time since the 2008 Eclipse as the heaviest monsoon rains for almost a century displaced many millions bringing the country to its knees.

This upcoming August 2017 Eclipse has a New Moon North Node in late Leo conjunct Mars trine Saturn in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries – so powerful, not quite as disruptive as the 1999 one, but still edgy, overly confident from too much Fire; and with the Fire Grand Trine turned into a Kite with Uranus opposition Jupiter, making it even more of a gamble, involving get-rich-quick-schemes which turn into disasters, unbridled flights of fantasy, promising more than can deliver, undiplomatic; or religious conflicts. And all in a Saros series which says ‘hasty decisions would not be wise.’

The direct path goes from the Oregon coast through Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina and westward out towards the Senegal west coast in Africa.

On the assumption – and it’s a big IF – there is a similarly delayed reaction for this August 2017 Eclipse, Mars does return to the same degree of Leo in August 2019. That is just after the July 2019 3 North 11 degree Cancer Eclipse in the series which occurred in June 2001 just before 9/11. It brings a slightly manic, excitably determined mood. Not that 9/11 is likely to recur since these cycles come round every 18.5 years.

Previous events accompanying this 3 North series:

1983:The Ayatollah Khomeini declared Islam to be a “religion of the sword”. US Marines invade Grenada. IRA bomb Harrods in London. Hurricane Alicia causes $2 billion damage in Texas.

1965: Start of regular US bombing of North Vietnam, and first combat troops, rising sharply to 200,000 by December. Civil rights demonstrations and violence in USA. Radical black leader Malcolm X killed. India invades West Pakistan and bombs Lahore.

1947: British rule in India ends in August; violence follows partition. India Kashmir dispute. Wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Philip in November in London.

1929: Highest point on bull market on US stock market precedes the crash in late October which starts the Great Depression. St Valentine’s Day Massacre in Chicago.

1911: Famine in Russia affects 30 million. Floods in China kill 100,000.

The August 2019 3 North Eclipse does appear to resonate in USA, UK, India and Palestine/Israel history.

It is preceded in January 2019 by a 2 South Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn which in the past has been associated with Republican gains in the US, though not usually with memorable times in America’s history.

1982: Ronald Reagan is President. USA highest unemployment since recession.

1964: The Mississippi Freedom Summer with civil rights groups active. Martin Luther King Jnr wins the Nobel Peace Prize. FBI make arrests over the murders of 3 white civil rights workers.

1946: The French trigger the Vietnam war of independence. 1928: Republican majorities in US Senate & Congress.   Because of anti-Catholic bigotry against the Democrat candidate, civil rights activists set up Nat. Conf. of Christians and Jews.

So it does look like a critical series of Eclipses for the USA over these next three years.

More Eclipse odds and ends: The Lunar Eclipse of 5 July 2001 immediately preceding 9/11 when located to New York had Mars exactly on the IC (conjunct Pluto) opposition Saturn conjunct MC – accident prone with major catastrophes more likely. The 2001 Lunar Eclipse also fell on the Ascendant/Descendant when set for Afghanistan, which was attacked in the October as a response for 9/11.

Pope John Paul 11 born on the day of a Solar Eclipse and died six days before a Solar Eclipse Eclipse.

Prince Charles married Diana two days away from a Solar Eclipse; and Camilla on the day of an Eclipse. Diana died within a couple of days of a Solar Eclipse; and Prince William was born on a Solar Eclipse.

The problem with Eclipses, of which there are at least four per year (2 Solar, 2 Lunar), is that you end up drowning in data especially when you track back historical events connected to any one particular eclipse cycle or degree. However two things are clear. One is that specific eclipses do seem to resonate with particular countries as they repeat on their 18.5 years cycle. Secondly, they can trigger events slightly before: around the exact date; on the New/Full Moon following; or even much further ahead as the planets cycle round to their Eclipse degrees.

The delayed effect happened with the 1999 Total Solar Eclipse in the 1 North Saros cycle series, which is the same series as this upcoming August one. In 1999 it rose in the Eastern seaboard of the USA, then crossed the UK, curving down across Afghanistan, Pakistan to finish in southern India. There was one small earthquake somewhere at the time in Turkey of memory serves me right, but nothing else, despite the New Moon Node in Leo being opposition Uranus and square Mars in Scorpio opposition Saturn, which looked destructive.

In January 2001 the same aspects recurred with Mars returning for the first time since 1999 to Scorpio, and along with the Aquarian Sun picking up the tale end of the waning, disruptive Saturn Uranus square. As those aspects repeated, the devastating Gujarat earthquake in central western India on January 26 2001 – exactly on the 1999 eclipse path – occurred as these aspects all came together again. The catastrophic national foot & mouth epidemic in the UK, also started around this time. Even later still in late March 2002, when Mars again in a fixed sign, Taurus, sitting on the square to Uranus, there was a major earthquake in Afghanistan, also on that 1999 eclipse path.

Japan, although not on the 1999 Eclipse path, is obviously sensitive to this 1 North series since the atomic bombing of Hiroshima happened under its shadow; and in early 2001 the admission was finally made that Japan’s economy was at the point of collapse.

This upcoming August 2017 Eclipse has a New Moon North Node in late Leo conjunct Mars trine Saturn in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries – so powerful, not quite as disruptive as the 1999 one, but still edgy, overly confident from too much Fire; and with the Fire Grand Trine turned into a Kite with Uranus opposition Jupiter, making it even more of a gamble, involving get-rich-quick-schemes which turn into disasters, unbridled flights of fantasy, promising more than can deliver, undiplomatic; or religious conflicts. And all in a Saros series which says ‘hasty decisions would not be wise.’

The direct path goes from the Oregon coast through Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina and westward out towards the Senegal west coast in Africa.

On the assumption – and it’s a big IF – there is a similarly delayed reaction for this August 2017 Eclipse, Mars does return to the same degree of Leo in August 2019. That is just after the July 2019 3 North 11 degree Cancer Eclipse in the series which occurred in June 2001 just before 9/11. It brings a slightly manic, excitably determined mood. Not that 9/11 is likely to recur since these cycles come round every 18.5 years.

Previous events accompanying this 3 North series:

1983:The Ayatollah Khomeini declared Islam to be a “religion of the sword”. US Marines invade Grenada. IRA bomb Harrods in London. Hurricane Alicia causes $2 billion damage in Texas.

1965: Start of regular US bombing of North Vietnam, and first combat troops, rising sharply to 200,000 by December. Civil rights demonstrations and violence in USA. Radical black leader Malcolm X killed. India invades West Pakistan and bombs Lahore.

1947: British rule in India ends in August; violence follows partition. India Kashmir dispute. Wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Philip in November in London.

1929: Highest point on bull market on US stock market precedes the crash in late October which starts the Great Depression. St Valentine’s Day Massacre in Chicago.

1911: Famine in Russia affects 30 million. Floods in China kill 100,000.

The August 2019 3 North Eclipse does appear to resonate in USA, UK, India and Palestine/Israel history.

It is preceded in January 2019 by a 2 South Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn which in the past has been associated with Republican gains in the US, though not usually with memorable times in America’s history.

1982: Ronald Reagan is President. USA highest unemployment since recession.

1964: The Mississippi Freedom Summer with civil rights groups active. Martin Luther King Jnr wins the Nobel Peace Prize. FBI make arrests over the murders of 3 white civil rights workers.

1946: The French trigger the Vietnam war of independence. 1928: Republican majorities in US Senate & Congress.   Because of anti-Catholic bigotry against the Democrat candidate, civil rights activists set up Nat. Conf. of Christians and Jews.

So it does look like a critical series of Eclipses for the USA over these next three years.

More Eclipse odds and ends: The Lunar Eclipse of 5 July 2001 immediately preceding 9/11 when located to New York had Mars exactly on the IC (conjunct Pluto) opposition Saturn conjunct MC – accident prone with major catastrophes more likely. The 2001 Lunar Eclipse also fell on the Ascendant/Descendant when set for Afghanistan, which was attacked in the October as a response for 9/11.

Pope John Paul 11 born on the day of a Solar Eclipse and died six days before a Solar Eclipse Eclipse.

Prince Charles married Diana two days away from a Solar Eclipse; and Camilla on the day of an Eclipse. Diana died within a couple of days of a Solar Eclipse; and Prince William was born on a Solar Eclipse.






Tara Palmer Tomkinson – beneath the sparkle was a yawning black chasm



Constantly in the news, bubbly, scatty, rich, aristocratic, strong Royal connections – Tara Palmer Tomkinson was an effervescent personality who at one point seemed to have it all. Yet scrape off the glitter from the famous-for-being-famous IT girl of the 1990s, and inside was bleakness and zero self-worth.

A friend wrote: ‘At parties, she would put on a good show for the cameras and then want to leave 15 minutes later. Then she would be up all night Googling herself to find out what pictures had come out and what they were saying about her. If this sounds self-absorbed, it wasn’t that, it was simply – and rather sadly – that she was deeply insecure and craved the validation – they hadn’t forgotten about her.’

Another friend from a similar background: ‘We were from a generation and family background in which girls were brought up with low expectations that didn’t extend much beyond a good marriage and becoming a mother. For people with insecurities and self-doubt, publicity can become an addictive drug that bolsters confidence and reassures them of their place in the world.’ Shades of Princess Diana.

She herself said: ‘Of course, I haven’t earned [fame] and I didn’t feel I was worth it, and going to all those endless parties, it made me feel worth a pile of s***.”

On taking drugs – “Because I had no confidence. Didn’t feel worth anything.”

On being posh: “Holidays, princes and cashmere, those are the best bits. And the drugs are quite good with being posh, because you can afford better ones.” The downside: Posh people don’t have a lot of love in their lives, to be honest.”

Born 23 December 1971, with a landowner, Olympic-level skier father, a close friend of Prince Charles, she was a Capricorn Sun square a Mars in late Pisces opposition Pluto – so trapped, frustrated, feeling she had no choices in life. Plus a tough, loveless Air Grand Trine of Venus in Aquarius trine Saturn trine Pluto, formed into a Kite with a neurotic Saturn opposition Neptune – making Neptune the leading planet, so no surprises she ended up with a serious drug habit, into which she had possibly relapsed when she was found dead at 45 this week by her twice-weekly cleaner, living alone in her £4 million London apartment.

Donald Trump – eclipsed at birth; his self-control being tested in August

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Donald Trump was born three hours 15 minutes after a Lunar Eclipse, with an almost exact Full Moon in place. His Moon is conjunct the South Node in the 4th, which will anchor him in the past, to his father, his childhood and the attitudes he grew up with, especially where women are concerned.

As far as I can see this Lunar Eclipse occurred before in 1973 when the NY Times headline read: “Major Landlord Accused of Anti-black Bias in City,” the headline stated. The Department of Justice had brought suit in federal court in Brooklyn against Mr. Trump and his father, Fred C. Trump, charging them with violating the Fair Housing Act of 1968 in the operation of 39 buildings.”

Again in 1984 when he opened Trump Tower to great fanfare though it ran into problems within two years [see previous post Jan 20]. Again in 1992 when he almost went bankrupt, his net worth zero and in debt. And most recently in 2011 when he was the butt of jokes by President Obama and comedian Seth Meyers at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Association dinner after his birther campaign. Trump was so “humiliated by the experience, it accelerated his ferocious efforts to gain stature in the political world.” (New York Times). He campaigned initially for the 2012 election, but then withdrew.

So those specific Lunar Eclipses do seem to trigger major events in his life, though there isn’t another on his Full Moon until 2030.

The upcoming Great American Solar Eclipse at 29 Leo in late August this year is in a Saros Series (1 North) that does seem significant for the USA. It is exact on the MC through mid USA and Canada, due north south from roughly Kansas City.

The world’s first atomic bomb was dropped by American forces on Hiroshima on 6 August 1945, four weeks after the 1 North solar eclipse with an exact conjunction of Saturn squaring onto Neptune. It killed 130,000 people and led to the Japanese surrender.

On the next cycle of this eclipse 18 years on, John and Jackie Kennedy’s premature baby son, Patrick Kennedy, died on 9 August, two weeks after the solar eclipse in 1963. Martin Luther King was delivering his rousing civil rights speech in Washington to 200,000 African-Americans campaigning for black civil rights four weeks after the solar eclipse. Three months later President John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas. The same cycle repeating in 1981 saw US forces shoot down two Libyan planes, and the US air traffic control strike. Then in July 1999, with tragic and eerie synchronicity, J. F. Kennedy’s son John was killed in a plane crash three weeks before the 1 North solar eclipse.

In previous 1 North eclipses, Charles Lindbergh made the first solo, non-stop transatlantic flight, from New York to Paris, in 33 hours, in 1927; and in 1909 a major earthquake destroyed Acapulco, two weeks after the eclipse. The next eclipse in this series occurred in August 1999, in the midst of the Balkans Kosovar crisis, with NATO forces, at war for the first time since 1945, trying to halt the Serbian ethnic cleansing and genocide of Albanians.

This Eclipse is conjunct Trump’s Mars and Ascendant which will exacerbate his tendency to blow off angry steam in all directions and could cause health problems if he does not become more aware of his physical needs. Anger can be destructive not only as far as others are concerned but also by over stressing the individual. The challenge for him will be to face up to how people see him – 1st house issues magnified. For normal people it can be a time of self-improvement, though that seems unlikely here.

Other Eclipse tit bits: Prince Charles married Diana two days before a 1 North Eclipse in 1981. Bernadette Brady says of this cycle: ‘The individual would be wise not to make any hasty decisions since information is distorted and possibly false.’ Tiredness or health problems are also associated with it. Prince William was born on the day of a different solar eclipse cycle in June 1982.

On the day of the 6 South lunar eclipse on 24 April 1986, seen as manic and forceful, a major accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station near Kiev in the USSR sent out nuclear fallout greater than 1000 Hiroshima bombs.

Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa, had a curious affinity with eclipses. He was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1964 on the day of the Gemini solar eclipse in the 2 Old North series (which also oversaw the birth of Prince William), hinting at separations and challenges but with an ultimately hopeful outcome. His release from prison 26 years later came two days after the Leo lunar eclipse in the 10 North series, which was also in place in the weeks before his birth in July 1918. Its core meaning is linked to communications, frustrations, inhibitions and the need to move quietly. He became president of South Africa on the day of a Taurus solar eclipse in 1994 in the 14 South cycle, generally though to be successful after a long period of hard work.

Before everyone gets worked up to the point of hysteria, there was an highly afflicted Solar Eclipse in 1999 across the UK for which doom laden omens were pronounced in advance. It came and went with remarkably little to show, though there were major UK catastrophes almost two years after when certain planets moved back to the Eclipse positions.


Germany – facing challenges not seen since the 1930s

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Ifs, maybes and buts are hovering over the EU or more precisely the Eurozone as Le Pen talks about reverting to a French coin. Even if she doesn’t win, the pressure from the southern EU states about their failing finances will become untenable in the not too distant future. If/when the euro collapses as a currency, commentators reckon that ‘France might emerge in rough equilibrium, the least destabilized of the big eurozone states. It is Germany and its northern satellites that would have to deal with a violent revaluation shock, you might say the delayed retribution for their chronic current account surpluses within monetary union.’

The Bundesbank (German Central Bank) chart, 26 July 1957, is under acute pressure from this March from tr Pluto square the Solar Arc Mars in 2017/18/19; with tr Uranus opposition Pluto in May starting a jolting run of upheaval into 2018. There’s a financial disappointment/bubble-busting Solar Arc Neptune square Jupiter in a few months time; and two unpleasant Solar Arcs in 2019. With more significant disruptions in 2019/2020.

The Germany chart, 1 Jan 1871 12am, looks shocked in about two months’ time with Solar Arc Moon conjunct Mars; and being elbowed into a sharp change of direction from late April with tr Uranus square Uranus, on and off into early 2018. Plus a subterranean, forced change with financial consequences from tr Pluto trine the 8th house Pluto in 2017/18.

From this New Year into 2018 tr Saturn moves into Capricorn squaring the Germany Mars, meeting a Saturn Return and then moving on through Germany’s 4th house to conjunct the Sun and Venus from late 2018 and through 2019. With more huge upheavals in 20121/2022 as tr Pluto opposes the 10th house Uranus. So Germany is moving into a highly critical phase in its history; with some similarities to the 1930s when Uranus in Aries squared Pluto in Cancer opposition Saturn.  Not entirely similar since tr Pluto is now in the Germany 4th rather than 10th, but still a seismic shift.

Elizabeth Warren – a tough fight ahead

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Elizabeth Warren, the Democratic Senator and progressive, was silenced in a debate on the nomination of Jeff Sessions for Attorney general. She was attempting to read a letter written by Coretta, Martin Luther King’s widow, when she opposed Session for a federal judgeship 30 years ago. “Mr. Sessions has used the awesome power of his office to chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens in the district he now seeks to serve as a federal judge.” Warren is now disbarred from taking part in the rest of the nomination debate for ‘impugning’ a senator. But the result is she’s been elevated to headline and hero-status and it has fuelled her determination to continue to criticise Donald Trump.

Born 22 June 1949 1.51pm Oak Hill, OK (astrotheme), she’s a Sun Uranus in Cancer with Venus also in Cancer; and has a tough-minded, argumentative Saturn in Virgo square Mars Mercury in Gemini.

Her Mars Mercury are conjunct the USA 1776’s free-thinking and speaking Uranus in Gemini; with her innovative Sun Uranus in the USA’s 10th conjunct the USA’s Venus Jupiter; with her Venus conjunct the US Sun and Mercury; and her Jupiter in the USA 5th – so a popular figure; though feisty and keen to keep the floor open for reform and opposing views.

Her sensible Saturn in Virgo is conjunct Trump’s Leo Ascendant and Mars, so she’ll try to damp down his ardour and cut him down to size. Her argumentative Mars Mercury are in his 10th, which can be competitive.

She doesn’t look too happy moving ahead; highly emotional in 2017/18 with tr Pluto opposing her Venus; and brought to a complete, enraged halt in late 2018 with Solar Arc Mars conjunct her Pluto.

Her relationship chart with Trump has a differing-agenda composite Sun Uranus Mercury; a chained together and hating it Saturn Pluto; plus extra. It looks hostile and angry through 2017/18. Her relationship chart with the USA looks to be facing disappointment in 2018.